App Store Connect

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App Store Connect is a suite of tools for submitting and managing your apps and in-app purchases on the App Store.

App Store Connect Documentation






App Previews seem to be stuck in processing
My app previews are coming up on about 5-6 hours of processing time and have not completed. The message is: "This file has been uploaded and is processing." I have submitted app previews in the past on this same app and they have worked. Is there a current issue on the App Store Connect server side? Is there any action I need to take, or do I just continue to wait? What would the typical wait time range be for these to process? Thank you
May ’24
Unable to submit app for review
I am submitting an app for review but it throws below warnings. A few more items are needed in order to submit for review The items listed below are required for submission: There are still screenshot uploads in progress. I have followed the instructions from Delete and re upload the images one by one, rename the images, using safari instead of chrome, using jpeg instead of png. However, all are not working. How to solve this problem?
May ’24
Screenshot uploads indefinitely processing
I'm submitting a new version of my app, and after click "submit for Review", it shows "Unable to Add for Review: There are still screenshot uploads in progress." However, these screenshots have been in progress for many hours. I tried verified that it was not a problem with the screenshot files, as I deleted and uploaded screenshots that had uploaded and been approved in previous updates. I also verified this behavior is happening across multiple apps. Therefore, I suspect that it is an issue with App Store Connect's server. I have been waiting all day for this to be resolved - hopefully someone can fix this ASAP as it is a blocker to submit any app updates and I have a critical bug fix that needs to be approved.
May ’24
Constant HTTP 502 Errors in Sandbox
When I navigate via either Safari or Chrome (from my MacBook) to: I get the red error message at the top of the page: "Something went wrong. Try again later". Using the browser debugger, I see that the error is a 502 Bad Gateway error. Sometimes, I can view my Test Accounts, but over the last couple of days, I get the "Something went wrong..." error just about every time I attempt to access the Test Users. If I am lucky enough to load my list of test users and then attempt to modify one of them, the Save operation fails with (you guessed it) 502 Bad Gateway. I'm relatively new here, so if I've missed something and there is a crucial step that I need to do to get some work done, please enlighten me. This has worked in the past but is failing pretty consistently now. Super frustrating.
May ’24
Are Privacy Nutrition Labels in App Store Connect automatically updated based on Privacy Manifest files in the app and third-party SDKs?
Hello, I include a Privacy Manifest file in my app and specify one Privacy Nutrition Label Type (Email Address, for marketing purposes). My app uses some third-party SDKs like RevenueCat that contain Privacy Manifest files with nutrition label types specified (Purchases History for RevenueCat for example). Xcode can generate a report that aggregates all the data types that are collected by the app. But is App Store Connect updated when I upload a build? Or do I have to manually setup the App Privacy info? Thanks
May ’24
Individual to Company or Transfer Apps ?
Hello, What option is better ? Convert Individual account to Organization account, or Create a new Organization account and transfer some Apps to it ? For what I have read, there may be Pros and Cons, I have seen posts of people mentioning that converting from Individual to Organization takes several weeks, while others have claimed that the Seller name remains the same even after the conversion. Would like to hear experiences in one or both options. Thanks!
May ’24
Need to be able to upload non-sandboxed app for verifying a TestFlight related bug
I have an app in the App Store that doesn't need to be sandboxed (it's been in the MAS since 2010, before sandboxing became mandatory for new apps). I have run into an obscure bug that ONLY appears when the app was installed by TestFlight, but not when I run the same executable from before the upload (taken from the very same archive). I suspect it's a bug around the installed receipt or is codesign related, because that's the only things I am aware of that would be changed between my upload and the re-download via TestFlight. To debug this, I have built a small test project that I want to submit to DTS, demonstrating the bug in a clear and direct manner. But when I try to upload it, even for "internal testing" only, the upload gets rejected automatically because it's missing the App Sandbox entitlement. However, if I add the entitlement, then my app won't work, so I cannot enable it. Hence I need to get an exception from App Review so that they allow me test app being uploaded without the sandbox entitlement. I know that's possible because otherwise I'd not be able to upload my regular application, which I did just the other day. How do I get this resolved? Would a member of the App Store team please contact me? The Apple ID for the test project is: 410006334. Or, alternatively, you can also use the newer 6503298614 (I tried the other in hopes it would be allowed not to be sandboxed because I had created it long ago, but that didn't work out).
May ’24
Can't submit new app to Appstore
Hey! Since thursday we are have problem that we can not submit new builds on app store. This is the error we are getting: ITMS-90338: Non-public API usage - The app references non-public selectors in Frameworks/UnityFramework.framework/UnityFramework: initWithImageData:. If method names in your source code match the private Apple APIs listed above, altering your method names will help prevent this app from being flagged in future submissions. In addition, note that one or more of the above APIs may be located in a static library that was included with your app. If so, they must be removed. For further information, visit the Technical Support Information at App validates fine in xcode before uploading, but after uploading we get this error, any suggestions what to do?
May ’24
Business account migration - how long does it take?
I submitted a request to migrate my developer membership from individual to organization over 8 weeks ago. Before submitting this request I was told it was a "quick process". When I ask for updates, all I get is "we have confirmed that the team is continuing to review your case and we will contact you again once they have provided an update." I never get any said updates. Not only can I not submit my app, I've been locked out of TestFlight for 8 weeks, meaning I haven't been able to send the app to beta testers. I'm curious, has anyone done this migration and how long did it take?
May ’24
Cannot add first IAP to app submission
We have been pursuing an issue with Apple Support but so far have not been able to get the advisors to understand our issue, so I am posting here in the hope that someone has a solution. We are working on a new app that has IAP. Our first submission failed app review. After making changes to the app to address Apple's concerns, we submitted a new app build but we could not include the IAP because the "In-App Purchases and Subscriptions" section was missing from "Prepare for Submission." The app reviewer flagged the build as incomplete because of the missing IAP. If we go to submit another build, that section is still missing from the UI. Is it expected that the "In-App Purchases and Subscriptions" section would be omitted even though the app has never passed review? Since we are required to submit our first IAP along with an app submission, this seems like a bug in the App Store Connect interface.
May ’24
Ios Sdk 17 Compatibility with react native version
Hi, I would like to know if ios 17 sdk is compatible with react native version 0.64. I am not able to build my app currently.. Error that i got when build Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "_GULLogBasic", referenced from: _MLKLog in MLKitCommon[x86_64]7 "OBJC_CLASS$_AppCenterReactNative", referenced from: in AppDelegate.o "OBJC_CLASS$_AppCenterReactNativeAnalytics", referenced from: in AppDelegate.o "OBJC_CLASS$_AppCenterReactNativeCrashes", referenced from: in AppDelegate.o "OBJC_CLASS$_FKUserDefaultsPlugin", referenced from: in AppDelegate.o "OBJC_CLASS$_FlipperClient", referenced from: in AppDelegate.o "OBJC_CLASS$_FlipperKitLayoutPlugin", referenced from: in AppDelegate.o "OBJC_CLASS$_FlipperKitNetworkPlugin", referenced from: in AppDelegate.o "OBJC_CLASS$_FlipperKitReactPlugin", referenced from: in AppDelegate.o "OBJC_CLASS$_GDTCORTransport", referenced from: in MLKitCommon[x86_64]6 "OBJC_CLASS$_GTMLogMininumLevelFilter", referenced from: in MLKitCommon[x86_64]200 "OBJC_CLASS$_GTMLogger", referenced from: in MLKitCommon[x86_64]26 OBJC_CLASS$_MLKITx_GIPLoggingReroutingGTMLogger in MLKitCommon[x86_64]200 "OBJC_CLASS$_GTMSessionCookieStorage", referenced from: in MLKitCommon[x86_64]26 "OBJC_CLASS$_GTMSessionFetcher", referenced from: in MLKitCommon[x86_64]26 "OBJC_CLASS$_GTMSessionFetcherService", referenced from: in MLKitCommon[x86_64]18 "OBJC_CLASS$_GULCCComponent", referenced from: in MLKitCommon[x86_64]11 "OBJC_CLASS$_GULCCComponentContainer", referenced from: in MLKitCommon[x86_64]3 "OBJC_CLASS$_GULCCComponentType", referenced from: in MLKitCommon[x86_64]3 "OBJC_CLASS$_GULUserDefaults", referenced from: in MLKitCommon[x86_64]2 "OBJC_CLASS$_RCTBundleURLProvider", referenced from: in AppDelegate.o "OBJC_CLASS$_RCTLinkingManager", referenced from: in AppDelegate.o "OBJC_CLASS$_ReactNativeNavigation", referenced from: in AppDelegate.o "OBJC_CLASS$_SKDescriptorMapper", referenced from: in AppDelegate.o "OBJC_CLASS$_SKIOSNetworkAdapter", referenced from: in AppDelegate.o "OBJC_METACLASS$_GTMLogger", referenced from: OBJC_METACLASS$_MLKITx_GIPLoggingReroutingGTMLogger in MLKitCommon[x86_64]200 "_kGTMSessionFetcherStatusDomain", referenced from: ___69-[MLKModelDownloader beginModelDownloadWithURL:modelInfo:conditions:]_block_invoke.285 in MLKitCommon[x86_64]18 ___150-[MLKITx_PHTHeterodyneSyncer batchSyncWithAccounts:syncedScopes:fetchReason:throttlingCache:heterodyneSyncInfo:accountToAuthToken:lastError:callback:]_block_invoke in MLKitCommon[x86_64]48 ___91-[MLKITx_PHTInternalHeterodyneSyncer syncHoldingLockWithSyncedScopes:fetchReason:callback:]_block_invoke in MLKitCommon[x86_64]51 ___63-[MLKITx_GMVCloudVisionClient initWithCloudUri:apiKey:options:]_block_invoke in MLKitVision[x86_64]7 ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64 clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) Undefined symbol: _GULLogBasic Undefined symbol: OBJC_CLASS$_AppCenterReactNative Undefined symbol: OBJC_CLASS$_AppCenterReactNativeAnalytics Undefined symbol: OBJC_CLASS$_AppCenterReactNativeCrashes Undefined symbol: OBJC_CLASS$_FKUserDefaultsPlugin Undefined symbol: OBJC_CLASS$_FlipperClient Undefined symbol: OBJC_CLASS$_FlipperKitLayoutPlugin Undefined symbol: OBJC_CLASS$_FlipperKitNetworkPlugin Undefined symbol: OBJC_CLASS$_FlipperKitReactPlugin Undefined symbol: OBJC_CLASS$_GDTCORTransport Undefined symbol: OBJC_CLASS$_GTMLogMininumLevelFilter Undefined symbol: OBJC_CLASS$_GTMLogger Undefined symbol: OBJC_CLASS$_GTMSessionCookieStorage Undefined symbol: OBJC_CLASS$_GTMSessionFetcher Undefined symbol: OBJC_CLASS$_GTMSessionFetcherService Undefined symbol: OBJC_CLASS$_GULCCComponent Undefined symbol: OBJC_CLASS$_GULCCComponentContainer Undefined symbol: OBJC_CLASS$_GULCCComponentType Undefined symbol: OBJC_CLASS$_GULUserDefaults Undefined symbol: OBJC_CLASS$_RCTBundleURLProvider Undefined symbol: OBJC_CLASS$_RCTLinkingManager Undefined symbol: OBJC_CLASS$_ReactNativeNavigation Undefined symbol: OBJC_CLASS$_SKDescriptorMapper Undefined symbol: OBJC_CLASS$_SKIOSNetworkAdapter Undefined symbol: OBJC_METACLASS$_GTMLogger Undefined symbol: _kGTMSessionFetcherStatusDomain Linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
May ’24
Watch app wont install after download with Business Manager
We created an app for iphone which includes a Watch app. The app works well during debugging, and also in TestFlight the Watch app installs nicely and does what it is supposed to do. However, when we make the app available through the Apple Business Manager (the app is for internal use by a company) the Iphone app downloads without problems, but the app for the Apple Watch does not work. When I go to the Watch app on my Iphone (where you can manage the apps on your Watch and so on) my app is listed, but when I press install I see a loader for a few seconds, then it stops but nothing else happens. So the code seems to be good, but after I download the app with a code through the Business Manager, then I cannot install the Watch version of the app.
May ’24
App Store Connect Reject as the app create for specify login business
Guideline 3.2 - Business We found in our review that your app is intended to be used by a specific business or organization, including partners, clients, or employees, but you've selected public distribution on the App Store in App Store Connect. Since the App Store is intended for apps with a public audience, we recommend reviewing the other distribution options available to you through your Apple Developer Program Account. App Store Connect Reject as the our app create for specify business, including partners, clients and they recommend us to distibute app as unlisted app I found many apps that have the same business model like ours, can be public on app store. anyway for us was rejected from app store. Do you have idea on this? Thank you!
May ’24
Cannot upload new iOS build to the TestFlight using distribution provision profile for Individual account
I faced thta issue 2 days ago and today. The distribution certificat is installed in thekeychain and provision profiles gives no error when I'mm builing the arhive. But when I select App Store Connect as distribution. method it gives me an error that "App Store Connect access for ___ is required. What is the reason of that? Did someone face the same issue recently? Restart XCode and laptop did not help. I used to distribute the builds for individual account this way many times, but. now smth seems. to be changed or broken.
May ’24
Do personal accounts support teams? Are there restrictions?
I'm assisting a customer with an iOS app. He has a personal (non-company) Apple Developer account. I know that this kind of account didn't used to support collaborators, but I'm not sure what the current status is. He was able to add me to his account and give me permissions (Developer, App Manager). However when I run Xcode, his account does not appear in the list of Teams under my Apple ID, which is preventing me from working. Is this a bug or temporary problem or is the fact that his account is a personal account preventing me from doing this?
May ’24