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Stuck on "You've already agreed to the Apple Developer Agreement"
If I want to create an application or do something like it on the Itunes Connect portal, I am sent to this page:"You've already agreed to the Apple Developer Agreement".It proposes links to "Continue with Member center" or "Sign Out". Nothing else can be done.Continuing to Member Center doesn't work - it only gives the same page again.Signing out works but the same scenario then applies again.I've tried with other computers and navigators, including a Windows and a Mac. The error is present with all navigators (including Safari).Others have been mentioning this error at other places (stackoverflow etc) but have been booted out since it looks so much like a "registration error".The account is clean and with accepted agreements.It looks like an iTunes Connect error.We get more and more of these things and bugs lately.
Jun ’15
The bank account number you entered does not match the corresponding portion of your IBAN
Hi,I'm tryng to set up the Paid Applications contract while my app is waiting review, and I keep getting the same error:"The bank account number you entered does not match the corresponding portion of your IBAN. Remember to include any leading zeros in your bank account number, and try again."I tried multiple accounts from two different banks, and I get the same error with all of them. I checked with my bank and I'm certain all the information is correct (including account number and iban.) The bank account has 6 digits, so I made sure to fill it as "000000123456" to achieve the 12 digits that were asked from the form.I'm from Brazil and my account is from the bank "Banco do Brasil". I sent an e-mail already (incident #611528) but there was no answer.Anyone else here had this problem? Any idea what is causing this?
Aug ’15
App Store is installing the wrong version
We just updated our app to fix all the issues that were introduced by iOS9. The update was reviewed and released to the App Store. But when we download the app, the App store install the previous version (1.1.1) instead of the new version (1.1.2)iTunes Connect List the version as ready "1.1.2 Ready for Sales"The App Store lists the app with the new update "What's New in Version 1.1.2"What ae we supposed to do to get it to actually install the new version.
Oct ’15
Remove App ID
Hello,I've removed this morning my App from the Store. Since, I want to remove the App ID associated to this App, but I've the following message :An unspecified error occurred.The App ID '' appears to be in use by the App Store, so it can not be removed at this time.Is it normal ? Should I wait more time ? How many time ?Thank you in advance,Cordially
Oct ’15
iTunes connect and Developer site with multiple accounts
I have a paid developer account that I use for apps I write for myself and created another account some time ago that I use for an app I wrote for someone else. That second account is a free account that is a member of the other person’s team. In the past, with a technical role, I was able to create app IDs, create ad hoc builds and submit new versions to the store. Now I am unable to do any of those things.Do I have to have a paid account for each team I’m a member of or there some other issue at work? When I log in to the secondary account I get a notification about the updated agreement, which without the legal role I can’t do anything about.
Oct ’15
Cannot accept team invitation
Hi all,There may be a similar thread related to iTunes connect in the forum but since my problem is slightly different I am opening up a new discussion. My company recently added me to a "Team" in apple developer portal and I got the invite in my inbox. I also have an Apple ID setup with company email address. When I go to accept the invitation I endup in a blank page. Chrome debugger shows 404 not found error, have omitted the exact invitation code from the URL but the page "accept.invite" itself seems to be not available anymore on Apple portal. Anyone else seeing this issue? What do I do?Thanks
Nov ’15
Error: Couldn't accept the invite (already accepted)
I'm trying to add myself to a "internal testers" testflight build. When I tap the "start testing" link in the email, Testflight (the app) opens on the app page. Tapping "install" returns an alert box telling "Couln't accept the invite", "Invite for this app already accepted" (the second translated back from Italian, it's translated in the app).The app don't appears in "Testing", there is no (apparent) way to start the test. The same appens on other devices of mine. I already tried to remove me from the internal testers list and readd me later with no results.Any ideas/hints/suggestions?Thank you!
Nov ’15
Can I remove my former Organization from my Apple ID account?
I recently left a job, but no one removed my Apple ID from the company's Developer Program account. So when I log into the Apple Developer website I see the company's profiles and certificates. I have no use for being associated with this team, and to avoid any confusion or mistakes I would simply like to disconnect my Apple ID from the company account.I have Googled the issue; it looks like only the team admin can make this change, but as my former boss doesn't take these things very seriously (he's so far ignored my emails about this) I have doubts he will take any measures himself.I've removed myself from the team, but the company's Developer Program account and Organization still show up on my account profile.. I would like to remove these, but I do not understand how.Any help would be fantastic.
Dec ’15
error ITMS-90535 How do I fix CFBundleExecutable key?
When I submit my code to TestFlight, I am getting an error as ERROR ITMS-90535: "Unexpected CFBundleExecutable Key. The bundle at..... does not contain a bundle executable. If this is intentional, please consider removing the CFBundleExecutable Key from its info.plist and using a CFBundlePackageType of BNDL. If this is a third party....I have tried locating the info.plist file using xcode, but I do not see what field I need to change in order to fix this problem. I see that this is a common error code in all forums, but none of the sites I have seen, have a clear procedure. Please help!
Jan ’16
Upload new binary for In-App Purchase(s) review?
Hello,I got the following message the second time. I dont know what to do.My app is reviewed and live, but my in app purchases are rejected. I read the message and was wondering about that. This did not happend with my non subscription iaps. I submitted a new "fake" binary with new version and in app purchases again.My app is reviewed and live with new version. My purchases not. I got this message again.We have begun the review of your In-App Purchase(s) but aren't able to continue because your submitted In-App Purchase(s) indicate a change of business model for your app. Therefore, we need to verify the implementation of your submitted In-App Purchase(s) in the app to ensure your app, and its In-App Purchase(s), are in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines.Specifically, you have submitted auto-renewing subscriptions for review.Please upload a new binary for review and resubmit your In-App Purchase(s) with the binary so that we can continue the review.What to do?
Feb ’16
My simulator screen shot sizes don't match new submission sizes
So the new required screenshot sizes when submitting to iTunes (per their new Simplified Screenshot Submission Process) appear to be 1242x2208 (iphone) and 2048x2732 (ipad).But I cannot find a simulator in my Xcode that creates these sizes. I have to use iPad Air and iPhone 6 Plus to take screenshots, then open them in photoshop and resize them, but the resized versions are 1 pixel off the required sizes so then I have to modify them slightly.Thanks Apple, for adding another 3 steps to an already ridiculously long submission process (compared to Android, that is).Am I just missing the correct simulators? What simulators will create these screen shots so that I dont have to go thru this lengthy process each time? I have over 100 apps on the app store so adding 3 more steps makes a HUGE difference when we release new code. 😟
Aug ’16
Terminated account
My account is terminated due to this reason buy i dont know why. Some one please explain for me. Thank you 🙂This letter serves as notice of termination of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement (the "ADP Agreement") and the Apple Developer Agreement (the "Developer Agreement") between you and Apple effective immediately.Pursuant to Section 3.2(f) of the ADP Agreement, you agreed that you would not "commit any act intended to interfere with the Apple Software or Services, the intent of this Agreement, or Apple's business practices including, but not limited to, taking actions that may hinder the performance or intended use of the App Store, B2B Program, or the Program." Apple has good reason to believe that you violated this Section due to documented indications of fraudulent conduct associated with your account.Apple is exercising its right to terminate your status as an Apple Developer pursuant to the Apple Developer Agreement and is terminating you under the ADP Agreement for dishonest and fraudulent acts relating to that agreement. We would like to remind you of your obligations with regard to all software and other confidential information that you obtained from Apple as an Apple Developer and under the ADP Agreement. You must promptly cease all use of and destroy such materials and comply with all the other termination obligations set forth in Section 11.3 of the ADP Agreement and Section 10 of the Apple Developer Agreement.This letter is not intended to be a complete statement of the facts regarding this matter, and nothing in this letter should be construed as a waiver of any rights or remedies Apple may have, all of which are hereby reserved. Finally, please note that we will deny your reapplication to the Apple Developer Program for at least a year considering the nature of your acts.Sincerely,Apple Inc.
Sep ’16
The archived version number is showing up different than the one in xCode
So I am trying to update my app and I changed my version number from 1.0 to 1.1 and updated my build number to match. Even though the version number appears different in the xCode screen, I archive the app, and it shows that my version number is still 1.0. Then if I try to upload the app to the app store it says that it can't be uploaded because it has the same version and build as the existing app. Has anyone had this problem or does anyone know any possible fixes to this problem? thanks
Sep ’16