missing package product

42,962 results found






Reply to Reading Files from USB-C Storage on iOS Devices
We believe that MFi certification is not necessary for USB-C connections. Is this understanding correct? Yes, that's correct. The system directly supports USB mass storage devices. The system will mount the volume and make it accessible through Files.app and APIs like UIDocumentPickerViewController. Implementation Method We prefer not to use standard components like UIDocumentPickerViewController. Are there any methods to access the file system directly, or any other suitable approaches you can recommend? No, not really. You can use our standard components to get access to a directory and then provide your own navigation UI, but the only mechanism that will get you that initial access in one of our controls. In addition, there is currently an issue with cross volume bookmarks (r.102995804) which prevents resolution from working across volume mounts, so you also can't (reliably) use a bookmark to preserve access like you could on the users local storage. As things now, there isn't a good way for an iOS app to
Apple Vision Pro app stops working after a while
Hello! I have developed an application using Unity that runs on the visionPro. I have correctly built it, installed it on the device and it works. The spatial computing application continue to work after several days (pretty normal, I launch the app and it works. It doesn't use any external services). After several weeks, like a month or so, I launch again the same app but it's not working anymore. The only way I have to make it work again is to rebuild and reinstall it again. What am I missing here? Why an application built and installed few weeks ago suddenly stops working on the VisionPro?
Jun ’24
Crash After Presenting SwiftUI Alert
I’m seeing a crash in production for a small percentage of users, and have narrowed it down based on logging to happening as or very shortly after an alert is presented using SwiftUI. This seems to be isolated to iOS 17.5.1, but since it’s a low-volume crash I can’t be sure there aren’t other affected versions. What can I understand from the crash report? Here’s a simplified version of the code which presents the alert, which seems so simple I can’t understand why it would crash. And following that is the crash trace. // View (simplified) @MainActor public struct MyView: View { @ObservedObject var model: MyViewModel public init(model: MyViewModel) { self.model = model } public var body: some View { myViewContent .overlay(clearAlert) } var clearAlert: some View { EmptyView().alert( Are You Sure?, isPresented: $model.isClearAlertVisible, actions: { Button(Keep, role: .cancel) { model.clearAlertKeepButtonWasPressed() } Button(Delete, role: .destructive) { model.clearAlertDeleteButtonWasPressed() } }, me
Jun ’24
Reply to Unsupported SDK or Xcode version (XCode 15.4 running on MacOS 15)
TLDR, no need to manage provisioning profile: Share your project folder with the virtual machine Open the project in xcode 15.4 in the virtual machine, do not change anything Click Product->Archive Once done, copy the archive to your physical machine Open the project in your physical machine, and click Window->Organizer, and distribute your app. If your project doesn't require additional build configurations, you can also use xcode cloud build to simplifiy things.
Reply to Battery Health draining fast
These are the Developer Forums, where developers of apps for Apple's platforms ask each other for hints and tips on coding. These forums are NOT where Apple's actual developers chat about stuff. Your question is more of a product support one, so I'd suggest you ask it over at the Apple Support Forums. Thanks.
Reply to iOS18 beta2 NavigationStack: Tapping Back from a lower-level View returns to the Root View / No transition animation
Thank you for the detailed explanation. I have a question. This example shows undefined behavior. How can SwiftUI developers know that this behavior is undefined? I couldn't find it in the NavigationLink documentation. And thank you for the code rewrite. The sample code worked as expected. In our production code, I will avoid mixing value-destination and view-destination and will use value-destination exclusively. I also understood that using get-set binding for navigationDestination(isPresented:) can cause animation issues. To add, I am using this method to support iOS versions prior to iOS16, where navigationDestination(item:destination) is not available, and it works for versions before iOS18. However, after slightly modifying the rewritten code to match our production code, I encountered a pop issue again. Specifically, when I changed .navigationDestination(for:) to .navigationDestination(item:) within RootView, it automatically pops during the first transition from ContentView to SubVie
Reply to iOS18 beta2: NavigationStack, Views Being Popped Automatically
Thank you for the explanation at [https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/758371]. As you understand, I am using navigationDestination(isPresented ) with get/set binding because navigationDestination(item:) is only supported from iOS 17 onwards. Our product code supports iOS 16 and later. (The product itself also supports iOS 15, so we are using NavigationView as well.) Additionally, when I modified the code provided in the post to be closer to our product code by changing navigationDestination(for:) to navigationDestination(item:), the pop issue reoccurred (during the transition from contentView to subView). Therefore, I believe this issue is not related to the view-destination or value-destination problem. As a workaround, I have confirmed that commenting out @Environment(.dismiss) defined in ContentView avoids the issue. While the code in this article is very simple, our product code is enormous and has a very complex structure, making it extremely difficult to pinpoin
Can I preview "regular" view in widget extension?
Basically, in my widget/live activity, I want to extract reusable views into a separate file with an isolated view and preview. Dummy example below. I cannot do it because it says missing previewcontext. The only way I've found is to add the view to my main app target, but I don't want to clutter my main app wiews that only exist in my widgets if I can avoid it. Can this be done somehow? Thoughts appreciated. Dummy example (tried with and without previewLayout: struct StatusActivityView: View { let status: UserStatusData var body: some View { VStack(alignment: .center) { Text(Dummy example) }.background(.blue).padding(5) } } @available(iOS 16.2, *) struct StatusActivityView_Previews: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { let status = WidgetConstants.defaultEntry() return StatusActivityView(status: status).previewLayout(.sizeThatFits) } }
Prolonged App Review times
Dear Reviewer, I am writing to express my concern regarding the extended review time for my app. (App ID: 6503052240)This product has been under review for a week and there has been no response. In order to smoothly carry out the subsequent promotion plan, we hope that this product can be launched as soon as possible. I understand that there can be varying factors affecting review times, but I would greatly appreciate any information or updates you could provide regarding the status of my app's review. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your prompt response.
Code missing from WWDC session video 10210
I noticed the code snippets are missing from the wwdc2024 10210 video titled Bring your app’s core features to users with App Intents https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2024/10210/ It would be useful if those could be added. I also noticed the transcript is missing from the web version but it is in the Developer app, that is odd.
Jun ’24
Could not download iOS 17.5 Simulator The network connection was lost
I tried many time to download iOS 17.5 Simulator for Xcode 15.4 but I did not succeed I got this error what is the solution Could not download iOS 17.5 Simulator (21F79). Domain: NSURLErrorDomain Code: -1005 Recovery Suggestion: The network connection was lost. User Info: { DVTErrorCreationDateKey = 2024-05-26 00:23:57 +0000; DVTRecoveryBlockKey = ; NSLocalizedRecoveryOptions = ( Cancel ); NSRecoveryAttempter = <_DVTErrorRecoveryHandler: 0x600003e1cd70>; } Could not download iOS 17.5 Simulator (21F79). Domain: NSURLErrorDomain Code: -1005 Recovery Suggestion: The network connection was lost. User Info: { DVTRecoveryBlockKey = ; NSLocalizedRecoveryOptions = ( Cancel ); NSRecoveryAttempter = <_DVTErrorRecoveryHandler: 0x600003e1cd70>; } System Information macOS Version 14.5 (Build 23F79) Xcode 15.4 (22622) (Build 15F31d) Timestamp: 2024-05-25T20:23:57-04:00
May ’24
Disable reverb effect in immersive spaces
I'm developing an app where a user can bring a video or content from a WKWebView into an immersive space using SwiftUI attachments on a RealityView. This works just fine, but I'm having some trouble configuring how the audio from the web content should sound in an immersive space. When in windowed mode, content playing sounds just fine and very natural. The spatial audio effect with head tracking is pronounced and adds depth to content with multichannel or Dolby Atmos audio. When I move the same web view into an immersive space however, the audio becomes excessively echoey, as if a large amount of reverb has been put onto the audio. The spatial audio effect is also decreased, and while still there, is no where near as immersive. I've tried the following: Setting all entities in my space to use channel audio, including the web view attachment. for entity in content.entities { entity.channelAudio = ChannelAudioComponent() entity.ambientAudio = nil entity.spatialAudio = nil } Changing the AVAudioSessionSpatialEx
Jun ’24
My macOS app+helper is not in the System Preferences/Login Item/ "Allow Background" list
I created a macOS app that can run in foreground (NSApplicationActivationPolicyRegular) and in background (NSApplicationActivationPolicyAccessory) and can be launched by an Helper (Login Item) and run in background. I use XCode 15.3 (15E204a) on macOS 14.2.1 on a MacBook Pro 16, 2019, 2,3 GHz Intel Core i9 8 core. I archive my app, I notarize it for direct distribution then I save it to the /Applications folder. Then I delete my Debug app from …/Xcode/DerivedData/MyApp-dal…xu/Build/Products/Debug so I am sure I have one only copy of my app on the disk. I firstly launch my app as NSApplicationActivationPolicyRegular then I select my menu item Set the app as Login Item. So I call SMAppService *service = [SMAppService loginItemServiceWithIdentifier:@com.mydomain.Helper]; I get a service.status == SMAppServiceStatusNotFound So I am stuck. I notice that my app doesn't show up in the System Preferences/Login Items/ Allow Background list. So on Terminal I run the command sudo sfltool resetbtm Now the Allow
Jun ’24