




xcodebuild destination for any mac
I have a script that has not been updated in a while that compiles my application using xcodebuild. I'm getting this warning which leads me to believe that it's only building the first destination. But when I check the binary with lipo -archs it shows has having both; which I want. --- xcodebuild: WARNING: Using the first of multiple matching destinations: { platform:macOS, arch:arm64, id:00006021-001071911ABBC01E, name:My Mac } { platform:macOS, arch:x86_64, id:00006021-001071911ABBC01E, name:My Mac } First, why the warning if I'm trying to build a Universal binary, and can I turn this off. Or should I leave it? Thanks!
Asset validation failed (90476)
I am trying to upload my project to the appple store but am getting this error. If anyone can explain what this error means and guide me through the troubleshooting process it would be greatly appreciated. "Invalid bundle. Because your app supports Multitasking on iPad, you need to include the LaunchScreen launch storyboard file in your com.ultragroupinc.urmphotouploader bundle. Use UILaunchScreen instead if the app’s MinimumOSVersion is 14 or higher and you prefer to configure the launch screen without storyboards. For details, see: (ID: b1a8b45f-2285-4a8b-9727-67d5962bf145)"
My Xs Max cant update or reset.
I have been having troubles with my 5 year old Xs Max for two months now. The only things I can do are use instagram, call people and send text messages. I am logged out of my imessage thing and when i click on it to put in my phone number and choose my account it just keeps on loading and never fully loads. I dont think this is an issue with my actual data as I can use instagram although I have to refresh each time I want to see a message. I cant use my home wifi, other people's hotspot, and other place's wifi. Its saying I am connected to the network but it does not come up in the top right corner and always says i am using data. I cannot use safari, google, chrome and even the app store does not work. It just says its loading but it never loads. This also means I cannot update any app or install an app that I have already purchased. I have tried updating it but it also couldnt do that, I even tried updating it by connecting my phone to my laptop and even though it installed the update it could never actually update the phone. I just tried to fully reset my phone but it is saying it cant do this due to some error (akauthenticationerror code 7005). I then tried to sign out of my apple ID but then this also didnt work. It told me an error occured and this couldnt be done. I was wondering if this is is happening just because my phone might be too old but maybe there are some other issues? Thanks
iOS 18 bugs and glitches
I downloaded iOS 18 a 2-3 days ago and today I noticed my watch disconnected randomly, my phone keeps lagging, my control center basically just randomly reset itself everything I did to personalize it was gone. I’m having an issue with my apps showing I get the white background with the black lines. I can’t get any apps to hardly load. So far that’s all I’ve had issues with. any updates I have I’ll continue this post.
No Apple plug-in library path found
Hey! I'm facing a problem I have 0 idea how to solve it. I'm building a project with Unity 2022.3.21 for visionOS and after a lot of exhausting problems I'm having the last one, I am kinda new to Xcode. I get the error "No Apple plug-in library path found", at the root of the project there Xcode should find the ApplePluginLibraries folder, and it's actually there with two folders inside Apple.Core and Apple.GameKit. Xcode is saying the path was not found and I can see it exists through finder. In Search Paths > Framework Search Paths I have: $(PROJECT_DIR)/ApplePluginLibraries/Apple.GameKit $(PROJECT_DIR)/ApplePluginLibraries/Apple.Core Also in Other Linker Flags I have: -L$(PROJECT_DIR)/ApplePluginLibraries/Apple.GameKit -L$(PROJECT_DIR)/ApplePluginLibraries/Apple.Core I was having a few errors and the last one is: Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code, and the description says about the path not found. My info: MacOS: Apple M1 Pro Sonoma 14.5 Xcode: 15.4 Unity: 2022.3.21f1 Any idea? Thanks!!
Unable to complete Apple Developer Program renewal
Hi Apple Developer Program Support, I’m experiencing a problem with one of our Apple Developer account renewals, which has caused us to lose access to my Apple Developer Program account. The payment for the account renewal was made last Tuesday (Jun 11, 2024), and I received a confirmation email stating that the membership was renewed completely the same day. However, yesterday (Jun 19, 2024) I received an email saying that Apple cannot complete the account renewal. Since then, I lost access to my Apple Developer account. I have submitted a support case to, but I haven’t received any reply yet. Does anyone experience the same problem? What is the best way to contact Apple regarding this? (I can still access App Store Connect and see my apps on the App Store, but I’m afraid the apps will be removed soon.) Thank you,
Gaps in Xcode build timeline
Reposting (after a while) from the Swift forums - the build timeline for our project has a lot of weird gaps in the beginning - almost 15 seconds in total, which is quite a big chunk of the total build time. Is there any way to determine why they exist or how I could fix them? I hope it's just something hidden and not the build system literally doing nothing... This is on Xcode 15.4.
XcodeCloud and VisionOS
I'm having issues compiling the visionOS app via XcodeCloud. Here's the error: 2024-06-20T09:24:47.634651911Z compileSkybox /Volumes/workspace/DerivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/Fi22/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/Applications/ /Volumes/workspace/repository/Fi22/ImageBasedLighting.skybox (in target 'Fi22' from project 'Fi22') 2024-06-20T09:24:47.634669847Z cd /Volumes/workspace/repository 2024-06-20T09:24:47.634681756Z /Applications/ create skybox -skyboxPath=/Volumes/workspace/repository/Fi22/ImageBasedLighting.skybox -o=/Volumes/workspace/DerivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/Fi22/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/Applications/ 2024-06-20T09:24:47.634730433Z [91mError: [39m There is no available Metal device on this system. 2024-06-20T09:24:47.634745602Z Command compileSkybox failed with a nonzero exit code How do I configure XcodeCloud to use an instance with Metal support? Another option would be precompiling the skybox but I couldn't find any info on that either.
SwiftData with CloudKit freezing previews in Xcode 16 beta
To reproduce: In Xcode, create a new project with SwiftData storage Add a new item in the preview — everything works fine so far Enable CloudKit sync for the target (add iCloud capability, check CloudKit, add a container) Go back to the preview and add a new item — Xcode will now freeze As soon as you modify the SwiftData storage, the preview freezes and the Xcode app becomes extremely slow until you either refresh the preview or restart Xcode.
CURL command is not working in MAC OS 14.5
CURL command with headers stopped working on the latest mac version. command used to work fine in earlier versions of the Mac OS. Below command returns error - unkown Header curl --request GET ‘URL’ --Header ‘Accept-Language:en’ --Header ‘Content-Type: application/json’ Note: If --Header is given in lower case '--header' is seems to be working in the latest version. Does anyone face this issue and any fix would be really appreciated.
Xcode Cloud Export archive for development distribution fails every time.
Log shows: Run command: 'xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath /Volumes/workspace/tmp/d3c9c43f-e24e-4ad9-882d-d0179ab3149b.xcarchive -exportPath /Volumes/workspace/developmentexport -exportOptionsPlist /Volumes/workspace/ci/development-exportoptions.plist '-DVTPortalRequest.Endpoint=' -DVTProvisioningIsManaged=YES -IDEDistributionLogDirectory=/Volumes/workspace/tmp/development-export-archive-logs -DVTSkipCertificateValidityCheck=YES -DVTServicesLogLevel=3' Command exited with non-zero exit-code: 70
Battery Issues with Beta
After my phone updated to the iOS 18 Beta, my battery no longer last past 2pm. Before the Beta, my phone would still be at 40% by 11pm. It drops down as soon as I unplug it. It gets really hot with everything I do on it. Hopefully this gets fixed and my battery quits having issues. This same thing happened to my phone back with the iPhone 7. Ended having to trade it in due to battery not last past 12pm.
SwiftData: Unable to delete (Xcode 16)
I am using Xcode 16 and am doing a future app with SwiftData. I have the data in a List. When I try to delete a row, it deletes and seems to save the deletion. But when I list the data again, what I deleted comes back. Here's the code: { for index in indexSet { let chat = chatLog[index] modelContext.delete(chat) // do { // try // // } catch { // // print("Error saving: \(error)") // // } } } CHAT: Is a variable to hold the data. CHATLOG: The variable in the List. Thank you. Dan Uff