App Store Connect

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App Store Connect is a suite of tools for submitting and managing your apps and in-app purchases on the App Store.

App Store Connect Documentation






Responding to app store server-server notification
We are utilizing the App Store's server-to-server notification feature. Upon receiving a notification on our server, is there a specific deadline or time limit for responding back to the App Store? We just skimmed through the below documentation In this doc we could only see the responses that app store is expecting us to send back but no any information regarding acknowledgment time for a request
Cannot Add New Platform to Universal App
I am trying to add macOS as a new platform version to a universal app, which currently has an iOS and visionOS version. Every time I try I receive this error - "macOS: There was an unexpected error while adding this platform." I submitted a Feedback - FB14001529 I also submitted a TSI and a contact us report through App Store Connect. Any help from Apple on this issue would be great. Thanks, David
It says: "There are still screenshot uploads in progress." when submit a new build
I'm submitting a new version of my app, and after click "submit for Review", it show that: A few more items are needed in order to submit for review The items listed below are required for submission:There are still screenshot uploads in progress. I didn't met this problem before. Is that mean I haven't upload all the screenshot required or it's still uploading the screenshots to App Store Connect's server? Cause before there is a "save" button after you drag images to the screenshots area, now you don't. And I think I have uploaded all the screenshots needed and I waited a day to try submit again, still the same. What should I do?
Jun ’20
Dating App Rejected Guideline 4.3 - Design - Spam
"Regarding Guideline 4.3 - Design - Spam, your app primarily includes dating features that duplicate the content and functionality of similar apps in a saturated category'. Our app is a dating app for anime fans, we feature Tinder-like swiping but have many distinguishing features. Video: Website: We were hoping to launch next week and this is a huge disappointment, we even have a Japanese localization in progress. I think the tester had a bad experience due to swiping without interaction on the seeded profiles -- so I resubmitted so they can experience a=our distinguishing features like our anime recommendation engine. Anyway, is there a way forward? I've filed an appeal, but I would hate to miss launching ahead of Valentine's Day.
Feb ’24
Somebody is downloading all the old versions of our apps
Hello, we found something odd happening to at least 3 of our apps (we have 6 total) at App Store: in the statistics provided by App Store Connect we can see that somebody is downloading all the old versions of our app on their Desktop (another odd thing, our apps are intended for iOS, meaning iPad/iPhone, not MacOS desktops) Couple of questions: how is it even possible, to download an old version of somebody else's app? have you ever seen this with your or somebody else's apps? We have already contacted Apple Support, they said they will investigate it, but we have not heard anything back from them thanks!
Apr ’24
Transporter 1.3 Error
Upon attempting to load an .ipa file from our build system into Apple Transporter 1.3 (newly updated this week from 1.2.5), the following error was presented. This occurs when selecting the file to load (or drag/drop the .ipa file onto the app). Never seen this before and it is unclear what the issue is (and why it might persist for 24 hours) or why it mentioned macOS App. This is an iOS/iPad app (not a macOS app) but the iPad app can be installed on a Mac as many iPad apps can. I had another Mac with the 1.2.5 version of Transporter and the same file was loaded (and then uploaded to the App Store) without a hitch. Does anyone have any idea or has seen something similar?
May ’24
StoreKit Free Trial Period
I'm offering a free trial period for each of four auto-renewable subscriptions. Does anyone know the best way to detect whether a customer is still in the trial period, and to calculate the remaining trial days? I'm using Storekit 2. I've seen vague answers about using the Transaction purchaseDate and expiry date, but the documentation is incredibly vage as to what those values actually represent when it comes to a free trial period. What does purchase Date actually mean when you're in a free trial? Any help greatly appreciated.
App Store Connect not displaying recent OS version (17.5, 18)
We are trying to analyze how many of our users have upgraded from 17.4 (which has a major issue in compatibility with our app) to 17.5 (in which the issue does not happen). When we use the metrics in App Store Connect, the version 17.5 does not appear in the Platform version list at all. When we look at overall sessions, we see there are about 80 today. But when we display By Platform Version, we only see 4. I surmise that we should be seeing many sessions on 17.5 but those are being hidden because of this issue.
Are Deep Links on Custom Product Pages working?
I created a new Custom Product Page with a Deep Link, according to the WWDC '24 session "What's new in App Store Connect", and everything has been approved, but the Deep Link does not appear to be working. Is this feature fully operational yet? When the app is installed via this product page, the user should be directed to a specific page in the app, however this does not happen. It does work properly when installing directly via the Deep Link This is the link to the product page:
Request containing an attribute already in use
I'm trying to archive VisionOS App, and push it to store. I've tried to look for AppStore for the name. And I made sure name isn't taken. I've tried so far 5 names that doesn't appear in the Appstore. Everytime I change name, I also like to keep the bundle name same. So it is taking time. Is there any way quick way to find out what's the non-taken name? Again, going to AppStore and make sure App name isn't taken doesn't solve my problem. Error that I'm getting is below. Error that I'm getting is App Record Creation Error" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=App Record Creation Error, NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=App Record Creation failed due to request containing an attribute already in use. The App Name you entered is already being used. If you have trademark rights to this name and would like it released for your use, submit a claim.
Membership expired, no where to renew it?
I see the following notification in my apple developer account dashboard: Your Apple Developer Program membership wasn’t renewed successfully. You can still renew your membership within the next 27 days and your apps will remain available on the App Store during this time. Open the Apple Developer app on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac. Sign in to your account, tap/click Renew, and follow the prompts when I open the developer app, sign in, there is nowhere to renew it. I have an app on the appstore with quite a few users wich is depending on my app and I worry they will not get access to it if am not able to renew my membership I appreciate any help I can get
Help, account got terminated by 3.2(f) and no reply at all.
My app was removed and my account terminated without any notice. Apple indicated that I violated section 3.2(f) of the ADP, but I did not engage in any unlawful or misleading acts in my business practices. So I submitted an appeal to clarify the situation, but there has been no response. I also tried reaching out for help via general email, but still received no reply. Any advice on how to get a response from Apple? It seems my termination was automated, and no human has reviewed my appeal. I appreciate any help you can provide.
Help filling W-8BEN - Indian Individual wanting to publish paid apps
Hello Kind One, I just signed up for an Apple Developer Account and I am trying to fill out U.S. Tax forms. I wonder how to fill out the "Part II: Claim of Tax Treaty Benefits" section of W-8BEN as there is conflicting information online. My goal is to develop iOS apps with subscription based user payments and ad hoc in-app purchases. Some questions I have are: Is there a tax withholding applicable on the revenue? If yes, do you have any idea what the withholding rate is for U.S. - India tax treaty. I see 15% in the IRS document for India, but I also find information online that it is only 10% for software products. Any help is much appreciated.