Signing Certificates

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A signing certificate is a digital identity used for code signing during the build and archive process.

Posts under Signing Certificates tag

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Apple TV as iPod in Apple Developer Center
I have a bizzare issue with my Apple TV that is shown as "iPod" in Apple developer portal. It's correctly visible in Xcode as Apple TV, but when I add it to developer portal it says "iPod". The problem is since it's there as an iPod I can't use it to my provisioning profile to build on the device Anyone has any idea how this can be solved? [Edited by Moderator]
Jun ’24
No profiles for ... were found
Hi, I'm having some problems signing my application. Everything was working fine until recently when the certificates expired and I got these kinds of errors when I try to upload the app to AppStoreConnect. I can build the app in dev and production mode without any issue and I can create an archive. Problems occur when uploading to AppStoreConnect. The idea would be to let Xcode take care of signing everything necessary by checking the "Automatically manage signing" box. All my targets are in "Automatically manage signing" mode. I tried to delete all the certificates and provisioning profiles that I found on the Apple portal and then generate them again, but the problem is the same. There are two of us on the team, plus a CI machine (this should be the CI that takes care of signing everything needed to send a release to AppStoreConnect). If you have an idea, I'm interested! Thanks in advance, Alexandre
Jun ’24
About ITMS-91065
In order to facilitate management, we integrate some SDKs such as Firebase into one of our own internally used SDKs. Recently, when submitted to the appstore, we were prompted that FirebaseCrashing included in the SDK lacked the necessary signature (ITMS-91065). The information that can be confirmed is that after packaging the SDK through secondary packaging, the original signature is lost. And we have a static reference. So what I want to ask is whether we can only manually sign our secondary packaging sdk (the signature is our own certificate different from the original Firebase) to solve this ITMS-91065 problem. According to the description of the Apple Developer Conference, Apple only verifies the consistency and security of the SDK and does not record the signature of each SDK on Apple's servers. Therefore, you should only need to ensure that the SDK is in a signed state to comply with Apple's review requirements. (My guess is still being verified)
May ’24
Automatic signing failed
I have added an additional capability called "User Assigned Device Name" into my application(The provisions for Development, Ad hoc & App Store Connect etc already received from Apple). Since then we are facing issues on code signing. We are trying to Sign in Automatically and getting the below error always. /.xcodeproj Provisioning profile "iOS Team Provisioning Profile: com..*******" doesn't include the entitlement. Contact notes entitlements are not a part of our additional capabilities as we requested separately with Apple and received it in the provisioning profile long back. Actually that time the same(contacts notes entitlements) was not a part of the additional capabilities. Please advise if any one has gone through such a conflict and resolved.
May ’24
Unable to Verify Code Signature with Error 0xe8008018 Despite Troubleshooting Attempts
Hello everyone, I am encountering a persistent issue with Xcode where I’m unable to install my app on a testing device due to the following error message: Failed to verify code signature of /var/installd/Library/Caches/ : 0xe8008018 (The identity used to sign the executable is no longer valid.) Here’s what I have tried so far to resolve this issue: 1. Ensured that all my certificates and provisioning profiles are current and valid. 2. Removed all related certificates from my Keychain and reinstalled new ones. 3. Cleaned and rebuilt the project multiple times. 4. Unpaired the device and paired it again. 5. Reinstalled the latest version of Xcode. 6. Performed a complete restore of my Mac. Despite these troubleshooting steps, I am still facing the same issue. I would greatly appreciate any insights or experiences related to this error from anyone who has overcome similar challenges. Thank you in advance for your help!
May ’24
Cannot access Certificates, IDs, & Profiles
When I accessed the page "Certificates, IDs, & Profiles", it shows "Unable to find a team with the given Team ID 'XXXXXXXXXX' to which you belong. Please contact Apple Developer Program Support.". I confirmed my developer account was paid in 6 months and should be valid. I accessed 2 weeks ago without any problem. This is the screenshot.
May ’24
Can macOS apps with entitlements be developed locally without deployment privileges?
I am developing a suite of apps/helpers that get built into an installer package for deployment (outside The App Store). We have that release process ± working, except that most of the development team members are not admins/privileged on the team. They don't really need to publish on behalf of the team, and so we don't want to have debug builds also depend on being signed as "Developer ID Application". But that is running into problems… If I select instead "Sign to Run Locally" this results in an error for some of the build products along the lines of: [Build Target] requires a provisioning profile. Enable development signing and select a provisioning profile in the Signing & Capabilities editor. If I select "Apple Development" as the Code Signing Identity it leaves me with basically the same error as "Developer ID Application" does: Provisioning profile [Name of App/Helper] doesn't include signing certificate "Apple Development: [Name of Developer] ([TEAMID])" And finally, if simply set the Debug value for Provisioning Profile to "None" for the problematic products I get errors like: "[Name of app]" requires a provisioning profile. Select a provisioning profile in the Signing & Capabilities editor. I believe perhaps because some of the targets have an entitlements file granting access to various things (their own XPC services, their own shared preferences, as well as Outgoing Network Connections and access…). In older versions of Xcode and/or macOS we didn't have trouble like this, local development could be done by basically any team member. Now it seems like maybe all developers need to have release-signing privileges to test/debug even on their own machines? Or is there a combination I'm missing, that would allow anyone on the team (or perhaps not even on the team) to build and debug the code locally, while still limiting who is able to actually sign notarized release builds on behalf of the team?
May ’24
Target release_unpack_ios failed: Exception: Failed to codesign
I'm trying to compile my project to upload to the Apple Store, but I'm encountering the following error and I'm not finding a solution. Target release_unpack_ios failed: Exception: Failed to codesign /Users/projetos03/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Runner-fawumbalfprcejfqeukpogdffliw/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/Runner/BuildProductsPath/Release-iphoneos/Flutter.framework/Flutter with identity 8AEA2F49955A0 9A7CD98E041ABA46E18BAE7745E . /Users/projetos03/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Runner-fawumbalfprcejfqeukpogdffliw/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/Runner/BuildProductsPath/Release-iphoneos/Flutter.framework/Flutter: replacing existing signature Warning: unable to build chain to self-signed root for signer "Apple Development: Flavio Alves (36WNMDQCH4)"
May ’24
Cannot create ios distribution certificate with visual studio
I registered as a developer with Apple. Since I work alone, I have an individual developer account. Unfortunately, I am unable to create an iOS distribution certificate from Visual Studio (for Windows). The option is grayed out even though my role in App Store Connect is "Admin". Visual Studio also shows me that my user is an admin - yet I don't seem to have rights to create iOS distribution certificates. I can create iOS development certificates without any problems.
May ’24
Issues while signing macOS app
Hi everyone! We use to have an intel Mac machine where we generate the Developer ID Installer & Application certs for signing and notarization process. This process works sweet. Now, we move from an intel to a m1 Mac machine, where we want to do the same process as before. I had try two different approaches, but ending up with the same result. I export the cert with the private key from my intel to the m1 machine, but when I try to sign, I get: Invalid signature. (Not sure what this error means in this case as everything works on the intel machine. I am guessing the cipher for creating either the private key or the signature differs between the architecture) I try to generate new certs for this m1 machine, but I get the following error: You already have a current Developer ID installer certificate or a pending certificate request. I try with the same account, but also with a different account. In both cases got the same error. I create a ticket for apple, where they said to expect a reply between one and two business days, but no luck yet.
May ’24
Provided Distribution Certificate is no longer valid on Apple's server
I'm trying to build my Expo app. I already built it for Android, but now I'm struggling to create a release on iOS to upload on TestFlight. I have the apple developer account of my university, and they added our bundle ID there(I'm not an admin). When I try to build with EAS, it requires a p12 file. So, I tried to generate it in this way: From Keychain Access I created a CSR(by adding my mail and name) and then on Apple Developers I uploaded it(Certificates > +), so I downloaded a .cer file I opened the .cer on Keychain Access and I dragged it under "login" section From there I exported the p12 file But that p12 gives me always this error when I run npx eas build --platform ios : Provided Distribution Certificate is no longer valid on Apple's server after submitting the p12 file on eas console. Can someone help us? Thanks in advance for your availability :)
May ’24
Error in signing installers using Apple Developer ID Installer Certificate
Hi, I have been using a Developer ID Installer Certificate to sign my installer packages since a long time now. Recently, the sign command started giving me error, Error - Certificate is expired or not yet valid. Please check certificate validity. The certificate itself is valid till 2025, so I am confused on the issue. To get a clearer understanding, I created a new certificate by following instructions in the link, However, when I try to use this to sign my installer package, I get the following error, Unable to build a valid certificate chain. Please make sure that all certificates are included in the certificate file. I am using ZXPSignCmd to sign the installers. Hoping for guidance to a quick resolution.
errSecInternalComponent getting error while executing the xcodebuild command from jenkins
Hi Team, Need your help on solving the errSecInternalComponent error which is getting generated while doing a xcode archive command from jenkins jobs. Currently using Sonoma-14.4, Xcode-15.2, in local it's working well both build and archive but in case of jenkins i am unable to get that, i already given security-unlock commands also before the archive stage but no use, Commands passed: security unlock-keychain -p xxxx /Users/ec2-user/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db; \ security set-key-partition-list -S apple-tool:,apple:,codesign: -s -k xxxxx Please let me know if i have missed any configuration thing. Error Signing Identity: "iPhone Distribution: " Provisioning Profile: "Notification Content Dist Profile" (ffb7be92-3e65-4be4-b161-07c7f75723f0) /usr/bin/codesign --force --sign 1FD10D04940E92C7A212E4A27C1E11D5C3DB12E9 --preserve-metadata\=identifier,entitlements,flags --generate-entitlement-der /Users/ec2-user/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ReferenceApp-CardAppSDK-bwgchbllhpzevwgvnuwqvjywfeju/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/ReferenceApp-CardAppSDK/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/NotificationContentExtension.appex/Frameworks/PushNotificationExtensions.framework Warning: unable to build chain to self-signed root for signer "iPhone Distribution: " /Users/ec2-user/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ReferenceApp-CardAppSDK-bwgchbllhpzevwgvnuwqvjywfeju/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/ReferenceApp-CardAppSDK/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/NotificationContentExtension.appex/Frameworks/PushNotificationExtensions.framework: errSecInternalComponent please help on this ASAP
Apr ’24