missing package product

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Reply to Unable to Simulate Messages and Sticker Packs
I solved it and I'm saying the solution just so it actually shows up on search results. In the Simulator, go under Device -> Erase all Content and Settings. This resets the Simulator's OS. Without building anything to simulate yet, open the Messages app and some random menu will pop up, click OK then quit Messages. In Xcode go to Product -> Scheme -> New Scheme and don't change anything and hit OK. Hit the play button and it'll just work. I tested this on the iOS 15 - iOS 17 simulators and it works despite iOS 15 and 16 giving slightly different errors from iOS 17. Credit: https://forums.developer.apple.com/forums/thread/757781 This solution didn't work for me without resetting iOS on the simulator.
XPC Service not working in packaged app
I'm trying to use XPC communicate between a command line tool (launched from Terminal) and a macOS application. My code currently works when the app is launched from Xcode, but not if I launch the built app from the command line (open path-to-foo.app) or if I try and distribute the packaged application (via Development distribution). Notably, the XPC works if the command line tool is launched from the terminal as long as the app itself is launched from Xcode. I publish the XPC service using NSXPCListener(machServiceName: .com.example.my-app.service) and connect to it using NSXPCConnection(machServiceName: machServiceName). Both my command line tool and my main app identical app group entitlements for $(TeamIdentifierPrefix)com.example.my-app and I verified the team identifier substitution was correct in both the app and command line tool after doing distributing for App Store, exporting, unpacking the pkg and running codesign as described here: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode
Can't Get OrbitAnimation() to work on my project
DESCRIPTION OF PROBLEM I have an Apple Vision Pro App Store app called Starship SE Corps. I'm trying to add an animation for my app so that the starship entity orbits the Earth entity. I'm trying to use OrbitAnimation as discussed in the WWDC23 session Build Spatial Experiences with RealityKit (https://developer.apple.com/wwdc23/10080). However, I can't get the animation to work. STEPS TO REPRODUCE I created a sample test app called SampleOrbitAnimationApp to focus in on the code I'm having trouble with. When I build and run my sample test app, the app runs on both the visionOS 1.2 simulator and on my real Apple Vision Pro device running visionOS 1.2. However, my starship entity is static and is not animating/orbiting around my Earth entity. I tried putting my OrbitAnimation code in the RealityView update: closure. Doing that, however causes some property scope errors because the entity I refer to in the OrbitAnimation code is my entity that I create in the RealityView code block...so the update: closure code
Link to a Precompiled Static C Library in a Swift Library Package
I want to build a Swift library package that uses modified build of OpenSSL and Curl. I have already statically compiled both and verified I can use them in an Objective-C framework on my target platform (iOS & iOS Simulator). I'm using XCFramework files that contain the static library binaries and headers: openssl.xcframework/ ios-arm64/ openssl.framework/ Headers/ [...] openssl ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/ openssl.framework/ Headers/ [...] openssl Info.plist I'm not sure how I'm supposed to set up my Swift package to import these libraries. I can use .systemLibrary but that seems to use the embedded copies of libssl and libcurl on my system, and I can't figure out how to use the path: parameter to that. I also tried using a .binaryTarget pointing to the XCFramework files, but that didn't seem to work as there is no module generated and I'm not sure how to make one myself. At a basic high level, this is what I'm trying to accomplish: where libcrypto & libssl come from the provided op
Reply to disable ATS
To answer your direct question… well… I think something might have been lost in translation but it sounds like you’re concerned about the App Review impact of disabling ATS. If so, we can’t really help you here because App Review has the final say as to what is or isn’t allowed on the App Store. However, you can find some info about this in the our documentation. Still, my advice is that you do what endecotp suggested and enable HTTPS on your server. It’s the best option for your users, it makes your app simpler and more secure, it avoids any potential problems with App Review, and with Let’s Encrypt it’s free. Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = eskimo + 1 + @ + apple.com
Reply to how to create a vpn app on ios
VPN products on iOS use the Network Extension framework. They can either: Use Personal VPN to configure the built-in VPN transports. Or create a custom VPN transport, typically as a Packet tunnel provider. Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = eskimo + 1 + @ + apple.com
Reply to Accept incoming network connections?
Are you testing this an a ‘clean’ machine? If not, please try that and let me know what you see. I often see problems like this when folks test their final product on their development machine. It’s best to test on a separate machine, one that’s never seen your software before. I usually run tests like this using a VM, restoring the machine from a ‘clean’ snapshot between each test. For an example of that process, see my Testing a Notarised Product. Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = eskimo + 1 + @ + apple.com
Xcode is running build tool plug-in that has been removed
I recently installed the Swift OpenAPI Generator on my Xcode project. I used it for a little bit but then decided that it would not work how I wanted it to, so I uninstalled it. I uninstalled all the packages related to the OpenAPI generator, and removed the generator from my projects build phases. However, when I try to build and run my project now, I get an error saying that my application could not find the OpenAPI generator script. I did delete this script, but I also removed it as a run build tool plug-in, so it should not be trying to execute in the first place. I used the instructions found in this WWDC23 video (at around the 9:00 minute mark). I am wondering how to completely remove this plug-in. I have tried searching my XCOde project, but I cannot find any indication of this plug-in still existing within my project. I have tried cleaning the build folder as well, but to no avail. What can I do to resolve this issue?
Rendering EntityEquipment in TabletopKit
Hi, I've been implementing a tabletop game over the last couple of weeks. One thing that I'm struggling with it getting an EntityEquipment to render. I've followed the instructions in the documentation: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/tabletopkit/entityequipment But still no luck. Any insights what I might be missing are highly appreciated. Note: I've also watched the WWDC24 talk https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2024/10091/ several times and downloaded the example but while the pawns render in the example perfectly. In my own implementation of a pawn nothing renders.
Package installation on macOS is failing due to a com.apple.appstored.xpc exception - MDM
When a package is published via MDM using the Install Enterprise app command provided by Apple On one of the devices, this command is failing with com.apple.appstored.xpc exception but works fine on other macOS devices having the same restrictions and OS version. We tried restarting the device and also the appstored process via Activity Monitor but it was in vain. I am attaching system logs that contain the exception and stack trace when the command failed. ExceptionLogs
Issue with UserDefaults Data Loss after App Transfer and TestFlight Installation
Hello, I recently encountered an issue following the transfer of my app between Apple Developer accounts and would appreciate any insights or solutions. Here's a summary of the situation: App Transfer: I transferred an app from one Apple Developer account to another. The app's bundle ID remained unchanged during this process. App Update: After the transfer, I integrated a new feature into the app and pushed the updated version to TestFlight under the new account. Installation Issue: When I installed the TestFlight version of the app from the new account on my device, which already had the app installed from the old account, the app logged out the user. It appears that the UserDefaults data was not retained, resulting in the loss of stored user data. My hypothesis is that the transfer between accounts caused the user defaults to reset, leading to the data loss. Has anyone else experienced this issue, and if so, are there any recommended solutions or best practices to prevent UserDefaults from
What could be a rational architecture of a "proprietary SDK with DExt" ?
The situation 1a) I am developing an SDK for few proprietary medical X-ray imaging gadgets and MACOS, iPAD; 1b) The SDK would be used in near/middle future by 2..5 End-User-App-developers (ether by oldschool-teams and by young-startuplike-teams of different geography and mother-languages). 1c) The SDK necessarily incapsulates a DExt, respective installer-helpers also API-to-decide, sample-acquisition-app -to-decide. I am deciding the architecture to be convenient for expecting scope of End-User-App-developers 2a) I would like to make this SDK (with necessary proprietary DExt) convenient (in general) as ~ option 2a1) as a scanner within ImageCapture-Application-framework for older MAC-desktop ~ option 2a2) as an *.AAR in Android 2b) I would like to minimize my future communications with End-User-App-deveopment-teams and simplify further activities about code-signing and provisioning-profiles By my glance, Swift-packages are nearest approach to AAR. But AAR in Android never needs proprietary drivers li