We have an iOS In-House app that is not installing using the OTA method. The app is no longer able to be installed using the itms-services:// protocol. The last time I tried it was in November 2020 and it worked then. The uri looks like this itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=https: //dl.dropbox.com/s/abcdef123/manifest.plist . Our Enterprise certificate and profiles are up to date and valid. I was able to install the app to an iphone using Xcode and an Ad-hoc deployment of the app. The dropbox links are all shared and accessible to anyone with the link. When I copy the itms-services uri to Safari on an iPhone I get the popup ... Open this page in iTunes? with the options Cancel and Open. When I click Open the popup goes away but then nothing else happens. The app does not install. I connected to XCode Console to view the log messages for the device while clicking Open on the popup and the only message that stood out to me was .. Process: itunesstored Message: Network
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I faced a similar issue with the iOS In-House app not installing using the OTA method. Here’s how I resolved it after burning precious hours of my life ;-): Ensure the Dropbox links are modified to force downloads. Change the dl=0 to dl=1 in the links. E.g., https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/.../YOUR_APP.ipa?rlkey=...&dl=1 Ensure that the second image in your manifest.plist is precisely 1024x1024 pixels. The link to your manifest.plist in the itms-services URL must be URL encoded. E.g., itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dropbox.com%2Fscl%2Ffi%2F...%2Fmanifest.plist%3Frlkey%3D...%26dl%3D1 After these adjustments, I created a QR code for the link. Scanning the QR code with the camera app successfully installed the app on registered devices (UDID) using Ad Hoc distribution.
We have an app that was provided to us by a third-party developer. I do not have access to the source code or the xcodeproj file for this app. I have re-signed the app, using the iResign utility, with a distribution certificate and an App Store provisioning profile that I created in our developer account. I extracted the entitlements.plist file from the app using codesign, and updated it, replacing the third-party developer's Team ID and bundle ID, and assigned it an bundle ID that is from an App ID that I also created in the developer portal. Our team ID is 12A345BCDE, and the bundle ID value is com.myiosapp. The iResign process is successful. I have the Change ID box checked on iResign, with the new bundle ID value provided in the field.When I submit the app using Application Loader, I get multiple instances of this error:ERROR ITMS-90046: Invalid Code Signing Entitlements. Your application bundle's signature contains code signing entitlements that arenot supported on iOS. Specifically, value '12A3
Hello, I need help because I have not succeeded to fix the following issues: ITMS-90738: Invalid purpose string value - The “NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription” value for the NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription key isn’t allowed in “SuperNewsV2UIKit.app”. Your app’s code references one or more APIs that access sensitive user data, or the app has one or more entitlements that permit such access. The Info.plist file for the “SuperNewsV2UIKit.app” bundle should contain a NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription key with a user-facing purpose string explaining clearly and completely why your app needs the data. For details, visit: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/protecting_the_user_s_privacy/requesting_access_to_protected_resources. ITMS-90683: Missing purpose string in Info.plist - Your app’s code references one or more APIs that access sensitive user data, or the app has one or more entitlements that permit such access. The Info.plist file for the “SuperN
Hi we have similar issue with our VisionOS build using Unity, and XCode 15 beta 8 App Store Connect Dear Developer, We identified one or more issues with a recent delivery for your app, Skatrix Vision demo 0.1 (6). Please correct the following issues, then upload again. ITMS-90338: Non-public API usage - The app references non-public symbols in Frameworks/UnityFramework.framework/UnityFramework: _ar_skeleton_get_skeleton_root_transform_for_joint. If method names in your source code match the private Apple APIs listed above, altering your method names will help prevent this app from being flagged in future submissions. In addition, note that one or more of the above APIs may be located in a static library that was included with your app. If so, they must be removed. we can't remove this code because it's inside Unity package and it's needed to build the app, please let us know how can we fix that
Hello,We contacted Apple Developer Support due to an automatic message we receive when trying to publish a new version of our appDear Developer, We identified one or more issues with a recent delivery for your app. Please correct the following issues, then upload again. ITMS-90338: Non-public API usage - The app references non-public selectors in Idealys: applicationWillTerminate, ddSetLogLevel:, localTarget, newSocketQueueForConnectionFromAddress:onSocket:, setOrientation:animated:, socket:didConnectToHost:port:, socket:didReadPartialDataOfLength:tag:, socket:didReceiveTrust:completionHandler:, socket:didWritePartialDataOfLength:tag:, socket:shouldTimeoutReadWithTag:elapsed:bytesDone:, socket:shouldTimeoutWriteWithTag:elapsed:bytesDone:, socketDidCloseReadStream:, socketDidSecure:, terminateWithSuccess, webSocket:didReceiveMessage:, webSocketDidOpen: If method names in your source code match the private Apple APIs listed above, altering your method names will help prevent this app from being flagged
I've been trying to upload a test build using Xcode 13 to TestFlight but keep getting the following error after build is uploaded successfully: ITMS-90755: Invalid Binary - The following binaries in your app contains prohibited instructions: /Volumes/data01/app_data/awf/SWImportWorker-pv50p00ce-swpr152.cse.apple.com-400203/ff08-SoftwareImportWorker-PV_.0/VWBGHTOVAUPPUUZ65REE64UUN4/eqbyjijjamvooymq/exddmvmbsqjsrxwj/Payload/[App Name].app/[App Name]. Remove the instructions from the binaries, rebuild and resubmit. What does this error mean? What are those prohibited instructions? Where to fine them in the app binary? Any guidance is appreciated. Thanks.
I am having the same issue. I am not using MSAnalytics anywhere that I know of. Please advice on what to do next. ITMS-90338: Non-public API usage - The app contains or inherits from non-public classes in ***.MobileApp.iOS: MSAnalytics . If method names in your source code match the private Apple APIs listed above, altering your method names will help prevent this app from being flagged in future submissions. In addition, note that one or more of the above APIs may be located in a static library that was included with your app. If so, they must be removed. For further information, visit the Technical Support Information at http://developer.apple.com/support/technical/
Hi, our app build suddenly got rejected: ITMS-90338: Non-public API usage - The app references non-public symbols in Frameworks/AmazonIVSPlayer.framework/AmazonIVSPlayer: _CMTimebaseCreateWithMasterClock. If method names in your source code match the private Apple APIs listed above, altering your method names will help prevent this app from being flagged in future submissions. In addition, note that one or more of the above APIs may be located in a static library that was included with your app. If so, they must be removed. For further information, visit the Technical Support Information at http://developer.apple.com/support/technical/ Our build's today at 0 AM GMT+0 is still passing the automatic review, but our build at 3 AM GMT+0 got this error. Our build both includes AmazonIVSPlayer.framework, but somehow got treated differently. Is there any change of rule from Apple side?
We are facing the below mentioned error frequently while submitting the different apps in the App Store. When we are uploading the first build, we are receiving the below mentioned error and if we increment the build version, and on re submitting we are not facing the same issue again. Could you please guide us on what caused this issue? Xcode Version: 14.2 Error : ITMS-90338: Non-public API usage - The app contains one or more corrupted binaries. Rebuild the app and resubmit.. If method names in your source code match the private Apple APIs listed above, altering your method names will help prevent this app from being flagged in future submissions. In addition, note that one or more of the above APIs may be located in a static library that was included with your app. If so, they must be removed.
Hi, my app was recently rejected by the App Store due to Invalid Provisioning Profile - the email contained this (and many, many more errors): ITMS-90161: Invalid Provisioning Profile - The provisioning profile included in the bundle uk.ac.gla.timetable [UofG Life] is invalid. [Expired profile.] For more information, visit the iOS Developer Portal. ITMS-90443: Invalid Provisioning Profile - The provisioning profile included in the bundle UofG Life [Payload/UofG Life.app] is invalid. [Expired code-signing certificate.] For more information, visit the iOS Developer Portal. I went to the Developer Portal, went to Certificates/Identities/Profiles and saw the one for our app was marked 'Expired'. I went in to Edit it and renewed it there, at which point I could Download the profile. I think I found advice to double-click it and it would fix the issue in Xcode. I was able to resubmit the app and Apple App Store accepted it so I thought the problem was fixed. However, now none of the testers are ab
Hello Sir, i m getting this issue with my submission ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage - New apps that use UIWebView are no longer accepted. Instead, use WKWebView for improved security and reliability.. i am not using UIWebView anywhere in my code. i am stuck on that from last two weeks. Although i am using following libraries. Please correct me if anyone of these library using webview. pod 'MaterialComponents/TextControls+OutlinedTextAreasTheming' pod 'MaterialComponents/TextControls+OutlinedTextFieldsTheming' pod 'MaterialComponents/TextControls+OutlinedTextAreas' pod 'MaterialComponents/TextControls+OutlinedTextFields' pod 'SwiftyJSON', :inhibit_warnings => true pod 'SwiftMessages', :inhibit_warnings => true pod 'FacebookLogin' pod 'GoogleSignIn' , '> 5.0' pod 'FirebaseCore' pod 'FirebaseAuth' pod 'SkeletonView' pod 'Cosmos', :inhibit_warnings => true pod 'IQKeyboardManager', :inhibit_warnings => true pod 'SwiftyCam' pod 'RSKImageCropper' pod 'DropDown' pod 'Socket.IO-Client-Swift',
Hello Sir, i m getting this issue with my submission ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage - New apps that use UIWebView are no longer accepted. Instead, use WKWebView for improved security and reliability.. i am not using UIWebView anywhere in my code. i am stuck on that from last two weeks. App name: CyberMart IN Apple ID of the app: 1660228621
How does one get a URL like this one, which lists all the apps from this developer? itms-apps://apps.apple.com/developer/id328077650 What is that ID number? It is not the same as the Team ID. Is that something you have to make, or do all developers have that number?
Hi, We recently migrated our iOS app icon to use the new 'single size' feature in xCode 14. However upon submission to App Store Connect we are getting the following issues: ITMS-90892: Missing recommended icon - The bundle does not contain an alternate app icon for iPad of exactly '167x167' pixels, in .png format for iOS versions supporting iPad Pro. To support older operating systems, the icon may be required in the bundle outside of an asset catalog. Make sure the Info.plist file includes appropriate entries referencing the file. See https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/information_property_list/cfbundleicons ITMS-90892: Missing recommended icon - The bundle does not contain an alternate app icon for iPad of exactly '152x152' pixels, in .png format for iOS versions >= 10.0. To support older operating systems, the icon may be required in the bundle outside of an asset catalog. Make sure the Info.plist file includes appropriate entries referencing the file. See https