missing package product

42,949 results found






Reply to needs -Onone Swift optimization level
hi. I think you should provide more log data from the failing build process. did you made changes in build settings about compiler optimization flags/settings? maybe overwritten by mistake some values? compare with other easypeasy sample project…any difference in build settings? same result? check build setting: SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL -Onone is to my knowledge more or less the default setting. so if missing, just create/modify the entry in the project build settings.
Swift Package with @objc cannot find interface declaration
I am using a Swift PM module and adding it to a brand new project. This project is Objective-C based, but I would like to use the module within a .swift file as I am working to migrate part of my project to Swift. The .swift file is called from the Objective-C app delegate. When doing this method on a brand new project, it builds correctly. However, when I add the module to my production app (has been in development for 10 years) in the same way, I get the following error in my MyApp-Swift.h file: Cannot find interface declaration for 'MBNavigationViewController', superclass of 'CarPlayMapViewController'; did you mean 'UINavigationController'? I have even created a stripped down version of my app with minimal files and it still does not build. There must be some build setting or something else that allows the module to work in a brand new project (accessing the MyApp-Swift.h file that generates the Obj-C methods) but not in my older project?
Reply to iOS 14 Unable to Activate after restore
I was using iphone 14 pro max!!! Within 1year and 6 month… It lost network connectivity. After getting instructions from apple care, i reset my Iphone, now it is stucked on unable to activate page, i tried almost every ways, but, it is still showing unable to activate, if i only had this problem, then I would have probably said that it is my bad luck… but, now i am seeing, thousands of customers have this issue with iphone, Service centre technicians are saying it is hardware problem, MC, you fu * cking robbers, what r u making which very soon becoming a garbage and taking a huge amout of money in place of that garbage… We need solution, we want our phone back… we didn’t pay for having this garbage which costs 1,70,000 Rs ….
Reply to Network Connection on watchOS App
Howdy! Can you please file Feedback with sysdiagnose logs attached? If you are running the watchOS 11 beta, the appropriate logs should be recorded when you initiate a sysdiagnose. If you are running watchOS 10 or earlier, you'll need to install the sysdiagnose profile first (you can find profiles & instructions for getting logs here: https://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting/profiles-and-logs/?platform=watchos). It does sound like there's something missing here, and I'd love to investigate. Thank you!
Reply to .chartXScale not scaling domain of Chart as expected
[quote='794978022, AppleCare Staff, /thread/759244?answerId=794978022#794978022'] No need for an entire repo, just a minimal, but runnable example that exhibits the issue. [/quote] Alright! This should do: import SwiftUI import Charts struct ChartWithoutNilValues: View { let firstDayOfMonth: Date let firstDayOfNextMonth: Date let measurements: [PerformanceMeasurement] init() { firstDayOfMonth = Date.now.firstDayOfMonth()! firstDayOfNextMonth = Calendar.current.date(byAdding: .month, value: 1, to: firstDayOfMonth)! measurements = DataGenerator.generateMeasurements( interval: DateInterval(start: firstDayOfMonth, end: firstDayOfNextMonth), component: .day ) } var body: some View { Chart(measurements, id: .timestamp) { measurement in BarMark( x: .value( Timestamp, measurement.timestamp, unit: .weekOfYear, calendar: .current ), y: .value( Solar production, measurement.production?.total ?? 0 ) ) } .chartXAxis { AxisMarks(values: .stride(by: .weekOfYear)) { value in AxisValueLabel((value.index), centered: t
How to depend on a non-macOS external package in macros
Hello everyone, I am trying to create a macro that depends on an external package to abstract some of the packages logic. The point is that the dependency does not support macOS which results in a build failure when trying to build the macro. Since macOS 10.15 is required for creating macros, any thing can be done to get it to work? Here is a sample to what I'm trying to do import PackageDescription import CompilerPluginSupport let package = Package( name: Stringify, platforms: [ .macOS(.v10_15), .iOS(.v13), .tvOS(.v13), .watchOS(.v6), .macCatalyst(.v13) ], products: [ .library( name: Stringify, targets: [Stringify] ), .executable( name: StringifyClient, targets: [StringifyClient] ), ], dependencies: [ .package(url: https://github.com/apple/swift-syntax.git, from: 509.0.0), .package(url: https://github.com/MyDependency, from: 1.0.0), ], targets: [ .target( name: Stringify, dependencies: [StringifyMacros] ), .executableTarget( name: StringifyClient
Passkeys authenticatorAttachment and transports in macOS 14.4 and iOS 17.4
In the new macOS and iOS updates (14.4 and 17.4 respectively), something has changed in regards to passkey creation: Any passkey created from Safari doesn't have any transports + the authenticatorAttachment is always set to platform, irrespective of whether a cross-platform authentication method is utilized, such as a hardware security key. All passkeys saved in iCloud Keychain created from any browser have an authenticatorAttachment always set to platform + empty authenticator transports. authenticatorAttachment always set to platform According to the WebAuthn specification (Section 5.4.5), the authenticatorAttachment descriptor plays a crucial role in guiding the client (browser or platform) to create or use an authenticator of a specific type. The options are platform for a built-in authenticator or cross-platform for a roaming authenticator. Some relying parties mandate a cross-platform method for the first passkey or as second authentication factor. This is to ensure users do not find themselves locked o
Apr ’24
Reply to Daemon in an app with a self-update feature
[quote='794769022, akg41470, /thread/758329?answerId=794769022#794769022, /profile/akg41470'] Yea, seems to work from the daemon: [/quote] “Seems” being the operative term here. AppKit is the canonical daemon unsafe framework, as defined in TN2083 [1]. If you use it from a daemon the results you get are unspecified. If you depend implementation details like this, you undermine the long-term stability of your product. In this specific case, for example, it’s not clear which GUI login session the app will launch in, or what happens if there are no GUI login sessions. The best way to relaunch your app after the update is to have the app relaunch itself. I’d do something like this: Have the app download the update. Have it message the daemon to prepare the update. At this point the daemon gets everything ready. It’s also a good point to check the update’s provenance. Throughout this process the app is running normally. Once the daemon is done with the previous step, have the app spawn a small executable
Crash: com.apple.usernotifications.UNUserNotificationServiceConnection.call-out : EXC_BAD_ACCESS KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS
As iOS 17 has begun to roll out, our team has noticed a crash increasing in our production application. This crash revolves around UNUserNotificationCenter and calling .getNotificationSettings(completionHandler:) in order to retrieve the users UNNotificationSettings. Upon adding extra logging to our production app, we've determined that in the callback of getNotificationSettings, trying to access the returned value UNNotificationSettings is what's crashing our app. Here's our stacktrace: Crashed: com.apple.usernotifications.UNUserNotificationServiceConnection.call-out EXC_BAD_ACCESS KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS 0x0000000000000000 0 libswiftCore.dylib 0x3fd3ec swift_getObjectType + 40 1 libswiftCore.dylib 0xd660c _print_unlocked(_:_:) + 348 2 OurApp 0x23f8ec closure #1 in closure #1 in MessagingPermissionsModel.authorizationStatus.getter + 155 (MessagingPermissionsModel.swift:155) 3 OurApp 0x8bd98 partial apply for closure #1 in UNUserNotificationCenter.getNotificationSettings(completionHandler:) + 2
Oct ’23
Reply to Broadcast push being throttled with very little traffic
Hi Argun, Our Bundle ID doesn't match the above. It's: com.m__________e.f_______o This is a live score app for football (soccer). I checked the logs from yesterday and I can't see that we're sending notifications too frequent. We sent a total of 10 notifications for one of the games yesterday at these times: 2024-07-10T17:01:15.3213590Z 2024-07-10T17:18:32.9094852Z 2024-07-10T17:37:39.1622861Z 2024-07-10T17:52:00.8026556Z 2024-07-10T18:05:56.6542415Z 2024-07-10T18:15:50.5259535Z 2024-07-10T18:36:11.2406366Z 2024-07-10T18:46:46.0640576Z 2024-07-10T18:52:10.7170653Z 2024-07-10T19:01:33.9505385Z There are several minutes between each push but we still got two throttles: 2024-07-10T18:52:10.8535674Z 2024-07-10T19:01:34.0837425Z I'm assuming the rate limit is per channel. Even looking across all channels we sent to at the time we got a 429 error I don't see why we would get it: 2024-07-10T18:55:46.449Z - TAJdlj2GEe8AAErsQhdY4w== 2024-07-10T19:00:28.570Z - TE6ByT2GEe8AAErsQhdY4w== 2024-07-10T19:00:48.331Z - S+hs9T2
Implementing Screen Time API’s .all(except:) Policy for Selective App Restrictions
Hi there, I'm currently working with the Screen Time API using the family controls package to manage application usage on iOS devices. I want to block access to all applications except those specifically allowed by the user. While the ManagedSettingsStore.shield.applications method works for defining apps to block. However, integrating the .all(except:) from ShieldSettings.ActivityCategoryPolicy.all(except:) is unfortunately not working for me. Here is my code snippit. Can anyone help out? And if anyone has examples of similar implementations or tips on best practices for using the Screen Time API for such scenarios, please let me know! class ShieldManager: NSObject, ObservableObject, NFCNDEFReaderSessionDelegate { @Published var discouragedSelections = FamilyActivitySelection() private let store = ManagedSettingsStore() func shieldActivities() { // Clear to reset previous settings store.clearAllSettings() // This is an array with the app and category selection let applications = discouragedSelection
Apr ’24
The plug-in or one of its prerequisite plug-ins may be missing or damaged and may need to be reinstalled.
I've downloaded xip-archive of Xcode to my external drive and tried to unarchive it. Then I opened Xcode.app and got this error. Same error I've got on my internal drive.My OS: macOS Hight Sierra 10.13.4Xcode 9.3------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[MT] DVTPlugInLoading: Failed to load code for plug-in com.apple.dt.dbg.DebuggerLLDB (/Volumes/Untitled/Xcode.app/Contents/PlugIns/DebuggerLLDB.ideplugin), error = Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3587 dlopen_preflight(/Volumes/Untitled/Xcode.app/Contents/PlugIns/DebuggerLLDB.ideplugin/Contents/MacOS/DebuggerLLDB): Library not loaded: @rpath/LLDB.framework/LLDB Referenced from: /Volumes/Untitled/Xcode.app/Contents/PlugIns/DebuggerLLDB.ideplugin/Contents/MacOS/DebuggerLLDB Reason: image not found UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=The bundle is damaged or missing necessary resources., NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Try reinstalling the bundle., NSFilePath=/Volumes/Untitled/Xcode.app/Contents/Plug
May ’18
Framework compilation with Command CodeSign failed with a nonzero exit code
I am trying to extract a protocol from an app to be able to use it in a siri intent. Yet when I compile it I get: note: Injecting stub binary into codeless framework (in target 'Virtual Tags Framework' from project 'Virtual Tags Framework') /Users/fabriziobartolomucci/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Virtual_Tags_Framework-chxutmulwgujeiceazyyzaphwner/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/Virtual_Tags_Framework.framework/Frameworks/ARKit.framework/Versions/A: bundle format unrecognized, invalid, or unsuitable Command CodeSign failed with a nonzero exit code
Jun ’24
In-App Purchases
I’ve developed my app and included in-app purchase features. I’ve written the code and added the buttons, but when clicked, I get a “package not found” error. From what I understand, Apple needs to approve the in-app purchases and review my app during the initial release. Following Apple’s documentation, I created new subscription systems, added screenshots and necessary texts, and marked the in-app purchases when submitting my app for review. However, my app keeps getting rejected multiple times. They encounter a “package not found” error when trying to make a purchase. In the review feedback for subscriptions and in-app purchases, they also mention that they cannot approve the in-app purchase products because the associated app has been rejected. I’ve contacted Apple Support, and they explained that in-app purchases and the app are reviewed separately. However, I can’t publish my app without including in-app purchases, and I can’t get the in-app purchases approved without my app b
Reply to Xcode compatibility
Yes of course ... As I said I did the update to the sequoia 15, and then I tried to run Xcode and the pop up appeared it said that Xcode is not compatible with the system. So I when to Xcode on Apple developer and downloaded a packet call Xcode 16.3 , and then it said that some dependancies are missing or broken I need to reinstall it... I try multiple time did not work . That why I came to the forum.