missing package product

42,939 results found






Reply to NetworkDriverKit sample app problem
Hi, I'm trying to test https://developer.apple.com/documentation/networkingdriverkit/connecting_a_network_driver on MacBook Pro M3 with 14.5 Sonoma, XCode 15.4, SIP is disabled. Build steps are succesful, after running App, Install Dext is succesful, there is no error in XCode; systemextensionctl list show a record for com.apple.system_extension.driver_extension with [ activated enabled ] tag. Unfortunately, it's hard for me to give a specific fix this answer to this. My experience has always been that just getting a driver matching and loading is always painful, particularly the very first one. There are lots of details that have to be right and you won't know what you've missed until you figure out how to fix it. Here are a few suggestion that might help: -The system log is going to be your primary development tool. Take a look at Your Friend the System Log and take advantage of everything it suggests. In many case, the system is telling (or at least hinting) you what the problem is but it's VERY e
Change in title bar behavior in Catalyst app when building under Xcode 16
I'm running into a change in behavior with the title bar when building our Catalyst app under Xcode 16 versus what we are seeing with the same code built under Xcode 15. The title bar is hidden, as it should be in the Xcode 15 build. However, when building the same project under Xcode 16, the title bar is shown with the center contents of the navigation bar in the right pane being duplicated in the title bar (see screenshot at the end), which is undesirable. The screenshots for both builds were taken in macOS Sequoia Beta Seed 1. The Catalyst Interface setting is configured to Optimize for Mac in the project file. The scene's titlebar.titleVisibility property is set to .hidden, titlebar.toolbar is set to nil. UINavigationBar's appearance is configured with a preferredBehaviorStyle of .pad when running under Catalyst 16 or later. Is this a bug or am I missing a flag or something that was introduced to Catalyst/UIKit that I've overlooked? I've also filed a feedback for this issue: FB14000006. Thank you
Jun ’24
.chartXScale not scaling domain of Chart as expected
Hi, I'm currently wrestling with the .chartXScale(domain:) modifier in order to get my Chart to display correctly. The basics of the Chart look like this. Chart(measurements, id: .timestamp) { measurement in if let total = measurement.production?.total { BarMark( x: .value( Timestamp, measurement.timestamp, unit: .weekOfYear, calendar: .current ), y: .value( Solar production, total ) ) } } As anyone familiar with Charts can see, I sort data into columns based on what week of the year the measurements belong to. Some of them can be null, and when they are, I still want space in the Chart where a BarMark would've been to be taken up, like week number 4 in this example chart (in which I've defaulted all measurements that are null in week 4 to 0, for demonstration purposes): To achieve that, as I understand, I'm meant to use the .chartXScale(domain:) modifier, but when I apply the following modifier... .chartXScale(domain: firstDayOfMonth...firstDayOfNextMonth) ... (where the domain is from the first day
Reply to .chartXScale not scaling domain of Chart as expected
[quote='795150022, AppleCare Staff, /thread/759244?answerId=795150022#795150022'] So just a few lines of code would be enough, I think it should fit in 20 lines or less. For data, you can inline an array of tuples as I described. No need for preview, extensions, structs etc. just a single Chart. [/quote] Apologies, I thought perhaps an example with a Preview would be beneficial for demonstration purposes. I'm happy to reduce the amount of code a bit. No more extra structs, previews or extensions! However, I can't really get it down to 20 lines if I am to simulate my issue. I need a month of measurements and I'm not sure I can even create the array of ~30 items (with plenty of Calendar.current operations) in 20 lines of code. I hope about 40 lines of code is okay! let cal: Calendar = .current struct ChartWithNilValues2: View { let start: Date = cal.date(from: cal.dateComponents([.year, .month], from: .now))! let end: Date init() { end = cal.date(byAdding: .month, value: 1, to: start)! } var body: some View { C
Reply to Apple Maps cannot route to Latitude & Longitude
@macmyday yes, in my case using the &ll=coords&q=description does not work since it plots the pin properly but when you tap the directions button, it moves the pin to the end of the driving route which couple be multiple miles away from the plotted coordinates. This might work for some who deal in locations that are nearby roads and the pin only moves a very small amount. I'm at a loss on how to get a response from Apple on this, I'm frustrated and based on some of the emails I am getting, so are my customers.
Reply to Daemon in an app with a self-update feature
Yes, you are correct about the non-admin user. In our case, I think it's either rare or the non-admin user shouldn't be able to update the app in the first place, so I think that's a fair restriction. We have looked into Sparkle, yes. It was one of the first things we suggested, but we had a few showstoppers: we have a cross-platform core in the app, and it takes care of the downloading, so we only need to apply the downloaded package and not manage the whole flow. That said, I DID study the heck out of it when you mentioned the executable, and that's where I saw the separate Installer app and it all began to make sense. I will indeed file an enhancement request - and thank you so much for the guidance.
How to force to discover service and characteristic from device, not from local database?
Hi all,We found iOS may return services and characteristics from cache if our application invoke CBPeripheral::discoverServices().14:59:18.824260 +0800bluetoothdAttempting to find all services on device <private>14:59:18.824785 +0800bluetoothdReturning primary services from cacheBut our product may change the chracteristics attribute handle number after product firmware updated.For example, FW Ver1: discovered serivce like below,14:59:18.826036 +0800 bluetoothd Using local database for discover services by UUID.14:59:18.826926 +0800 bluetoothd statedump: 0x0001 Primary Service [ serviceUUID: -, endHandle: 0x0006, discoveredCharacteristics: all ]14:59:18.827124 +0800 bluetoothd statedump: 0x0002 Characteristic [ valueUUID: -, valueHandle: 0x0003, properties: notify, discoveredDescriptors: all ]14:59:18.827412 +0800 bluetoothd statedump: 0x0003 Characteristic Value [ - ]14:59:18.827549 +0800 bluetoothd statedump: 0x0004 Client Configuration [ none ]14:59:18.827713 +0800 bluetoothd stated
Aug ’19
Why use async/await vs completion handlers?
I'm pretty sure I'm missing something completely obvious, but I can't see what. I watched WWDC session, read the Swift evolution blog, and they all make sense, but still it doesn't click for me. Please help me out here :) . I'm diving into adopting the 'new' async/await style of coding (I know, it's old news at this point, but I could only get to it now), and so I'm all pumped to get my code to go eleven and therefore I wrote a small data-downloader class. It has one method, well two: one oldskool function with a completionHandler, and one new style async/await one. When using the oldskool one, it works as everyone would expect: print(1) dataFetcher.fetchSomeData { print(2) let data = $0 // process data ... print(3) } print(4) The output is, unsurprisingly: 1 4 2 3 Now, when I use my new style function: let data = await dataFetcher.fetchSomeData() // process data ... Xcode gives me an error: 'async' call in a function that does not support concurrency That makes sense, I am calling this in the viewDi
Aug ’22
Reply to Accept incoming network connections?
Hi Quinn, I have tried the installation of my package on a fresh macOS 14.5 VM. Downloaded the package, disconnected the network. I could install and launch the application without any issue. I did not observe the firewall popup as well. I have tried following command on the app and bundle as well. These commands executed successfully. spctl -a -t exec -vvv codesign -vvvv -R=notarized --check-notarization On other machines, I could see the firewall popup for the same . Regards Prema
Reply to How to reset system's assessment of an app's container access
[quote='794989022, jalkut, /thread/759366?answerId=794989022#794989022, /profile/jalkut'] I'll try it in a VM first... [/quote] That’s the approach I recommend. See Testing a Notarised Product for an example of the process I use. I’ve seen a lot of folks suggest a lot of hacky solutions to problems like this. Frankly, I’m not a fan of those because they make it hard to tell whether the behaviour you’re seeing is what your users will see or just an artefact of your hackery. Ripley I say we take off and nu‍ke the entire site from orbit. [dramatic pause] Ripley It’s the only way to be sure. Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = eskimo + 1 + @ + apple.com
Reply to App flagged with bypassed SSL Pinning during Mobile App Penetration Test
[quote='794939022, Ferdinand-Activate, /thread/759185?answerId=794939022#794939022, /profile/Ferdinand-Activate'] Is there a way to do pinning without it going through SSL_CTX_set_custom_verify? [/quote] What pinning? In the example from my previous post, there’s no pinning at all. Rather, the program is just calling standard Apple APIs. [quote='794939022, Ferdinand-Activate, /thread/759185?answerId=794939022#794939022, /profile/Ferdinand-Activate'] Does NSPinnedDomains goes through SSL_CTX_set_custom_verify eventually? [/quote] As I demonstrate above, all TLS trust evaluation on our system goes through that call. [quote='794939022, Ferdinand-Activate, /thread/759185?answerId=794939022#794939022, /profile/Ferdinand-Activate'] It is a requirement … to not be intercepted by hackers and scripts to bypass this SSL pinning checks. [/quote] I see a lot of this and IMO this issue here isn’t your code but your security requirements. If someone attacking your app is able to intercept the code path between your app cal
Xcode's Vim Mode - further development?
It was fantastic news to hear, last year, that Xcode was getting a Vim mode. Apple's implementation of it was a great first step, but it was missing a bunch of key features. Most importantly the dot command (and by, extension, macros) and creating marks in files, which are functions that I use/rely on on a daily basis. I thought I would finally be able to stop having to self-sign Xcode (which causes problems) in order to use XVim2 plugin, but no such luck. Will these features get added in for Xcode 14 (they don't seem to be in the beta) or are they far out on the roadmap?
Jun ’22
Failed loading .usda/.usdz from RealityKitContent package
I was trying to load an Entity by Entity(named: sceneName, in: realityKitContentBundle), which works for many of my .usda file. But this time I got an error: Error loading asset from scene PinballTable.usda: failed to load '7058602595919186152 Scene (RealityFileAsset)Bundle/RealityKitContent-RealityKitContent-resources/RealityKitContent.reality/Scene_14.compiledscene' (Asset provider load failed: type 'RealityFileAsset' -- Failed to load compiled data for asset path 'Scene_14.compiledscene', due to error: Failed to deserialize asset data.) Any ideas on why this won't work? I have checked the size of my .usda file it's around 42kb so I won't think it's sake of file size. Due to many .usda reference inside of this scene, I suspect that it might be the case the bundle cannot locate other usda reference. So I export the whole scene into .usdz file and it turns to 118kb. Wonder if this could be the only issue here that affect the loading result but this is what I have tried so far. visionOS System: visionOS beta 2