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Help users access and manage their external accounts from within your app without requiring them to enter login credentials using Accounts.

Posts under Accounts tag

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Company Enrollment and DUNS
Pulling my hair out over here! I have confirmation of my D-U-N-S number from Apple. But whenever I try to enroll my business as a developer over at I get "The information you entered did not match your D&B profile. Before submitting your information, check your D&B profile. If you've recently changed your legal entity name, update your D&B profile." But I am entering the information exactly as I received it from Apple when I did the D-U-N-S lookup (!/search) When I clicked "date your D&B profile", I got confirmation that my entity name and D-U-N-S were as I was entering and nothing was changed. Any ideas? This has put the brakes on our app releases.
Jul ’23
Developers Subscription Failed
I enrolled yesterday, June 24 2023 is the date sent to my email but upon checking my apple developers app it says "Enrollment through the Apple Developer app is not available for this Apple ID but the deduction of the whole amount went through my e-wallet. Is there anything else that I need to do to get my payment back or solved the issue to test my app?
Jul ’23
New IOS Reader App - Options for purchasing additional content
I am developing many products and services to help children learn to speak Tamil as a second language. As part of this platform, I am publishing illustrated children's books that are distributed via Amazon as well as from my website. I am developing a companion reader app for an interactive digital version on the iPad. The books will be narrated on demand, and children will be able to click on words and images to hear Tamil being spoken. I am creating this content for the printed and digital versions. I am writing new stories, and am working with authors/publishers to adapt/translate their existing books for use in this platform. When the app is first installed, the content for one free book is downloaded for the user, so that there is a book to try the app. Additional books can be purchased individually or as 'packs'. I apologize if this background seems excessive, but I want to set the stage for my questions. 1. Customers can buy printed and digital books. Can I put in information about how they can buy the printed book in my app? 2. Does all purchasing content have to happen outside the app, or can I have new books(digital version) bought both as in-app purchases and as direct purchases outside the app? This is important, as I want to provide hard copy buyers the ability to get free or discounted access to the digital version - and this can be done when they buy the books from my website. At the same time, I want to provide an easy means for the user to buy content via in-App purchase if they want.
Jul ’23
How can i change developer name of my Apple Developer Account?
Hello, I want to change the developer name in the Apple developer account I created on behalf of my company. I have 2 applications that I serve to different markets under my developer account. I want to change the developer name as the developer name in the App Store does not represent either of my apps. I have written to Apple support many times about the subject, but I did not get a sufficient response. Please help me, how can I change the developer name? Thank you for your support.
Jul ’23
Can't log in to Developer Acct
I all of a sudden cannot log in to my developer Account. I have tried multiple times with my password (which is also saved in my key chain) but I am told it is invalid. I reset/changed the password and it still doesn't let me log in. It then says my password was found in a data breach and my account gets locked. I unlock the account and it still doesn't work..I have tried this loop multiple times now..what should I do? Apple Support does not assist with apparently as I have chatted and talked to them.
Jul ’23
ios 17 public beta
Hey, after update to ios 17 ***** beta after i had 17 developer beta 2 my iphone 13 pro max stuck at - white screen with updating apple id settings but when i restart the iphone i got popup with - verification failed! there was a error connecting to the apple id server. any help? im stuck almost 3 days without iphone :(
Jul ’23
are we allowed to ask username from customer
We have apple login connected to our app. we also have the feature that when a customer login with apple or any social media he/she can login with their email directly from email login. but in case of apple login when customer prefers to hide their email, this is not suitable as the private email is difficult for customer to learn and it my change later. so are we allowed to ask customer username to fill when they prefer to hide their email. ps we used to ask the customer email to be filled when they hide their email but our app was rejected as it seems to violate apples terms. this is the new feature we are planning to add. is it allowed to add that.
Jul ’23
Account flagged for removal with millions of users
Unfortunately my developer account got flagged for removal. Before my app was rejected 3 times, because it was not possible to view the content on iPad. It's a social app and we blocked all VPNs, emulators and proxies. I assumed this happened therefore. In the previous 2 months my app got rejected two times because of half-***** user-generated content that wasn't moderated fast enough. In the appeal I wrote them, that we implemented AWS AI for content moderation, and that we deactivated all security features. However, this was 9 days ago, and since then no answer. We are a 4 men startup with around 130.000 USD revenue. Biggest success of my life and 6 years of work. The reason Apple states if violating section 3.2(f) of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement. In this paragraph there are basically all kind of general rules about not misleading people or apple reviewers. What can I do now to get a faster answer or to safe my apple developer account? Also: If an apple developer account got removed, does that mean you cannot transfer the app with all its reviews to another account? Thanks
Jul ’23
Need Assistance with Account Holder Transition for a Non-Existing Company
I am currently the Account Holder of my previous company on the Apple Developer Program. However, the company is no longer in operation. Consequently, I am faced with the challenge of removing the company from the account since I am the only member and there is no one else I can reassign the Account Holder role to. I have reached out to Apple Support for assistance in resolving this issue, and they have suggested reassigning the Account Holder role to another member. However, as mentioned earlier, I am the sole member associated with the account, which makes it impossible to proceed with this option. I genuinely want to comply with Apple's policies and ensure that the account is properly managed and maintained. If there is any information or specific steps I might have overlooked to address this situation, I would be grateful for your help.
Aug ’23
Can't reset my old iPad2 (iCloud log in problem)
Hi everyone, I have an old iPad 2 which I want to reset but it has the "find my iPad" turned on; the problem is that if I try to insert the id apple password, it gives me a connection error. The device is connected to the internet, I tried the browser and it works. I even tried to reset the iPad using the Mac, but it requires the iCloud password on the device... I turned off "find my iPad" on the iCloud website, but in order to be effective, the ipad needs to logging in on iCloud and I can't do it. Are there other ways to achieve the reset? Thank you so much
Aug ’23