iOS is the operating system for iPhone.

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SwiftUI app crashes while scrolling section in List via ScrollViewReader
In our SwiftUI application , we are using List in one of our screen. We have a requirement to scroll to specific section header. Below code works fine till iOS16 and from iOS16 onwards we are getting the app crash. Can anyone suggest me any probable solution to achive this ?.         ScrollViewReader { proxy in             List {                 ForEach(Array(viewModel.newSections), id: .self) { sectionName in                     Section(header: VStack { LeaguesScheduleListSectionView(text: sectionName) }) {                         ForEach(viewModel.newRowsPerSection[sectionName] ?? []) { leagueScheduleEvent in                             LeaguesScheduleListRowView(leagueSchedule: leagueScheduleEvent)                         }                     }                     .id(sectionName)                 }             }             .listStyle(.plain)             .onAppear(perform: {                  if viewModel.newSections.contains("Today/Ongoing"),                  viewModel.newRowsPerSection[("Today/Ongoing")]?.count ?? 0 > 0 {                  proxy.scrollTo("Today/Ongoing", anchor: UnitPoint.topLeading)                  }             })         }
Dec ’23
Unknown Insta-Crash With NO_CRASH_STACK
Hi! We've recently released an usual app-update, but suddenly got a bunch of crashes in App Store Connect and almost none in Firebase Crashlytics. According to customer support, for some users the app insta-crashes. A white screen appears for a flash and then they're returned to the home screen. The app always insta-crashes, only a reinstall fixes it. It makes sense while Crashlytics isn't reporting any crashes, because it doesn't even get a chance to run and upload the crash reports to their server. The Xcode organizer does show a bunch of crashes, but with no stack trace. It just says MyApp: NO_CRASH_STACK. Looking at the explicit 'xccrashpoint' in Finder reveals a couple of crash reports, that I've attached, but they're not that useful. As far as I can tell, the app crashes while it's trying to load the Swift core, that's embedded in the app, but I'm not sure why that would cause a crash. Maybe it was supposed to use the library embedded in iOS (/usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib)? Any help would be greatly appreciated 🍺! report.crash
Nov ’23
Where is the iOS 16.3 simulator? Why doesn't Apple release it?
The app I created works normally on 16.2 and 16.4. However, the app reviewer says it doesn't work on iPad 16.3. It didn't work when I actually saw the screenshot. I want to fix this problem, but 16.3 Simulator is not available. I bought a MacBook for app development, bought an iPhone for testing, and now I have to buy an iPad. I don't know why simulators exist. This is very nonsense.
Sep ’23
CFBundleTypeIconFiles or UTTypeIconFiles?
Dear Experts, I'm attempting to make a custom icon appear in the iOS Files app, etc., for my file type. I've found a couple of bits of documentation for Info.plist keys: describes UTTypeIconFiles, to be included in UTImportedTypeDeclarations. This documentation is very sparse! Older document describes CFBundleTypeIconFiles, to be included in CFBundleDocumentTypes. Which of these should I be using? (Both? Neither?) Nothing I've tried so far has worked. I wonder if I need to, for example, power-cycle to make the Files app pick up the new icons. Also, in Xcode, I've found the Imported Type Identifiers section of the Info settings which has a box labelled "Add imported type identifiers here" - but clicking + and choosing a file does nothing; the box remains empty. Anyone else have that problem? What size should the icons be? The older document suggests some rather small sizes, e.g. 22x29; the newer doc says nothing. Suggestions anyone?
Aug ’23
Xcode 14.0 not building to iOS 16.3 device
I am developing an iOS app targeting iOS 16.0 using Xcode 14.0. I can build and run the app using the Xcode simulator, but when I try to run the app on my device using iOS 16.3 I get the following error message from Xcode: The run destination [device name] is not valid for Running the scheme [app name]: Failed to prepare the device for development. This operation can fail if the version of the OS on the device is incompatible with the installed version of Xcode. You may also need to restart your Mac and device in order to correctly detect compatibility. I have tried restarting both my machine and device, cleaning build folders but nothing seams to work. Is this an issue with Xcode 14.0 or iOS 16.3?
Sep ’23
Matter device commissioning failed with i-phone.
Hello, I trying to commission and joint thread matter device through I-phone ( ios 16.3.1) and apple home pod mini (16.3.2). After scanning QR code and following setup process it fails to add accessory and iPhone shows" Pairing with device failed" (attaching screen shot). I confirmed with device manufacturer, and it seems to be problem from apple side. Any help will be appreciated, Thank you.
Aug ’23
Picker selection not changing
Hello, I have made a picker that is filled with data from an API endpoint. The data is retrieved and shown properly, however, when trying to change the selection on the picker, it does not work. For simple demonstration i have put the picker in a empty view. Here is the code: import SwiftUI struct TestView: View { struct Subject: Hashable { let subjectId: Int let subjectName: String } @State var subjects: [Subject] = [] @State var selectedSubject: Subject? = nil var body: some View { VStack { Picker(selection: $selectedSubject, label: Text("Kies een vak")) { ForEach(subjects, id: \.self) { subject in Text(subject.subjectName).tag(subject) } } .frame(width: 300, height: 50) .background( .cornerRadius(10) .onChange(of: selectedSubject) { newSubject in print("Chosen subject: \(newSubject?.subjectId ?? -1)") } Text("Chosen subject: \(selectedSubject?.subjectId ?? -1)") } .onAppear { Api().extractSubjects { subjects in DispatchQueue.main.async { self.subjects = { TestView.Subject(subjectId: $0.subjectId, subjectName: $0.subjectName) } } } } } } To better illustrate what I mean i have made a screenrecording: I hope you guys and girls can help me out. If you need more info, please let me know! Any help or suggestion is greatly appreciated, thanks!
Jan ’24
Upwork uploading App to App store
Hello so i have a few apps that im getting developed on upwork and i have practically 0 knowledge as far as how anything works as far as computer science type stuff. i just want to know what is the correct procedure as far as letting somebody upload the app to my apple developer account. do i give them my AppleID and password and let them do it and then change my password after they're done? any information would be greatly appreciated. thank you
Aug ’23
Unity IOS App Crash on multiple clicking of External Link
Issue: I have an app built on Unity for the IOS platform. The app has multiple external links. When I clicked them one by one then safari opens that link. I switch back to my app and again click the links. If I do this multiple times then my app crashes. Context: The app was working totally fine when I have IOS version 15.4. I have done this step multiple times and in an extremely fast way but not a single time did I face a crash. But as soon I update the IOS version to 16.4 then crash starts to happen. Build Environment: Unity: 2021.3.14f1 MacOS: 12.6.3 Xcode: 14.0.1 (14A400) IOS: 16.4 I would appreciate it if somebody take time from their busy schedule and help me out.
Aug ’23
After Last Xcode Update (14.3 14E222b) I am no longer able to archive my app
A few days ago, I updated to a new XCode version. I am trying to upload a new version of my dictionary app. Despite the app continues to work on iPhone and iPad emulator and on my MacBook air without any problems, archiving fails, with errors like: "Showing Recent Messages PhaseScriptExecution [CP]\ Embed\ Pods\ Frameworks /Users/***/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/TDSo zluk-fyaevjsikqxslsfftcfoztnlvofn/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/TDSozluk/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/ (in target '' from project 'TDSozluk') cd /Users/****/Documents/xcode\ tutorials/TDSozluk /bin/sh -c /Users/***Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/TDSozluk-fyaevjsikqxslsfftcfoztnlvofn/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/TDSozluk/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/ mkdir -p /Users/****/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/TDSozluk-fyaevjsikqxslsfftcfoztnlvofn/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/TDSozluk/BuildProductsPath/Release-iphoneos/ Symlinked... rsync --delete -av --filter P ..?????? --links --filter "- CVS/" --filter "- .svn/" --filter "- .git/" --filter "- .hg/" --filter "- Headers" --filter "- PrivateHeaders" --filter "- Modules" "../../../IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/GoogleUtilities.framework" "/Users/***/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/TDSozluk-fyaevjsikqxslsfftcfoztnlvofn/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/TDSozluk/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/Applications/" building file list ... rsync: link_stat "/Users/****/Documents/xcode tutorials/TDSozluk/../../../IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/GoogleUtilities.framework" failed: No such file or directory (2) done sent 29 bytes received 20 bytes 98.00 bytes/sec total size is 0 speedup is 0.00 rsync error: some files could not be transferred (code 23) at /AppleInternal/Library/BuildRoots/97f6331a-ba75-11ed-a4bc-863efbbaf80d/Library/Caches/ [sender=2.6.9] Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code mkdir -p /Users/**/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/TDSozluk-fyaevjsikqxslsfftcfoztnlvofn/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/TDSozluk/BuildProductsPath/Release-iphoneos/ Symlinked... rsync --delete -av --filter P ..?????? --links --filter "- CVS/" --filter "- .svn/" --filter "- .git/" --filter "- .hg/" --filter "- Headers" --filter "- PrivateHeaders" --filter "- Modules" "../../../IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/GoogleUtilities.framework" "/Users/****/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/TDSozluk-fyaevjsikqxslsfftcfoztnlvofn/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/TDSozluk/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/Applications/" building file list ... rsync: link_stat "/Users/altan/Documents/xcode tutorials/TDSozluk/../../../IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/GoogleUtilities.framework" failed: No such file or directory (2) done sent 29 bytes received 20 bytes 98.00 bytes/sec total size is 0 speedup is 0.00 rsync error: some files could not be transferred (code 23) at /AppleInternal/Library/BuildRoots/97f6331a-ba75-11ed-a4bc-863efbbaf80d/Library/Caches/ [sender=2.6.9] Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code" I don't know if the problem arises from something I did but despite I did everything I could find online (like reinstalling cocoapods, uninstalling them, defining the google modules expilitly, etc.) I am failing with flying colors. Since I cannot archive the app I cannot upload it to the store. What should I do? TIA P.S. After the first version of the app (which I successfully archived and published) I changed its app/module name from TDSozluk to However this caused no complications till the latest XCode update and I WAS able to archive and upload many (about 5) updates of the newly named app (ie
Aug ’23
In-App Purchase Restore - No observers found
When I execute a restore on my in-app purchase I'm getting a warning, however the restore is successfully executed. I think this is something new with Xcode 14.3. My test device is running iOS 16.4 This is the warning: <SKPaymentQueue: 0x283708a80>: No observers found that respond to "paymentQueue:shouldAddStorePayment:forProduct:", will not check for purchase intents It fires at this point in the code. If I comment out the first line, I don't get the warning however, the restore doesn't execute. Is anybody else seeing this or do I have something wrong in my code? I know it's only a warning but any help would be appreciated. @IBAction func restoreButtonTapped(_ sender: UIBarButtonItem) { SKPaymentQueue.default().add(self) SKPaymentQueue.default().restoreCompletedTransactions() } I've included the rest of the code just for a completeness. func paymentQueue(_ queue: SKPaymentQueue, updatedTransactions transactions: [SKPaymentTransaction]) { for transaction in transactions { switch transaction.transactionState { case .purchasing: //print("Purchase in progress...") break case .purchased: //print("Purchase Successful") SKPaymentQueue.default().finishTransaction(transaction) //print("Transaction Complete") // Hide the restore button navigationItem.setRightBarButton(nil, animated: true) //Set the BaseVerion in the Db to true IAPHandler.set_BaseVersion_To_Purchased() //Also hide the Purchase button UIView.animate(withDuration: 1.0, animations: { [weak self] in self?.purchaseButton.alpha = 0 }) { [weak self] (success) in self?.selector_Top_Constraint.constant = 30 } case .failed: if let error = transaction.error { let errorDescription = error.localizedDescription print("Transaction failed due to error: \(errorDescription)") } case .restored: SKPaymentQueue.default().finishTransaction(transaction) //print("Transaction Complete") // Hide the restore button navigationItem.setRightBarButton(nil, animated: true) // Set the BaseVerion in the Db to true IAPHandler.set_BaseVersion_To_Purchased() // Also hide the Purchase button UIView.animate(withDuration: 1.0, animations: { [weak self] in self?.purchaseButton.alpha = 0 }) { [weak self] (success) in self?.selector_Top_Constraint.constant = 30 } case .deferred: //print("Purchase Deferred") break @unknown default: if let error = transaction.error { let errorDescription = error.localizedDescription print("Transaction failed due to error: \(errorDescription)") } break } } } @IBAction func purchaseButtonTapped(_ sender: UIButton) { let theAlert = UIAlertController.init(title: K.Titles.pleaseChoose, message: nil, preferredStyle: .actionSheet) let theCancleAction = UIAlertAction(title: K.Titles.cancel, style: .cancel) let thePurchaseAction = UIAlertAction(title: K.DefaultList_Buttons.purchase_BaseVersion_Btn, style: .default) { [weak self] (action2) in if SKPaymentQueue.canMakePayments() { // User can make payments let paymentRequest = SKMutablePayment() paymentRequest.productIdentifier = self!.base_Product_ID SKPaymentQueue.default().add(self!) SKPaymentQueue.default().add(paymentRequest) } else { // User cannot make payments print("User cannot make payments") } } theAlert.addAction(thePurchaseAction) theAlert.addAction(theCancleAction) theAlert.setValue(NSAttributedString(string: theAlert.title ?? "", attributes: [.font : UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: (gDefaultTextSize - 2), weight: UIFont.Weight.semibold)]), forKey: "attributedTitle") let popOver = theAlert.popoverPresentationController popOver?.sourceView = sender popOver?.sourceRect = sender.bounds popOver?.permittedArrowDirections = .any present(theAlert, animated: true) }
Nov ’23
Problem: App Cannot be installed because its integrity could not be verified
Hi, I am currently coding an App using Xcode (Swift). For installing my app on devices I make us of over the air installation (OTAI). When ever I want to test it on my own device and I download & install it there is no problem at all. But when I try to install it on a third IOS device, the error "App Cannot be installed because its integrity could not be verified" appears. In general, I want the App to be installable through OTAI. It will not be listed on the AppStore. When archiving the app on Xcode, I use following options: Ad Hoc Additional Options: ✅ Include manifest for over-the-air-installation My URLs Automatically manage signing and then I just export and upload the IPA on Thank you for helping me! :)
Sep ’23
Safari 16.4 seems to lose session cookies on asset requests or javascript fetches.
On iPads after updating to iPadOS 16.4, Safari often "looses" the session cookie provided by PlayFramework: When the browser requests assets (js scripts) or when additional data is fetched by JavaScript, the session cookie is not included in the request. These secondary requests will redirect through our IAM because no session cookie is present. The IAM redirects back to the original domain with a payload so that the login session can be resumed. A new Set-Cookie header is sent in the response with the new session cookie. This causes the framework to issue a new CSRF token (that is part of the session cookie) which is different from the old one that was already rendered into a hidden form input. The browser stores this new token and includes it when it POSTs the form. The token in the body of the request is now different from the one in the cookies, causing the CSRF check to fail. We have tried different devices (Android, Windows, MacBook, and iPads) on different versions. The problem only occurs with Safari on iPad/MacBook running version 16.4, 16.4.1, or 16.5 beta. The problem cannot be reproduced using Chrome on iPad. Furthermore, the problem does not occur with private browsing in Safari. Some things we ruled out: Same behaviour on devices managed by MDM and on open devices. PlayFramework version is now updated to the latest 2.8 version. Using a separate cookie for the CSRF token (instead of the play session cookie) does not make a difference either. Modifying the Cache-Control header to cache responses more aggressively or not at all does not help. Has anyone also experienced this or similar problems?
Aug ’23
JavaScriptCore / WkWebView JavaScript engine speed comparison
I ran a series of CPU-intensive tests, with code written in JavaScript on my iPad. I can execute the JavaScript code using either JavaScriptCore, or by using a WkWebView and making it load and execute the JavaScript. I found that JavaScriptCore is 12 to 15 times slower than WKWebView (18.3 s instead of 1.1 s). That seems huge. Is there any way to speed it up? Is there any reason why it's so slow? While we're at it, are there differences between the WebAssembly engine in JavaScriptCore and the one in WkWebView?
Jul ’23
Resuming a file download in the background on iOS sometimes corrupts the file
To download files, we have two NSURLSession objects. One configured for foreground downloads and one for background downloads. Initially, we download user-requested files in the foreground using downloadTaskWithRequest, because foreground downloads are faster than background downloads. We then also start a background task for each download using beginBackgroundTaskWithName:expirationHandler:. This background task's expiration handler starts a background download if the download didn't complete in the foreground. It cancels the foreground download with resume data using cancelByProducingResumeData. A background download task is then started using downloadTaskWithResumeData. Now, testing has shown that background download tasks resume correctly (the urlSession(_:downloadTask:didResumeAtOffset:expectedTotalBytes:) callback is called by iOS) if the background task is started immediately. However, iOS can decide to start these background download tasks later. As a sidenote, the isDiscretionary property of our background download session is set to the default, which should be false. The issue we have is that background downloads that are resumed several minutes (6,5 minutes in the session I'm currently looking at) after their original foreground download was cancelled, are not resumed properly. They download the remaining part of the file, but the first part that was downloaded in the foreground is lost. What could have happened? Perhaps the temporary file has been deleted in the meantime? Is there some way to maintain this file or detect this case?
Mar ’24