




Programmatically Connecting to WiFi in iOS
Hi,I create application "Connecting to WiFi in iOS"Code to connecting:Swiftlet configuration = NEHotspotConfiguration.init(ssid: "SSIDname", passphrase: "Password", isWEP: false)configuration.joinOnce = trueNEHotspotConfigurationManager.shared.apply(configuration) { (error) in if error != nil { if error?.localizedDescription == "already associated." { print("Connected") } else{ print("No Connected") } } else { print("Connected") }}and Xamarin[assembly: Dependency(typeof(WifiConnector))]namespace WiFiManager.iOS{ public class WifiConnector : IWifiConnector { public void ConnectToWifi(string ssid, string password) { var wifiManager = new NEHotspotConfigurationManager(); var wifiConfig = new NEHotspotConfiguration(ssid, password, false); wifiManager.ApplyConfiguration(wifiConfig, (error) => { if (error != null) { Console.WriteLine($"Error while connecting to WiFi network {ssid}: {error}"); } }); } }}Everything works fine but iOS always asks a question "Wants to Join Wi-Fi Network".Is there any possibility that it would not ask? For my application, this popup is a problem. Maybe list of preferred network?Thank you in advance!
Nov ’18
MerchantId is not a registered merchant in WWDR and isn't properly authorized via Mass Enablement, either.
Hi,- I have a developer account with Apple- I have created the Payment Processing Certificate- I have done the merchant validation- I have created the Merchant Identity CertificateWhen I call the function 'session.onvalidatemerchant', visit the url:, I received a error:{ "statusMessage": "Payment Services Exception merchantId=BECD61522C23F5C8200759A03B67E19730D3F6A03C7DDD1470D64B0DF6F28078 unauthorized to process transactions on behalf of merchantId=1BAE2D40CDB3552D32815FA54BFBDFBAFFE94047CC198087DB502A7C6F9448B1 reason=\"1BAE2D40CDB3552D32815FA54BFBDFBAFFE94047CC198087DB502A7C6F9448B1 is not a registered merchant in WWDR and isn't properly authorized via Mass Enablement, either.\"", "statusCode": "417"}But when I make the same request on a Chinese server, I received a successful result.I hope to get successful results on servers in the United States.Please help.ThanksFan
Feb ’19 (Not Responding)
Previously discussed in beta: process stops responding every day it seems, I'm running 10.14.3 (18D109)When the process hangs, its Open Files and Ports include the following:txt /Library/Preferences/Logging/.plist-cache.ZP6RP0OT txt /private/var/db/timezone/tz/2018i.1.0/icutz/icutz44l.dat txt /usr/share/icu/icudt62l.dat txt /private/var/folders/35/dgpwsg457w17gs77hssnrbnw0000gn/0/ are not open when the service is running (before it hangs)Would like to know how frequently this hangs for everyone else and get steps to troubleshoot if possible.
Feb ’19
Subscription downgrade renewal in sandbox
Hi, I am testing auto-renew subscriptin in the sandbox. If I purchase a subscription to Level 2, it renews every few minutes and I get notification in app. All good. But if, before it expires I do a downgrade to Level 1 using my app interface to purchase Level 1, the following happens. The Level 2 subscription continues until it expires. What I then expect to happen is that I would then get a notiification that the new subscription has been purchased. But that doesn't happen, the latest receipt is saying the original subscription has expired. It does include the new subscription in the "pending" field, but in that field the "auto_renew_status" is set to 0, which I guess is why it didn't actually happen.My question is: is this a sandbox thing? In production, will the new subscription purchase happen authomatically and I will get a receipt for the purchased downgrade subscription? If not, what is the way to handle this - a message to the user to say to go and manually renew subscription?Gary
Mar ’19
iOS NSCoreDataCoreSpotlightDelegate, how to reindex all items
I have implemented NSCoreDataCoreSpotlightDelegate, and I missed out the part where the default expirationDate is 1 month, now items that I have added 3 months ago are not showing up in the search index.How do I get NSCoreDataCoreSpotlightDelegate to reindex all the items?I used to be able to call this:mcdcsd.searchableIndex(CSSearchableIndex.default(), reindexAllSearchableItemsWithAcknowledgementHandler: {})And the first time, it will reindex all the items, but if I re-run the app with the above line uncommented again, it will not reindex.If I uninstall the app, install back, then uncomment the above line, then it will index all again for the first time.How do I get it to reindex everything again?
Apr ’19
latest_receipt_info is missing from Receipt
"latest_receipt_info" is missing from Receipt when fetched from Apple servers using verifyReceipt endpoint.Can anyone explaimn when can this arise, and what is the reason behind this. We see significant amount of the trxn resulting in this.Here is one such receipt.{ "receipt": { "receipt_type": "Production", "adam_id": "******", "app_item_id": "******", "bundle_id": "com.****.***.****", "application_version": "2.3.1", "download_id": "******", "version_external_identifier": "*******", "receipt_creation_date": "2019-06-19 16:15:05 Etc/GMT", "receipt_creation_date_ms": "1560960905000", "receipt_creation_date_pst": "2019-06-19 09:15:05 America/Los_Angeles", "request_date": "2019-06-20 08:45:52 Etc/GMT", "request_date_ms": "1561020352231", "request_date_pst": "2019-06-20 01:45:52 America/Los_Angeles", "original_purchase_date": "2019-06-19 16:15:05 Etc/GMT", "original_purchase_date_ms": "1560960905000", "original_purchase_date_pst": "2019-06-19 09:15:05 America/Los_Angeles", "original_application_version": "2.3.1", "in_app": [] }, "status": 0, "environment": "Production"}This is for Mac App Store. So i don't think that it is a old receipt (like iOS 6). Also it came while our QE was performing the test.
Jun ’19
iPad external keyboard spacebar not working properly
Hi,Recently I installed iPadOS public beta and bought an external third party keyboard. The spacebar of the keyboard does not work properly on some applications including the native email app. When I clicked on the spacebar, it inputs newline instead of space. Also, I noticed I can input space by clicking on shift+spacebar or alt+spacebar.I tried with another keyboard and same issues persists. Is this an issue from iPadOS public beta?Anyone experiencing the same issues?
Jun ’19
Why isn't the user data being returned every time?
I am implementing Sign in with Apple using the JS framework.When the user (me, right now) signs in for the first time, I get data I need!The parameters look like thisParameters:{"state"=>"[state]", "code"=>"[code]", "id_token"=> "[jws token]", "user"=>"{\"email\":\"[the email I need]\"}"}My scope is just "email," I don't need (or want) their name.Next, I try signing in again (same everything)But, I get this optionWhen I click "continue" the data looks like thisParameters:{"state"=>"[state]", "code"=>"[code]", "id_token"=> "[id token]"}As you can tell, there is no user object, no email, nothing I can use!If I do the code response and get an access token, I can't use it. There's no public, known endpoints to just get the email they used. There's no point in storing the email if I can never check for it the next time they sign in.This is happening on multiple browsers on macOS 10.14.4.On my iPhone running iOS 13 developer beta 3, every time I click the button, I get the option to "share" or "hide" my email (even though, as shown above, I've sign in before), and sharing the email actually shares it, while hiding it.. well hides it.However, the user data is always there.This bug(?) only appears when clicking Continue, which I can assume appears on devices that aren't running iOS 13. It's quite a problem on devices that aren't this small set of devices, so I hope this is either known, easily fixable, or something! Thanks for any help you can provide.
Jul ’19
CD4CK: Can't find Default configuration in M.O.M.
There are a few things about how Core Data 4 Cloud Kit initializes that I'm stuggling to understand. I've spent most of the day finally getting a schema initialized on the server, and learnt a few things along the way.Firstly, even though I have a Default configuration in my managed object model, and it has been there from day one with the option "Used with CloudKit" checked for true, if I create an `NSPersistentStoreDescription` and set the configuration property to "Default", when I try to load the stores, it will fail, saying "Unable to find a configuration named 'Default' in the specified managed object model.". If I inpsect the debug description for my ManagedObjectModel instance, it does indeed not have any reference to the string "Default" in it (I'm not sure if debugDescription is actually printing out the configuration names however). Why does this fail? I can only get my store loaded and the schema initialized if I remove the code that sets the configuration name to "Default".The next thing that tripped me up was the NSPersistentCloudKitContainerOptions property on the store description. Considering that the only property on that class is now gone, so you no longer need to perform `options.shouldInitializeSchema = true`, I incorrectly assumed that I'd no longer need to even create and set a NSPersistentCloudKitContainerOptions instance on my store description, because all it really holds is the containerIdentifier. Why would I need to specify a container identifier if the system is going to fetch the first iCloud Container Identifier out of the entitlements file and associate it with the Default configuration which I'd (clearly incorrectly) assumed would be automatically associated with CloudKit and my "Default" entitlement container identifier.Below is the code I was using. It's mild playground refactor of my real code, but it's quite straightforward.// Instantiate the Managed Object Model let modelName = "CloudModel" let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: modelName, withExtension: "momd") let mom: NSManagedObjectModel = NSManagedObjectModel(contentsOf: url!)! // Define the Cloud Store Description let storeURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: "Cloud.sqlite", isDirectory: false, relativeTo: NSPersistentContainer.defaultDirectoryURL()) let cloudStoreDescription = NSPersistentStoreDescription(url: storeURL) cloudStoreDescription.shouldAddStoreAsynchronously = true cloudStoreDescription.configuration = "Default" // this will cause loading to fail with an "Unable to find // a configuration named 'Default' in the specified managed object model." error // Add a container options instance to the description, because without it, loading will fail with // "Couldn't initialize CloudKit schema because no stores in the coordinator are configured to use CloudKit" var cloudKitOptions = NSPersistentCloudKitContainerOptions(containerIdentifier: "com.example.container.identifier") cloudStoreDescription.cloudKitContainerOptions = cloudKitOptions // Create the Container for the Cloud Store let container: NSPersistentCloudKitContainer = NSPersistentCloudKitContainer(name: modelName, managedObjectModel: mom) container.persistentStoreDescriptions = [cloudStoreDescription]
Aug ’19
Custom keyboard extension not showing iOS 13
My Custom keyboard extension doesn't appeared in "Settings -> General -> Keyboards -> Add new keyboard-> Third party keyboards" on simulator and real device. My keyboard extension has been working on previous versions.I tested on Xcode11 - beta2 1. File -> new -> Project... -> iOS -> Single View App 2. File -> new -> Targets... -> iOS -> Custom Keyboard Extension 3. Run on iPhone simulator iOS13 4. Go to Settings -> General -> Keyboard -> Keyboards -> Add new keyboard on Simulator. I couldn't find 3rd party keyboards. I tested same thing on xcode10 on iOS 12 simulator. It was fine and I was able to select 3rd party keyboard.It's strange that gboard and swiftkey are normally working on iOS13. Is There something that I miss new configuration or AppReview requirements?
Aug ’19
iOS 13 - Attempting to store >= 4194304 bytes of data in CFPreferences/NSUserDefaults on this platform is invalid
I'm trying to store a 2 separated Strings (73067 bytes) and (280628 bytes) to User Defaults, in older iOS versions just work fine, but in iOS 13, i can't save this data.This is how i save the data:UserDefaults.standard.set(myData1, forKey: KEY_MY_DATA_1)UserDefaults.standard.synchronize()UserDefaults.standard.set(myData2, forKey: KEY_MY_DATA_2)UserDefaults.standard.synchronize()Throws this error on iOS 13:2019-08-19 15:34:24.616570+0200 myAppName[4108:240228] [User Defaults] CFPrefsPlistSource<0x6000037cc980> (Domain: com.domain.myAppName, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: Yes): Attempting to store >= 4194304 bytes of data in CFPreferences/NSUserDefaults on this platform is invalid. This is a bug in myAppName or a library it uses.
Aug ’19
Original item can't be found in Mac OS Catalina
I installed Mac OS Catalina 10.15 beta.When I go to Finder and tap on folders in the sidebar, an alert window appears saying the folder "can't be opened because the original item can't be found".I have tried the following...- Force Quit and restart Finder.- Dragging and dropping a folder called "Data" to the desktop. It just disappears from Finder without appearing on the desktop.- Rebook Mac in recovery mode > Disk Utility > Mount Disks > First Aid > Restart. When I do this I see two disks that can be mounted.Macintosh HDMacintosh HD - DataI have tried mounting them together and separately without success.Any suggestions to fix this?
Aug ’19
syspolicyd high cpu usage
Hi all, For the last couple of betas of Catalina I've noticed that the process "syspolicyd" chews through CPU usage without ever dropping. The process seems to start up by itself and then consume a huge amount of CPU (often 98%) causing my Macbook Pro to spin up fans to try and cool it.It doesn't seem to stop by itself so I've resorted to killing the process manually but I wondered if there's a known issue or fix for this?
Aug ’19
Embedded Video not playing in WebView with iOS 13
Several of our apps put tutorial videos in a webview inside the app. These always worked great before iOS 13. User would tap on the embedded video, it would expand to full screen and play the video. Now, with iOS 13, this no longer works. You tap the embedded video and nothing happens. If you tap it over and over, eventually you might get lucky and the video starts playing.Anyone else seeing this? Any work around?Thanks
Sep ’19
In app purchase not appearing on App Store
Hi there,We recently had a new version of our app Approved, and it included a new In App Purchase as well. We released the app to the App Store yesterday, and after a few hours it became visible in App Store Search.However, the in-app-purchase is not visible on the App Store, and therefore, the App simply does not work.I have read that it can take up to 24 hours for the in app purchase to be visible in the App Store, but this is a problem as our App doesn't work without the In App Purchase.Does anyone have any experience with this?
Oct ’19
apple-app-site-association not updating for my app, next update time in swcutil_show is in past
I am unable to get Universal Links opening in my app despite the fact that it is working for others.I used sysdiagnose to retrieve swcutil_show.txt and it shows the next update time for the entry in my app to be: 0001-01-01 03:54:56 +0000Which is in the past. I can't seem to be able to reset this entry even after uninstalling and reinstalling the app. Is there anyway to clear this entry on my device?I'm not sure how it got into this state, but I hope it's only me and not any of my end users.
Oct ’19