App Store Connect

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App Store Connect is a suite of tools for submitting and managing your apps and in-app purchases on the App Store.

App Store Connect Documentation






Pre-release testing of Default App Clip Link
Hi all, I’m currently developing an App Clip, and for our first version, I want to exclusively use the default app clip link generated on App Store Connect to invoke the App Clip (of the form<bundle_id>). I've published a build to App Store Connect, and I can see it has generated the link.
 There is good documentation around testing App Clip invocations when using an associated link pre-release, but not so much for testing the default link.
 I've read some things online that would suggest that the default App Clip link is not able to be tested before App Store approval, as the link only becomes active at this point. If that is the case, can we test the default App Clip link invocation via an external beta TestFlight release, or do we need to fully release the app to the App Store to test the link invocation?
 Any insights or experiences you could share would be greatly appreciated.
May ’24
Build upload to TestFlight never completes
I've tried uploading a build through xcode, and transporter app with no luck. I have waited hours and it never completes. Also, I have tried using fastlane our main way of uploading builds and have included a verbose flag to see why the build upload never finishes or errors out. The problem is an endless loop of the following error: DEBUG [2024-05-09 16:11:52.04]: [altool]: "LocalUploadTask &lt;EF4ED1D8-1CB0-47F7-876B-C126DF9A3696&gt;.&lt;302624&gt;" DEBUG [2024-05-09 16:11:52.04]: [altool]: ), NSLocalizedDescription=A server with the specified hostname could not be found., NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=;Signature={REDACTED}&amp;AWSAccessKeyId={REDACTED}&amp;partNumber=1&amp;Expires=1715889972, NSErrorFailingURLKey={REDACTED}&amp;Signature={REDACTED}&amp;AWSAccessKeyId={REDACTED}&amp;partNumber=1&amp;Expires=1715889972, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=12} DEBUG [2024-05-09 16:11:52.04]: [altool]: 2024-05-09 16:11:52.048 DEBUG: [ContentDelivery.Uploader] Created new upload task (0x139d071e0) for part 1. DEBUG [2024-05-09 16:11:52.04]: [altool]: 2024-05-09 16:11:52.048 DEBUG: [ContentDelivery.Uploader] Saving uploader state (CDUploaderStateUploadAssetDescription) for identifier ''. DEBUG [2024-05-09 16:11:52.04]: [altool]: 2024-05-09 16:11:52.049 DEBUG: [ContentDelivery.Uploader] There are 2 parts remaining to upload. DEBUG [2024-05-09 16:11:52.04]: [altool]: 2024-05-09 16:11:52.049 DEBUG: [ContentDelivery.Uploader] LOST 0 bytes for part 2. DEBUG [2024-05-09 16:11:52.04]: [altool]: 2024-05-09 16:11:52.049 DEBUG: [ContentDelivery.Uploader] Adding upload task 302627 for part 2.
May ’24
How do I create a free Consumable In-App Purchase?
I have already created consumable in-app purchases in App Store Connect which are available in my app. Then I created a "Discount Code" UIButton which presented custom UI for the user to input a code for another in-app -purchase at a lower price but that build was rejected because you cannot have custom code for this sort of thing. Ref: Apple Documentation: presentCodeRedemptionSheet() Finally I got it through review when I changed the UI but then I realized that I can't offer a free consumable in-app purchase. The minimum price is US$0.29. I would prefer a free consumable in-app purchase to give to freelancers I am owkrin with for them to test the app with. I know that there are ways to do it when using subscriptions but my app only using consumable in-app purchases which align better with my business model and the value offering of my app. There must be some way of creating a single-use free consumable discount code which will also get through App Store Review. Anyone managed something like this? Thanks.
May ’24
Corrupt Image file when uploading to testflight
Hi, our app has been using single size app icon for a while and today when I trying to upload a new version of our app I got an email from App Store Connect saying ITMS-90013: Corrupt Image File - The image file 'AppIcon60x60@2x.png' appears to be corrupt. We haven't touched the image for ages and these 60x60 image were generated by Xcode from the single 1024x1024 image supplied. I've tried to use a new image and still got the same error. Does anyone experienced this recently?
May ’24
Transporter 1.3 Error
Upon attempting to load an .ipa file from our build system into Apple Transporter 1.3 (newly updated this week from 1.2.5), the following error was presented. This occurs when selecting the file to load (or drag/drop the .ipa file onto the app). Never seen this before and it is unclear what the issue is (and why it might persist for 24 hours) or why it mentioned macOS App. This is an iOS/iPad app (not a macOS app) but the iPad app can be installed on a Mac as many iPad apps can. I had another Mac with the 1.2.5 version of Transporter and the same file was loaded (and then uploaded to the App Store) without a hitch. Does anyone have any idea or has seen something similar?
May ’24
This bundle is invalid. The value for key CFBundleVersion [1.0.1] in the Info.plist file must contain a higher version than that of the previously uploaded version [5]. Please find more information about CFBundleVersion at (ID: 978303b8-eb71-4d71-9169-b0b0860fd8ec) The issue is an error while uploading macOS version 1.0.1 to the App store. If I want to solve it simply and quickly now, do I have to skip 1.0.1 and upload version 5.0.1 right away? I made an inquiry to Apple, but they only asked me to ask the forum or provide technical support. I would appreciate it if you could reply even if it's not accurate. I don't know if the problem is mine or Apple's problem, so I can't solve it for a long time.
May ’24
Entitlements stripped during upload to TestFlight with altool
On our CI (GitHub Actions) we are signing our .ipa with codesign and after that uploads the resulting .ipa with altool to TestFligt. The problem is that the entitlements added by codesign no longer appear when we view the build on TestFlight. The app requires entitlements for push notification and for associated domains. codesign -s Distribution prod.entitlements prod.ipa Immediately after we do a codesign --verbose --display --entitlements - and the entitlements show fine. Next command is xcrun altool --upload-app --type ios -f prod.ipa --apiKey $api_key_id --apiIssuer $appstore_api_key_issuer To us it seems like altool strips the entitlements from the .ipa. What are we doing wrong?
May ’24
Troubleshooting Subscription Button Visibility and Functionality Issues in TestFlight and App Store Connect
Below, I have a button designed to facilitate the purchase of a subscription, which depends on the availability of the subscription in App Store Connect. This button is visible when testing locally using a StoreKit Configuration File synced from App Store Connect, and I have linked my subscription to my app in the information section. Currently, my app is in a "waiting for review" status, and the subscription is marked as "developer action needed - rejected." However, this issue of the button not appearing persisted even when the subscription was previously in the "waiting for review" status, indicating that the problem may not be related to the subscription status. I'm encountering an issue where the 'request products' function returns no results in the TestFlight environment, even when using a sandbox Apple ID. This problem has led to repeated rejections of my app, as testers are unable to verify its functionality. What could be causing these issues? VStack { if storeVM.subscriptions.isEmpty { if storeVM.isLoading { ProgressView("Loading subscriptions...") .progressViewStyle(.circular) .scaleEffect(2.0) .padding() } else if let errorMessage = storeVM.errorMessage { Text("Error: \(errorMessage)") .foregroundColor(.red) .padding() } else { Text("No subscriptions available") .padding() } } else { ForEach(storeVM.subscriptions, id: \.id) { product in Button(action: { Task { await buy(product: product) } }) { HStack { Spacer() Text("Unlock 3-day free trial. \nThen $23.99 per year. Cancel anytime.") .font(.custom("Lora-VariableFont_wght", size: 20)) .foregroundColor(.white) .lineSpacing(5) Spacer() } } .padding() .background( .cornerRadius(10) .padding(.horizontal, 10) } } .onAppear { Task { await storeVM.requestProducts() } } func requestProducts() async { isLoading = true errorMessage = nil do { subscriptions = try await Product.products(for: productIds) isLoading = false } catch { print("Failed product request from App Store server: \(error)") isLoading = false errorMessage = "Failed to load products" } }
May ’24
Universal Purchase: macOS (AppKit) + iOS supported?
I have a macOS app (AppKit-based, not Mac Catalyst) and an iOS app serving a very similar purpose and user group. Both are currently using non-consumable IAPs to unlock functionalities. I‘m considering a subscription model and wonder if both apps could share the same IAP products. I‘m well aware that both apps need to use the same Bundle ID / App Store Connect entry, so I‘m willing to discontinue the existing Bundle IDs (while keeping the apps installable for existing customers), but Apple‘s info about „Universal Purchase“ is only mentioning Mac Catalyst apps for macOS: Mac Catalyst. With Xcode 11.4 or later, Mac apps built with Mac Catalyst can share a bundle ID with the iOS version of the app, so universal purchase is supported. Can an AppKit-based macOS app and an iOS app share the save Bundle ID and offer a Universal Purchase?
May ’24
App Store Connect Review Information Screenshot
In order to submit my new subscription for review I need to upload a screen. No matter what resolution image I upload it fails saying "Your file could'nt be save. Try again if the problem persists, contact us" I am using many different types of simulators (Iphone 15 - Iphone Xs) and physical devices to take a screenshot and nothing is accepted. I can see the error message being returned from apples API is "IMAGE_BAD_DIMENSIONS_SM_LESS_MIN" so assume its a resolution issue. I am following the current guidelines here:
May ’24
App Store Connect API Price Points Inconsistent
Hello, We are seeing some confusing output from an App Store Connect API service: curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer <REDACTED>' '[territory]=USA' { "data" : [ ... ], "links" : { "self" : "[territory]=USA&limit=200", "next" : "[territory]=USA&limit=200" }, "meta" : { "paging" : { "total" : 658, "limit" : 200 } } } The above API call is successful for us and returns a list of price points for the app. However, it appears to be missing some values - the full set from the above API call indicates that there are 658 entries, but if we call the same service for a different app there is a larger result set: curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer <REDACTED>' '[territory]=USA' { "data" : [ ... ], "links" : { "self" : "[territory]=USA&limit=200", "next" : "[territory]=USA&limit=200" }, "meta" : { "paging" : { "total" : 801, "limit" : 200 } } } Why is a larger set available for one app and not the other and how can I make the same set available for all of our organization's apps?
May ’24
Legal Entity Name vs App Store Display Name
In App Store Connect, is an organization's Legal Entity name separate from the App Store display name? My organization currently has the same name for both App Store display name and Legal Entity name. It contains an apostrophe, which is desired on the App Store for brand consistency. However, an apostrophe is no longer permitted in the Legal Entity name (it was entered in before that restriction came into effect). If I remove the apostrophe from the Legal Entity name to satisfy compliance warnings, will that update the App Store display name as well? I ask here because I'm supposing that if I remove the apostrophe and it does update the display name, the input validation won't let me enter it back. Any help would be appreciated - thanks!
May ’24
iTMS Transporter Servers | Bad Status received from server: 401
We run automated app uploads to Appstore Connect and TestFlight from our company servers, which are behind a firewall. Our firewall is configured to allow connections to the HTTPS servers listed in the Transporter User Guide The problem is, Apple adds new servers (e.g to this list without prior announcements and this breaks our automated uploads because our firewalls are not yet updated with the new servers. Transporter logs report vague errors which are difficult to correlate with the new servers that were added. For example, the error msg is: [06:45:19]: [iTMSTransporter] data: null [06:45:19]: [iTMSTransporter] } [06:45:19]: [iTMSTransporter] buildAssetSpi: class BuildRelationshipsBuildAssetDescription { [06:45:19]: [iTMSTransporter] links: class AlbumLocalizationRelationshipsAlbumLinks { [06:45:19]: [iTMSTransporter] self:<redacted>/iris/v1/builds/<redacted>/relationships/buildAssetSpi [06:45:19]: [iTMSTransporter] related:<redacted>/buildAssetSpi [06:45:19]: [iTMSTransporter] } [06:45:19]: [iTMSTransporter] data: null [06:45:19]: [iTMSTransporter] } [06:45:19]: [iTMSTransporter] } [06:45:19]: [iTMSTransporter] links: class ResourceLinks { [06:45:19]: [iTMSTransporter] self:<redacted> [06:45:19]: [iTMSTransporter] } [06:45:19]: [iTMSTransporter] } [06:45:19]: [iTMSTransporter] [2024-03-11 06:45:17 GMT] <main> DBG-X: Returning 1 [06:45:19]: iTunes Transporter output above ^ [06:45:19]: <redacted>.ipa11966153618006795338-swinfo.plist (1) - Bad Status received from server: 401 The above error had nothing to do with authentication or incorrect tokens. We solved it by adding "" to our firewalls and retrying appstore connect upload. I'm trying to figure out ways to solve this problem. Is there any way to subscribe to Apple notification emails/RSS feeds etc to get to know about new servers being added ahead of time ? Are the wildcard domains - * * sufficient to cover any new server that Apple adds to the list mentioned in the Transporter Guide ?
Apr ’24
Apple Care tells users who cannot download/update app from App Store that the third-party developer is responsible
While this isn't an issue directly related with programming, I would like to share my frustration with Apple Care and their knowledge of how App Store and third-party apps work. Perhaps someone at Apple can do something about it. Every now and then a user of one of my apps contacts me asking why they get an error when downloading or updating the app in the App Store ("Unable to Download App. “App” could not be installed. Please try again later."). I tell them that third-party developers have no power over the App Store or its download/update process, and this is an issue they have to solve with Apple Care. But when they contact Apple Care, they are told that since it's an issue with a third-party app, they have to contact the app developer. Sometimes the user is more inclined to believe what Apple Care tells them and they get angry at me. In any case, I feel helpless and frustrated, because I would love to help them, but have no means of doing so. There is something about the concept of App Store that makes some users believe that third-party developers have more power than they actually have: sometimes, for example, users contact me directly, or even leave reviews on the App Store, asking for a refund, which of course only Apple can do. Have you had a similar experience? Can some engineer at Apple instruct Apple Care that third-party developers cannot help with App Store download/update issues, so that App Store users don't get mad at the app developers for not being able to install/update their app?
Apr ’24