missing package product

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SubscriptionStoreView not displaying subscriptions in distributed app
Hello, My app has been published and distributed on the App Store on 2024/07/24. There are four available subscriptions from within the app, belonging to the same subscription group. All four subscriptions are approved. To display the subscriptions to the users, I use the SubscriptionStoreView(groupID: String) view provided by StoreKit 2. The groupID used in my app is the same as in App Store Connect. My app has the in-app purchase capability. Everything worked perfectly during the development phase, and the team in charge of reviewing subscriptions on Apple’s side managed to view the storefront with all four subscriptions. No new build has been submitted since 2024/07/24. However, when accessing the storefront (i.e. when the SubscriptionStoreView is displayed) from the distributed app in the App Store, subscriptions are not properly shown. As per the screenshots: On 2024/07/26 @ 01:56 PM (GMT+2), there were two available subscriptions out of four when opening the store front from my iPad, and one available s
Reply to Crash by SwiftData MigarionPlan
I'm facing the same issue as you. When testing on iOS 18 (I don't have a lower version device) using Xcode, everything works fine. However, the app crashes when distributed through TestFlight, and strangely, the second time I try to run it, the crash is gone. The error message indicates a missing critical piece of data. In a moment of desperation, I wrote some seemingly silly code, but surprisingly, it worked, and the TestFlight crash no longer occurs. before: @MainActor class MyModelContainer { @AppStorage(StorageKeys.iCloudSync) public var iCloudSync: Bool = true static let shared = MyModelContainer() let container: ModelContainer private init() { let schema = Schema(versionedSchema: SchemaLatest.self) container = try! ModelContainer(for: schema, migrationPlan: MeMigrationPlan.self, configurations: [ModelConfiguration(isStoredInMemoryOnly: false, cloudKitDatabase: Preferences.shared.iCloudSync ? .automatic : .none)]) } } after: @MainActor class MyModelContainer { @AppStorage(StorageKeys.iCloudSync)
Reply to Ventura Hack for FireWire Core Audio Support on Supported MacBook Pro and others...
Hi friends, For the past 14 years, I have been using a Focusrite Saffire Liquid 56 sound card paired with a mid-2011 Mac mini running Mavericks 10.9.5 (FireWire cable -> FireWire-Thunderbolt adapter). A few days ago, I bought a Mac mini M1 running Ventura 13.1, convinced that I could still use this old sound card via the Thunderbolt 3 (USB-C)-Thunderbolt 2 adapter (which I do not yet possess). However, I discovered, after contacting Focusrite support, that the sound card is not compatible with the new ARM processors (or at least they have not tested it) and that the latest supported operating systems are Catalina and Windows 10 (Build 1809). Additionally, I learned that with Ventura, compatibility with core audio FireWire has been lost, but there is still compatibility with Monterey but not with all versions. At the same time, I stumbled upon some videos on the web that attest to partial functionality of some FireWire protocol audio interfaces with the connection FireWire cable -> FireWire-Thun
Reply to Widgets & Live activities debug install dosen't work
The way I resolved the problem is the following: In Products -> Schemes -> Manage Schemes, I created a new scheme with the application instead of the widget extension (which was the default scheme made by Xcode). When I built with this scheme, no error showed up. I think it solved the problem, I just can't test it right now because my developer license isn't activated yet. Thanks to Jackson-G for the help!
How to create Lunar Rover USDZ Animated Sample File
Hello! I’ve got a USDZ export from Maya pipeline working with animation, and they load up nicely in the Vision Pro. I’ve been checking out the animated sample files in the Augmented Reality/Quick Loop sample page, specifically, the first three at the top of the page. I would like to know how they are created. I’m a 3d modeler and animator, not a programmer, so dipping my toe in RCP and Xcode/SwiftUI, but could used some informative tutorials for proper workflow. For example, in the Lunar Rover sample, there are lines emanating from the model, then text windows appear. Would I need to create all these extras inside Reality Composer Pro? I’d like to start creating immersive, narrative experiences (both in a volume, and fully immersive) but for prototyping, I want to learn the proper way to add this type of functionality. I think I remember seeing something to do with “schemas” involved. I’m assuming there might be some coding to setup in RCP for when items are selected, then an associated animation is triggered
Reply to How to build projects once?
[quote='760571021, CrazyDef, /thread/760571, /profile/CrazyDef'] Our setup uses Premake to generate platform specific project files. On Windows it creates a Visual Studio solution and project files, on Linux it creates makefiles, and on MacOS it generates an Xcode workspace and project files. [/quote] I suggest starting out by creating new Xcode projects directly in Xcode, and then creating a mock project that models the complexity between the different apps and modules, without the existing source code as part of that mix. This accomplishes two things: Let's you learn how to configure your project relationships manually, so you get a feel of how Xcode expects you to do it out of the box, and then fine tune things to your needs Removes your third-party tooling from the picture, which might have made assumptions that gets in the way of your goal Based on what you provided, I will provide a synopsis here of the top things to look at, but I also encourage you to spend time with the Build system documentation, in
Reply to Honoring User's Changed Selection when Registering macOS MainApp with SMAppService
The rationale for the approach is that we are on pace to become a required third party tool for the organization. Agree to the point of letting the user choose if the app should run as a login item. I have seen other apps offer a notification to allow the user choice to add as a login item. Is there a hook to detect if a sanboxed app is opened as a login item instead of manually that we can detect? We are a 3rd party tool installed directly thru .pkg
Forcing right to left text direction in Xcode UI test prevents sliders from moving
I'm using the following code to launch a UI test that forces a specific app language and moves a slider. I noticed that when forcing right to left text direction (for Arabic or Hebrew), during the UI test the slider doesn't move. The app content: struct ContentView: View { @State private var slider = 0.0 var body: some View { Slider(value: $slider, in: 0.0...1.0) } } The UI test: final class problemUITests: XCTestCase { func testExample() throws { let app = XCUIApplication() let locale = Locale(identifier: ar) app.launchArguments += [-AppleLanguages, (ar), -AppleLocale, ar] if locale.language.characterDirection == .rightToLeft { app.launchArguments += [-NSForceRightToLeftWritingDirection, YES, -AppleTextDirection, YES] } app.launch() app.sliders.element.adjust(toNormalizedSliderPosition: 0.3) } } Am I missing something or is there a workaround?
Store does not allow new publications
The Fertile development team has been developing a paid subscription service for the app since January using Asaas (a payment service in Brazil). However, after 6 months, when the app was already in production and receiving subscriptions, we received a rejection message saying that the app had been rejected and that we would need to replace the payment method with Apple's InAppPurchase. Is the App Store only accepting paid apps that use Apple's own payment service?
Reply to Unable to import ObjC interface from a package in a public ObjC file in a framework
Upon reviewing the issue, I believe the linking between Swift and Objective-C should be straightforward, given that the Objective-C package has a good umbrella header file. A bridging header should have been automatically generated during the project setup, allowing you to import the Objective-C file into Swift. Assuming your project language is Swift, and you're aiming to integrate an existing Objective-C package, you can refer to Apple's documentation for more details on importing objectives-c frameworks: Using Frameworks in Swift. Here are a couple of things to check and consider: Ensure that the bridging header file is indeed generated and complied correctly. You can check this in Build Phases, under Headers Search Paths. Double-check that the protocol you are trying to access is included in the Objective-C umbrella header. Alternatively, you could create a new .swift file that just imports the necessary headers and exposes the protocol to Swift. I noticed that there doesn’t seem to be a
Urgent: Unable to Access Funds in Developer Account for Almost Two Years
Hello, I am writing to seek urgent assistance with a long-standing issue regarding my Apple Developer account. For nearly two years, I have had funds accumulated in my account from app sales, but I have been unable to access them. Despite numerous attempts to contact Apple Support via email and other channels, I have not received any response or assistance. The funds have remained in my account, and every time I try to reach out for help, my requests go unanswered. This has been a frustrating experience, and I am at a loss on how to proceed further to resolve this matter. Can someone from the Apple Developer Support team please help me with this issue or guide me on how to speak with a representative over the phone? Your assistance in resolving this matter promptly would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Best regards, Nitzan. Y&N AI Solutions (which is by now already closed)
In-App Purchase works in TestFlight but not after Distribution
Good Day, This is my first app with In-App Purchase (IAP) for three simple consumable products. Ad For 1 Month, 2 Months and 3 Months. It works fine in Xcode and in TestFlight. App was approved and was automatically placed in App Store for distribution on July 25 morning. App publishes user's first ad free, by-passing StoreKit. but 2nd Ad onwards goes thru IAP. App works fine except screen with 3 consumable products/prices is not being displayed. Means IAP is not available in the distributed App whereas it all works fine in TestFlight. I googled, checked documents, asked chatGPT and submitted a question to Support (waiting for response). I don't know what I am missing. I read that it takes a day or two for IAP to work in App Store. Will appreciate any help. Thanks.
App store preview images other than screenshots
I'm trying to figure out where/how I can post images to my app store listing that aren't directly screenshots of my app. When I browse the app store, plenty of images for apps are something like a screenshot overlayed on top of some promotional text. When I create my app store listing, I am only allowed to post exact screenshots from an iphone/ipad. Any deviation gets rejected. What I'd like to do is have a screenshot that ALSO has some text above/below it for promotional and explanation purposes. Any idea what I'm missing? How do I do this?
IPA publication errors to App Store Connect
Hello! Need help! We face errors during the app processing on the last step of app publication to App Store Connect. Our situation: we receive unsigned .xcarchive file from our partners, which should be signed, transformed into ipa and submitted to App Store, but we don`t have code access, therefore the whole process is made using terminal and transporter app. The error we face is connected with SwiftSupport folder. The first error was about the missing SwiftSupport folder. So we added this folder alongside Payload folder inside IPA file. Our SwiftSupport folder includes all the .dylib files of iphoneos, copied from the latest Xcode version. Later we receive error which says that the .dylib files should be located in /Payload/Totalvideo.app/Frameworks. i moved all the .dylib files into /Payload/Totalvideo.app/Frameworks. Another error says that SwiftSupport folder shouldn't be empty. I located the .dylib files in both /Payload/Totalvideo.app/Frameworks and SwiftSupport/iphoneos folders, but the error