Delve into the world of built-in app and system services available to developers. Discuss leveraging these services to enhance your app's functionality and user experience.

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launchApplicationAtURL - Launched Application "Verifying" since Catalina
We have a test tool our engineers use to launch various versions of our application during development and verification. Each daily build of our application is stored on a server. As well, each push of a change generates a new build of our application that is stored on a server. These are added to a database and the developer application accesses the server via REST to find the desired version to run, retrieves a server path and launches the application. This tool is valuable in finding pushes that introduced regressions. The developer application (Runner) is using the launchApplicationAtURL:options:configuration:error: (deprecated I know) to launch the app. Prior to Catalina, this was working great. However, as of Catalina, this process is taking a VERY long time due to the app needing to be "verified". the app seems to need to be copied to the users machine and verified. It only occurs the first launch, but as most of the time the users are running new push or daily builds, it has made the app useless. With the new remote work environment it is even worse as VPN copy can take forever. I have switched to using NSTask with a shell script to open the executable in the bundle. If I add the developer tool (Runner) to the Developer Tools in Privacy this seems to launch the application without the need for verification. However this just seems wrong. It also provides little feedback to know when the application is up and running, which makes my user experience poor. As well many of the systems we use this tool on for verification do not have Developer Tools installed. They are VMs. Is there a way for me to use the launchApplicationAtURL:options:configuration:error: (or the new openApplicationAtURL:configuration:completionHandler:) to launch these versions of the application without the need for the lengthy verification process? Adding our application to the Developer Tools did not seem to help.
Jun ’20
CloudKit/CoreData requests in Extension
Is there any way I can access my CloudKit container from my Siri Intent Extension? I'd like to query my data in response to a Shortcut Intent. My first thought was to add the CloudKit capability to my project, but when I create a new project in Xcode 12 using CloudKit it doesn't show me the iCloud options when adding capabilities to my Intent. There are noticeably few capabilities displayed. Is it expected that users can access CloudKit data from extensions, or would my AppDelegate need to handle this intent from my main app target
Jun ’20
Universal Links not working on an iOS 14 device with the associated website behind a VPN
Prior to iOS 14 our Dev server was routing universal links to our test devices just fine from both Xcode and TestFlight builds. But now that we've started testing on iOS 14 devices the links aren't being handled any more. After doing some research we noticed the new configuration regarding Associated Domains for web servers that aren't reachable from the public internet. Starting with macOS 11 and iOS 14, apps no longer send requests for apple-app-site-association files directly to your web server. Instead, they send these requests to an Apple-managed content delivery network (CDN) dedicated to associated domains. While you’re developing your app, if your web server is unreachable from the public internet, you can use the alternate mode feature to bypass the CDN and connect directly to your private domain.You enable an alternate mode by adding a query string to your associated domain’s entitlement as follows: <service>:<fully qualified domain>?mode=<alternate mode> Given our Dev server is only reachable via a VPN we changed our project config to use the alternate mode: <key></key> <array> <string>webcredentials:ourDevServerURL?mode=developer</string> <string>applinks:ourDevServerURL?mode=developer</string> </array> But unfortunately that still doesn't work and in the console we can see the following swcd logs being generated after a fresh app install. debug 11:45:19.016561-0600 swcd entry Skipping domain si….va….com?mode=developer because developer mode is disabled So what else do we need to get developer mode working for these app links?
Sep ’20
Share an object managed by NSPersistentCloudKitContainer with other users
One question I often see on DevForums and in my day DTS job is if a Core Data object managed by NSPersistentCloudKitContainer can be shared with other iCloud users. The answer is yes but you need to do it using CloudKit API directly because NSPersistentCloudKitContainer doesn’t support CloudKit shared database (CKContainer.sharedCloudDatabase) today. Assuming you have a Core Data object, let’s say a document, that you’d like to collaborate with your colleagues: You are the document owner and can use NSPersistentCloudKitContainer to fully manages the document and synchronize it across your devices. You can grab a CloudKit record associated with your document from NSPersistentCloudKitContainer using record(for:) or recordID(for:), and share it to your colleagues using UICloudSharingController. See our Sharing CloudKit Data with Other iCloud Users - sample for how to share a CloudKit record. After accepting the sharing, your colleague, as a participant, can view or edit the shared document. The document resides in the participant’s CloudKit shared database and you have to manage it with your own code. When your colleague edits and saves the shared document, the changes go to the owner’s private database, and eventually synchronize to NSPersistentCloudKitContainer on the owner side.  As you can see, you need to implement #2 and #3 with your own code because NSPersistentCloudKitContainer can’t manage the data in the participant's shared database. If you have any difficulty after going through the above sample code, you can contact Apple’s DTS for help.
Sep ’20
How to "upgrade" an HTTP connection to a WebSocket
Hi, I have been successful at writing Swift code using a NWListener to listen to WebSocket connections on a specific port, but I do not seem to be able to get the path from the URL for creating different types of connections. For instance, differentiating between ws:// and ws:// I'd like to be able to get the "updates" or "changes" part when I receive the new connection notification. Having more sample code around WebSockets and how the upgrade process works that would also be great. Thank you ! Daniel Tapie
Sep ’20
Testing Local Experience for App Clip Not Working
I am trying to follow the guidance for testing a Local Experience, as listed in the Testing Your App Clip’s Launch Experience - documentation. I have successfully created my App Clip target, and can confirm that running the App Clip on my device does launch the App Clip app as I expected. Further, I can successfully test the App Clip on device, by setting the _XCAppClipURL argument in the App Clip's scheme. I would like to test a Local Experience. The documentation states that for testing Local Experiences; To test your app clip’s invocation with a local experience, you don’t need to add the Associated Domains Entitlement, make changes to the Apple App Site Association file on your web server, or create an app clip experience for testing in TestFlight. Therefore, I should be able to configure a Local Experience with any desired domain in Settings -> Developer -> Local Experience, generate a QR code or NFC tag with that same URL, and the App Clip experience should appear. I have taken the following steps; Built and run my App Clip on my local device. In Settings -> Developer -> Local Experience, I have registered a new experience using a URL prefix Set my Bundle ID to com.mycompany.myapp.Clip, which exactly matches the Bundle Identifier, as listed in Xcode, under my App Clip target. Generated a QR code which directs me to In theory, I believe I should be able to open the Camera app on my device, point the camera at the QR code, and the App Clip experience should appear. However, I received mixed experiences. 50% of the time, I receive a pop-up directing me to open in Safari, the other 50% of the time, no banner or action occurs whatsoever. Is this an issue anyone has faced before, or have I pursued these steps out of order?
Sep ’20
Updating Widgets from StaticConfiguration to IntentConfiguration Requires Re-Installation
I'm updating my widget from StaticConfiguration to IntentConfiguration. When I do so, existing widgets installed within simulators and on my iPhone device either show a blank screen or a placeholder screen and fail to initialize. Is there a safe way to upgrade my widget configuration? I would hate to break the widget for our existing users and force them to manually reinstall.
Sep ’20
Notification payload is missing in watch since wOS7
There is an issue with our app when showing a dynamic watch notification. Our app would sometimes receive a push notification with extra payload. In wOS6, the notification would be sent to the watch and show a dynamic detailed notification based on the data within the notification. But ever since wOS7, the watch does not show the data that is being sent. We found out that the UNNotification that is being passed through in WKUserNotificationInterfaceController via. [didReceive:notification:]( has an empty [userInfo]( I was wondering if anyone else have that issue. Or was there a change in wOS7 that prevents the userInfo from being received by the watch? Thanks!
Sep ’20
iOS 14 CoreFoundation crash with EXC_BREAKPOINT
Hi, I am facing a strange issue in my app with iOS14 there is a intermittent crash, i am using NetServiceBrowser for MDNS discovery not sure if that is causing the problem crash log has below information: Crashed: 0 CoreFoundation 0x1a906c4c4 CFAssertMismatchedTypeID + 108 1 CoreFoundation 0x1a8f7db0c CFRunLoopSourceRemoveFromRunLoop + 298 2 CFNetwork 0x1a96255b0 CFNetServiceBrowserStopSearch + 460 3 CoreFoundation 0x1a8f81240 CFRUNLOOPISCALLINGOUTTOASOURCE0PERFORMFUNCTION + 24 4 CoreFoundation 0x1a8f81140 CFRunLoopDoSource0 + 204 5 CoreFoundation 0x1a8f80488 CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 256 6 CoreFoundation 0x1a8f7aa40 CFRunLoopRun + 776 7 CoreFoundation 0x1a8f7a200 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 572 8 GraphicsServices 0x1bf075598 GSEventRunModal + 160 9 UIKitCore 0x1ab840004 -[UIApplication run] + 1052 10 UIKitCore 0x1ab8455d8 UIApplicationMain + 164
Oct ’20
Triggering the Local Network Privacy Alert
IMPORTANT The approach used by this code no longer works. See TN3179 Understanding local network privacy for a replacement. Currently there is no way to explicitly trigger the local network privacy alert (r. 69157424). However, you can bring it up implicitly by sending dummy traffic to a local network address. The code below shows one way to do this. It finds all IPv4 and IPv6 addresses associated with broadcast-capable network interfaces and sends a UDP datagram to each one. This should trigger the local network privacy alert, assuming the alert hasn’t already been displayed for your app. Oh, and if Objective-C is more your style, use this code instead. Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "" import Foundation /// Does a best effort attempt to trigger the local network privacy alert. /// /// It works by sending a UDP datagram to the discard service (port 9) of every /// IP address associated with a broadcast-capable interface. This should /// trigger the local network privacy alert, assuming the alert hasn’t already /// been displayed for this app. /// /// This code takes a ‘best effort’. It handles errors by ignoring them. As /// such, there’s guarantee that it’ll actually trigger the alert. /// /// - note: iOS devices don’t actually run the discard service. I’m using it /// here because I need a port to send the UDP datagram to and port 9 is /// always going to be safe (either the discard service is running, in which /// case it will discard the datagram, or it’s not, in which case the TCP/IP /// stack will discard it). /// /// There should be a proper API for this (r. 69157424). /// /// For more background on this, see [Triggering the Local Network Privacy Alert]( func triggerLocalNetworkPrivacyAlert() { let sock4 = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0) guard sock4 >= 0 else { return } defer { close(sock4) } let sock6 = socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_DGRAM, 0) guard sock6 >= 0 else { return } defer { close(sock6) } let addresses = addressesOfDiscardServiceOnBroadcastCapableInterfaces() var message = [UInt8]("!".utf8) for address in addresses { address.withUnsafeBytes { buf in let sa = buf.baseAddress!.assumingMemoryBound(to: sockaddr.self) let saLen = socklen_t(buf.count) let sock = sa.pointee.sa_family == AF_INET ? sock4 : sock6 _ = sendto(sock, &message, message.count, MSG_DONTWAIT, sa, saLen) } } } /// Returns the addresses of the discard service (port 9) on every /// broadcast-capable interface. /// /// Each array entry is contains either a `sockaddr_in` or `sockaddr_in6`. private func addressesOfDiscardServiceOnBroadcastCapableInterfaces() -> [Data] { var addrList: UnsafeMutablePointer<ifaddrs>? = nil let err = getifaddrs(&addrList) guard err == 0, let start = addrList else { return [] } defer { freeifaddrs(start) } return sequence(first: start, next: { $0.pointee.ifa_next }) .compactMap { i -> Data? in guard (i.pointee.ifa_flags & UInt32(bitPattern: IFF_BROADCAST)) != 0, let sa = i.pointee.ifa_addr else { return nil } var result = Data(UnsafeRawBufferPointer(start: sa, count: Int(sa.pointee.sa_len))) switch CInt(sa.pointee.sa_family) { case AF_INET: result.withUnsafeMutableBytes { buf in let sin = buf.baseAddress!.assumingMemoryBound(to: sockaddr_in.self) sin.pointee.sin_port = UInt16(9).bigEndian } case AF_INET6: result.withUnsafeMutableBytes { buf in let sin6 = buf.baseAddress!.assumingMemoryBound(to: sockaddr_in6.self) sin6.pointee.sin6_port = UInt16(9).bigEndian } default: return nil } return result } }
Oct ’20
Local Network Privacy FAQ
IMPORTANT This FAQ has been replaced by TN3179 Understanding local network privacy. I’m leaving this post in place as a historical curiosity, but please consult the technote going forward. I regularly get asked questions about local network privacy. This is my attempt to collect together the answers for the benefit of all. Before you delve into the details, familiarise yourself with the basics by watching WWDC 2020 Session 10110 Support local network privacy in your app. Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "" Local Network Privacy FAQ With local network privacy, any app that wants to interact with devices on your network must ask for permission the first time that it attempts that access. Local network privacy is implemented on iOS, iPadOS, visionOS, and macOS. It’s not implemented on other platforms, most notably tvOS. IMPORTANT macOS 15 (currently in beta) introduced local network privacy support to the Mac. WWDC 2024 Session 10123 What’s new in privacy is the official announcement. This works much like it does on iOS, but there are some subtle differences. I’ll update this FAQ as I gain more experience with this change. Some common questions about local network privacy are: FAQ-1 What is a local network? FAQ-2 What operations require local network access? FAQ-3 What operations require the multicast entitlement? FAQ-4 Do I need the multicast entitlement? FAQ-5 I’ve been granted the multicast entitlement; how do I enable it? FAQ-6 Can App Clips access the local network? FAQ-7 How does local network privacy work with app extensions? FAQ-8 How do I explicitly trigger the local network privacy alert? FAQ-9 How do I tell whether I’ve been granted local network access? FAQ-10 How do I use the unsatisfied reason property? FAQ-11 Do I need a local network usage description property? FAQ-12 Can I test on the simulator? FAQ-13 Once my app has displayed the local network privacy alert, how can I reset its state so that it shows again? FAQ-14 How do I map my Multipeer Connectivity service type to an entry in the Bonjour services property? FAQ-15 My app presents the local network privacy alert unexpectedly. Is there a way to track down the cause? FAQ-16 On a small fraction of devices my app fails to present the local network privacy alert. What’s going on? FAQ-17 Why does local network privacy get confused when I install two variants of my app? FAQ-18 Can my app trigger the local network privacy alert when the device is on WWAN? Revision History 2024-10-31 Added a link to this FAQ’s replacement, TN3179 Understanding local network privacy. 2024-07-22 Added a callout explaining that local network privacy is now an issue on macOS. 2023-10-31 Fixed a bug in the top-level FAQ that mistakenly removed some recent changes. Added FAQ-18. 2023-10-19 Added a preamble to clarify that local network privacy is only relevant on specific platforms. 2023-09-14 Added FAQ-17. 2023-08-29 Added FAQ-16. 2023-03-13 Added connecting a UDP socket to FAQ-2. 2022-10-04 Added screen shots to FAQ-11. 2022-09-22 Fixed the pointer from FAQ-9 to FAQ-10. 2022-09-19 Updated FAQ-3 to cover iOS 16 changes. Made other minor editorial changes. 2020-11-12 Made a minor tweak to FAQ-9. 2020-10-17 Added FAQ-15. Added a second suggestion to FAQ-13. 2020-10-16 First posted.
Oct ’20
Local Network Privacy FAQ-2
This post is part of the Local Network Privacy FAQ. What operations require local network access? The general rule is that outgoing traffic to a local network address requires that the user grant your app local network access. Common scenarios include: Making an outgoing TCP connection — yes Listening for and accepting incoming TCP connections — no Sending a UDP unicast — yes Sending a UDP multicast — yes Sending a UDP broadcast — yes Connecting a UDP socket — yes Receiving an incoming UDP unicast — no Receiving an incoming UDP multicast — yes Receiving an incoming UDP broadcast — yes These TCP and UDP checks are done at the lowest levels of the system and thus apply to all networking APIs. This includes Network framework, BSD Sockets, NSStream, and NSURLSession, and any other protocols that you layer on top of those. IMPORTANT Receiving an incoming UDP multicast or broadcast does not currently require local network access but, because we hope to change that in a future update, our advice right now is that you write your code as if did (r. 69792887, 70017649). Resolving link-local DNS names (those ending with local, per RFC 6762) requires local network access. Again, this check applies to a wide variety of APIs including <dns_sd.h>, <net_db.h>, Network framework, NSStream, and NSURLSession. Finally, all Bonjour operations require local network access: Registering a service with Bonjour — yes Browsing for Bonjour services — yes Resolving a Bonjour service — yes Again, these checks apply to all APIs that use Bonjour, including <dns_sd.h>, Network framework, NSNetService, and Multipeer Connectivity. Note You must declare the Bonjour service types you use in your Info.plist. See FAQ-14 How do I map my Multipeer Connectivity service type to an entry in the Bonjour services property? for details. Bonjour-based services where you don’t see any details of the network do not require local network access. These include: AirPlay — no Printing via UIKit — no Back to the FAQ
Oct ’20
CallKit outgoing calls UI
i thought it is impossible to have CallKit show system UI for outgoing calls. but then i saw this: "For incoming and outgoing calls, CallKit displays the same interfaces as the Phone app..." how do i present it though? or is this a documentation error?
Oct ’20
Big Sur - LaunchAgents - Load error 5: input/output error
Hi all, I am having a mysterious problem trying to load a user LaunchAgent under Big Sur - It is the .plist of gniemetz's for mounting SMB shares via pwd access from the Keychain - Placed the .sh into /usr/local/bin, chmod 644 and chown user:staff Placed the LaunchAgent .plist into ~/Library/LaunchAgents (created LaunchAgents it as it didn't exist), same chmod/chown. drwxr-xr-x&amp;amp;#9;&amp;amp;#9;3&amp;amp;#9; users&amp;amp;#9;&amp;amp;#9; 96 Nov&amp;amp;#9;1 22:13 LaunchAgents ~/Library/LaunchAgentsrw-r--r--&amp;amp;#9;&amp;amp;#9;1&amp;amp;#9; users&amp;amp;#9; 1038 Nov&amp;amp;#9;1 22:13 it.niemetz.automount.plist /usr/local drwxr-xr-x&amp;amp;#9;&amp;amp;#9;4 root&amp;amp;#9;&amp;amp;#9;wheel&amp;amp;#9;&amp;amp;#9;128 Nov&amp;amp;#9;1 21:52 bin /usr/local/binrwxr-xr-x&amp;amp;#9;&amp;amp;#9;1 root&amp;amp;#9;&amp;amp;#9;wheel&amp;amp;#9;30310 Oct 29 21:58 then the following: Load failed: 5: Input/output error For the life of me, I cannot find anywhere what this means... launchctl start ~/Library/LaunchAgents/it.niemetz.automount.plist completes with no errors, syntax also parses OK /Users//Library/LaunchAgents/it.niemetz.automount.plist: OK I have added Terminal and /bin/bash to Full Disk Access under Security... Launching the script manually as /usr/local/bin/ works fine. Console shows system.log shows this when load -w is run: 00:27:14 mac-mini-Big-Sur[1] ( entering bootstrap mode Nov&amp;amp;#9;3 00:27:14 mac-mini-Big-Sur[1] ( exiting bootstrap mode For easy reference the .plist is pasted at the end - Anyone seen this error before? Thanks! ++ Label it.niemetz.automount LimitLoadToSessionType Aqua RunAtLoad WatchPaths /etc/resolv.conf /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/NetworkInterfaces.plist /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ ProgramArguments /usr/local/bin/ --mountall
Nov ’20
AppClip URLSession network request problem
Hi, I have pretty trivial problem. So, I am trying to use URLSession network request but I am getting errors. This code is in the shared file that works when I run it as app, but when I run it as AppClip it is not working. Running on the simulator is working even as AppClip. Here is the code (pretty trivial):     let session = URLSession.shared     let url = URL(string: "")!     let task = session.dataTask(with: url, completionHandler: { _, response, error in       print(error)       print(response)     })     task.resume() I am getting this error: 2020-11-20 19:35:05.189273+0100 ExampleAppClip[14703:4633304] [Client] Updating selectors after delegate removal failed with: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 "The connection to service on pid 92 named was invalidated from this process." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=The connection to service on pid 92 named was invalidated from this process.} 2020-11-20 19:35:05.363730+0100 ExampleAppClip[14703:4633299] [connection] nw_socket_connect [C1.1:3] connectx(8 (guarded), [srcif=0, srcaddr=&lt;NULL&gt;, dstaddr=], SAE_ASSOCID_ANY, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, SAE_CONNID_ANY) failed: [65: No route to host] 2020-11-20 19:35:05.364100+0100 ExampleAppClip[14703:4633299] [connection] nw_socket_connect [C1.1:3] connectx failed (fd 8) [65: No route to host] 2020-11-20 19:35:05.364195+0100 ExampleAppClip[14703:4633299] [] nw_socket_connect connectx failed [65: No route to host] 2020-11-20 19:35:05.368229+0100 ExampleAppClip[14703:4633299] [connection] nw_socket_connect [C1.2:3] connectx(8 (guarded), [srcif=0, srcaddr=&lt;NULL&gt;, dstaddr=], SAE_ASSOCID_ANY, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, SAE_CONNID_ANY) failed: [65: No route to host] 2020-11-20 19:35:05.368424+0100 ExampleAppClip[14703:4633299] [connection] nw_socket_connect [C1.2:3] connectx failed (fd 8) [65: No route to host] 2020-11-20 19:35:05.368484+0100 ExampleAppClip[14703:4633299] [] nw_socket_connect connectx failed [65: No route to host] 2020-11-20 19:35:05.370781+0100 ExampleAppClip[14703:4633299] [connection] nw_socket_connect [C1.3:3] connectx(8 (guarded), [srcif=0, srcaddr=&lt;NULL&gt;, dstaddr=], SAE_ASSOCID_ANY, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, SAE_CONNID_ANY) failed: [65: No route to host] 2020-11-20 19:35:05.370989+0100 ExampleAppClip[14703:4633299] [connection] nw_socket_connect [C1.3:3] connectx failed (fd 8) [65: No route to host] 2020-11-20 19:35:05.371054+0100 ExampleAppClip[14703:4633299] [] nw_socket_connect connectx failed [65: No route to host] 2020-11-20 19:35:05.372142+0100 ExampleAppClip[14703:4633299] Connection 1: received failure notification 2020-11-20 19:35:05.372241+0100 ExampleAppClip[14703:4633299] Connection 1: failed to connect 1:65, reason -1 2020-11-20 19:35:05.372291+0100 ExampleAppClip[14703:4633299] Connection 1: encountered error(1:65) 2020-11-20 19:35:05.374764+0100 ExampleAppClip[14703:4633300] Task &lt;3C72DFED-F839-4BD2-9FE2-CC0B8BB7090F&gt;.&lt;1&gt; HTTP load failed, 0/0 bytes (error code: -1004 [1:65]) 2020-11-20 19:35:05.383016+0100 ExampleAppClip[14703:4633299] Task &lt;3C72DFED-F839-4BD2-9FE2-CC0B8BB7090F&gt;.&lt;1&gt; finished with error [-1004] Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1004 "Could not connect to the server." UserInfo={_kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=65, NSUnderlyingError=0x282ecc5a0 {Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=-1004 "(null)" UserInfo={_kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=65, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=1}}, _NSURLErrorFailingURLSessionTaskErrorKey=LocalDataTask &lt;3C72DFED-F839-4BD2-9FE2-CC0B8BB7090F&gt;.&lt;1&gt;, _NSURLErrorRelatedURLSessionTaskErrorKey=( &amp;#9;&amp;#9;"LocalDataTask &lt;3C72DFED-F839-4BD2-9FE2-CC0B8BB7090F&gt;.&lt;1&gt;" ), NSLocalizedDescription=Could not connect to the server., NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=, NSErrorFailingURLKey=, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=1} Optional(Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1004 "Could not connect to the server." UserInfo={_kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=65, NSUnderlyingError=0x282ecc5a0 {Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=-1004 "(null)" UserInfo={_kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=65, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=1}}, _NSURLErrorFailingURLSessionTaskErrorKey=LocalDataTask &lt;3C72DFED-F839-4BD2-9FE2-CC0B8BB7090F&gt;.&lt;1&gt;, _NSURLErrorRelatedURLSessionTaskErrorKey=( &amp;#9;&amp;#9;"LocalDataTask &lt;3C72DFED-F839-4BD2-9FE2-CC0B8BB7090F&gt;.&lt;1&gt;" ), NSLocalizedDescription=Could not connect to the server., NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=, NSErrorFailingURLKey=, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=1}) nil
Nov ’20
Enable local network access during iOS UI test in iOS14
We are building an iOS app that connects to a device using Bluetooth. To test unhappy flow scenarios for this app, we'd like to power cycle the device we are connecting to by using an IoT power switch that connects to the local network using WiFi (a Shelly Plug-S). In my test code on iOS13, I was able to do a local HTTP call to the IP address of the power switch and trigger a power cycle using its REST interface. In iOS 14 this is no longer possible, probably due to new restrictions regarding local network usage without permissions (see: ). When running the test and trying a local network call to the power switch in iOS14, I get the following error: Task <D206B326-1820-43CA-A54C-5B470B4F1A79>.<2> finished with error [-1009] Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1009 "The internet connection appears to be offline." UserInfo={_kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=50, NSUnderlyingError=0x2833f34b0 {Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=-1009 "(null)" UserInfo={_kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=50, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=1}}, _NSURLErrorFailingURLSessionTaskErrorKey=LocalDataTask <D206B326-1820-43CA-A54C-5B470B4F1A79>.<2>, _NSURLErrorRelatedURLSessionTaskErrorKey=("LocalDataTask <D206B326-1820-43CA-A54C-5B470B4F1A79>.<2>"), NSLocalizedDescription=The internet connection appears to be offline., NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=, NSErrorFailingURLKey=, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=1} An external network call (to works just fine in the test. I have tried fixing this by adding the following entries to the Info.plist of my UI test target: <key>NSLocalNetworkUsageDescription</key> <string>Local network access is needed for tests</string> <key>NSBonjourServices</key> <array> <string>_http._tcp</string> </array> <key>NSAppTransportSecurity</key> <dict> <key>NSAllowsArbitraryLoads</key> <true/> </dict> However, this has no effect. I have also tried adding these entries to the Info.plist of my app target to see if that makes a difference, but it doesn't. I'd also rather not add these entries to my app's Info.plist, because the app does not need local network access. Only the test does. Does anyone know how to enable local network access during an iOS UI test in iOS14?
Dec ’20
Bonjour for discovering a specific device's ip
Hi, I'm new to swift programming and right now writing an app for esp8266-controlled lamp device. My lamp is broadcasting it's own IP through bonjour. So all I want is to discover any lamps in my network (http.tcp) and to read name and value. Is there any example of such implementation? All I found so far is old or a lit bit complicated for such simple question. Thanks in advance!
Feb ’21
NESMVPNSession disconnected
Hi, I have a problem with my OpenVPN connection on my app with iOS 14.4. I perform my VPN configuration from an oven file, with a NETunnelProviderManager protocol, but when I perform the startVPNTunnel, it starts connecting and immediately disconnects. The error I see in the logs is the following: NESMVPNSession[Primary Tunnel:OpenVPN Client: -----(null)]: status changed to disconnected, last stop reason Plugin was disabled This happens to me when running my app on a physical iPad. Regards import NetworkExtension import OpenVPNAdapter class VPNConnection {          var connectionStatus = "Disconnected"              var myProviderManager: NETunnelProviderManager?          func manageConnectionChanges( manager:NETunnelProviderManager ) - String {         NSLog("Waiting for changes");         var status = "Disconnected"                  NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: NSNotification.Name.NEVPNStatusDidChange, object: manager.connection, queue: OperationQueue.main, using: { notification in                          let baseText = "VPN Status is "                          switch manager.connection.status {             case .connected:                 status = "Connected"             case .connecting:                 status = "Connecting"             case .disconnected:                 status = "Disconnected"             case .disconnecting:                 status = "Disconnecting"             case .invalid:                 status = "Invalid"             case .reasserting:                 status = "Reasserting"             default:                 status = "Connected"             }                          self.connectionStatus = status                          NSLog(baseText+status)                      });         return status     }          func createProtocolConfiguration() - NETunnelProviderProtocol {         guard             let configurationFileURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "app-vpn", withExtension: "ovpn"),             let configurationFileContent = try? Data(contentsOf: configurationFileURL)         else {             fatalError()         }                  let tunnelProtocol = NETunnelProviderProtocol()         tunnelProtocol.serverAddress = ""         tunnelProtocol.providerBundleIdentifier = ""                  tunnelProtocol.providerConfiguration = ["ovpn": String(data: configurationFileContent, encoding: .utf8)! as Any]         tunnelProtocol.disconnectOnSleep = false                  return tunnelProtocol     }          func startConnection(completion:@escaping () - Void){         self.myProviderManager?.loadFromPreferences(completionHandler: { (error) in             guard error == nil else {                 // Handle an occurred error                 return             }                          do {                 try self.myProviderManager?.connection.startVPNTunnel()                 print("Tunnel started")             } catch {                 fatalError()             }         })     }          func loadProviderManager(completion:@escaping () - Void) {                           NETunnelProviderManager.loadAllFromPreferences { (managers, error) in             guard error == nil else {                 fatalError()                 return             }                          self.myProviderManager = managers?.first ?? NETunnelProviderManager()             self.manageConnectionChanges(manager: self.myProviderManager!)                          self.myProviderManager?.loadFromPreferences(completionHandler: { (error) in                 guard error == nil else {                     fatalError()                     return                 }                                  let tunnelProtocol = self.createProtocolConfiguration()                                  self.myProviderManager?.protocolConfiguration = tunnelProtocol                 self.myProviderManager?.localizedDescription = "OpenVPN Client Ubic"                                  self.myProviderManager?.isEnabled = true                                  self.myProviderManager?.isOnDemandEnabled = false                                  self.myProviderManager?.saveToPreferences(completionHandler: { (error) in                     if error != nil  {                         // Handle an occurred error                         fatalError()                     }                     self.startConnection {                         print("VPN loaded")                     }                 })             })         }     } }
Feb ’21