





XPC, Swift, ObjC, and arrays
I create a protocol that had, among other things: @objc func setList(_: [MyType], withReply: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) The daemon part is in Swift, while the calling part is in Objective-C. Because why not? (Actually, because the calling part has to deal with C++ code, so that's ObjC++; however, I wanted the stronger typing and runtime checking for the daemon part, so I wrote it in Swift.) The ObjC part uses NSArray<MyType*>. I set up an NSXPCConnection link, and create a (synchronous) proxy with the right protocol name. But when I try to do the XPC setList call, I get an error. I assume that's because it doesn't like the signature. (Surely this is logged somewhere? I couldn't find it, if so. 😩) But... if I have a signature of @objc func addItem(_: MyType, withReply: @escaping (Error?) -> Void), then it works. So I assume it's the array. (Oh, I've also tried it without the @objc; the protocol itself is defined as @objc.) I've tried changing to protocol signature to using NSArray, but same thing.
Dec ’21
Crash when requesting location authorisation on app startup
I'm trying to diagnose a crash we're seeing in an app that's on TestFlight at the moment. We have the background location permission and are woken by various events, e.g. the significant location change event. I believe the app is being woken in the background and within a few seconds (about 7s in the example below) the app crashes. The crash appears to be when we are confirming what location authorisation the app currently has. As far as we know this is only happening for a single user. Any thoughts on what could be happening? Other forum posts led me to believe it was related to leaking background tasks but I didn't think that was likely after only 7s (and there's no actual mention of background tasks in the crash). Other threads in the crash log have core data relate tasks going on and while we've done a lot of work on our multi-threaded core data I could imagine that being a cause, but surely that would show as a crash on the threads involved rather than thread 0? Any help appreciated, crash log below. John AppVariant: 1:iPhone9,3:15 Beta: YES Code Type: ARM-64 (Native) Role: Non UI Parent Process: launchd [1] Date/Time: 2021-12-13 10:31:18.0065 +0000 Launch Time: 2021-12-13 10:31:11.4169 +0000 OS Version: iPhone OS 15.1 (19B74) Release Type: User Baseband Version: 6.00.00 Report Version: 104 Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGKILL) Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000 Exception Note: EXC_CORPSE_NOTIFY Triggered by Thread: 0 Thread 0 name: Thread 0 Crashed: 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00000001bdd7cb10 mach_msg_trap + 8 1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00000001bdd7d134 mach_msg + 72 (mach_msg.c:119) 2 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000183f9c734 _dispatch_mach_send_and_wait_for_reply + 504 (mach.c:815) 3 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000183f9caec dispatch_mach_send_with_result_and_wait_for_reply$VARIANT$mp + 52 (mach.c:2019) 4 libxpc.dylib 0x00000001de30f458 xpc_connection_send_message_with_reply_sync + 236 (connection.c:974) 5 Foundation 0x0000000185a0387c __NSXPCCONNECTION_IS_WAITING_FOR_A_SYNCHRONOUS_REPLY__ + 12 (NSXPCConnection.m:223) 6 Foundation 0x0000000185a09194 -[NSXPCConnection _sendInvocation:orArguments:count:methodSignature:selector:withProxy:] + 2368 (NSXPCConnection.m:1649) 7 Foundation 0x0000000185a49f8c -[NSXPCConnection _sendSelector:withProxy:arg1:arg2:arg3:] + 148 (NSXPCConnection.m:1294) 8 Foundation 0x00000001859ece6c _NSXPCDistantObjectSimpleMessageSend3 + 80 (NSXPCDistantObject.m:282) 9 CoreLocation 0x000000018b0bba0c -[CLLocationInternalClient getAuthorizationStatus:forBundleID:orBundlePath:] + 140 (LocationInternal.m:786) 10 CoreLocation 0x000000018b0ba1fc CLInternalGetAuthorizationStatus + 268 (LocationInternal.m:2063) 11 CoreLocation 0x000000018b0df1c4 +[CLLocationManager _authorizationStatusForBundleIdentifier:bundle:] + 80 (CLClient.mm:1391)
Dec ’21
Logger messages not showing in XCode console
XCode version 13.2.1 I enabled os_log messages using the following code:    let myLog = OSLog(subsystem: "testing", category: "exploring")   override func viewDidLoad() {     os_log("LOGGING TEST BLAH BLAH", log: myLog)     print("Starting ViewDidLoad")     super.viewDidLoad()     os_log("LOGGING TEST BLAH BLAH", log: myLog)' ... However, I do not see anything on the XCode console - just the print ("Starting ViewDidLoad"). Is there a setting in XCode to echo messages from the logger that needs to be turned on? I understand that Logger is the preferred method now instead of os_log, but both should echo the log messages on XCode debug console from what I can tell.. Thanks!
Jan ’22
Can not install TestFlight version: "This app cannot be installed because its integrity could not be verified."
Hi, I created an application for a client. The client put me as a developer in his team on AppStore Connect. For that I use Xcode 13.2.1. It's a UIKit application in Swift with Storyboards. I built the app => no problem I tested it on my iPhone => no problem From Xcode I made an archive and uploaded it to TestFlight => no problem The archive has been received by Apple. It was then processed by Apple => no problem And finally I received a notification that it was available on TestFlight => no problem TestFlight offers me to install it but when I try it does not install it. If I try to click on the icon of the application it shows me the message "This app cannot be installed because its integrity could not be verified." I have tried installing other apps from TestFlight and have no issues. I checked on my mac for the various certificates for this client and they are all good and valid. I don't understand why for this application I have this behavior. Someone would have any idea ? Regards Tof
Feb ’22
RealityKit MeshResource generated from SwiftUI shape
On Scenekit, using SCNShapewe can create SCN geometry from SwiftUI 2D shapes/beziers:https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnshape Is there an equivalent in RealityKit? Could we use the generate(from:) for that?https://developer.apple.com/documentation/realitykit/meshresource/3768520-generate https://developer.apple.com/documentation/realitykit/meshresource/3768520-generate
Mar ’22
The application crashes in the App Store when launch on iPhone with iOS 15.3.1.
My application is currently crashing in production in iPhone devices running iOS 15.x. The app will work as normal while running developer mode, enterprise builds and Test Flight builds. Unfortunately, I am unable to reproduce this issue even app is downloaded from the app store. I observed crash is happening at main.m. Can someone help me to reproduce this issue? How to read this crash log file? Please find the crash log details attached. 2022-03-04_14-15-23.6227_+0900-a1899fd803a4ed683466702be71b9d224b4cd5bc.crash
Mar ’22
Problem decoding AttributedString containing emoji
I am trying to encode an AttributedString to JSON and then decode it back to an AttributedString. But when the AttributedString both (1) contains emoji, and (2) has any attributes assigned, the decoding seems to fail, producing a truncated AttributedString. By dump-ing the decoded value, I can see that the full string is still in there (in the guts property) but it is missing in normal uses of the AttributedString. Below is an example that reproduces the problem. import Foundation // An arbitrary AttributedString with emoji var attrString = AttributedString("12345💕☺️💕☺️💕☺️12345") // Set an attribute (doesn't seem to matter which one) attrString.imageURL = URL(string: "http://www.dummy.com/dummy.jpg")! // Encode the AttributedString var encoder = JSONEncoder() encoder.outputFormatting = .prettyPrinted let data = try! encoder.encode(attrString) // Print the encoded JSON print("encoded JSON for AttributedString:") print(String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)!) // Output from above omitted, but it looks correct with the full string represented // Decode the AttributedString and print it let decoder = JSONDecoder() let decodedAttrString = try! decoder.decode(AttributedString.self, from: data) print("decoded AttributedString:") print(decodedAttrString) // Output from above is a truncated AttributedString: // // 12345💕☺️ { // NSImageURL = http://www.dummy.com/dummy.jpg // } print("dump of AttributedString:") dump(decodedAttrString) // Interestingly, `dump` shows that the full string is still in there: // // ▿ 12345💕☺️ { // NSImageURL = http://www.dummy.com/dummy.jpg // } // ▿ _guts: Foundation.AttributedString.Guts #0 // - string: "12345💕☺️💕☺️💕☺️12345" // ▿ runs: 1 element // ... //
Apr ’22
Authentication on `https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/iris/v1`
Hi, I've tried to authenticate this endpoint https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/iris/v1/betaFeedbacks with the JWT token as described in the documentation, but it's not working. I know this endpoint is not documented, but gathering the beta feedback and being able to extract it to some ticket system (e.g. GitHub board) would be a really helpful option for us. Does anyone know how we can authenticate this one?
Apr ’22
Get distance from uvd and intrinsic matrix?
Hello! I am having trouble calculating accurate distances in the real world using the camera's returned intrinsic matrix and pixel coordinates/depths captured from the iPhone's LiDAR. For example, in the image below, I set a mug 0.5m from the phone. The mug is 8.5cm wide. The intrinsic matrix returned from the phone's AVCameraCalibrationData class has focalx = 1464.9269, focaly = 1464.9269, cx = 960.94916, and cy = 686.3547. Selecting the two pixel locations denoted in the image below, I calculated each one's xyz coordinates using the formula: x = d * (u - cx) / focalx y = d * (v - cy) / focaly z = d Where I get depth from the appropriate pixel in the depth map - I've verified that both depths were 0.5m. I then calculate the distance between the two points to get the mug width. This gives me a calculated width of 0.0357, or 3.5 cm, instead of the 8.5cm I was expecting. What could be accounting for this discrepancy? Thank you so much for your help!
May ’22
PencilKit custom tool
Hi, can i create custom tool for PKToolPicker? On documentation page on PKTool says "Don’t adopt this protocol in your own objects. Instead, create a tool object to provide users with the desired the tool behavior." Best regards, Matej Klemen
May ’22
SwiftUI List selection bug
Is there a way to optimize a List in SwiftUI? There is a problem with selection not working properly when the List has many rows. If you scroll to multi-select and up, some rows in the middle are not selected. I have an issue where selecting an unselected row deselects nearby rows. Is there any way for selection to work reliably even for a List of many rows? I would like to find a solution that is stable even when multiple lines are selected, like mail and note, which are the default apps in ios. ps. I am using CoreData. @State var selectedItem = Set<MyEntity>() List(selection: $selectItem){   ForEach(items, id: \.self){ item in     ContactsRow(contactsData: item)   } } .environment(\.editMode, $editMode)
Jun ’22
Thoughts on MusicLibraryRequest as a replacement for MPMediaQuery
I'm very excited about the new MusicLibrary API, but after a couple of days of playing around with it, I have to say that I find the implementation of filtering MusicLibraryRequests a little confusing. MPMediaQuery has a fairly extensive list of predicates that can be applied, including string and persistentID comparisons for artist, album artist genre, and more. It also lets you filter on an item’s title. MusicLibraryRequests let you filter on the item’s ID, or on its MusicKit Artist and Genre relationships. To me, this seems like it adds an extra step.  With an MPMediaQuery, if I wanted to fetch every album by a given artist, I’d apply an MPMediaPropertyPredicate looking at MPMediaItemPropertyAlbumArtist and compare the string. It was also easy to change the MPMediaPredicateComparison to .contains to match more widely. If I wanted to surface albums by “Aesop Rock” or “Aesop Rock & Blockhead,” I could use that. In the MusicLibraryRequest implementation, it looks like I need to perform a MusicLibraryRequest<Artist> first in order to get the Artist objects. There’s no filter for the name property, so if I don’t have their IDs, I’ve got to use filter(text:). From there, I can take the results of that request and apply them to my MusicLibraryRequest<Album> using the filter(matching:memberOf) function.  I could use filter(text:) on the MusicLibraryRequest<Album>, but that filters across multiple properties (title and artistName?) and is less precise than defining the actual property I want to match against. I think my ideal version of the MusicLibraryRequest API would offer something like filter(matching:equalTo:) or filter(matching:contains:) that worked off of KeyPaths rather than relationships. That seems more intuitive to me. I’m not saying we need every property from every filterable MPMediaItemProperty key, but I’d love to be able to do it on title, artistName, and other common metadata. That might look something like: filter(matching: \.title, contains: “Abbey Road”) filter(matching: \.artistName, equalTo: “Between The Buried And Me”) I noticed that filter(text:) is case insensitive, which is awesome, and something I’ve wanted for a long time in MPMediaPropertyPredicate. As a bonus, it would be great if a KeyPath based filter API supported a case sensitivity flag. This is less of a problem when dealing with Apple Music catalog content, but users’ libraries are a harsh environment, and you might have an artist “Between The Buried And Me” and one called “Between the Buried and Me.” It would be great to get albums from both with something like: filter(matching: \.artistName, equalTo: “Between The Buried And Me”, caseSensitive: false)  I've submitted the above as FB10185685. I also submitted another feedback this morning regarding filter(text:) and repeating text as FB10184823. My last wishlist item for this API (for the time being!) is exposing the MPMediaItemPropertyAlbumPersistentID as an available filter attribute. I know, I know… hear me out. If you take a look at the other thread I made today, you’ll see that due to missing metadata in MusicKit, I still have some use cases where I need to be able to reference an MPMediaItem and might need to fetch its containing MPMediaItemCollection to get at other tracks on the album. It would be nice to seamlessly be able to fetch the MPMediaItemCollection or the library Album using a shared identifier, especially when it comes to being able to play the album in MusicKit’s player rather than Media Player’s.  I've submitted that list bit as FB10185789 Thanks for bearing with my walls of text today. Keep up the great work!
Jun ’22
Xcode's Vim Mode - further development?
It was fantastic news to hear, last year, that Xcode was getting a Vim mode. Apple's implementation of it was a great first step, but it was missing a bunch of key features. Most importantly the dot command (and by, extension, macros) and creating marks in files, which are functions that I use/rely on on a daily basis. I thought I would finally be able to stop having to self-sign Xcode (which causes problems) in order to use XVim2 plugin, but no such luck. Will these features get added in for Xcode 14 (they don't seem to be in the beta) or are they far out on the roadmap?
Jun ’22
Cannot add provisioning profile to any devices with Xcode
Hello. I have an iOS app written in Xamarin, but this issue is not related to Xamarin or Visual Studio. I am trying to deploy my xamarin app onto an iOS device, but I am unable to get the iOS device to install the provisioning profile via Xcode. I work at a company with a decent variety of test devices and the result seems to be the same from iPads to iPods to iPhones of various ages. I have created a certificate and a provisioning profile. The certificate is associated with the provisioning profile on the developer portal. I have imported the certificate (including private keys) into my login keychain on MacOS. I have the .mobileprovision file downloaded to the machine. I am signed into Xcode with my apple developer account. In Xcode, i went to Window &gt; Devices and Simulators and selected my device. I right clicked my device and selected "Show Provisioning Profiles". I clicked the plus and chose my .mobileprovision file. I get the same error on every device: Failed to install one or more provisioning profiles on the device. Please ensure the provisioning profile is configured for this device. If not, please try to generate a new profile.| this is an incredibly vague and unhelpful error. I'm not really sure what it means by "configured for this device". Not sure where to go from here
Jul ’22