@NSApps Did you try Product > Clean Build Folder? Sometimes File > Packages > Reset Package Caches could also work when using packages in your app but I don't think it makes a difference here (since the package is the app). Did you set a team in the Signing and Capabilities editor? Maybe try to select it again.
missing package product
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It sounds like the package you forked from was made for use in Swift Playgrounds! That means it will have an iOSApplication product, which is only usable in the context of a Swift Playgrounds application. If you add the .swiftpm file extension to the folder that contains the package, you can open it in Swift Playgrounds or Xcode and use it as intended. If you don't use the iOS application product and don't want it, you can edit your Package.swift to remove it from the list of products.
Hi, I'm trying to build and upload an iOS app from the command line but when using altool to upload the IPA file, i get the following error: Error: Could not determine the package’s bundle ID. The package is missing an Info.plist or the CFBundlePackageType is not ‘APPL’ or ‘FMWK’. Unable to validate your application. (-21017) I'm building the app with the following steps: xcodebuild archive -scheme MyApp -workspace ./ios/MyApp.xcworkspace -configuration Release -archivePath ~/Downloads/test.xcarchive xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath ~/Downloads/test.xcarchive -exportOptionsPlist ./ios/MyApp/exportOptions.plist -exportPath ~/Downloads/test.ipa altool --upload-app -f ~/Downloads/test.ipa --type ios -u REDACTED -p REDACTED My Info.plist actually has a CFBundlePackageType key with the APPL value. I noticed there is no Info.plist file in the output folder (~/Downloads/test.ipa/), but i'm not even sure it should have one. My exportOption.plist file loks like this: method app-sto
More over; in yout test flight package; check that under the Store Information section; you are using apns production:...aps-environment: production...
Found my answer. In the target dependencies, need to include the package name as a string: // Targets are the basic building blocks of a package. A target can define a module or a test suite. // Targets can depend on other targets in this package, and on products in packages this package depends on. .target( name: DBCore, dependencies: [ AgileDB ]), .testTarget( name: DBCoreTests, dependencies: [DBCore]), ]
Hi, I made an application in JXA that I would like to distribute. 1. I downloaded and installed an installation certificate via my developer account, 2. I generated my PKG with the following distribution XML file: ```language code-block If I right click with the mouse and then open, the PKG runs. Is a tag missing in my XML? Do I need to generate another certificate? Thanks for your help
You have to set Add To Target to None when you don't want a Package Product. It work for me.
Oh, I'm so both upset and relieved right now.TL;DRThe state of Xcode / Application Loader's underlying submission tool was corrupted. All I had to do* was delete the .itmstransporter folder in my home directory and try again. I no longer get cryptic validation errors when hitting Validate in Xcode, and I no longer get false missing images when submitting the app archive.*other than wasting valuable days of developement time searching for answers, trying every combo, and filing radars for the various failure cases *sigh*BackgroundThe real clue in all of this was the top of the log file, which showed something like this:An error occurred while starting bundles for the software update process. Transporter will try to continue. Unresolved constraint in bundle com.apple.transporter.asperasupport [7]: Unable to resolve 7.0: missing requirement [7.0] package; (&(package=com.apple.transporter.transport.service)(version>=1.9.6)(version<=1.9.6)) [caused by: Unable to resolv
A) Sell the credits in packages and discount the larger packages.1 credit for $105 credits for $4525 credits for $20050 credits for $300B) have a set of products available for purchase but only display those products when the user has made previous purchases:User has no previous purchases: (show only products A and B) 1 credit for $10 (Product A) 10 credits for $100 (Product B) - limit quantity 2User has 25 previous purchases: (show only products C and D) 1 credit for $8 (Product C) 10 credits for $80 (Product D) - limit quantity 2User has 50 previous purchases: (show only products E and F) 1 credit for $6 (Product E) 10 credits for $60 (Product F)
Are these packages of yours dependencies in Package.swift, or do they live locally alongside your project? If the former, then my answer applies (make sure to .gitignore .swiftpm from whatever repo you're storing your packages in). If the latter, then this is standard behavior from Xcode as it autogenerates schemes for all local package products.
I'll answer my own post. You can not upload an app bundle (my-app.app) directly to the App Store. You need to upload a signed product package (my-app.pkg) to the store. This involves multiple steps including adding an entitlements file, adding the provisioning file, signing the app bundle and then finally creating and signing the product package.
Same situation here, got around the problem by adding library A as a new product of the package. e.g. let package = Package( name: PackageB, products: [ .library( name: PackageB, targets: [PackageB]), .library( name: LibraryA, targets: [LibraryA]) ], targets: [ .binaryTarget( name: LibraryA, url: https://url.to/LibraryA.xcframework.zip, checksum: checksum), .target( name: PackageB, dependencies: [ LibraryA ]) ]) Then add both libraries to App's Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content. Still would like a better solution.
How can I get my hands on the guidelines for packaging for accessories for apple products.
I'm using Swift Package Manager on an iOS app on Xcode 11 following the instructions from https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2019/408/Everything looks great, except Unit Tests won't work now.Screenshot: Errorhttps://www.dropbox.com/s/uws8hur4ro7bv5j/2265eb764586d19671d2e98f755533026fe76bd7.png?dl=0Screenshot: Navigatorhttps://www.dropbox.com/s/bovk30pqfa5ydw7/e7a8c97ecb1c7b30b22100c77012a65a87c91018.jpeg?dl=0Screenshot: Projecthttps://www.dropbox.com/s/p5smomqhb2n3gtc/313462f93c519e2d592792860fc62c2d1e027580_2_690x412.png?dl=0
I work on an Xcode project that has three targets: macOS app CLI shared framework (mostly shared types and constants) macOS app and CLI have NIO as a dependency. When I build and run targets in the default configuration, everything works. However, I plan to bundle the CLI into the main app bundle so users can install/symlink it to make it available in their PATH. When I add the Copy Files build phase and select the CLI product, the macOS app doesn't build with the error missing required module 'CNIOAtomics' that originates in the CLI. How to configure the build considering the requirements?