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Help users access and manage their external accounts from within your app without requiring them to enter login credentials using Accounts.

Posts under Accounts tag

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Rejected due to having User Registration to use the App
Hello, I have been stumped on this issue for a week and am looking for guidance on how to resolve it. I am aware of Guideline 5.1.1 Legal: Privacy - Data Collection and Storage and have read through it. The core functionality of our app is a Message Chatbot. This is the only feature we have, and we require user registration to limit the number of messages that can be sent on the free tier. However, despite explaining why we need user registration and pointing to a number of very similar apps that have the exact same registration system, we are not able to get approval from the App Reviewers. Their message is: "To resolve this issue, please revise the app to let users freely access the app's features that are not account-based." The problem is that we do not have any other features in our app, so we are stuck. I was wondering if anyone else had similar issues and what they did to fix it? Thank you!
May ’24
Internal Apple Developer team member does not appear in TestFlight. (User is in limbo)
I have a team member who was deleted. I tried to re-add that team member immediately after deletion but that failed. However, portal still recognizes that user as a member of the team. This results in the following behavior. When trying to re-add the user to the team, I get a message saying they are already on the team. No new invite can be sent because I can't complete the add-user operation. In TestFlight, I do not see this user on the list/roster of possible internal testers. Has anyone seen this behavior before and if so, how did you fix it?
May ’24
I can't Korea optical industry agency KOIA account login
Hello, I'm Won Ji-hye, head of the Korea Optics Industry Agency, who I inquired about over the phone. It is not possible to log in because the registered device number is registered as the number of the person who left the company or was in charge of the company. As a result, it is currently unable to provide services to users because it is unable to manage the application service. Since it is operated by the Korea Optics Industry Promotion Agency, it is possible to submit evidence with business cards, business registrations, and corporate seal certificates, but the number is not known. We look forward to your prompt help and response. Please call 053-350-7855 or the mobile number registered in your account.
May ’24
More then 2 business day apple still not contact to charge money for enroll program
Im very socked after waiting more when 2 days and still no one contact whit me for charge money for enroll program. Support on apple is same worst write 1-2 business days 2 week not have reply. Im thing google is bad but him support reply 5-6 hrs and have live chat but apple nothing, no phone, no live chat only email and no one look at it. First im download apple dev im try to enroll from app im scan personal ID and im going on step to pay im add debit card in apple id all information ok when try to pay write unknown error contact whit itunes. im delete card from apple id im add again but option from enroll in app is missing and im do whit website and write we contact 2 business days. 1 week pass.
May ’24
Payment Issue and "Unable to Verify" Error for Apple Developer Account
Hello, I am experiencing a significant issue with my Apple Developer account. I paid the annual fee for the account, but when I log into my account on the web, it does not show that I have made the payment. Instead, it redirects me to the payment page again. Additionally, when I try to log in through the Apple Developer app, I receive an "unable to verify" error in the identity information section. I have been trying to open an account for about 2 months and I paid the fee a long time ago. Has anyone else experienced this issue? What steps can I take to resolve this? Your assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
May ’24
Info su come muovere i primi passi per app rivoluzionaria
Hi, ho un'idea per un'applicazione che può rivoluzionare e agevolare riguardo l'utilizzo degli apparati video (telefoni, monitor, tv) per almeno il75/80% dell'intera popolazione mondiale. Vorrei che fosse un'operazione realizzata inizialmente da apple ios/os e in seguito su tutti i supporti. Mi piacerebbe creare, sviluppare o cedere l'idea ma non so proprio da dove iniziare. potete darmi info su questo? so che può sembrare una richiesta astrana, ma sono certo che questa app sarà una vera rivoluzione per tutti, o quasi Grazie Giovanni da Cagliari, Sardegna, Italia Hi, I have an idea for an application that can revolutionize and facilitate the use of video equipment (telephones, monitors, TVs) for at least 75/80% of the entire world population. I would like it to be an operation carried out initially by apple ios/os and later on all media. I would like to create, develop or sell the idea but I really don't know where to start. can you give me info on this? I know it may seem like a strange request, but I'm sure that this app will be a real revolution for everyone, or almost everyone Thank you Giovanni from Italy [Edited by Moderator]
May ’24
Cant delete ABM account
Recently i created an ABM account and seemed to work fine. all of the sudden we cannot log in anymore and we get a notification that this apple ID is deactivated (but it is active). when i want to reset password, deactivate or delete this user in ABM, i get an INTERNAL_ERROR message with no further explination. i can delete and deactivate other users but not this one. The log file is not realy any use since it sais 'SUB_STATUS, COMLETED_WITH_FAILURE". Any idea how i can resolve this?
May ’24
Adding Developer Account as Enterprise Account holder
My organization currently has an Enterprise account that we've been using for awhile. We now have an app that needs to be released to the public App Store, so need a regular Developer Account. This account should be tied to our organization, not to a specific person (just like our enterprise account). Is there a way to add the developer account to our existing enterprise account? Or does it need to be a new account? And if it's a new account, how do we get it tied to the same organization and manager (we have a person authorized to manage this stuff, but he's already the account holder on our enterprise account).
May ’24
cancel the Apple Developer Enrollment ( Apple support Team help me )
Hello, I would like to cancel Enrollment Membership for the Apple Developer program Enrollment ID 3********9K i didnt pay the fee yet because i want to change it from solo to organization However, I couldn't find how to do this on the developer's website. And i coudn't send request from Support Center Page Also, it always return error in console logs when I sent request support by email method Please help me. Thanks [Edited by Moderator]
Jun ’24
Your App Store Connect account requires immediate attention
Hi, I received a message from Apple developers, stating that I must upload documents to verify the authenticity of my personal account. I had uploaded them and they were rejected more than once, even though I am certain of the authenticity of the documents, and they match my data in the Apple developers account, and the images that were uploaded are clear, And high quality!
Jun ’24
Adding custom Internet Account
Hi, I was going to use the Accounts framework to attempt to add a custom internet account so that our users can authenticate to our IdP (OAuth2) for their mail accounts. When using the Accounts framework, I got this warning: 'ACAccountStore' was deprecated in iOS 15.0: Use appropriate non-Apple SDK corresponding to the type of account you want to reference instead Is there any documentation on how to code/add custom Internet Accounts to macOS/iOS?
Jun ’24