Universal Links

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Allow your users to intelligently follow links to content in your app or to your website using universal links.

Posts under Universal Links tag

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Deep links are not directing users to the intended apps, instead, they are redirecting to the respective apps on app store
Problem : Deep links are not directing users to the intended apps, instead, they are redirecting to the respective apps on app store. When clicking on a deep link in private mode, it consistently displays a prompt to open the application or cancel. If the "Cancel" button is selected on the prompt, it redirects to the app store via a deep link to open the specific application, on next time onwards we are not receiving the prompt to open application, every time it get redirects to the appstore via merchant link automatically. In other case if we click open button on the prompt , it redirects to the application, Subsequently, each time we click the deep link, it repeatedly prompts us to open the app. Why do the "Open" and "Cancel" buttons lead to different outcomes in these scenarios? How can we ensure that the application always opens when clicking on the deep link, if it is in private mode as well?
Nov ’23
Universal links not working only during App Review
Hi, I am running into a strange issue where my universal links work fine on devices when using USB, simulators and TestFlight, it works with no problem on all test environments But once I submit it for App Review, they don't work. And I have no way to replicate it. At some point they get it working somehow but every resubmission the process repeats where I go back and forth for days until they finally get it working. Anyone run into this strange issue or has a clue what might be going on?
Oct ’23
How to make my app available to set as a default browser
Good day, I have an application that opens links in various browsers available on the device. For this reason, I want to make the app eligible to be chosen as the default browser. To do this, I reviewed the Apple article at this link: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/preparing-your-app-to-be-the-default-browser. However, unfortunately, I still haven't figured out how to do it. The article mentions that you need to send an email request. I sent an email, but my message was ignored. Dear colleagues or Apple staff, could you please explain in the most detailed and step-by-step manner how I can make my app available to be set as the default browser? I would greatly appreciate it because, unfortunately, this question isn't widely discussed in the community, and there are no videos with step-by-step guides. Thank you very much!
Oct ’23
iOS 14 Universal Links broken on not default browser
On iOS 14 you can pick another default browser than Safari. If you use another browser, that browser will ask the user to change their default browser.  I have installed Chrome and set it as default But problem comes when I try to open a Universal Link (which was working just fine when Safari was the default browser), which seems to just not work. With Safari as default browser, the Universal Link would work, and the corresponding native app was getting opened. However, with any other browser different from Safari set as default, the feature is broken and the Universal Link doesn't open the native app. Has anyone experienced anything similar? Why might this happen and how might this be solved? Any help is very much welcomed
Oct ’23
Apple-App-Site-Association (AASA) return 404 Not Found in some CDN nodes.
Hi We locate the file apple-app-site-association on both https://ourdomain.com/apple-app-site-association and https://ourdomain.com/.well-known/apple-app-site-association By visit this two urls, we are able to get file content through browser. We are able to get the file content through https://app-site-association.cdn-apple.com/a/v1/ourdomain.com with US based IPs, Europe based IPs. However, if we visit this url with Asia based IPs, we always got 404 with content Not Found. Some work CDN nodes: < Via: http/1.1 ussjc2-vp-vst-009.ts.apple.com (acdn/14319.5), http/1.1 ussjc2-vp-vfe-002.ts.apple.com (acdn/14319.5), https/1.1 usscz2-edge-lx-004.ts.apple.com (acdn/14319.5), https/1.1 usscz2-edge-bx-033.ts.apple.com (acdn/14319.5) Via: http/1.1 ussjc2-vp-vst-009.ts.apple.com (acdn/14319.5), http/1.1 ussjc2-vp-vfe-002.ts.apple.com (acdn/14319.5), https/1.1 usscz2-edge-lx-004.ts.apple.com (acdn/14319.5), https/1.1 usscz2-edge-bx-033.ts.apple.com (acdn/14319.5) which return file content in apple-app-site-association with response code 200. Some not work CDN nodes: < Via: http/1.1 jptyo5-vp-vst-014.ts.apple.com (acdn/84.14362), https/1.1 jptyo5-vp-vfe-006.ts.apple.com (acdn/84.14362) which return Not Found with response code 404. When use Asia based IPs, we also got some error response header: < Apple-Failure-Details: {"cause":"context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)"} < Apple-Failure-Reason: SWCERR00301 Timeout Example request with IP in Japan: > GET /a/v1/ourdomain.com HTTP/1.1 > Host: app-site-association.cdn-apple.com > User-Agent: curl/7.86.0 > Accept: */* > * Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse < HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found < Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 < Content-Length: 10 < Connection: keep-alive < Server: nginx < Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2023 12:45:02 GMT < Expires: Mon, 21 Aug 2023 12:45:12 GMT < Age: 608 < Apple-Failure-Details: {"cause":"context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)"} < Apple-Failure-Reason: SWCERR00301 Timeout < Apple-From: https://ourdomain.com/.well-known/apple-app-site-association < Apple-Try-Direct: true < Via: http/1.1 jptyo5-vp-vst-014.ts.apple.com (acdn/84.14362), https/1.1 jptyo5-vp-vfe-006.ts.apple.com (acdn/84.14362) < X-Cache: MISS KS-CLOUD < CDNUUID: 03f2e102-fa68-4a5f-bc93-0e151a3dfc64-773587498 < x-link-via: ziyct01:443;xymp07:443;gzun11:443;xg02:443; < x-b2f-cs-cache: no-cache < X-Cache-Status: MISS from KS-CLOUD-XG-02-03 < X-Cache-Status: MISS from KS-CLOUD-GZ-UN-11-06 < X-Cache-Status: MISS from KS-CLOUD-XY-MP-07-15 < X-Cache-Status: MISS from KS-CLOUD-ZIY-CT-01-09 < CDN-Server: KSFTF < X-KSC-Request-ID: 0afe4d526afd86918a55a0640d2b75f3 < X-Cdn-Request-ID: 0afe4d526afd86918a55a0640d2b75f3 < Not Found
Oct ’23
Universal Link with non latin characters
Hi folks, we are stuck with new universal links on our domains, in particular we should open links for APAC market. Our site domain has non-latin chars in the path and so even the universal link should contain those values, e.g. https://www.my-site.com/jp/レディース app-association-file 👇🏻 "/??/άνδρας" "/??/γυναίκα" "/??/レディース" Unfortunately they dont work, in any scenario we are not able to open the app. Do you know about a OS limitation with non-latin chars in the UL? Is it supported?
Oct ’23
apple-app-site-association not updating for my app, next update time in swcutil_show is in past
I am unable to get Universal Links opening in my app despite the fact that it is working for others.I used sysdiagnose to retrieve swcutil_show.txt and it shows the next update time for the entry in my app to be: 0001-01-01 03:54:56 +0000Which is in the past. I can't seem to be able to reset this entry even after uninstalling and reinstalling the app. Is there anyway to clear this entry on my device?I'm not sure how it got into this state, but I hope it's only me and not any of my end users.
Oct ’23
Unable to test universal links on device/simulator iOS16/17 Xcode 15
Hi! I've been hitting a wall trying to test universal links on the iOS Simulator and/or a real device. I'm using expo EAS dev builds. I'm fairly confident the AASA file config and hosting is done correctly. I have tried both the ?mode=developer and standard. Unfortunately, I can't seem to get past the following error picked up from swcd process in the console app: Error getting enterprise-managed associated domains data. If this device is not enterprise-managed, this is normal: Error Domain=SWCErrorDomain Code=1701 "Failed to get associated domain data from ManagedConfiguration framework." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=Failed to get associated domain data from ManagedConfiguration framework., Line=298, Function=-[SWCEnterpriseContext(CPMCInterop) _loadEnterpriseData]} This is the same on both the simulator and a device - built using the appropriate EAS build config and Xcode 15. This is on an iOS17 iPhone 15 Simulator, and iOS16 iPhone 11 device with developer mode 'On' in settings (even though swcd logs say otherwise for some reason- Developer mode enabled: No) Am I missing a setting on the simulator/device or something else? I did see mentions of an Associated Domains Developer setting, but I'm unable to find this on the device/simulator iOS16/17. Would appreciate any help on this!
Oct ’23
Universal Links to multiple apps (iOS 15)
Hi! We have two apps, both use the Universal Links mechanism, apps should be opened when user read NFC tag. The tag content is a URL link to our domain. After updating to iOS 15, users faced the problem that they constantly see the application selection dialog when reading the nfc tag. How to fix it? Previously, the selection dialog was displayed once and the value was stored. Our aasa file on domain: { "applinks": { "apps": [], "details": [ { "appIDs": ["*.*.app1"], "paths": ["*"] }, { "appIDs": ["*.*.app2"], "paths": ["*"] } ] }, "appclips": { "apps": [ "*.*.app2.Clip" ] } }
Oct ’23
Universal Link from HTML/JS
We have been testing universal links and detected the following: Assuming there is an HTML with embedded JS that redirects to the universal link. **Direct redirection --> WORKS OK ** window.location.href = "https://my-universal-link?data=abc"; Redirection with timeOut or Interval --> NOT WORKING (go to default WEB) setTimeout(function () { window.location.href = "https://my-universal-link?data=abc"; }, 2000); setInterval(function () { window.location.href = "https://my-universal-link?data=abc"; }, 2000);
Sep ’23
Url-scheme is not working
Hi everyone! Tried to find out the solution by myself, but I failed =) Problem: I have one app on both iPhones, but the url_scheme works differently on them. 1 phone: Click at web link to the app – opens app 2 phone: click at web link to the app – opens web version. Tried to find info in logs, but didn't find answers there. Associations works correctly, cause on other phones everything works fine. Can you please help me to find out the reason? Maybe some info about what I need to search in logs or maybe you've faced the same problem.
Sep ’23
Open link to safari
I'm building a project in react with typescript that involves reading a QR code, what happens to iPhone users is that the QR code is read from the iPhone's code reader and the link opens in a web preview of the reader application of codes, this link opens a page with two buttons where the user will choose whether to open the next link in which browser, for example, firstly when he chose to open with safari I would leave the link like this: https://mysite.ao/home/23883298393232/ueuweyuwe7 The problem is that this way the link also opens in the web-preview, I want it so that when I choose to open with safari this link opens specifically in safari I tried to do it this way: `function openToSafari() { window.open('safari://mysite.ao/home/23883298393232/ueuweyuwe7', '_blank'); }` The problem is that when you do this the following message appears: "Safari cannot open the page because the address is not valid" But if the user chooses to open with other browsers, the link opens very well, but if they choose Safari it does not open and gives this message. Could anyone give an explanation of how I could overcome this? Thank you very much in advance! To open with Chrome, I'm doing it this way and it works very well: function openToChrome() { window.location.href = googlechrome://mysite.ao/home/23883298393232/ueuweyuwe7 } I want it so that when I choose to open with safari this link opens specifically in safari The problem is that when you do this the following message appears: "Safari cannot open the page because the address is not valid"
Sep ’23
Universal Link only redirecting to the App under specific circumstances
The Problem: I am building an app that uses PayPal for payments, and I set up universal links so that the user gets redirected into the app after the user has confirmed the payment at PayPal's site. Universal links are working in general. But here is what I have discovered: The following scenario works: The app opens the nextActionUrl from PayPal using SFSafariViewController. User has to log in and presses the login button. User presses the confirmation button on the PayPal site. PayPal redirects to the return_url that was provided when creating the payment intent. The browser closes, and the user gets redirected into the app. Now when the user has just recently logged into PayPal then PayPal does not show the login page, instead the user has to only press one button. This scenario fails: The app opens the nextActionUrl from PayPal using SFSafariViewController. User does not have to log in and presses the confirmation button on PayPal site. PayPal redirects to the return_url that was provided when creating the payment intent. The browser opens the website behind the universal link instead of redirecting to the app. This scenario also works: The app opens the nextActionUrl from PayPal using SFSafariViewController. User does not have to log in, but actively logs out. User has to log in and presses the login button. User presses the confirmation button on the PayPal site. PayPal redirects to the return_url that was provided when creating the payment intent. The browser closes, and the user gets redirected into the app. This happens consistently and reproducible. Some additional details: I am developing the App using Flutter I set up the Runner.entitlements as follows: ... <key>com.apple.developer.associated-domains</key> <array> <string>applinks:sub.example.com</string> </array> ... I set up the Info.plist as follows for deep links with different schema: ... <key>CFBundleURLTypes</key> <array> <dict> <key>CFBundleTypeRole</key> <string>Editor</string> <key>CFBundleURLName</key> <string>sub.example.com</string> <key>CFBundleURLSchemes</key> <array> <string>web+example</string> </array> </dict> </array> ... I set up the apple-app-site-association file on the website at https://sub.example.com/.well-known/apple-app-site-association as follows: { "activitycontinuation": {}, "webcredentials": {}, "applinks": { "apps": [], "details": [ { "appID": "XXXXXXXXXX.com.example.example", "paths": [ "/*" ] } ] } } To open the urls from Flutter I am using the package url_launcher and simply call await launchUrl(nextActionUrl) What I've tried and what I've learned: I tried many things, before I discovered this consistent behavior. For example: I connected my device to the mac and opened the console for it in xcode to see how the logs look like when it works and how it looks like when it does not work. I found out that when it works there is a log entry that requests the switch to my App from the SpringBoard-process: [Received trusted open application request for <applicationId> from <FBProcess: ...], but in the cases where it does not work there isn't a rejected request or anything. The SafariViewController does not even seem to try to go the universal link route and instead opens the link as a website directly. For even more logs, I pressed and hold the volume buttons and clicked the lock screen button until a haptic feedback occurred. After that, I extracted the syslogs that were generated from the settings/privacy section via AirDrop on to the mac. I took a look at the swcutil_show.txt file and the universal link is definitely set up correctly there. I also skimmed around in the other logs, but I couldn't find anything helpful. I have inspected the url_launcher package to see how it works for iOS and if there may be something wrong, but I didn't really find a problem. I only discovered that the package is using the SFSafariViewController and after some googling I've read the WKWebView would be more suitable, but it didn't seem to be the problem. I googled a lot and found many problems related with setting up universal links correctly, but no topics about universal links sometimes working and sometimes not. The only thing close I found was that a universal link won't redirect you to your app if you type it into safari directly but if you click it for example from an email. The work-a-round that works... After I confirmed that it consistently works after logging in first, my theory was that it needs at least one navigation between opening the PayPal site in the browser and PayPal redirecting to the universal link. To confirm my theory, I created an intermediate page that redirects the user immediately after the load event to the PayPal site, and I was disappointed. It didn't change anything. Then I thought: Maybe it's the User-Interaction that is needed, and I change the intermediate page to only redirect if the user presses a button. And from there on, redirecting to the App using a universal link always worked. But this isn't a nice solution - at max, this is an ugly work-a-round that may help someone. My question(s) Now I am not sure if this is a bug on Apple's side since I didn't find anything on the web or maybe even something strange on PayPal's side? Am I doing something wrong? Did someone experience the same thing and has a solution? Thank you for your time and hopefully for your input on this!
Sep ’23
Apple Universal Link Configuration File CDN download failed, causing the app to fail
Recently, it has been discovered many times that after newly installing the mobile cloud disk APP on the IOS system, the universal link c.139.com (for example: https://c.139.com/m/a/s/?p=L1t4) cannot be used. Pull up directly. After our internal monitoring and analysis, the situation is as follows: Monitoring data shows that recent visits to Apple’s CDN configuration files (https://app-site-association.cdn-apple.com/a/v1/c.139.com, https://app-site-association.cdn -apple.com/a/v1/yun.139.com), a 404 error is often reported, that is, obtaining the configuration file from Apple CDN back to the source c.139.com and yun.139.com fails. The number of alarms is 2-3 times a day, and each time lasts for 1-2 hours. As a result, newly installed or upgraded IOS mobile cloud disk clients during the corresponding period cannot pass c.139.com and yun.139.com. The domain name directly launches the APP. After our operation and maintenance inspection, there are no abnormalities in the c.139.com server file configuration and network, and the universal link of the client's project configuration is also correct. We need Apple's help to check whether there are any abnormalities in the routing of Apple's CDN nodes to, and to check whether there is instability in the CDN nodes. Thank you so much.
Sep ’23
App Clip iMessage Sharing Not Working
We have been having problems with our app clip not working when sharing through iMessage. The app and app clip are published and work correctly when scanning a QR code that points to the URL: https://www.coderus.com/locations?loc=1 however if this same URL is shared through the iMessage app, a link to the website displays and not the app clip card. We have confirmed that: AASA file is available and has the type application/json Both devices are above iOS 14 Both devices are in each other's contacts The website has the meta tag for the smart app clip banner The website has a meta tag for the og:image Launch experiences have been configured on AppStoreConnect - as said before, the QR codes work correctly The link leads to a 404 page, I wasn't sure if there needs to be an actual page that the link points to as app clips seem to work fine without when scanning the QR code through the camera app.
Sep ’23
iOS Universal Links with Wildcards not working
https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/General/Conceptual/AppSearch/UniversalLinks.html as per this link Universal links with wildcards working fine, followed steps in this link to apply deep linking to my application but it doesn't work. When clicking on a link in received email, it should navigate to my application but it is opening in safari browser. I have mentioned "*.test.com" as applinks in Associated domains under Capabilities in Xcode and in our web side we have deployed "apple-app-site-association" file in root folder. My server host name like "abc.test.com" and I have mentioned applinks like "*.test.com" this universal links with wildcard feature is not working.I have Enabled ‘Associated Domains’ in my app identifier on developers.apple.com, If I have mentioned applinks like "abc.test.com" then it is working fine. My application Developement target is 9.3.
Sep ’23