App Shortcuts need to be in your main app target I have a non-SwiftUI app, so I guess this doesn't apply? It still applies — the UI framework of your app doesn't change the way your targets are structured. I don't see how I could have App Shortcuts without a separate App Intents Extension. To do this, you define a type conforming to AppShortcutsProvider in your main app target, and calling updateAppShortcutParameters() from somewhere in your app initialization code path. The process for defining the conforming type isn't different for a SwiftUI app or a UIKit based app, though the place where you call the update method would be different based on either the SwiftUI or UIKit app lifecycle. Is this AppShortcuts.xcstrings officially documented? I couldn't find it anywhere. We've mentioned it in a video (timecode link) and use it in our sample app. I recognize this is a subtle detail that's easy to miss in those sources. — Ed Ford, DTS Engineer
missing package product
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I've noticed issues with logging in the Mac's console app for a very long time now (from Xcode 15?) but have just spent several hours trying to objectively observe and monitor what's going on and try to set up reliable logging. But I've totally been unable to and my conclusion is that logging just absolutely cannot be relied upon at all, its so chronically bad as to be unusable. If I for example add some logging lines right at the start of didFinishLaunchingWithOptions() and use a variety of logging mechanisms NSLog(), print(),os_log_with_type(), OSLog() (AppDelegate is in Obj-C and calls Obj-C logging, then calls a swift function for Swift logging), then none of them are reliable. If the app is build/installed via Xcode then logging is reliable within Xcode's console and also within the Mac's console app. But then if the app is uploaded/installed via Testflight it's a very different matter. Sometimes, but not very often, the logging is as expected, but more often than not, some of it is missing. How
Hello, I apologize if this post could be slightly out of forum topic but I have one issue that I cannot solve. I tried a few times to call Apple support but the only indication that have given to me is to try with this forum. The issue I have is simple. Sometimes the modifications performed on iCloud Drive on one computer are not properly synced between the local folder /Users/[username]/Library/Mobile Documents/... and the cloud and therefore are not shared across all devices that use the same iCloud Drive. This is very disturbing as it may lead to a data loss. I would like to write a simple software that activates the iCloud Drive sync between the local iCloud folder /Users/[username]/Library/Mobile Documents/... and the Cloud. A simple macOS bash script would be fine but also other pieces of software are welcome. Can anyone please help me? Thanks! Daniele
Hi, a few weeks ago I received this email: Notification of Apple Developer Program License Agreement (PLA) violation by app_notification Content was: We are writing to inform you that your company is not in compliance with the Apple Developer Program License Agreement (PLA). Section 11.2 (Termination) states: (g) if You engage, or encourage others to engage, in any misleading, fraudulent, improper, unlawful or dishonest act relating to this Agreement, including, but not limited to, misrepresenting the nature of Your Application (e.g., hiding or trying to hide functionality from Apple’s review, falsifying consumer reviews for Your Application, engaging in payment fraud, etc.). Be aware that manipulating App Store chart rankings, user reviews or search index may result in the loss of your developer program membership. Please address this issue promptly. and indeed, there was a problem with an app, which I then fixed. But then it started to become a little bit weird, which makes me think it
Recently, we received a rejection for our app on the App Store under Guideline 4.1 - Design - Copycats. We strongly disagree with this decision, as we are confident in the uniqueness of our project. We have submitted an appeal regarding this rejection, but so far, we have not received any confirmation that it has been reviewed or accepted for reconsideration. The explanation provided for the rejection was vague, offering only general statements and references without specific details. This makes it challenging for us to understand which aspects of our app are causing concerns. Here’s what we’ve done so far to address the feedback: Changed the Original Name: We renamed our app to emphasize its uniqueness and avoid any potential associations with other franchises. Removed the Character from Screenshots: We deleted the image from our screenshots to prevent any misunderstandings and to highlight the originality of our visual content. Replaced the Icon: We completely redesigned the app icon, creating a new and uni
And I believe you've found the problem: This means, that all gui apps that are part of our application share the same executable (there's separate instances of the file on disk, but they all have the same UUID). This is a bad idea. The issue here is that, in general, the system primary executable identifier is bundle id. So, two apps are the same if the bundle ID and different if they have different bundle IDs. However, the problem here is that there are cases where it cannot/does not use the bundle ID. As a few examples: Crash logs are correlated/identified based on build UUID. Part of this is technical, since the crash collection system can only rely on information that's already in-process and it's possible for a process to crash before it knows it's bundle id (assuming it has one at all). Part of this is also practical, since crash logs need to be tied to specific builds, not just apps. Parts of the TCC system rely on build UUIDs (as well as code signature data), since permission grants need to be more ti
There isn't anything you're missing based on your description here. ANCS is not going to be available all the time, and the Service Changed Characteristic will notify when the availability changes. This is probably some implementation issue on the accessory side, which unfortunately we won't be able to assist with directly. Argun Tekant / DTS Engineer / Core Technologies
I am working with an open source watch called PineTime to implement ANCS support so users can receive iOS notifications in the watch. I am having g trouble discovering the ANCS on an iOS device. The watch is properly paired and bonded. I realize that the ANCS may not always be present, so I also subscribed to the GATT Service changed characteristic, but never received a notification/indication for a service becoming active. Is there something I am missing? Thanks!
You are on the right track that you precompiled a source model (.mlpackage or .mlmodel) to .mlmodelc manually before adding it to Swift Package. Currently SPM doesn't support compiling the source model in .process(:) rule. Let's say, you have a source model named model.mlpackage. The first step is to compile it to .mlmodelc. xcrun coremlcompiler compile model.mlpackage /tmp/ Then, copy the compiled model to your Swift Package. cp -r /tmp/model.mlmodelc /path/to/ModelInSwiftPackage/Sources/ModelInSwiftPackage/ In my test, the resultant directory structure is something like this. . ├── Package.swift ├── Sources │ └── ModelInSwiftPackage │ ├── ModelInSwiftPackage.swift │ └── model.mlmodelc │ ├── analytics │ │ └── coremldata.bin │ ├── coremldata.bin │ └── └── Tests └── ModelInSwiftPackageTests └── ModelInSwiftPackageTests.swift Now, edit Package.swift as follows, using copy rule. import PackageDescription let package = Package( : targets: [ .target( name: ModelInSwift
Could anyone give some insights to identify the root cause for this crash? Fatal Exception: NSInternalInconsistencyException Layout requested for visible navigation bar, >; layer = > delegate=0x1277a4600 standardAppearance=0x302d5c770 scrollEdgeAppearance=0x302d5d500, when the top item belongs to a different navigation bar. topItem = title='Transfers' style=navigator leftBarButtonItems=0x300690020 rightBarButtonItems=0x300613ff0, navigation bar = > delegate=0x1277a0c00, possibly from a client attempt to nest wrapped navigation controllers. ==== Fatal Exception: NSInternalInconsistencyException 0 CoreFoundation 0x827cc __exceptionPreprocess 1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x172e4 objc_exception_throw 2 Foundation 0x80f8d8 _userInfoForFileAndLine 3 UIKitCore 0x2b63e8 -[UINavigationBar layoutSubviews] 4 UIKitCore 0xd688 -[UIView(CALayerDelegate) layoutSublayersOfLayer:] 5 UIKitCore 0x14dc14 -[UINavigationBar layoutSublayersOfLayer:] 6 QuartzCore 0x78c28 CA::Layer::layout_if_needed(CA::Transaction*) 7 QuartzCore 0x78
After upload got a mail from AppStoreConnect 'ITMS-91109: Invalid package contents - The package contains one or more files with the extended file attribute'. Indeed in the past xcode complained about such files, like images saved from Photoshop that have extended attributes. Easily removed with 'xattr -c'. But, if this is an issue to send us emails about AFTER upload, then please have xcode check this BEFORE upload.. I had 3000+ such images.
Hi, I was notified about quarantine files but I don't know why? ITMS-91109: Invalid package contents - The package contains one or more files with the extended file attribute The mentioned file is to project logo as PNG image. The PNG file is located here:
Hi everyone, I am a beginner in iOS/Swift programming. I'm trying to develop a mobile application that allows to mount a network drive in the iphone Files application via the WebDav protocol. I saw on the internet that WebDav is no longer implemented in iOS because considered deprecated by apple. To accomplish this task, I decided to separate responsibilities as follows: Framework: WebDav (responsible for communication with the WebDav server) FileProviderExtension: FileBridge (Responsible for bridging the gap between the WebDav Framework and the iOS Files app) Main App I also have an AppGroup that includes the main application and the fileproviderextension Initially, to measure the feasibility and complexity of this task, I'd like to make a simplistic version that simply displays the files on my drive in the Files app, without necessarily being able to interact with them. FileProviderExtension.swift: import FileProvider import WebDav class FileProviderExtension: NSObject, NSFileProviderReplicatedExtension { p
When performing biometric authentication, some times we are getting these kind of errors when i try to sign the data with private key that we get it from keychain. I was searching for document related to this but i could not.Can someone help me on this? Error message and error code Remote alert invalidated -4 UI canceled by system -4 unable to sign digest -3 Canceled by another authentication -4 Caller is not running foreground -1004 Caller moved to background -4 No identities are enrolled -7 User has denied the use of biometry for this app -1018 Application retry limit exceeded -1 Face ID interlocked -8 Biometry lost -4 match failed -1 // To get signed data using private key SecKeyRef privateKeyReferences = [self getPrivateKey:keyNames]; if(!privateKeyReferences) { NSLog(@Error retrieving private key); return nil; } NSError *error; NSData *signature = CFBridgingRelease(SecKeyCreateSignature(privateKeyReferences, kSecKeyAlgorithmECDSASignatureMessageX962SHA256, (CFDataRef) data, (void *)&error));
I currently manually resign my application for distribution. Until recently I haven't had any issues with the provisioning profile which I place inside the bundle. However, I just got the following message from the store: ITMS-91109: Invalid package contents - The package contains one or more files with the extended file attribute. The file it is referring to is: Contents/embedded.provisionprofile When I check the xattr on the provisionprofile I see the following line: 0081;675c6072;Chrome; So it seems like the provisionprofile I have downloaded from has this attribute set. Any insights on how to properly deal with this submission issue?