Environment Mac mini M4 Pro macOS: Version 15.1.1 (24B2091) Xcode: Version 16.1 (16B40) IME: Kotoeri, Google IME Code description struct ContentView: View { @State var text = “” @State var selection: TextSelection? var body: some View { VStack { TextEditor(text: $text, selection: $selection) } .padding() } } Issue Description When built for macOS (not Catalyst, Designed for iPad) and typing “あ” in Japanese input, it crashes. I tried using Kotoeri's Kana input, Kotoeri's Roman input, and Google IME, but the same error occurs and crashes in both cases. There is no issue when using English input. Errors (input method 56222 com.apple.inputmethod.Kotoeri.KanaTyping) (1): Fatal error: String index is out of bounds (input method 56338 com.apple.inputmethod.Kotoeri.RomajiTyping (1): Fatal error: String index is out of bounds Swift/StringUTF16View.swift:368: Fatal error: String index is out of bounds
Building for iOS Simulator, but the linked and embedded framework ‘XX.framework‘ was built for
167,651 results found
Hello! Few month ago i did get hacked on my pc and then my android and iphone. Did get at notice that payments couldent draw. lucky I only had 240kr on lunar card that it did draw 200kr to a gift card. Did get mail from skrill that a account whas created with one of my Gmail’s. Tryed to log them out but window did keep close. Gmail did flag like crazy and wanted me to change pw. how the **** when I lost control of my phone?!?!??! Just lock it god Damn. let’s make it short! I shared network to pc from my phone With usb. I don’t just think it whas a attacker program as Gmail did flag. I think I did get mirror linked on my android and maybe my iphone. Had a real struggle to reset my pc and phones before it worked. My iPhone drains battery like crazy and feels laggy sometimes. A non registered number whas added to two Gmail’s that they did try to change pw multiple times. did notice I Linux pc activity on my fb and some other stuff. My iphone do reboot still sometimes and every second reboot wifi/bluet c
Still crashing on Xcode 16.2 with iOS 18.2, macOS 15.2 and visionOS 2.2
Thank you for the update and for working on this issue. RealityKit is like SceneKit, both are 3D frameworks that use ARKit as the AR framework. So this may actually help isolate the issue to the ARKit/Game Center interaction. Plus I swear it was all working for me months ago. However I also just realize this is breaking a SceneKit AR app I already have in the store. Granted, not a very popular one. Still an annoying mess. I'll file the TPS.
ApplicationMusicPlayer with queue created from playlist crashes with random occurrence shortly after skipping back or forth using controls embedded in the notification, with the error on console log: applicationController: xpc service connection interrupted. I've noticed that the issue occurs more frequently the shorter is time between skipping entries. Since ApplicationMusicPlayer is run on a remote process, the main app does not crash, but the music stops playing without any exception, and the playback control turns uninitiated. Here is how I'm initiating the queue: let entries = playlist .with(.entries).entries! .map { ApplicationMusicPlayer.Queue.Entry($0) } ApplicationMusicPlayer.shared.queue = .init( entries, startingAt: entries.last ) Please give me some tips on how to solve this. EDIT: The issue does not occur when navigating quickly through the station.
It was good for a week after updating to ios 18.2. Now when I call or receive any phone call, it literally restart. even if I call using WhatsApp also. Also unable to play any video on it. Unable to use YouTube. Battery health is 89%. I already hard reset my phone. Even installed beta version 18.3. Still getting same problem. Even I purchased third party app to fix iOS issue but nothing is working.
I just started running into this a few days ago and I'm not sure why. Same behavior as described above. Everything is working fine, then I need to connect to a VPN for work and when I disconnect from the VPN and try to build the app again and deploy it to the phone, it fails with: Warning: unable to build chain to self-signed root for signer Apple Development: {redacted} (redacted) Command CodeSign failed with a nonzero exit code There is also mention of errSecInternalComponent. If I open keychain on my Mac, I see that my development certificate now says that it's not trusted. And indeed, as julian99 stated, if I change the trust settings to Always Trust, close that window, re-open the certificate again, change the trust settings back to Use System Defaults and then close the window again, it fixes the problem. For added fun, I have to connect and disconnect from the VPN a lot during the work day because the VPN configuration blocks all IPv6 traffic (including link-local traffic) so
I wanted to update this post with resources I found. It appears the automation for persistent anchors and world data maps has been configured as WorldAnchors. Currently, it looks like this is only supported in visionOS. https://developer.apple.com/documentation/visionos/tracking-points-in-world-space It appears that by simply adding a WorldAnchor that visionOS automatically tracks the world map, unloading and loading based on your location automatically in the background. This is amazing. Though, I'm not sure why this wouldn't be supported on iOs and iPadOS as well. Perhaps in the future it will be implemented as a core ARKit feature as well. To the best of my limited knowledge, it appears we will have to continue to use the previous methods for persistent data, which can be found here: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/arkit/arkit_in_ios/data_management/saving_and_loading_world_data However, I still have to try and implement this with RealityView. As it is my understanding that only RealityV
I know this is an old post, but I just came across this error on an DEP device that is running iPadOS 15.8.3. In case someone else has the same problem, iOS/iPadOS supports only UserEnrollment prior to iOS 16.
Also seeing this regression on iOS 18.0—I haven't tested other versions yet.
When configuring a Per-App VPN payload with 250+ Safari domains under a managed app, the VPN does not trigger for the other managed apps(like chrome etc). However, the same VPN successfully starts and works when used with Safari. Reducing the number of Safari domains in the VPN payload resolves the issue, allowing the VPN to trigger for the managed app as expected. Has anyone else faced this issue, and what's the workaround for it?
I already asked this, although I want to ask again so it boots and gets more people; When I try to run my project on the simulator, it tells me there is a bug. It is not in the code I wrote, but I believe in the compiler. It would work perfectly, say the build succeeded, but the phone turns white and stops there. I don't know how to debunk it, what to do! Picture of what happens with the phone: Picture of the debugging area: Picture of my code: If I need to add more things, please let me know. Have a great day!
Also started getting this after updating to iOS 18.2
Thanks to the iOS Developer Support team, we were able to identify the root cause of the issue. They pointed us toward the Apple App Site Association (AASA) file, which is required for Universal Links to function. It appears that this file is downloaded asynchronously after app installation, leading to the observed delay in executing the deep link. With this insight, we implemented a URL scheme deep link instead of relying on a Universal Link. Since URL schemes work immediately after installation, this resolved the problem entirely. I would suggest adding a hint or recommendation in the Custom Product Pages deep link input field in App Store Connect to encourage the use of URL scheme links instead of Universal Links, particularly for scenarios where immediate link execution is critical.
My app is live on the App Store with basic functionality and no login feature. I've now added sign-in options, including Sign in with Google,Apple. While the app works fine on both simulators(iphone, ipad) and my physical iPhone without any crashes, it was rejected during App Review due to a crash. The crash reports provided are specifically from iPads. On iPads, my app opens in a layout designed for phones. Here are the crash log ------------------------------------- Translated Report (Full Report Below) ------------------------------------- Incident Identifier: 20E15987-98DF-4F19-884A-6C64117FFBBE CrashReporter Key: 7deeb72ac4e45243b75a1d89c4f0078f34cc1a43 Hardware Model: iPad13,16 Process: Path: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/C237DF18-C3BC-41EB-B504-5C0A73262D3D/App_name/App_name Identifier: Bundle_identifier Version: 1.9 (5) AppStoreTools: 16C5031b Code Type: ARM-64 (Native) Role: Foreground Parent Process: launchd [1] Coalition: Bundle_identifier [884] Date/Time: 2024-12-31 04:30:19.