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General Documentation






Randomly registered users
I am distributing my apps via the App Store and testing before release with TestFlight. Today I noticed a user registered with the TestFlight version. So I checked another user and I saw an old version of my app used to register. All those users were registered with Apple sign-in. Does Apple randomly register bot users to make automation tests? Normally Google does this when I send for approval. Immediately 3 users register with Google account and use Google Sign in. So if this is the case how can I eliminate those bot users from real ones? If it is not how can be possible a user can install the from the TestFlight? (install with link is disabled, only test users can install)
Nov ’23
What is the target submission date when promoting app or significant update on the App Store?
When promoting my app or a significant update at I have to fill out a Target Submission Date and a Target Release Date. The release date is when I want the app or update to be released to the public on the App Store, but what is the submission date? Can the submission date in relation to the release date influence the likelihood of my app or update being considered for a promotion? Should the interval between the submission and release date be as large as possible?
Nov ’23
Why App cannot be search with the exact wording - APP NAME?
Hello, I would like to ask a question regarding why my app cannot be found when searching with APP name "GREAT" on the App Store after it has been launched. However, if I include the company name, for example, "GREAT A.S.WATSON," it can be found in the search results. I understand that the App Store has a search algorithm, but even when using the exact characters, the app cannot be found. Could this be due to an error in my app's settings? Thank you!
Nov ’23
It would be nice to do the "Legacy" section
Hello, as an App Store developer since 2010, I wanted to share a reflection with you. On some occasion Apple have mentioned how important apps are in people's lives, but they are even more important in the lives of developers, some of us, particularly video game developers, we consider ourselves artists, as well as programmers, since developing a successful video game mixes many concepts that are considered art. For all this, we are saddened that with the passage of time, given that the software does not have a physical support, this art disappears forever, thereby disappearing all the work of so many years. It is very likely that Apple will still exist in 100 years, I hope so, but all the initial developers of the App Store will be dead, and our apps disappeared forever, for not having paid the annual fee to keep the app in the App Store, and not meet the requirements of modern devices. I thought it would be great to create a "Legacy" section in the App Store, with applications that at some point were moderately important, so that they are not lost forever. There is a technical problem, which is the increase in resolution, etc. that occurs in devices over the years. Software would have to be made that adapts old apps to the resolution of the modern device, maintaining the proportions. I hope you found the idea interesting.
Nov ’23
Regarding missing receipt data in iOS6 style
Our app introduces monthly subscriptions. The process is to execute SKProductsRequest.start() from the app, verify the received receipt with our system, and turn on the premium feature. With the current app design, if you resubscribe from the iPhone settings, the app cannot detect it, so we have introduced a process to retrieve the receipt from Bundle.main.appStoreReceiptURL and verify whether it is the correct receipt. The expected receipt information is the receipt that includes the "original_transaction_id" and "transaction_id" information as shown below. "receipt": { ···omission··· }, "auto_renew_product_id": "**********.subscription", "auto_renew_status": 1, "latest_receipt_info": { ···omission··· "original_transaction_id": "20000**********", ···omission··· "transaction_id": "200013**********", ···omission··· }, "latest_receipt": "Receipt", "status": 0 However, as shown below, we found many logs (more than a few dozen for 2% of users) where receipts with missing information were retrieved. Considering the number of data items, it is unlikely that the receipt was falsified. "receipt": { ···omission··· "in_app": [] }, "environment": "Production", "status": 0 Our system links users based on "original_transaction_id" and "transaction_id," but since we are unable to obtain the necessary information, we are unable to determine whether the user has already purchased a subscription. Question 1 What are the possible situations in which receipts with missing information like this are obtained? For example, is it possible for a receipt like this to be generated even though no charges have been made? Question 2 Is there a way to update such receipts with the correct information? I searched the Developer forum, but if I do SKReceiptRefreshRequest, will I be able to obtain necessary information such as "original_transaction_id" and "transaction_id"?
Nov ’23
App downloads well on my iPhone but not other users~
Hi, I'm not a developer. I'm a start-up founder who recently launched a mobile app to the app store. The app passed the app store review and is live on the app store. I'm able to download the app on my device with no issues. However, when other iPhone users downloaded the app and opened it; the app crashed immediately upon opening. No black screen, just wouldn't open. I've asked my dev team about this and they mentioned that the mobile app is completely squared away from the developer/code side of things. Can anyone please help me understand why this app is not launching for other devices but launches perfectly on mine? My phone is an iPhone 12 Pro Max and I'm running on iOS Version 17.0.3. The mobile app is built on Flutter and NodeJS.
Nov ’23
Will I be forced to use Unlisted App Distribution ?
I am creating an application in which another user's code must be entered during the registration process (simple phone registration without any social providers). The code is only used to connect to that user and doesn't give you any additional options inside the app, but without it you can't register. My question is whether the app can be distributed as a public app in the App Store, or whether it must be distributed using the Unlisted App Distribution method. Will Apple force me to use the Unlisted App Distribution ?
Nov ’23
Unable to Print after create Apple Pay Cert
I have create a certificate to use in apple pay button, an Apple Pay Payment Processing cert and an Apple Pay Merchant Identity cert. After i have create this cert, all new mas files and all applications in production on the apple store no longer allow the printing function. Is there some wrong step or should I enable some function on this certificate to allow printing? thanks in advanced
Nov ’23
Error in "Submitting to Review"
HI, starting with iOS 17, we have started to receive an error ; "Unable to Add for Review The items below are required to start the review process: A 1024 x 1024 pixel app icon for your app must be added to the asset catalog in Xcode." The framework is : - Visual Stdio for Mac. - Xamarin We have followed many suggestions found in the internet, with no success. Is there anybody who can help us, with this issue. We have done many publishings same app, before iOS 17. Thanks in advance Mauricio
Nov ’23
Overflow Issue in the Amount Length of GetTransactionInfo for Retrieving Transaction Details
1.We are making a request to Apple's GetTransactionInfo api: request_uri: GET request_response_body` :{"signedTransactionInfo":"eyJh....."} 2.Parse the signedTransactionInfo content returned by the GetTransactionInfo Api JWSTransactionDecodedPayload: { "appAccountToken": "FBACxxxx376", "bundleId": "com.test.xx", "currency": "VND", "environment": "Production", "inAppOwnershipType": "PURCHASED", "originalPurchaseDate": 1700369755000, "originalTransactionId": "57xxxxxx2928", "price": -1795967296, "productId": "com.text.xx9", "purchaseDate": 1700364444000, "quantity": 1, "signedDate": 1700364444000, "storefront": "VNM", "storefrontId": "123456", "transactionId": "57xxxxxx2928", "transactionReason": "PURCHASE", "type": "Consumable" } 3. The Apple Api returned an abnormal price: -1,795,967,296. Personal speculation: The original price of the current order item [com.text.xx9] is 2,499,000 VND, and the Apple Api multiplies the price amount by 1000, resulting in a final amount of 2,499,000,000. However, due to an overflow issue in the length of the price amount, the price in the order details becomes -1,795,967,296, a negative number. Appstore api doc: GetTransactionInfo Api docGet Transaction Info | Apple Developer Documentation JWSTransactionDecodedPayload doc:JWSTransactionDecodedPayload | Apple Developer Documentation
Nov ’23
Testing App Store Server Notifications?
What is the best way to trigger App Store Server Notifications to test your endpoint? There is a document on Request Test Notification but this only has information on the URL without any info on the expected request parameters, etc. The ideal experience would be that StoreKit2 debugging inside XCode fires server notifications to a specified URL, but it doesn't seem to be supported.
Nov ’23
Requesting review of main app from helper app using SKStoreReviewController
We have an app on the Mac AppStore that has the following nested structure |-- Contents/MacOS |-- A |-- |-- is a launcher application that acts as a hub to launch and We would like to use [SKStoreReviewController requestReview] to increase the number of users that rate the app. When the API is called from or, the rating dialog shows up for and respectively, but these apps don't independently exist on the AppStore (only does). Is it possible to request a review for from using SkStoreKitReviewController?
Nov ’23
Could the root certificate that came in response from App Store Server API not be 'AppleRootCA-G3'?
Currently, 'Get Transaction History', 'Get Transaction Info', 'Get All Subscription Statuses' and 'Notifications V2' are being used in the App store Server API. When I decoded the JWS received in response and checked the root certificate, it was always 'AppleRootCA-G3'. Are there cases where the root certificate is not 'AppleRootCA-G3'?
Nov ’23
(Legal-)Restrictions publishing Coin Counter (computer vision)
Hello, I am currently developping an app that counts coins using Computer vision to determine the total value in the picture. However I notice there are no apps in the app store that do anything similar which makes me wonder if there are any restrictions on publishing these types of apps from either apple or governments? I would like to know if it will be possible to launch my app in the European Union once it is finished. Thanks in advance, Guus
Nov ’23
Question about Push Notifications and Use Tracking
I've noticed there are certain apps which seem to track that I'm using my iOS device, and then send me push notifications based on my usage. For example, I may pick up my phone in the middle of the night, unlock it, check my email, and minutes later, this app will send me a push notification attempting to sell me something. Is an actually app permitted to track my activity/usage on my iPhone, outside of my activity and usage within that app? If so, where can I learn more about this? Or is this app in violation of some rule in the ToU?
Nov ’23
Inconsistences in unfair rejected app review
I'm facing some issues trying to publish my app in Apple App Store, after made all the changes that they requested me I found in a dead end when they say it violates the Guideline 1.1.7 - Safety - Objectionable Content because it refears to COVID-19 in its concept or theme (wich isn't true). My suspicion is that they think that because the name of my game "Super Viral 19" wich is a complete baised interpretation, I don't mention or make refference to COVID-19 dicrectly nor indirectly way. But that is not the worst part, in a simple search I found out this application Antidote COVID-19 wich refear to COVID-19 in every part they can, its title, its description, along all the game, you have to develop vaccines and is developed by a game studio (not a medical institution). These facts drove me to the conclussion that I'm being victim of discrimination, and it is very frustrating when a mega corporation like Apple generate this unfair competition between their competitors giving privileges to some developers and privating it to some others who doesn't have the same resources. So my cuestion is wich would be the right place to report this abuse? I mean a governamental or consumer defense entity. I would like to listen similar experiences and how would you resolve it. This is my game, it doesn't have more than these three screens: Thanks in advance, Heraldo
Nov ’23