Navigate the App Store landscape. Share strategies for app submission, distribution, marketing, and user acquisition. Discuss best practices for getting your app discovered and downloaded.

General Documentation






How to get on the front page of the visionOS App Store?
I released a visionOS native app, and am about to release an update. Problem is, even with keywords and whatnot, my app can't be found on the App Store unless you search it by name. It's not discoverable at all. It doesn't show up in any lists, not even what's new. It seems Search Ads are only for iOS and iPad, so I can't even buy help. What can I do to reach people? How can I at least get on the what's new list for visionOS?
Jun ’24
Trader status and app updates
Hi. I am a indie/hobby developer that has a "for purchase" app in the App store and from what I can tell from the legalese that makes me a trader. I plan to simply de-list from the EU market, because I don't want my personal information displayed, and I don't make enough money off the app to warrant setting up a LLC, or PO box etc. Will customers in the EU who have ALREADY purchased my app prior to de-listing still receive any updates I make to the App or are they gonna be SOL?
Jun ’24
Does my app qualify and do I pay commissions on Reader Apps?
My app aggregates transaction news and data from different sources and shows users inside the app. Users are not required to sign in to view the content. However, a subscription is required to view transaction data details. Users only sign in to the app, and there is no registration. For example, if a user wants to view the details of transaction A and they are not yet subscribed, once they click on the transaction they get redirected to an external website to sign up or log in and subscribe. Once that is done, they can then sign in to the app and view the details. There are no in-app purchases. QUESTIONS Does my app qualify to be a consumption-only (reader) app? If yes(for question 1) do I have to pay a commission to App Store?
Jun ’24
Use Apple Search Ads as a private individual from Sweden
I'm trying to understand if I, as a Swedish private individual developer without a company, can use the Apple Search Ads in App Store to promote my apps. The problem is that it's not clear if the prices for advertising on App Store is including Skatteverkets "moms", or if it's without it and I need to report it to Skatteverket on my own? I don't have a momsregistreringsnummer (VAT registration number) since I'm a private person.
Jun ’24
Managing app version releases for single Target with different platforms
I have a multiplatform app with a single target. I’ve been focused on making release updates for just visionOS where the new version doesn’t really have any changes to the iOS/iPadOS content. When I build and archive a new version and build number for my single app target, is it an ok practice to only release the new version and build to visionOS and not iOS? The reason I ask, is that the next time I get around to releasing a version and build that has any iOS changes that I want to release on the iOS App Store, it will have skipped one or more version numbers (due to only visionOS releases) from the last time that version was seen on the iOS App Store because I was only doing visionOS releases and versions prior to that.
Jun ’24
Unable to redeem promo codes (iOS 17.5.1)
My app is in pending developer release but promo codes can't be redeemed. It says "Unable to Redeem: This content is incompatible with the current software on this device. Update your device to the latest software version and try again." but the devices run the latest iOS version (iPadOS 17.5.1 and iOS 17.5.1). I also tried to enable preordering but codes still can't be redeemed. Via TestFlight the game can be installed and runs without problems but I don't want to use TestFlight to make the outreach campaign. Is this a bug in iOS 17.5.1?
Jun ’24
Receipt Problem
We have some questions regarding the receipt fields: Our receipt validation refers to this document: Validating Receipts on the Device( We would like to know if preorder receipts can also be validated using the methods outlined in the above document. If so, may I ask which ASN.1 Field Type corresponds to the preorder_date_ms? Additionally, we found other receipt fields in this document: Receipt Fields( If possible, it would be appreciated if someone could supplement the definitions of each ASN.1 Field Type.
Jun ’24
A curiosity question about the most frequent App Store users
Hello, on the App Store I have two simple Safari extensions both for iOS and macOS, one app for iOS for testing and feedback purposes (so, even if it's a complex app, nothing of "serious" for the moment) and one mature and complex app for macOS. The last one is localized for the most important 12 languages, the others one are in english only (but due their simplicity are enough). At this moment they are all free apps. The point is this one: overall in the macOS app I except a general interest for a mature and very interesting application, but seems that, independently from everything, the only real downloaders and users are the US ones. This is really demoralizing because this app needs to be known, but only the US audience is not enough. Only the 10% of downloaders are generally equally divided between UK, India, Canada, Brazil, China and Japan. So the keywords seem effectively findable. Is it normal this huge difference? Not-US audience is more suspicious? There is a particular psychology difference between US and other countries? Ok, probably most macOS users, with a recent hardware (this app require at minimum macOS 12.3 to work), are located in US. But the ratio US:rest of the world seems anyway unbalanced. Thank you, have patience if my question is dumb.
May ’24
Incorrect macOS app icon size
I created my macOS app icon using the resources provided on the website for macOS Sonoma (Production Templates): However, when I check my app icon on the App Store, it has an incorrect size. Although, it is presented correctly in the Dock. Any ideas on how to fix that? Should I export the icon without padding that is by default set for the export? I used the Sketch template. I also reported it using Feedback Assistant: #FB13811586
May ’24
Would my app be required to use IAP
I've been asked by my company to build an app. The core business is bookkeeping for individuals and small businesses. We charge hourly as well as offer a monthly membership. The majority of the bookkeeping would happen offline directly between the accountant and the customer. However we would want to use the app to show dashboards, some comms, etc. The concern is, would Apple consider the service being consumed within the app? We want to very much avoid IAP, and use our own checkout flow, I think we'd be okay, but I don't know. . I think we would fall under 3.1.3(e). "Per section 3.1.3(e) Goods and Services Outside of the App: If your app enables people to purchase physical goods or services that will be consumed outside of the app, you must use purchase methods other than in-app purchase to collect those payments, such as Apple Pay or traditional credit card entry." Any insight or advice would be appreciated, thank you
May ’24
How to obtain valid subscription information in the App?
I have an APP with its own user system. I configured subscriptions in the Apple Store and divided them into levels 1 and 2. User logs in to the App Store with apple id A, then logs in to my APP with account A1 and subscribes to level 1 subscription. At this time, he switches to the App Store, switches apple id to B, then returns to my APP (the APP user is still A1 at this time), finds the previous subscription and upgrades it. At this time, apple ids A and B will be charged for subscription at the same time. I need to restrict this operation. My solution is to obtain the user's current valid subscription from the App Store when upgrading. If it cannot be obtained, the user is prohibited from upgrading. However, I only found "Restoring purchased products" from Apple's documentation. This document only explains how to restore completed transactions and cannot be called frequently. Are there any other solutions or APIs?
May ’24
Bug: If you have ever made a TestFlight build with a higher version number, you won't get any crash nor feedback reports from users for lower versions!
Imagine you accidentally made a build of your app with version 2 and uploaded that to App Store Connect for TestFlight even though you're still working on version 1.x and continue to do so with your public releases. Here's an example: The build 55 is the accidental 2.0 version, but the current releases are 209 and 210 with a lower string version. So, that one build of version 2 was a mistake. Sadly, you cannot remove it, even it has expired, even if it has never seen the outside of TestFlight. And it's a bit annoying too, because it stays up there at the top of your builds, and always presents the outdated version when you visit that page on App Store Connect. But worse is the fact that because of this, any version 1.x you release since then will not get you any crash reports or feedback that the user may have submitted to you. This is clearly a bug, and I was able to verify this just recently. I suspect this happens because Apple wants to avoid storing and forwarding reports for outdated versions, maybe to save space on their servers. That makes somewhat sense, though I've also had people finding crashes in older versions that were not fixed in the latest version, so I'd still like to get those reports from older versions. However, if Apple really only wants to keep crash reports and feedback msgs from the latest release, then Apple's mistake is that they use the unreliable string version to check which is the latest version instead of using the build number, which is ENFORCED by Apple to always be incrementing for each upload. If you are in the same boat, please comment so that we can make it clear to Apple that this is not an isolated issue.
May ’24
App Updates using Unlisted App Distribution
I'm releasing an app using the Unlisted App Distribution option since it's only for employees of an organization. Everything I read about it make it seem like these apps are just normal App Store apps, with the only difference being that they are not discoverable by the general public. So if that's the case, when I release an app update through App Store Connect, will the app updated automatically on end users phones like a normal App Store app, or they will need to manually open the link and download the update manually through the App Store?
May ’24
Why is it not possible to provide a free trial for paid apps?
My application uses "paid" monetization model. I think in the productivity category it works quite well. However, when I advertise my application, 50% of the questions are: "is there a free trial?" and I would love to provide a free trial to potential customers, but the App Store doesn't allow me to do that. I don't understand why this feature is not available. I even started considering migration to in-app purchases, but it's quite a big deal. I managed to establish quite a good profit and I'm worried how it would affect my positioning and results. On top of that, I really like the paid up-front model, because it solves many issues and doesn't need any extra implementation on my side. I'm starting this thread to hear what you think about that and how many people are looking for this feature. I also created a feature request in Feedback Assistant: #FB13810170
May ’24
Different App Names
I have a question of clarification about naming apps. On the app store, some apps have a certain name, for example Spotify has "Spotify - Music and Podcasts", but when you actually download the app, the name beneath the icon is just "Spotify". Where in Xcode (or in the App Store Connect website) do you set the first, or the second?
May ’24
Trouble Verifying XCode Sideloaded Apps
I am working on a home automation app that runs fine through the XCode simulator, that I would love to get up and running on my personal device. When I load it from my computer on my device I am prompted to "trust" myself as a developer, which I have done. I am also prompted with a new message to 'verify' the app. I can't successfully do this. I am given a message that tells me to check my connection (I am connected to both cellular and Wifi - same as my Mac). What are some possible solutions, without paying for a full developer license?
May ’24