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Help users access and manage their external accounts from within your app without requiring them to enter login credentials using Accounts.

Posts under Accounts tag

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Need Assistance with Account Holder Transition for a Non-Existing Company
I am currently the Account Holder of my previous company on the Apple Developer Program. However, the company is no longer in operation. Consequently, I am faced with the challenge of removing the company from the account since I am the only member and there is no one else I can reassign the Account Holder role to. I have reached out to Apple Support for assistance in resolving this issue, and they have suggested reassigning the Account Holder role to another member. However, as mentioned earlier, I am the sole member associated with the account, which makes it impossible to proceed with this option. I genuinely want to comply with Apple's policies and ensure that the account is properly managed and maintained. If there is any information or specific steps I might have overlooked to address this situation, I would be grateful for your help.
Aug ’23
Can't reset my old iPad2 (iCloud log in problem)
Hi everyone, I have an old iPad 2 which I want to reset but it has the "find my iPad" turned on; the problem is that if I try to insert the id apple password, it gives me a connection error. The device is connected to the internet, I tried the browser and it works. I even tried to reset the iPad using the Mac, but it requires the iCloud password on the device... I turned off "find my iPad" on the iCloud website, but in order to be effective, the ipad needs to logging in on iCloud and I can't do it. Are there other ways to achieve the reset? Thank you so much
Aug ’23
Urgent Help Needed - Looping Apple ID Account Recovery, Developer Account Inaccessible
Hello, Apple Community, I'm reaching out in a bit of desperation here, and hoping that someone among you might be able to provide some insight into the problem I'm currently facing. I've spent countless hours in conversation with Apple's customer service, but they seem to be unable to help me. So, here I am, at my wit's end, reaching out to the wider Apple user community for help. I'm dealing with an incredibly frustrating issue related to my Apple ID. It's stuck in a loop of Account Recovery, which has proven to be a true nightmare. Every time I try to reset my password, it sends me back to the Account Recovery page. As a result, I'm not able to access my developer account at all. As a developer, this situation is critical for my business. Our apps are still up and running, but we are unable to provide any security updates which poses a serious threat to our user base. In a bid to find a solution, I purchased a new iPhone and even booked a Genius Bar appointment, but unfortunately, that didn't help either. To my surprise, multiple Apple senior advisors have told me that they are unable to assist in this matter. This is disheartening and, honestly, quite shocking. I am certain I'm not the first person to encounter this issue, so I'm baffled by the lack of help I've received so far. I've tried all the standard solutions: Tried to reset from different devices and networks. Double-checked all the account information. Went through the recovery process multiple times. Tried to reset the password via a trusted device. Sadly, all these attempts have ended in the same Account Recovery loop. I'm really hoping someone out there has found a way around this or at least has some new ideas on what could be causing this. I understand this might not be a common issue, but any insight, experience, or suggestions are more than welcome at this point. I appreciate your time in reading this and your potential help.
Aug ’23
Developer account issue
I want to know that what could be the reason behind that my client's account is showing in app store connect but not in apple developer account? Is this could be the reason that the account was created as a Individual and not as organisation? or any other reason? Kindly help.
Aug ’23
Need Developer Enterprise - got just Developer Program
Hello, I´m desperate... 2 weeks ago our old Developer Enterprise Program Account silently ran out. Since then a critical software in our company stopped working. I registered a new account for Enterprise last week that already got confirmed from our boss. Today I tried to log in and I could accept the Terms of Agreement. Then suddenly: Congrats, you are part of the (normal) Apple Developer Program. What happened there?!?! Unfortunately Apple Support is slow and non-responsive that last 2 weeks. It took DAYS for an answer that didn´t help. So, how can we switch to Enterprise? Does anyone know a way?
Aug ’23
email-enabled and email-disabled notifications are not working
Hi am trying to get notifications as listed I have tested that we are receiving consent-revoked notifications as expected but the email-enabled and email-disabled and not being received. To test these notifications, I have used an apple account to login with my app, and chose to not hide my email. Once the login is successful, I went to icloud+ -> Hide my email settings and choose to create a relay email and set the forwarding to my personal email. This should send me the email-enabled notification. Can you check why its not working?
Aug ’23
Using client's apple developer account
Hello, my client invited me to his account as an admin. But his account is not an Organization one, it Individual. My Apple ID already has a paid apple developer account and I'd like to create a new app for his account (since he invited me as an admin). It shows his name under my name when I'm on the Add Apps page, but when I choose to Register a new bundle ID in Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles, it chooses my account not his. How can I create an app for him? Maybe he needs to change his account to Organization?
Aug ’23
Apple Developer account registration delay
Good Day, My client is struggling with registration of their Apple developer account and havent heard a response from Apple, they have emailed Apple support and still no response, this has been going on for 2 months now and I am not sure how I can help them as Apple will only speak to the client directly. Is there any advice on how I could help them or contact Apple support to attend to their account, the client has tried emailing, is there a phone number we can call in South Africa to Apple contact support? How do we ask Apple if the client has any error in creating their account?
Aug ’23