missing package product

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disable ATS
My App needs to send and receive messages to the server, but my server does not have SSL, so I can only disable ATS in the development stage. But if I want to put the app on the shelf, then I still disable ATS when I put it on the shelf, and the server still does not have SSL. Will it be packaged? Is pp warned and terminated by Xcode? Will it be rejected by the Apple audit department? Can it be put on the App Store normally and provided to all users? Note: My server is completely safe without any security risks. I didn't apply for SSL just because I didn't have enough funds.
Jun ’24
Reply to Instruments 15.0.1 on Sonoma 14.1.1 and CORE_ACTIVE_CYCLE kernel always 0
My understanding is that VMware's Fusion product doesn't expose host MSRs to enable vPMC, which prevents the guest OSes from running tools to collect the MSRs. Using the system view (with baselines vs load), albeit with some inaccuracies, is an alternative to using a different host OS for VMware. However, I ended up using a different host OS to get vPMC access in the guest. Thank you for the answer, I apologize for the delay in responding. Sam ps, I'll file a bug-report to ask for the kernel/user CORE-ACTIVE-CYCLE feedback, though likely this will be low priority given the IA32 nature of the request.
Jun ’24
Disable reverb effect in immersive spaces
I'm developing an app where a user can bring a video or content from a WKWebView into an immersive space using SwiftUI attachments on a RealityView. This works just fine, but I'm having some trouble configuring how the audio from the web content should sound in an immersive space. When in windowed mode, content playing sounds just fine and very natural. The spatial audio effect with head tracking is pronounced and adds depth to content with multichannel or Dolby Atmos audio. When I move the same web view into an immersive space however, the audio becomes excessively echoey, as if a large amount of reverb has been put onto the audio. The spatial audio effect is also decreased, and while still there, is no where near as immersive. I've tried the following: Setting all entities in my space to use channel audio, including the web view attachment. for entity in content.entities { entity.channelAudio = ChannelAudioComponent() entity.ambientAudio = nil entity.spatialAudio = nil } Changing the AVAudioSessionSpatialEx
Jun ’24
Error Xcode 15.3 Uploading to TestFlight - MinimumOSVersion
Hi, Im trying to upload my app to testflight and keep getting the following errors. I'm unsure of what to do. Would really appreciate any help! Asset validation failed Invalid MinimumOSVersion. Apps that only support 64-bit devices must specify a deployment target of 8.0 or later. MinimumOSVersion in 'AppName-App.app/Frameworks/FirebaseAnalytics.framework' is ''. (ID: 5c2f4b25-3b18-4417-8ea1-3fbe1819b235) Asset validation failed The bundle 'Payload/AppName-App.app/Frameworks/FirebaseAnalytics.framework' is missing plist key. The Info.plist file is missing the required key: CFBundleShortVersionString. Please find more information about CFBundleShortVersionString at https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/information_property_list/cfbundleshortversionstring (ID: bdd9b49c-beb4-4aa0-b44e-39ca394523c6) Asset validation failed Invalid Bundle. The bundle AppName-App.app/Frameworks/FirebaseAnalytics.framework does not support the minimum OS Version specified in the Info.plist. (ID:
Jun ’24
Reply to Xcode 15: Multiple Commands Produce Duplicate Info.plist Error
You appear to be having the same problem I just started having with my Info.plist file. It looks to me like 2 processes in Xcode 15 are trying to generate the Info.plist file. One is generating it from scratch and the other is trying to copy it into the build bundle. Hence the two lines under the error message: Target Restaurant Build ...has copy command Target Restaurant Build .. has process command In Build Phases under Copy Bundle Resources I had an an entry for Copy Info.plist. I think that is the copy command. In Build Settings under Packaging Section there is a parameter to Generate Info.plist file. Mine was set to Yes. I think that is the process command. I got rid of the Copy Bundle Resources entry for Info.plist and the problem went away for me. I can also leave the Copy Bundle Resources entry for Info.plist and set Generate Info.plist to No. However that results in a different error - that there is no Info.plist for the bundle. I have some custom properties I need in the Info.plist so my pr
Jun ’24
Writing to Production using an app not on TestFlight / AppStore
Is this possible? Here's what I'm trying: I'm making an app that reads from a CloudKit database. That's working fine. I made a second admin type app to update the database. But, of course, I don't intend to release the admin app to the public. So it was all working fine while testing in the development environment, but now that my public app is in TestFlight, and I have updated the necessary stuff that should allow me to write to production, but every attempt successfully writes to development, not production. I'm wondering if I submitted my admin app to TestFlight if it would work then. But that doesn't seem like a long term solution, since I think I would have to re-upload every 90 days... just doesn't seem ideal or correct. Do I HAVE to write the admin functionality in to the public app and hide it? What are better ways I could write to production other than manually through the console? Thanks everyone!
Jun ’24
Reply to Is there an upper limit on the number of subscription groups an app can offer?
There is a limit of 10,000 IAPs per app. There are a few apps, including one of mine, that have thousands of IAPs. I don't know if this applies to subscriptions in the same way that it applies to non-consumable purchases. The docs don't seem to distinguish between subscriptions and other IAPs so I guess it does. See: https://developer.apple.com/help/app-store-connect/configure-in-app-purchase-settings/overview-for-configuring-in-app-purchases You can create up to 10,000 in-app purchase products per app.
Jun ’24
How often should getTimeline be called in widgetkit?
Hi, I am implementing a widget where I make some network calls. I have set the timelineprovider to update on end, and I have about an hour of widgetkit entries going for each timeline. I notice that the getTimeline function is called an arbitrary amount of times, usually between 2-5 when my widget fetches new entries for the widget. I was under the impression that it should only call the getTimeline function once, and use the entires for all of my widgets (I 3 widgets in total, two for the lock screen and one for home screen). Am I missing something when it comes to understanding the basic lifecycle? Anyone else having these issues? I am using XCode 15.3 and developing for iOS 17.
Jun ’24
Wi-Fi scans for Remote ID
Hello, I am curious about possibilities and implementing WiFi scanning functionality in iOS apps, in relation to the concept of Remote ID for unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). Remote ID refers to the ability to identify and locate UAS while they are flying, for example using a smartphone. UAS broadcast e.g. location, speed, the id of the operator, height, and other information. Information is encoded into Bluetooth or Wi-Fi advertisements. I am developing an iOS application for the purpose of collecting data called DroneScanner. It scans for nearby RemoteID packets transfered using Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. I was able to implement Bluetooth scans using CoreBluetooth API but I did not find a way to implement Wi-Fi scanning. It is crucial for our users to be able to use Wi-Fi scans because it is one of the methods in the Remote ID standard and we also get negative reviews for missing it. I would need to access a list of Wi-Fi points that are visible from the device and also the raw content of the advertiseme
Jun ’24
What is the reason behind the apple rejects our App from the review which includes FMDB.framework where non of the required reason apis are used
Below is the GitHub link for the FMDB.framework contains privacyinfo.xcprivacy file provided as per the apple documentation were used in our App https://github.com/ccgus/fmdb I have reviewed the feedback, but I need additional clarification to fully understand the issue. Could you please provide more specific details or examples regarding the following points: We are using FMDB framework version 2.7.11 in our app available at https://github.com/ccgus/fmdb/ The version 4.0.0 submitted had the privacy file packaged as part of SQLCipher.bundle which resides under the FMDB framework. This was rejection with the same reason mentioned above. As a result, as part of Version 5.0.0 we have copied the privacy from the said bundle and placed it directly under the FMDB framework folder. This is rejected as well with the same reason again. Is there a concern because of empty values for the privacy keys? The GitHub source at https://github.com/ccgus/fmdb/ with the said version 2.7.11 does not use any APIs of conce
Jun ’24
My macOS app+helper is not in the System Preferences/Login Item/ "Allow Background" list
I created a macOS app that can run in foreground (NSApplicationActivationPolicyRegular) and in background (NSApplicationActivationPolicyAccessory) and can be launched by an Helper (Login Item) and run in background. I use XCode 15.3 (15E204a) on macOS 14.2.1 on a MacBook Pro 16, 2019, 2,3 GHz Intel Core i9 8 core. I archive my app, I notarize it for direct distribution then I save it to the /Applications folder. Then I delete my Debug app from …/Xcode/DerivedData/MyApp-dal…xu/Build/Products/Debug so I am sure I have one only copy of my app on the disk. I firstly launch my app as NSApplicationActivationPolicyRegular then I select my menu item Set the app as Login Item. So I call SMAppService *service = [SMAppService loginItemServiceWithIdentifier:@com.mydomain.Helper]; I get a service.status == SMAppServiceStatusNotFound So I am stuck. I notice that my app doesn't show up in the System Preferences/Login Items/ Allow Background list. So on Terminal I run the command sudo sfltool resetbtm Now the Allow
Jun ’24
Reply to Unable to import local XCFramework module
I was able to do this by adding a module.modulemap file to the Headers. This is all within my library Package project: // swift-tools-version: 6.0 import PackageDescription /** This package wraps FTDI’s D2XX library for macOS. In order to simp xcodebuild -create-xcframework -library /Users/rmann/Downloads/lib3mf_sdk_v2.3.1/Bin/lib3mf.dylib -headers /Users/rmann/Downloads/lib3mf_sdk_v2.3.1/Bindings/C -output lib3mf.xcframework */ let package = Package( name: SwiftD2XX, platforms: [.macOS(.v13)], products: [ .library( name: SwiftD2XX, targets: [SwiftD2XX] ), ], dependencies: [ .package(url: https://github.com/apple/swift-testing.git, branch: main), ], targets: [ .target( name: SwiftD2XX, dependencies: [ ftd2xx ] ), .binaryTarget( name: ftd2xx, path: ../ftd2xx.xcframework ), .testTarget( name: SwiftD2XXTests, dependencies: [ SwiftD2XX, .product(name: Testing, package: swift-testing), ] ), ] ) When I build my xcframework, I use this: xcodebui
Jun ’24