When overriding the following seek functions in a custom subclass of AVPlayerItem, a method does not override method from its superclass error occurs, causing the build to fail. This issue only happens after updating to Xcode 16. Do you have any suggestions on how to fix it? https://developer.apple.com/documentation/avfoundation/avplayeritem/seek(to:completionhandler:)-91gnw https://developer.apple.com/documentation/avfoundation/avplayeritem/seek(to:tolerancebefore:toleranceafter:completionhandler:) (This error disappears 3 seconds after the build fails or temporarily disappears when the function's position in the file is changed.)
Building for iOS Simulator, but the linked and embedded framework ‘XX.framework‘ was built for
167,864 results found
Scenario: hardware keyboard is attached to iPhone Before iOS 18.2, if I setup only two keyboards (e.g., english and emoji) in the system, click Globe key can switch to iOS emoji keyboard without problem. Since iOS 18.2, it stop working, and emoji keyboard is never displayed. I need to add one more keyboard, then I can switch to emoji keyboard (via the keyboard selector).
Didn't get any response last time so reposting my query. I know procID is of no use in IOS but just for curiosity I am logging proc ID in control Filter and data Filter. I was trying to log the flow description using control filter and data filter. But when I am trying to log the proc ID in control filter, it is always 0, but in data filter, it logs some value. Same goes with the eproc ID. I want to use the flow description data in some other target so I will be sending the data using sockets and I cannot share data from data filter due to its restrictions and control filter isn't providing the proc ID. What should I do?
I am working on an iOS app where I need to detect when a user starts and stops driving using the Apple Core Motion framework. I've implemented the following MotionActivityManager class to handle activity updates and display the detected states in a SwiftUI view. While I can accurately detect Stationary and Walking states, detecting the Driving (Automotive) state has been unreliable. The accuracy often fails, and the framework frequently misclassifies driving as other states like Unknown or Walking. Here's the implementation: @Published var motionStates: [MotionState] = [] @Published var startDate: String = @Published var confidence: String = init() { setupDefaultStates() startActivityUpdates() } private func setupDefaultStates() { motionStates = [ MotionState(label: Stationary, value: false), MotionState(label: Walking, value: false), MotionState(label: Running, value: false), MotionState(label: Automotive, value: false), MotionState(label: Cycling, value: false), MotionState(labe
@DTS Engineer I have the same issue. The photos I'm getting from TripleCamera when it's set to 1x is always 12MP even though the photoOutput.maxPhotoQualityPrioritization is set to .quality and the activeFormat applied to photoOutput supports 24MP. The standard iOS camera captures 24MP photos with TripleCamera but I don't know what else should I try to make it work in my app. So far, it only works when I use Wide camera, not Triple Camer system.
Currently, we use UIDocumentPickerViewController to read the user's connected sdcard. However, this requires the user to select manually, and the event cannot be monitored. But recently I found that ImageCaptureCore's ICDeviceBrowserDelegate can monitor the plug-in and unplug events in the didAddDevice callback, but cannot obtain the path of the storage card. I wonder if there is a way to combine the advantages of both, so that with the user's consent, the card reader events can be monitored and the content can be read directly without the user manually selecting the folder
I am currently studying the Accelerate library by referring to Apple documentation. Here is the link to the referenced document: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/accelerate/veclib/vforce When I executed the sample code provided at the bottom of the document, I found a case where the results were different. let n = 10_000 let x = (0..<n).map { _ in Float.random(in: 1 ... 10_000) } let y = x.map { return sqrt($0) } and let y = [Float](unsafeUninitializedCapacity: n) { buffer, initializedCount in vForce.sqrt(x, result: &buffer) initializedCount = n } The code below is provided to observe the issue described above. import Accelerate Task { let n = 1//10_000 let x = (0..<n).map { _ in Float(6737.015)//Float.random(in: 1 ... 10_000) } let y = x.map { return sqrt($0) } try? await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: 1_000_000_000) let z = [Float](unsafeUninitializedCapacity: n) { buffer, initializedCount in vForce.sqrt(x, result: &buffer) initializedCount = n } } For a value of 6737.015 when calcu
Hello, I've developed an application using ElectronNET with Javacript. I have managed to deploy to both Windows and the web but having trouble deploying the application to my Mac users. It's my first time deploying an application for Mac but feel like I'm stuck at the last hurdle and out of ideas so I'm reaching out for help. My application is successfully signing but during the build and when my Notarize.js is running it seems to get stuck indefinitely. I can check and see the status of the Notarize attempts but they seem to be stuck In Progress. Here are the logs. Successfully received submission history. history -------------------------------------------------- createdDate: 2025-01-06T00:59:45.245Z id: 1dc39b5f-fdca-4bf2-a6f6-fa793de2786e name: Popcorn-1.0.0.dmg status: In Progress -------------------------------------------------- createdDate: 2025-01-04T08:01:36.168Z id: c575b015-edd6-4e09-8da5-7ae09f4f67db name: Popcorn-1.0.0.dmg status: In Progress --------------------------------------------
First, I apologize if I post to the wrong forum, but this is kinda new to me. Backstory: I recently joined a company as CTO and the first topic on my agenda is the mobile presence. The android app was built in-house, but the iOS app was outsourced to an app/web development agency. The problem: the aforementioned agency ceased operations in mid-2024 without notifying us. They cancelled their dev program enrollment and our apps are no longer available on the App Store. And the agency reps are not responding to emails and phone calls. My question: is there a way to get access to our application? We plan in-house redesign and refactoring in 2025, but we want access to the bundle ID, the app groups, the iCloud container, etc. We can present legal documents, company website and branding, everything to prove that app is technically ours. Thanks in advance! Have a good and productive 2025!
Hi everyone, I've come across an issue on iOS that seems to affect many apps. Here's what happens: A user logs in with correct credentials and proceeds to the OTP verification screen as part of multi factor authentication. iOS presents the system password save prompt (Would you like to save this password?). Without selecting an option on this prompt, the user backgrounds the app (e.g., to check their email for the OTP). Upon returning to the app, the keyboard becomes completely inaccessible on the OTP screen or any other screen. From my testing, this behavior appears to be an OS-level bug, as it occurs consistently across various apps. Has anyone else encountered this? Any known workarounds or updates from Apple on this behavior would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
@axello I encourage you to first review what Quinn wrote above as they provided a number of possible solutions. The route I went with is specific to my use-case as I already have an existing build of OpenSSL and curl that I'm trying to bring over. In any event, all I ended up having to do was adding the module map to the .xcframework file for each build configuration (platform+arch). I'm only including a single header (aes.h) in this example just to keep things short, but in actuality there's about 140 headers openssl.xcframework/ios-arm64/openssl.framework/Headers/aes.h openssl.xcframework/ios-arm64/openssl.framework/Modules/module.modulemap openssl.xcframework/ios-arm64/openssl.framework/info.plist openssl.xcframework/ios-arm64/openssl.framework/openssl The contents of the modulemap file just link all of the headers: framework module OpenSSL { header aes.h export * }
I get the same sort of errors using ShareLink. There is also a noticeable lag on the first time the user uses the ShareLink, between when they click the share link and the share sheet appears. This appears to be a problem with ShareLink itself. People have mentioned similar issues on Reddit.
Platform: iOS18 Tech: RealityView Hi! I was wondering if RealityView now provides ways for their session to persist Anchor data in a world such that the anchor locations in one session can be saved and loaded in a another session that persists the exact same anchor positions. I know that ARWorldMap in ARKit does that, but I was not able to find a way to use it with RealityView. I think it's because RealityView has ARKit under its hood but does not expose the ARKit session info publicly to the client code. So I was wondering if there's a SwiftUI + RealityView approach that can help me to achieve a similar goal: Come back to the same location and see the object in exactly the same place. Thanks!
I'm trying to add keychain-access-groups capability to my app for MacOs devices and I'm getting an error while signing the code. If I add this capability to an app for iOS devices, this does not happen and it works correctly. Are there any limitations to using this capability on MacOS devices? My entitlement file is the following: com.apple.security.app-sandbox com.apple.security.application-groups group.com.cqesolutions com.apple.security.files.user-selected.read-only com.apple.security.smartcard keychain-access-groups $(AppIdentifierPrefix)com.cqesolutions.desktopDNIe com.apple.token
After some searching, I found the problem is somehow related with Optimization Level. If I run this on simulator with Scheme - Run - Build Configuration set to Debug, it works just fine. If Run - Build Configuration set to Release, the bug appears, but if I configure Build Settings - Optimization Level to none, it works again. But with the same “Release, Optimization Level none”settings submitted to App Connect, the bug still persists. Here is an example: Put a red circle at the bottom of the screen. When dragged up, this circle gradually fades until it reaches the top and turns to completely transparent. In order to make sure this process is linear, I need to know the exact y position of this circle. So I set .anchorPreference to the CircleView to monitor the bounds of this circle, and .backgroundPreferenceValue to the ParentView to update the observable instance which stores the bounds information of this circle. Under Debug Mode, it works just fine, the circle fades as i