




Apple Push Notification service server certificate update
The Certification Authority (CA) for Apple Push Notification service (APNs) is changing. APNs will update the server certificates in sandbox on January 20, 2025, and in production on February 24, 2025. All developers using APNs will need to update their application’s Trust Store to include the new server certificate: SHA-2 Root : USERTrust RSA Certification Authority certificate. To ensure a smooth transition and avoid push notification delivery failures, please make sure that both old and new server certificates are included in the Trust Store before the cut-off date for each of your application servers that connect to sandbox and production. At this time, you don’t need to update the APNs SSL provider certificates issued to you by Apple.
Oct ’24
iOS 18 CarPlay - all apps freeze when selected
Ever since updating to iOS18, CarPlay has been buggy for me. One of the constant issues is that after it connects, when I select an app (eg google maps or Spotify), the entire app will freeze. This happens regardless of the app I choose. Nothing on the app will be responsive unless I use the physical car controls to back out of the app. Once I’m on the main view of carplay (where it shows all the apps or where it shows the maps/audio mixes screen) then carplay becomes responsive again. But since I can’t use any of the apps as soon as I select one, I have to reboot my phone to resolve the issue. However, the issue will just happen again ok a subsequent attempt to connect. Some times it will work ok, probably happens again every 2-3 times I connect. This never happened prior to iOS18. Any suggestions?
App intermittently disappearing after installation
We're build a pkg with three apps in it from the command line. There is one primary app and two supporting apps. We build a folder structure inside a temp directory like below (some folder names replaced with generic ones): mkdir -p ./tmp/Applications/.hiddenfolder/ mkdir -p ./tmp/Library/Application\ Support/Company/ mkdir -p ./tmp/Library/Preferences/ mkdir -p ./tmp/Library/Logs/Company/ mkdir -p ./tmp/Library/LaunchAgents/ mkdir -p ./tmp/Library/Company/ mkdir -p ./tmp/Library/LaunchDaemons/ #Grant Logs Folder Read-Write Access to All chmod a+rw ./tmp/Library/Logs/Company/ chmod a+rw ./tmp/Library/Application\ Support/Company/ We then build and sign each app dependency and place them into the temporary folder. For each app we're calling: xcodebuild -workspace "$PROJECT" -scheme "$TARGET" -configuration Release -derivedDataPath "$WORKING" clean build codesign --force --deep -o runtime --entitlements "../$TARGET/$APPLICATION.entitlements" --sign "$DEVKEY" "$WORKING/Build/Products/Release/$" cp -R "$WORKING/Build/Products/Release/$" "$DESTINATION" The primary app is copied into ./tmp/Applications/.hiddenfolder/ . The other two apps are put in ./tmp/Library/Company/ and ./tmp/Applications/ We then create the component list, build, and notarize the final pkg using the script below: Some definitions of the variables used below: (not real id but an example) ROOT=./tmp SCRIPTS=./scripts GUI=./pkggui pkgbuild --analyze --identifier "$IDENTIFIER" --version "$VERSION" --root "$ROOT" --scripts "$SCRIPTS" "$NAME-tmp.plist" /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "SET 0:BundleIsRelocatable NO" "$NAME-tmp.plist" /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "SET 1:BundleIsRelocatable NO" "$NAME-tmp.plist" /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "SET 2:BundleIsRelocatable NO" "$NAME-tmp.plist" pkgbuild --identifier "$IDENTIFIER" --version "$PKGVERSION" --root "$ROOT" --scripts "$SCRIPTS" --component-plist "$NAME-tmp.plist" "$NAME-tmp.pkg" productbuild --synthesize --package "$NAME-tmp.pkg" distribution.xml sed -i "" \ -e '$ i\ \ <title>App1</title>' \ -e '$ i\ \ <background file="background.icns" alignment="bottomleft" scaling="proportional" />' \ -e '$ i\ \ <welcome file="welcome.txt" />' \ -e '$ i\ \ <installation-check script="InstallationCheck()"/> \ <script> \ function InstallationCheck(prefix) { \ if (system.compareVersions(system.version.ProductVersion, '12.0') &lt; 0) { \ my.result.message = "This update requires OS X version 12.0 or later."; \ my.result.type = "Fatal"; \ return false; \ } \ return true; \ } \ </script>' \ "distribution.xml" productbuild --distribution distribution.xml --resources "$GUI" --package-path "./$NAME-tmp.pkg" --sign "$DEVKEY" "$NAME.pkg" Once built and notarized this pkg becomes the base for the installers we give to customers. For each customer we have some custom parameters we set in a plist file inside the pkg, which requires us to expand the pkg out, add the plist file to /Library/Preferences/ in the expanded pkg, and then flattent/re-notarize the edited pkg. What we're running into is that the primary app (App1 above) will intermittently disappear after installation. We check all of the files we lay down in the postinstall script, and usually it detects the app in the correct location (/Applications/.hiddenfolder/), so it appears that it is correctly laying the files down but something is removing the app after installation. A couple of times the postinstall script has detected that the app is not in the correct place and fails, but usually the install will finish and only the other two apps remain. So far we've found no logs or evidence of it being moved or deleted; it just ceases to exist after installation. Has anyone else had this issue and found a solution?
Identifying same underlying card
Is there a way to determine if the same underlying card was used in multiple Apple Pay payments? Is there any sort of FPAN ID, fingerprint or card ID that would be the same between Apple Pay payments that used the same card? Could it be the "ApplePayPaymentPass"?
iOS 18.1.1 Share button not working
Updated to iOS 18.1.1 ‘share’ button is not working across various apps. For example, if I receive a pdf on WhatsApp, and I intend to share it to my Google Drive, nothing happens when I hit the button. Anyone else encountering the same problem? And how do I fix it? It’s been like this for a couple of days now and it’s really frustrating.
SwiftData Migration: Keeps failing at the end of willMigrate
I've been trying to setup a successful migration, but it keeps failing with this error: NSCloudKitMirroringDelegate are not reusable and should have a lifecycle tied to a given instance of NSPersistentStore. I can't find any information about this online. I added breakpoints throughout the code in willMigrate, and it originally failed on this line: try? I removed that, and it still failed. After I reload the app, it doesn't run the migration again and the app loads successfully. I figured since it crashed, it would keep trying, but I guess not. Here's how my migration is setup. enum MigrationV1ToV2: SchemaMigrationPlan { static var schemas: [any VersionedSchema.Type] { [SchemaV1.self, SchemaV2.self] } static var stages: [MigrationStage] { [stage] } static let stage = MigrationStage.custom( fromVersion: SchemaV1.self, toVersion: SchemaV2.self, willMigrate: { context in // Get cycles let cycles = try? context.fetch(FetchDescriptor<SchemaV1.Cycle>()) if let cycles { for cycle in cycles { // Create new recurring objects based on what's in the cycle for income in cycle.income { let recurring = SchemaV2.Recurring(name:, frequency: income.frequency, kind: .income) recurring.addAmount(.init(date: cycle.startDate, amount: income.amount)) context.insert(recurring) } for expense in cycle.expenses { let recurring = SchemaV2.Recurring(name:, frequency: expense.frequency, kind: .expense) recurring.addAmount(.init(date: cycle.startDate, amount: expense.amount)) context.insert(recurring) } for savings in cycle.savings { let recurring = SchemaV2.Recurring(name:, frequency: savings.frequency, kind: .savings) recurring.addAmount(.init(date: cycle.startDate, amount: savings.amount)) context.insert(recurring) } for investment in { let recurring = SchemaV2.Recurring(name:, frequency: investment.frequency, kind: .investment) recurring.addAmount(.init(date: cycle.startDate, amount: investment.amount)) context.insert(recurring) } } //try? } else { print("The cycles were not able to be fetched.") } }, didMigrate: { context in // Get new recurring objects let newRecurring = try? context.fetch(FetchDescriptor<SchemaV2.Recurring>()) if let newRecurring { for recurring in newRecurring { // Get all recurring with the same name and kind let sameName = newRecurring.filter({ $ == && $0.kind == recurring.kind }) // Add amount history to recurring object, and then remove matching for match in sameName { recurring.amountHistory.append(contentsOf: match.amountHistory) context.delete(match) } } //try? } else { print("The new recurring objects could not be fetched.") } } ) } Here's is my modelContainer in the app file. There is a fatal error occurring here that's crashing the app. var sharedModelContainer: ModelContainer = { let schema = Schema(versionedSchema: SchemaV2.self) let modelConfiguration = ModelConfiguration(schema: schema, isStoredInMemoryOnly: false) do { return try ModelContainer( for: schema, migrationPlan: MigrationV1ToV2.self, configurations: [modelConfiguration] ) } catch { fatalError("Could not create ModelContainer: \(error)") } }() Does anyone have any suggestions for this? EDIT: I found this error in the console that may be relevant. BUG IN CLIENT OF CLOUDKIT: Registering a handler for a CKScheduler activity identifier that has already been registered ( CloudKit setup failed because it couldn't register a handler for the export activity. There is another instance of this persistent store actively syncing with CloudKit in this process. And here is the fatal error Fatal error: Could not create ModelContainer: SwiftDataError(_error: SwiftData.SwiftDataError._Error.loadIssueModelContainer, _explanation: nil)
Wallet is not highlighting boarding pass changes
Hi, I'm making changes in boarding pass through my webService and I changing Seat information but Wallet is not highlighting this information. Am I doing wrong? What do I need to do? Do need I inform anything? The request I do to silent push notification: apns-priority: 5 apns-topic: pass.**** apns-push-type: background { "aps": { "content-available": "1" } } Images links (before/after changes)
Apple Watch 8 OS11.2 not synching my activity (intermittently)
My Apple Watch after the beta update is not syncing the activities sometimes with Apple Health. I just completed a 2.5 km walk, and it showed on Apple Health, yes, but it did not affect my daily goals. This is not the first time this has happened; this is just one of the examples that I'm sharing, other than what has been some problems that I am seeing after the beta update. Additionally, the camera remote app is not working correctly as I cannot see anything on the watch screen like I used to.
Help Needed with Saving Geofence Events Offline (UserDefaults/Core Data)
Hi everyone, I've implemented geofencing in my app, and it works well when the device is connected to the internet. The app successfully triggers region entry and exit events, even when it's in a terminated state, and sends the details to the server. However, I'm facing an issue with offline functionality. I attempted to cache geofence events (region entry/exit) when the device is offline and send them to the server once the device comes back online. I’ve tried using both UserDefaults and Core Data for caching these events, but the offline events are not being stored or processed correctly. Here’s the code that triggers the region events: func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didEnterRegion region: CLRegion) { if let region = region as? CLCircularRegion { handleRegionEvent(region: region, eventType: "enter") } } func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didExitRegion region: CLRegion) { if let region = region as? CLCircularRegion { handleRegionEvent(region: region, eventType: "exit") } } The region entry/exit triggers correctly, and I even receive notifications. However, nothing is being saved to storage. To cache events, I'm using this method: private func cacheEvent(_ event: GeofenceEvent) { var cachedEvents = getCachedEvents() cachedEvents.append(event) if let encoded = try? JSONEncoder().encode(cachedEvents) { UserDefaults.standard.set(encoded, forKey: cachedEventsKey) } } For UserDefaults, we've added the app group and suite name, but it's still not working as expected. Has anyone encountered similar issues or have any suggestions on how to reliably cache and sync geofence events during offline scenarios? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Questions abou Performing Long-Term Actions in the Background
We are reaching out to discuss an issue we have encountered with our app's activation process while running in the background. Currently, we are employing an iBeacon-based activation scheme, but we have noticed that after the app is activated, it is unable to receive UUID data from the scan-response while in the background. We are considering the possibility of embedding the UUID data into the advertisement so that the app can receive it once activated by the iBeacon. Additionally, we are preparing to use both Core Bluetooth’s “Performing Long-Term Actions in the Background” feature and the iBeacon scheme simultaneously for app activation. We would like to know if these two methods can coexist without any mutual interference. Currently, we are utilizing a method of updating the beacon advertisement after connection and disconnection to enhance the app's activation capability. However, in some scenarios where the signal is weak, the app does not detect the vehicle after being activated and will not be reactivated by the same beacon after going into sleep mode. Our current approach is to update the beacon advertisement every 10 seconds to improve this capability. We have outlined our proposed changes and would appreciate your confirmation on whether they could lead to better optimization: 1.Embedding the UUID from the scan-response into the advertisement. 2.Updating the iBeacon advertisement content every 10 seconds. 3. Simultaneously using Core Bluetooth's "Performing Long-Term Actions in the Background" feature along with the iBeacon scheme for app activation. Additionally, we would like to know if these changes could potentially cause any other issues. Thank you for your assistance, and I look forward to your insights on this matter.
SimpleFirewall from Filtering Network Traffic example not filtering traffic
I've been trying very unsuccessfully to get the Filtering Network Traffic example code to work. I've read many forum posts but I still wasn't able to figure it out. I download the example project and set my development team for both targets. From then on the project is configured to create unique bundle identifiers and app group. Signing and provisioning profile is created and managed by Xcode with all the necessary entitlements. I am able to build the app (debug with provisioning profile) and then copy it to /Applications. I open the app, click start, enable and allow the network extension. Activity Monitor shows that the extension is running. But when I test local connections to port 8888 nothing happens in the app, the connection are just allowed. I tested with the following setup: create a local webserver with python3 -m http.server 8888 and make a request via curl and the webbrowser normal tcp connection with nc (nc -l 8888 and nc localhost 8888) I added lots of logging and I can see that the startFilter method is called, but never the handleNewFlow method. The only error I see in Console is networkd_settings_read_from_file Sandbox is preventing this process from reading networkd settings file at "/Library/Preferences/", please add an exception. but don't know what to do about that. I also read the debugging guide (very helpful). I'm used to jump through a lot of hoops with this stuff, but I can't figure out what the problem is.
I would like to know why I didn't receive a VoIP notification.
We have modified the program as we received in the previous(thread 764479) issue. Our program works very well and the notification problem has been almost solved in the test. Then, we tested it in the user's environment. At that time, one of the three iPhones stopped receiving notifications. After 10 minutes, VoIP notifications were received again. This device received PUSH notifications even when VoIP notifications did not come. We must explain to the user why this incident occurred. We would like to know if these three notifications were sent correctly to the device. Also, is there any other way for us to deal with this other than improving the network? [APNS LIST]Nov. 20th could not receive(failed) 15:06:13 5793987C-D1A4-811F-917F-87DD7F5083B3 15:07:09 667E0A2F-43B5-37FC-2F2A-45A6C27EFC34 15:19:31 1353DF78-519E-B1DC-82B7-8B890E59FE37 received(success) 15:04:09 19CC1937-533A-9AF4-9472-41C839E461D7 15:35:00 CD23AC57-6EC7-4523-941F-B103EDB4DEFB
incomplete route data in Apple Health
When we upload workout data to HealthKit the route information with the workout detailed data is incomplete: just a few dots. When we select "Show all workout routes" the route data for the same workout shows correctly. We use the HKWorkoutBuilder to store the workout data, and add the location data with the HKWorkoutRouteBuilder to the workout with Is this an Apple Health issue, or do we have to change something in the way we store the location data to the workout?
SIGFPE not raised when dividing by zero
I have an app whose logic is in C++ and rest of the parts (UI) are in Swift and SwiftUI. When an exception is raised by some C++ code, I'm using the Linux signal handler mechanism to trap it. From my previous post, I understand that fatal exceptions like SIGSEGV, SIGBUS, SIGFPE etc., there's nothing much that can be done by the process. My only intent for using a signal handler is to log something, so that it becomes easy to fix during development. Ofc, even that logging can fail, based on the severity of the exception, but that's okay... make an attempt to log - if it works, great, else the process can terminate. I'm registering for SIGSEGV and SIGFPE with the following code // ExceptionHandlingCpp.hpp file struct tSignals { SignalHandlerFunc signalHandlerFunc; uint32_t signal; [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t reserved[4]; }; // ExceptionHandlingCpp.cpp file tSignals ExceptionHandlingCpp::unixSignals[] = { {HandleSignals, SIGFPE, {0}}, {HandleSignals, SIGSEGV, {0}}, {HandleSignals, SIGKILL, {0}}, }; std::string ExceptionHandlingCpp::signalToString(int signal) { switch(signal) { case SIGFPE: return "SIGFPE"; case SIGSEGV: return "SIGSEGV"; case SIGKILL: return "SIGKILL"; default: return "Unknown signal"; } } void ExceptionHandlingCpp::RegisterSignals() { LOG("ExceptionHandlingCpp::RegisterSignals()"); struct sigaction sa; sa.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO; for(int i = 0; i &lt; sizeof(unixSignals)/sizeof(tSignals); ++i) { sa.sa_sigaction = unixSignals[i].signalHandlerFunc; if(sigaction(unixSignals[i].signal, &amp;sa, nullptr) == 1) { LOG("Failed to set " + signalToString(unixSignals[i].signal) + "'s signal handler!"); } else { LOG(signalToString(unixSignals[i].signal) + "'s signal handler set sucessfully!"); } } } In my signal handler (HandleSignals method), immediately after trapping a signal, I log something and set the default handler... This breaks out of the loop that occurs when returning from the signal handler. // ExceptionHandlingCpp.cpp void ExceptionHandlingCpp::HandleSignals(int pSignal, siginfo_t *pInfo, void *pContext) { LOG("ExceptionHandlingCpp::HandleSignals(int, signinfo_t*, void*)"); LOG("signal = " + signalToString(pSignal)); UnregisterSignals(pSignal); LOG("Returning from exception handler..."); } void ExceptionHandlingCpp::UnregisterSignals(int pSignal) { LOG("UnregisterSignals(int)"); struct sigaction defaultAction {}; defaultAction.sa_handler = SIG_DFL; if(sigaction(pSignal, &amp;defaultAction, nullptr) == -1) { LOG("Error in resetting action for " + signalToString(pSignal)); } else { LOG("Successfully reset " + signalToString(pSignal) + "'s action to default!"); } } When I test this code by raising SIGSEGV (as shown below), void ExceptionHandlingCpp::DereferenceNullPtr () { LOG("DereferenceNullPtr()"); int* ptr = nullptr; LOG("Raising exception..."); int value = *ptr; } everything works as expected. Signal handler is invoked, default handler is set and the process immediately quits. But when I try to raise a SIGFPE, void* ExceptionHandlingCpp::DivisionByZero ([[maybe_unused]] void* pParms) { LOG("DivisionByZero()"); int num1; int num2; int result; num1 = 5; num2 = 0; LOG("Raising exception..."); result = num1 / num2; LOG("Returning from DivisionByZero() method"); return nullptr; } my signal handler is not invoked (as shown in the logs below). The process doesn't terminate either. It seems that the flow simply 'walks over' this division by zero instruction as if nothing happened and returns from that method, which shouldn't have happened, as the process should've terminated after reaching my signal handler. RegisterSignals() SIGFPE's signal handler set sucessfully! SIGSEGV's signal handler set sucessfully! SIGKILL's signal handler set sucessfully! .... DivisionByZero() Raising exception... Returning from DivisionByZero() method .... AppDelegate.applicationWillBecomeActive(_:) AppDelegate.applicationDidBecomeActive(_:) ... // UI is displayed Why is SIGFPE not raised? What am I missing here?
App with iMessage extension AND sticker pack
Im not a dev but trying to create something trying to create an app that includes an iMessage extension AND a sticker pack. My first attempt I tried to create a iMessage app but apparently I cant include a sticker pack. Ive tried to create a shell app with a sticker pack and iMessage extension but it's just not working. Can someone please let me know how I can do this. How can I get an iMessage extension app and a sticker pack installed at the same time from the same app. Ive tried everything, tried creating a seperate iOS app with sticker pack and iMessage extension and nothing. A lot of times a get an error like "CompileAssetCatalogVariant failed with a nonzero exit code"" If I remove the sticker pack builds successfully. thank you in advance
Bug:Local network permissions have already been enabled, but attempting to establish a local network connection using NWConnection still results in a "no local network permissions" error.
The user has already enabled local network permissions. However, when I use nw_connection_t for a local network TCP connection, nw_path_unsatisfied_reason returns nw_path_unsatisfied_reason_local_network_denied. The system logs also indicate a lack of local network permissions. This is an intermittent bug that typically occurs after uninstalling and reinstalling the app. Restarting the app does not help, toggling permissions on and off does not work, and uninstalling and reinstalling the app also fails to resolve the issue. Restarting the phone is the only solution, meaning users can only fix it by rebooting their device.
Command line utility launched by XCode asks for permission, delays reception
I have a command line app under active development in XCode. It is based on receiving multicast traffic and processing it. I generate this traffic with another app, and generally just leave it running. When I do a build and run in XCode, I get a message asking me for Local Access. If I click yes, no network traffic will be received. I need to restart the command line tool multiple times until I get access. I'm also getting a ton of repeated entries in my Setting-&gt;Privacy-&gt;Local Access. If I configure xcode to launch with terminal, it does work, but that's not a great solution because of the external window (and the fact that I have terminal set "close if exit cleanly", so I lose my data. I can change that setting, but it is fairly inconvenient, and I don't get the console history in XCode. Is there a way to allow my apps to run from xcode without the pop-up or with the delay in activating the network and creating new entries in the Settings? Thanks!