




Waiting to reconnect to [DEVICE NAME]
Hi, the 'Waiting to reconnect to [DEVICE NAME]' error is repeatedly occurring. Previous preparation error: Developer Mode disabled. To use[DEVICE NAME] for development, enable Developer Mode in Settings → Privacy & Security. Of course, the developer mode is already turned on and I've used the connection between my devices via XCode until yesterday. But it suddenly happened. I have several devices(iOS/iPadOS) so I've tried them all, but they are all having the same situations. What I've tried: Re-install XCode Rebooting mac and iPhone Safe boot my mac Disable and enable developer mode
"The application bundle does not contain an icon in ICNS format"
The answer to my question is probably very simple but I've spent twelve hours trying to find it myself and I am at my wit's end. Searching the web shows multiple sufferers from, and multiple answers to, this same problem from at least ten years ago. I've a SwiftUI macOS/iOS app that is not finished but at a stage where I want to get it ready for TestFlight. I set it up on App State Connect and set Xcode Cloud to build it on GitHub commits. The first build revealed some obvious omissions, easily fixed, then I hit this one, for macOS: Missing required icon. The application bundle does not contain an icon in ICNS format, containing both a 512x512 and a 512x512@2x image. [In passing, I'll note the app, passes muster for the iOS platform] I make a 1024x1024 PNG .. convert it to ICNS with GraphicConverter .. convert it again with iconutil to a iconset and add it to my app. I do a regular build in Xcode and, there it is, my .icns file in the app bundle. I commit to fire off another Xcode Cloud build, but get the same error. Especially frustrating because I can see the ".. application bundle does contain an icon in ICNS format, containing both a 512x512 and a 512x512@2x image". It's hard to debug from an abundantly obvious incorrect diagnostic, but I do have to get past this and start fiddling with assorted settings .. ten builds later, still no joy. I did notice that my Info.plist file (autogenerated) doesn't contain the string "icon" and that, for example, has: <key>CFBundleIconFile</key> <string>ApplicationIcon</string> <key>CFBundleIconName</key> <string>ApplicationIcon</string> If the build process checks for an icon based on the Info.plist contents then the reported error could be more correct, ".. application bundle's Info.plist file makes no reference to an icon in ICNS format .." One possible complication is that my app includes embedded custom fonts and so it need a Fonts.plist file for them. I set that file as my INFOPLIST_FILE <key>UIAppFonts</key> <array> <string>Zerlina.otf</string> <string>Gorton-Condensed.otf</string> <string>Gorton-Normal-180.otf</string> <string>Gorton-Normal-120.otf</string> </array> <key>ATSApplicationFontsPath</key> <string>.</string> The contents of Fonts.plist are copied to the final Info.plist. Maybe that defeated some of the Info autogeneration? I see no setting for CFBundleIconFile so can't add it myself. I'm confident pressing "Submit" on this will suddenly clear my mental murk but, for now, I need help .. thanks for any ..
APPUL OS X LION 10.7 kernel debug kit problems (10.7.{0,4}) + 11G63 unavailable
i'm trying to get firefox running in 10.7 but the kernel is crashing. i have it working/running/looking great on 10.8 and higher. something is happening in 10.7 that is causing the panic. i need the right kit. someone asked a similar question for 10.11: but feedback assistant doesn't seem like the right answer. i need this kit to move forward. right now using either the 10.7.0 or 10.7.4 kernel debug kit causes a panic on reboot; something to do with AVX and the fpu. i am hoping APPUL had enough foresight to see this would be an issue (even one year later) for people on newer architectures debugging for older, supported (until 2014) targets: this use-case definitely falls within the parameters.
Could not build module 'UIKit' - XCode 16 Beta 3
I have an old project that combines Objective-C with Swift and it is compiling just fine in XCode 15 but is not compiling on XCode 16 Beta 3. There are multiple errors such as: "could not build module 'UIKit'" "could not build module 'CoreMedia'" "could not build module 'CoreLocation'" Among the errors there is this one about failing to emit precompiled header in the Bridging header file of the project. I've tried re-installing XCode 16 Beta 3, re-installing the simulator, restarting the computer and I've also created a sample project that also combines swift and Ojb-c and that one compiles just fine. Any clues? Thanks!
Invalid Swift Support
Hi, Can someone please help me with the below issue, I validated the app before distributing from Xcode, and it passed. but I received a mail from Apple Developer Relations saying there a problem, but I don't have any clue how to solve this problem. ITMS-90429: Invalid Swift Support - The files libswiftDarwin.dylib, libswiftDispatch.dylib, libswiftCoreGraphics.dylib, libswiftCoreFoundation.dylib, libswiftUIKit.dylib, libswiftMetal.dylib, libswiftCore.dylib, libswiftFoundation.dylib, libswiftQuartzCore.dylib, libswiftos.dylib, libswiftObjectiveC.dylib, libswiftCoreImage.dylib aren’t at the expected location /Payload/ Move the file to the expected location, rebuild your app using the current public (GM) version of Xcode, and resubmit it. I dont know where these dylibs are now and how to move them. Also I am using Xcode 15.3. what does it mean current public version of Xcode Thanks in Advance, Thirupathi.
Xcode UI test cannot tap menu button in form
Apparently UI tests are unable to tap menu buttons but can tap regular buttons inside forms. Earlier today I was able to see in the Simulator that the UI test tries to tap the button by tapping the center of the containing form row, which works for regular buttons, but not for menu buttons. In fact, when trying in the SwiftUI preview in Xcode it seems that menu buttons have to be tapped exactly on top of them, while regular buttons can be tapped anywhere in the form row. (Now I’m not able to see touches performed by the UI test anymore in the Simulator for an unknown reason, even though I have “Show single touches” enabled in the Simulator settings.) How can I open a menu button in a UI test? The UI code: struct ContentView: View { @State private var label1 = "Menu 1" @State private var label2 = "Menu 2" var body: some View { NavigationStack { Form { LabeledContent("Menu 1") { Button(label1) { label1 = "Menu 1 tapped" } .accessibilityIdentifier("menu1") } LabeledContent("Menu 2") { Menu(label2) { Button("Button") { } .accessibilityIdentifier("button") } .accessibilityIdentifier("menu2") } } } } } #Preview { ContentView() } And the test: final class problemUITests: XCTestCase { func testExample() throws { // UI tests must launch the application that they test. let app = XCUIApplication() app.launch() app.collectionViews.element(boundBy: 0).buttons["menu1"].tap() app.collectionViews.element(boundBy: 0).buttons["menu2"].tap() app.collectionViews.element(boundBy: 0).buttons["button"].tap() } }
Build error: “B/BL has embedded addend. ARM64_RELOC_ADDEND should be used”
I can't find info on this or similar errors anywhere. Xcode 15.4 building a project exported with Unity 2021.3.35. Unity Framework shows this error: B/BL has embedded addend. ARM64_RELOC_ADDEND should be used instead, r_address=0x000003D0 in '*path*/libraries/libiPhone-lib.a[1509](fmod_dsp_connectionpool.o)' It seems to be an issue with the internal Unity fmod library (the project doesn’t use fmod). Architectures are set to standard (arm64). Build active architecture only is Release - No. What is the issue?
Debug View Hierarchy button missing
I've thought I've seen all, now the Debug View Hierarchy button has decided to take a hike. One of XCode's coolest features just upped and vanished on the latest project. Shows fine in the previous two. Can't find anything that looks like an on/off switch for the thing and have capabilities and debug settings matched to the ones that work. (and yes, I am in debug mode)
Now: "Sandbox: rsync.samba(1384) deny(1) file-write-create"
Hi, my project with Google Mobile Ad SDK pod is facing a lot of issues. It's now the one in the title. Literally every post I found is about setting the User Script Sandboxing in the build option to no. But mine is already no. Any advice? A little more info, at first it was "Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code". I clean the build folder. It changed to "Sandbox: rsync.samba([some other number]) deny(1) file-read-data". I cleaned the build folder again. Then it changed to the title one. Not sure if this is relevant. Many many thanks!