App Review

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Understand the technical and content review process for submitting apps to the App Store.

App Review Documentation






xCode - ITMS-90111: Unsupported SDK or Xcode version
When I try to upload an app to the AppStore, I receive following feedback: I had Xcode 16 with visionOS installed. Because of the feedback, I switched back to Xcode 15.3 with visionOs 1.0. I archived it again and tried to upload the app again. But I still receive the same feedback. I also tried, but it seems that there is no such property for visionOS in the info.plist I do not have any further ideas...
Rejected, 4.1: Copycats
Hello, After submitting my app for review, it was rejected due to the Copycats guideline: "This app or its metadata appears to be misrepresenting itself as another popular app or game already available on the App Store, from a developer's website or distribution source, or from a third-party platform." The problem is, it is an original app and I have no idea why they considered it a "copycat". After various attempts to clarify, and mentioning every reason I could think of that could have made them think its a copycat, I always get basically the same answer. In the last answer they added: "Please note resubmission without any revision will not be processed any further. We look forward to reviewing your app once the appropriate changes have been made." The app is a game called "G-Switch 4: Creator", the sequel to "G-Switch 3" (which is on the App Store). I have detailed why this sequel is a very significant improvement to the previous (level editing and sharing, and other features). I have explained that the app on other platforms is mine too, such as on Google Play, under the brand name "Serius Games", and have offered to unquestionably prove it if necessary. I mentioned a game that existed with similar gameplay and is not available now, but that was actually released after mine, so mine is the original. I have mentioned the level select interface being somewhat inspired by Mario Maker. But I always get the reply "Thank you for providing this information. Your app, G-Switch 4: Creator, still appears to be misrepresenting itself (...)" Finally, I tried submitting an appeal to the App Review Board. This was 10 days ago, I've lost hope of getting a response. Is there anything I can do?
app crashed on launch
Hello there~ I just got an app submission rejected and the reason is app crashed on launch (exhausted real time allowance of 19.74 seconds). However, I cannot reproduce the crash on my iPad 6th, iOS 17.5.1 (same OS version used by the reviewer) with app built by Xcode 15.2 and Xcode 15.4. After I reviewed the logs, I found the last method we called is CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo, it triggered a series of method invocations , then crashed. But I cannot remove CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo directly, since I need to get some value from NetworkInfo. So I'm not sure how to solve this issue. Please give me some advices, thanks!
Guideline 5.1.2(i) - Legal - Privacy - Data Use and Sharing
Apple is continuously replying this to my app The app appears to manipulate users into enabling tracking across different apps and websites. Specifically: The app requires users to enable tracking in order to access the app's content and functionality. Users should have control over how their personal information is used and should not be forced or manipulated into enabling tracking. Next Steps Take the following step(s) to resolve this issue: Revise the app so that users are not required to enable tracking in order to access the app's content and functionality. Resources Learn more about these requirements in guideline 5.1.2. iOS App 1.0App Version Rejection Reasons: 5.1.2 Legal: Privacy - Data Use and Sharing My login function is dependent on advertising id and advertising id can be achieved through tracking, what to do for my case? We aren’t taking advertising id for ads purpose or unlawful acts. Advertising id is solely taken to get us know that user is using same older device he used for last successful login. We need two unique identifier: keychain uuid used advertising id how to get this thing approved from Apple? I tried to reply the message and requested phone call but no response.
Guideline 2.5.1 - Performance - Software Requirements
App rejection : The app uses public APIs in an unapproved manner, which does not comply with guideline 2.5.1. Specifically, your app using configuration profiles to install icons and/or wallpapers. Since there is no accurate way of predicting how an API may be modified and what effects those modifications may have, unapproved uses of public APIs in apps is not allowed. I’m wondering if it’s true that asking users to download a configuration profile doesn’t jive with 2.5.1? How to resolve the problem and what reason ?
Does the app using the API provided by the Coin Exchange pass the App Store review?
Hello, I'm trying to create an app. I'm thinking of an app that can make coin trading convenient. I'm not a cryptocurrency exchange, I'm just trying to use the API provided by the exchange. Do these app violate Apple review guidelines?? As for the app function The user enters the API Key of the exchange. I want to make it easy to provide users with various and convenient transactions through the API Key input. Does the app using the API provided by the Coin Exchange pass the App Store review? I don't see any related apps.. Was it all rejected in the App Store review?? Does the app I think violate the policy below? 3.1.5 Cryptocurrencies: (iii) Exchanges: Apps may facilitate transactions or transmissions of cryptocurrency on an approved exchange, provided they are offered only in countries or regions where the app has appropriate licensing and permissions to provide a cryptocurrency exchange. (iv) Initial Coin Offerings: Apps facilitating Initial Coin Offerings (“ICOs”), cryptocurrency futures trading, and other crypto-securities or quasi-securities trading must come from established banks, securities firms, futures commission merchants (“FCM”), or other approved financial institutions and must comply with all applicable law.
Unsupported SDK or Xcode version (XCode 15.4 running on MacOS 15)
Hello! So I updated my mac to 15.0 Sequoia Developer Beta and couldn't run Xcode 15.4 because of the Mac version mismatch, so I installed Xcode 16 beta and archived my app, but of course I cannot publish it to App Store because Apple doesn't let you do it with beta soft. So, I downloaded Xcode 15.4 (current latest stable build) and managed to run it following this fix: But, now when I create a new archive and submit it for review I am getting: ITMS-90111: Unsupported SDK or Xcode version - App submissions must use the latest Xcode and SDK Release Candidates (RC). For details on currently supported versions, visit: I tried deleting derived data and build folders, building new archives, but to no avail. Has anybody encountered this before?
ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage
Our app submission is being rejected with the following error message: TMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage - New apps that use UIWebView are no longer accepted. Instead, use WKWebView for improved security and reliability. We have thoroughly scanned our code and all dependent libraries for references to UIWebView and found none. looking for help, on how to address this issue
App stuck "In Review" for over a week
Hello, I am seeking help as my app has been stuck "in review" for over a week. The Betas passed the tests easily and no bugs were found. I had Apple on the phone and they told me nothing had been flagged and that they could only "escalate" our demand for an expedited review. This app is related to the UK General Election and not having it available to voters is seriously damaging the App's potential. The app itself is fully functional and high quality. How can I make this review go faster? Please help!
IP restricted App Review
Greetings to everyone, An application we developed with our team could not get approval from Apple review. The application is restricted to local network only. So App Review Team couldn't login in the app and review it. And they says, "Please note that we cannot use a demo video showing your app in use to continue the review." How did you apply for an IP-restricted application? Then they says, "include a demonstration mode that shows all of the features and functionality available in your app" too. If you choose to include a demo mode, what features had you built-in demo mode?
App Stuck "In Review" for Critical Bug Fix
Hello, We are seeking urgent assistance with our app, which has been stuck "In Review" for 2-3 days now despite an expedited review request. Our app is currently experiencing a critical issue where the subscription screen crashes due to the app being approved while the associated subscription product IDs were rejected without our knowledge. We have since created new subscription product IDs (which have now been approved) and updated our binary to include these updated IDs. However, we just can't get the review for the app to be finalized. This subscription is for a new feature we spent months building and aimed to monetize out of the gate. Instead, we are now faced with many frustrated users who can't subscribe to this feature, which also has a financial impact on our business. After being "In Review" for 36 hours, we removed the app from review and resubmitted it since it seemed to be stuck, but it has been back "In Review" again for the past 20 hours. We have spoken with several Apple Developer Support reps by phone and email, but there hasn't been any change in status. Could anyone provide advice on how to escalate this issue further or any other steps we might take to get urgent assistance? Thank you so much in advance for your help.
Jun ’24
Selling digital goods
Hello, I want to develop iOS app to sell digital goods, which includes source codes of apps, website templates and 3d designs. But the official in-app purchase is risky because some people can refund after they take a copy of the purchased content. and I cannot disable refund. Will this app be approved if I use different method to accept payments such as paypal or stripe? Thank you in advance, /Firas
Jun ’24
Does MacOS App Store accepts a 'nested' App?
I am reaching out to seek guidance on a unique structural aspect of my application, which is divided into two distinct components: a “Manager” app and a “Worker” app. The Manager app serves as the control center, facilitating the commencement, termination, and data handling of multiple instances of the Worker app, each operating with its own dataset. Due to the inherent functionality and structure of my application, consolidating these components into a single App executable is not feasible. To address this, I am considering the creation of a ‘nested’ app configuration with the following steps: Compile an app bundle specifically for the Manager app. Compile a separate app bundle for the Worker app. Embed the Worker app bundle within a subdirectory of the Manager app’s bundle (e.g., within Contents, Frameworks, or another appropriate location). Ensure that the entire Manager app bundle is sandboxed, with data modification and storage strictly confined to designated locations. Facilitate communication between the Manager and Worker apps using XPC, local HTTP, or other suitable Inter-process Communication (IPC) methods. By initiating the Manager app, users have the capability to launch multiple instances of the Worker apps, visible as separate icons alongside the Manager app icon in the dock. I am considering submitting the complete Manager app bundle for Mac App Store review and have several inquiries regarding this approach: The review documentation provides ambiguous information on the acceptance of nested apps. If all specified guidelines are adhered to, would the Mac App Store consider approving an app structured in this manner? Should this approach be deemed unacceptable, can you provide specific reasons for potential rejection by Apple? In the event of non-approval, are there alternative methods to obtain review approval without significantly altering the app’s architecture? I hope I come to the right place. Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks.
Jun ’24
Any way to make NSWorkspace's showSearchResultsForQueryString work?
It fails in a sandboxed app. I found a couple suggestions. One was to add a NSAppleEventsUsageDescription pair to the Info.plist so the user would be asked to grant permission for AppleEvents. But that never happens for showSearchResultsForQueryString. The next was to add the entitlement and provide as the app. This DOES work, but Apple is rejecting my app because of it, even though I've said it's the only way to make showSearchResultsForQueryString work. I'm still waiting for them to tell me how to do it in a more correct way. This is obviously a bug, because an app should be able to use any NSWorkspace method without jumping through security hoops. Has anyone else found a way to make it work and get their app on the App Store?
Jun ’24
ITMS-90863: Macs with Apple silicon support issue (iCloud library)
Recently I started getting emails from AppStoreConnect when I submit new builds The email states: ITMS-90863: Macs with Apple silicon support issue - The app links with libraries that aren’t present in macOS: /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCloudKit.dylib I can run this app on apple silicon from TestFlight or directly from Xcode and it runs just fine including all iCloud functions. This app has been using iCloud for several years now. So my question is: Should I just ignore the email or do I need to change something to bring this app into compliance?
Jun ’24