App Review

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Understand the technical and content review process for submitting apps to the App Store.

App Review Documentation






Does the app using the API provided by the Coin Exchange pass the App Store review?
Hello, I'm trying to create an app. I'm thinking of an app that can make coin trading convenient. I'm not a cryptocurrency exchange, I'm just trying to use the API provided by the exchange. Do these app violate Apple review guidelines?? As for the app function The user enters the API Key of the exchange. I want to make it easy to provide users with various and convenient transactions through the API Key input. Does the app using the API provided by the Coin Exchange pass the App Store review? I don't see any related apps.. Was it all rejected in the App Store review?? Does the app I think violate the policy below? 3.1.5 Cryptocurrencies: (iii) Exchanges: Apps may facilitate transactions or transmissions of cryptocurrency on an approved exchange, provided they are offered only in countries or regions where the app has appropriate licensing and permissions to provide a cryptocurrency exchange. (iv) Initial Coin Offerings: Apps facilitating Initial Coin Offerings (“ICOs”), cryptocurrency futures trading, and other crypto-securities or quasi-securities trading must come from established banks, securities firms, futures commission merchants (“FCM”), or other approved financial institutions and must comply with all applicable law.
Jun ’24
App stuck "In Review" for over a week
Hello, I am seeking help as my app has been stuck "in review" for over a week. The Betas passed the tests easily and no bugs were found. I had Apple on the phone and they told me nothing had been flagged and that they could only "escalate" our demand for an expedited review. This app is related to the UK General Election and not having it available to voters is seriously damaging the App's potential. The app itself is fully functional and high quality. How can I make this review go faster? Please help!
Jun ’24
Should we remove local storekit configuration option before submitting to App Store?
Hello, when developing an app on Xcode I add the local .storekit file to the run options as seen in the attachment. Should this option be reverted back to "None" before we submit the app to the App Store? Because this option is only under the "Run" scheme, not "Archive", I thought it shouldn't have any impact to the App Store build. Backstory: I had rejections from the app review team saying that they can't access the in-app purchases. In another build I removed this option and the app got accepted. But I don't know if this was the reason or it was because in-app purchases were waiting for review. When searching the web I've seen some people suggesting that the option should be "None". StoreKitConfigurationFileReference
May ’24
IP restricted App Review
Greetings to everyone, An application we developed with our team could not get approval from Apple review. The application is restricted to local network only. So App Review Team couldn't login in the app and review it. And they says, "Please note that we cannot use a demo video showing your app in use to continue the review." How did you apply for an IP-restricted application? Then they says, "include a demonstration mode that shows all of the features and functionality available in your app" too. If you choose to include a demo mode, what features had you built-in demo mode?
Jun ’24
Any way to make NSWorkspace's showSearchResultsForQueryString work?
It fails in a sandboxed app. I found a couple suggestions. One was to add a NSAppleEventsUsageDescription pair to the Info.plist so the user would be asked to grant permission for AppleEvents. But that never happens for showSearchResultsForQueryString. The next was to add the entitlement and provide as the app. This DOES work, but Apple is rejecting my app because of it, even though I've said it's the only way to make showSearchResultsForQueryString work. I'm still waiting for them to tell me how to do it in a more correct way. This is obviously a bug, because an app should be able to use any NSWorkspace method without jumping through security hoops. Has anyone else found a way to make it work and get their app on the App Store?
Jun ’24
ITMS-90863: Macs with Apple silicon support issue (iCloud library)
Recently I started getting emails from AppStoreConnect when I submit new builds The email states: ITMS-90863: Macs with Apple silicon support issue - The app links with libraries that aren’t present in macOS: /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCloudKit.dylib I can run this app on apple silicon from TestFlight or directly from Xcode and it runs just fine including all iCloud functions. This app has been using iCloud for several years now. So my question is: Should I just ignore the email or do I need to change something to bring this app into compliance?
Jun ’24
Selling digital goods
Hello, I want to develop iOS app to sell digital goods, which includes source codes of apps, website templates and 3d designs. But the official in-app purchase is risky because some people can refund after they take a copy of the purchased content. and I cannot disable refund. Will this app be approved if I use different method to accept payments such as paypal or stripe? Thank you in advance, /Firas
Jun ’24
Does MacOS App Store accepts a 'nested' App?
I am reaching out to seek guidance on a unique structural aspect of my application, which is divided into two distinct components: a “Manager” app and a “Worker” app. The Manager app serves as the control center, facilitating the commencement, termination, and data handling of multiple instances of the Worker app, each operating with its own dataset. Due to the inherent functionality and structure of my application, consolidating these components into a single App executable is not feasible. To address this, I am considering the creation of a ‘nested’ app configuration with the following steps: Compile an app bundle specifically for the Manager app. Compile a separate app bundle for the Worker app. Embed the Worker app bundle within a subdirectory of the Manager app’s bundle (e.g., within Contents, Frameworks, or another appropriate location). Ensure that the entire Manager app bundle is sandboxed, with data modification and storage strictly confined to designated locations. Facilitate communication between the Manager and Worker apps using XPC, local HTTP, or other suitable Inter-process Communication (IPC) methods. By initiating the Manager app, users have the capability to launch multiple instances of the Worker apps, visible as separate icons alongside the Manager app icon in the dock. I am considering submitting the complete Manager app bundle for Mac App Store review and have several inquiries regarding this approach: The review documentation provides ambiguous information on the acceptance of nested apps. If all specified guidelines are adhered to, would the Mac App Store consider approving an app structured in this manner? Should this approach be deemed unacceptable, can you provide specific reasons for potential rejection by Apple? In the event of non-approval, are there alternative methods to obtain review approval without significantly altering the app’s architecture? I hope I come to the right place. Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks.
Jun ’24
Guideline 4.3 - Design - Spam
apple Rejected my app , And send me this letter :Guideline 4.3 - Design - SpamWe noticed that your app provides the same feature set as many of the other apps you've submitted to the App Store; it simply varies in content or language, which is considered a form of spam.The following apps were found to provide different content but are identical in functionality:drift starsNext StepsWhen creating multiple apps where content is the only varying element, you should offer a single app to deliver differing content to customers. Alternatively, you may consider creating a web app, which looks and behaves similar to a native app when the customer adds it to their Home screen. Refer to the Configuring Web Applications section of the Safari Web Content Guide for more information.please help me
Aug ’17
React-Native + IAP
Greetings, for the past 2+ weeks I have been going back and forth with the Apple Review team regarding the App Completeness rule. We are using React-Native-IAP package for our in-app purchases and have an issue where in the development environment using sandbox user the purchases show up without issues however when the project goes to review the review team is unable to see these purchases. We have tried explaining that you need to use a physical device as react-native IAP purchases do not work on simulators but have not reached a resolution. For example if we make a production build and run it on a physical IOS devices with sandbox users the purchases show up without issues. Can anyone advise what should be done, so it goes through the review? Even if you do not use react-native any help is welcome! Because this is devastating.
Jun ’24
App Rejected Due to Guideline 5.0 Despite Being Fully Based in Canada
Hi everyone, I’m seeking advice regarding a frustrating issue we’ve encountered with our app on the App Store. Recently, we published an update that included a Farsi description, and our app was subsequently rejected. Below is the message we received from Apple: Guideline 5.0 - Legal Apple must comply with U.S. laws. Under U.S. sanctions regulations, Apple cannot do business with certain apps or developers connected to U.S. embargoed countries or regions. We have recently identified that the app is subject to U.S. sanctions regulations. Therefore, we are unable to approve the app at this time. Please make appropriate arrangements to remove the app within 14 days of this notice. Failure to do so will result in Apple delisting the app. This area of law is complex and constantly changing, and should changes be made to U.S. law in the future you can resubmit the app. You can contact the U.S. Department of the Treasury or refer to the Iran sanctions or Syrian sanctions should you have questions on regulatory restrictions on U.S. companies. Our app is entirely based in Canada, with all registrations and our Canadian bank account connected to in-app purchases. We raised an appeal seeking clarification and were ready to provide any documentation the review team might need. However, after 10 days, our appeal was also rejected without any explanation: "The App Review Board determined that the original rejection feedback was valid." We were not given any specific reasons or a chance to correct anything that might be wrong in the reviewer's eyes. After spending a year building our app, it’s extremely frustrating to have it removed without any clear explanation or opportunity to rectify the situation. Has anyone else experienced this, and do you have any advice on what steps we can take next? For whatever reason the review team thinks our app does not comply with Guideline 5.0, we are 100% ready to make any necessary changes, but we are not given any chance to do so. Thank you for any help or insight.
Jun ’24
Unable to remove old App due to 'App Review' for 3 years.
I have an application that I have been attempting to remove from my Apple developer account just to clear it out, unfortunately the latest update was not accepted by apple and was abandoned. I desire to remove the app from my account permanently. I have ensured that all of the requirements at Remove and App have been met, the app was "removed from the app store" more than a year ago. Any advice for actually removing the app would be helpful.
May ’24
Is it possible for an app in the Mac App Store to obtain Accessibility permissions?
I have an app developed using ElectronJS that requires Accessibility permission to monitor mouse and keyboard events through the iohook package. I want to publish it on the Mac App Store, but it seems that: The Mac App Store mandates Sandboxing, and Sandboxing prohibits Accessibility permission. As a result, it seems that an app on the Mac App Store cannot obtain Accessibility permission. Can someone confirm if this is accurate or if there's a workaround?
May ’24
Multiple apps for multiple schools
Hello, We are a SaaS service that publish apps for schools. We are looking to publish differents apps for our customers. So each customer (School), can have a dedicated app with personalized coulours, logo, content, modules, etc. We saw in the guidelines : "4.2.6 Apps created from a commercialized template or app generation service will be rejected unless they are submitted directly by the provider of the app’s content. These services should not submit apps on behalf of their clients and should offer tools that let their clients create customized, innovative apps that provide unique customer experiences. Another acceptable option for template providers is to create a single binary to host all client content in an aggregated or “picker” model, for example as a restaurant finder app with separate customized entries or pages for each client restaurant, or as an event app with separate entries for each client event." And we saw that one service in Spain publish one app per University (the same as we want). So, it is authorized to publish an app per School, with dedicated modules, colours, content ? Here's the service in spain : Thank you Regards
May ’24
Canceled 3.1.2 Subscriptions
Hello Could you please tell me what's wrong? I am publishing my application for the first time. I have already put Terms of Use in the application settings. What is missing? Guideline 3.1.2 - Business - Payments - Subscriptions 3.1.2(c) Subscription Information Before asking a customer to subscribe, you should clearly describe what the user will get for the price. How many issues per month? How much cloud storage? What kind of access to your service? Ensure you clearly communicate the requirements described in Schedule 2 of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement. Issue Description The submission did not include all the required information for apps offering auto-renewable subscriptions. Apps offering auto-renewable subscriptions must include all of the following required information in the binary: Title of auto-renewing subscription, which may be the same as the in-app purchase product name Length of subscription Price of subscription, and price per unit if appropriate Functional links to the privacy policy and Terms of Use (EULA) The app metadata must also include functional links to the privacy policy and Terms of Use (EULA). Next Steps Update the app's metadata to include the following required information: A functional link to the Terms of Use (EULA). If you are using the standard Apple Terms of Use (EULA), include a link to the Terms of Use in the App Description. If you are using a custom EULA, add it in App Store Connect.
May ’24