ios 14 beta 2, iphone 5se in mail app, and others: keyboard does not appear when responding to email. cant type anything. if a response box appears - as in messages - keyboard does appear. i cant work around this bug and my iphone is nearly unworkable in this beta. any suggestions?
Building for iOS Simulator, but the linked and embedded framework ‘XX.framework‘ was built for
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I had this problem on iOS 18.2. I fixed my changing the order of my keyboards in the general space keyboard setting.
Howto solve this error? My Device is : MacOS Sequoia 15.0.1 IPhone 11 (iOS 17.7 (21H16))
Sofware XCode 15.4 Error installing '/Users/m/projects/flutter/gpstracker/build/ios/iphoneos/', ERROR: Error Code=-10 Waiting to reconnect to Suyyy~ UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Waiting to reconnect to Suyyy~, NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Previous preparation error: The developer disk image could not be mounted on this device.. Error mounting image: 0xe8000124 (kAMDMobileImageMounterExistingTransferInProgress: An existing disk image transfer is already in progress.)} Domain: Code: -1 User Info: { DVTErrorCreationDateKey = 2024-10-20 22:59:03 +0000; } Error installing '/Users/m/projects/flutter/gpstracker/build/ios/iphoneos/', ERROR: Error Code=-10 Waiting to reconnect to Suyyy~ UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Waiting to reconnect to Suyyy~, NSLocalizedRecoverySugg
My app says it has built successfully but shows the error No bundle URL Present with the following in the log: [Client] Updating selectors after delegate addition failed with: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 The connection to service with pid 90 named was invalidated from this process. UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=The connection to service with pid 90 named was invalidated from this process.} Using Xcode 13, and React Native 65.1 on and iOS 15 Iphone 12. Can anyone help? Error log in full: 2021-10-02 15:22:54.660199+0100 myracnative[556:74795] [Client] Updating selectors after delegate addition failed with: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 The connection to service with pid 90 named was invalidated from this process. UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=The connection to service with pid 90 named was invalidated from this proce
Hi There, I have a iOS App which has been published and purely managing data by SwiftData. I use following simple codes everywhere in Views: ... @Query var items: [Item] .... if let firstItem = items.first( where: {...}) { ... Then I encountered crash at Query that _items.wrapperdValue has some errors. Then I tried to split first(where...) into ordinary way: let filteredItems = items.filter(...) if let firstItem = filteredItems.first { ... It runs OK. Is it a bug in SwiftData in 18.2 or I missed some steps to facilitate SwiftData macros?
You can use Easy App Reports to extract all your iOS reviews from all countries (and for multiple apps) at the same time.
I had write a widget after iOS 17+, It had a Toggle to perform a appintent . When switch the toggle, the appintent will perfrom , just like ` func perfrom() async throws -> some IntentResult { // first let first = try await getFristValue() let second = try await getSecondValue(by: first) let third = try awiat getThirdValue(by: second) return .result() } ` and I found, it will work when I am debugging connect with Xcode. But, when I don't connect xcode, it will not work. How can I fixed it ?
0 CoreFoundation __exceptionPreprocess + 164 1 libobjc.A.dylib objc_exception_throw + 88 2 CoreFoundation -[__NSArrayI objectAtIndex:] + 0 3 UIKitCore -[UIInputSwitcherView selectedInputMode] + 116 4 UIKitCore -[UIInputSwitcherView didSelectItemAtIndex:] + 148 5 UIKitCore -[UIKeyboardMenuView selectItemAtPoint:] + 92 6 UIKitCore -[UIInputSwitcherView buttonPressed:withEvent:location:isLocationInsideViewHitArea:isForDictation:tapAction:] + 1040 7 UIKitCore -[UISystemKeyboardDockController dictationItemButtonWasPressed:withEvent:isRunningButton:] + 660 8 UIKitCore -[UISystemKeyboardDockController keyboardDockView:didPressDockItem:withEvent:] + 448 9 UIKitCore -[UIKeyboardDockView _dockItemButtonWasTapped:withEvent:] + 120
The application I work on has a webview in it and I found after updating my iPad to the iOS 18.2 beta it no longer detects clicks properly. The same build works fine on other iOS devices not on the beta. When the webview refreshes it works normally until I interact with any other element of the application and then it stops recognizing click inputs. It can still scroll and zoom normally though. I've tested this against 2 different web view packages and different web pages and the issue is consistent. Has anyone else seen anything like this?
Hello, I have a problem with Xcode, in C++ language. When I create a new project, I put my program in a file and click Build. It works correctly and without any problems, but when I enter a second file in the same project and click build, it says build failed. In the log it says, duplicate symbols appear.
We have noticed that if we apply forceDelayedSoftwareUpdates in Restrictions profile, it causes ScheduleOSUpdates to fail or go into an invalid state. For example: On my iOS device, we have set the forceDelayedSoftwareUpdates to 90 days which removed the latest iOS update iOS 18.2 from the Software Updates section on the device. Post this, if I schedule an update for iOS 18.2 using ScheduleOSUpdateCommand, it fails to download. If I schedule the same without forceDelayedSoftwareUpdates, the update works as expected. Please help what could be the reason for this behavior as forceDelayedSoftwareUpdates should not block ScheduleOSUpdates.
I Found out some situation will be crash in iOS 18. When u want to get cell or header(footer) by calling dequeueCell or dequeueSupplementaryView. And which isn't in collectionView dataSource function like, 'cellForRow' or viewForSupplementaryElementOfKind, It will be crash!!! So, if u have a function call getFootView() like below: func getFootView(indexPath: IndexPath) -> RangePriceFootView? { return collectionView.dequeueReusableSupplementaryView(ofKind: UICollectionView.elementKindSectionFooter, withReuseIdentifier: FOOTER, for: indexPath) } Call this function at viewForSupplementaryElementOfKind, it is legal. func collectionView( _ collectionView: UICollectionView, viewForSupplementaryElementOfKind kind: String, at indexPath: IndexPath ) -> UICollectionReusableView { let footer = getFootView(indexPath: indexPath) // footer do something return footer } but if u call this from other place than viewForSupplementaryElementOfKind, it will be crash func updateUI() { let footer = getFootView(indexP
Hello! We're working on a large app with over 400 modules in both Swift and Objective-C, totaling more than 3 million lines of code. Since the release of Xcode 15 and 16 this summer, we’ve been experiencing issues with LLDB that have made debugging practically impossible. Here are some of the problems we’re facing: The first breakpoint takes a very long time to hit. When using 'po self', we encounter the following error: error: type for self cannot be reconstructed: type for typename $s5MyModule10PlayerViewCD was not found (cached) error: Couldn't realize Swift AST type of self. Hint: using `v` to directly inspect variables and fields may still work. We get numerous log messages like this: Debugging will be degraded due to missing types. Rebuilding the project will regenerate the needed module files.warning: (arm64) /Users/egormerkushev/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/App-enhtbwiyebmjsffoqkqhhpshsfia/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/MyModule.framework/MyModule(UploadConfiguration.o) 0x00000000000007
I found a solution to provide metadata for all modules: Enable dSYM for Debug (note: this increases build time, even for incremental builds). Copy the necessary symlinks for the Swift modules from Derived Data to a temporary folder, e.g., /tmp/lldbmodules. Configure lldbinit locally in Xcode: customLLDBInitFile = $(SRCROOT)/lldbinit with the following option: settings set target.swift-module-search-paths /tmp/lldbmodules Kill the lldb-rpc-server process to ensure a clean state. Build and run.
Video Playback on iOS 18 public release is asinine. I use video playback to show slow-motion video frame by frame to my students and the video can only be shown at like 3/5 of the screen size (just like Apple fouled up screenshot editing about a year ago) If you try to view video in the full screen you can’t scrub through and see time stamps or play frame by frame sliding left to right. It’s absolutely ridiculous. 2 out of 3x the video timeline finishes fully right and I haven’t watched the full clip. Here’s a video showing the issue how at the small default size I can see the entire timeline and play the full video from beginning to end, but when I go to full screen and/or zoom in or move the screen around the timeline doesn’t work and you can’t scroll through the full video! Need the video to not condense in size on the screen and play the full height / width of the screen. Also not have the text of the location showing above the screen. Way too much clutter. The reduced size of the video for editi