Apple Business Manager

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Offer custom apps to organizations. Manage your organization's devices, apps, and accounts.

Posts under Apple Business Manager tag

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How to generate developer token for
We are an MDM and are trying to migrate to the new App and Book Management APIs. In this doc mentioned below it asking us to send the public key generated to my Apple contact in a plain-text file. I'm not sure who my Apple contact is? I already understand how to generate JWT token for the I would like to know who can authorize the public key for the organization. Thank you
Nov ’23
Distribution of Unlisted apps via MDM
I'm encountering challenges deploying two unlisted applications via MDM to an iOS 17.2 device. The first app successfully installed after presenting a user prompt upon distribution <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>CommandUUID</key> <string>InstallApplication</string> <key>Command</key> <dict> <key>RequestType</key> <string>InstallApplication</string> <key>iTunesStoreID</key> <integer>**********</integer> <key>InstallAsManaged</key> <true/> <key>ManagementFlags</key> <integer>5</integer> <key>ChangeManagementState</key> <string>Managed</string> </dict> </dict> </plist> Device Response for first app :- <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>CommandUUID</key> <string>InstallApplication</string> <key>Identifier</key> <string>*********************</string> <key>State</key> <string>Prompting</string> <key>Status</key> <string>Acknowledged</string> <key>UDID</key> <string>XXXXXXXXXXXX</string> </dict> </plist> However, deploying the second app resulted in an error message from the device. <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>CommandUUID</key> <string>InstallApplication</string> <key>Command</key> <dict> <key>RequestType</key> <string>InstallApplication</string> <key>iTunesStoreID</key> <integer>**********</integer> <key>InstallAsManaged</key> <true/> <key>ManagementFlags</key> <integer>5</integer> <key>ChangeManagementState</key> <string>Managed</string> </dict> </dict> </plist> Device Response for second app :- <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>CommandUUID</key> <string>InstallApplication</string> <key>ErrorChain</key> <array> <dict> <key>ErrorCode</key> <integer>9610</integer> <key>ErrorDomain</key> <string>ASDServerErrorDomain</string> <key>LocalizedDescription</key> <string>License not found.</string> </dict> </array> <key>RejectionReason</key> <string>NotSupported</string> <key>Status</key> <string>Error</string> <key>UDID</key> <string>XXXXXXXXXXX</string> </dict> </plist> Can you confirm the iOS Devices support deployment of Unlisted apps without VPP app assignment ?
Dec ’23
The request for command type 'InstalledApplicationList' and 'DeviceInformation' is successful, but there is no response from the device.
The request for command type 'InstalledApplicationList' and 'DeviceInformation' is successful, but there is no response from the device. device udid:00008110-0002309A0A6A401E mdm_task_uuids:['d3faa00d-5be9-48d7-a3ef-4ae57fd9e7ff', 'e396c93e-7c1c-455f-a1ad-33df4836626a'] Currently, the device is enrolled with our MDM server normally, and the installation of the policy profile also succeeds successfully. Which part should check more? Please reply. Thank you
Dec ’23
"Invalid Certificate Signing Request" error prevents certificate renewal on Apple Push Certificates Portal site
When attempting to renew a certificate after December 18, 2023, an error may be displayed, preventing the renewal of the certificate. It seems that repeating the process multiple times can occasionally lead to success, indicating that there is no issue with the CSR file. This occurrence has been observed in multiple MDM services, including Intune, Work Space One, and various other MDM vendors, suggesting a malfunction with Apple's servers. We hope that this issue will be promptly resolved and fixed. Although unrelated to the previous issue, when pressing "Manage Certificates," it redirects back to the login screen instead of returning to the certificate list page. Please fix this so that it returns to the certificate list page.
Jan ’24
Version Number Conflicts
We are the client of a vendor who built a custom app for us. We use mobile device management to automate application updates. We push 45 apps and 44 work flawlessly. The 45th is this app and we always have to manually force it to update which causes drastic issues when the app is updated. After troubleshooting, it appears there is some type of mismatch between the store version number and what the device sees. The store will show the app as but the device shows 1.2.3 when I force it to update. The vendor shows that they fill out the version as 1.2.3 and the build number as 4 which then produces Are they filling this information out correctly? Are there other fields that are required for them to fill out elsewhere with the version number? Thank you
Dec ’23
Mac Machines Stuck at Recovery Mode when updated to 14.3
Hi Team, We have Apple's OS Update for Mac machines in our fleet . Where some Macs are Silicon previously at 14.2.1 and we updating them to 14.3 using Command ScheduleOSUpdate with InstallAction key set to Default. We also have set restriction set with keys forceDelayedSoftwareUpdates set to true and enforcedSoftwareUpdateDelay set to 1 For Updating at earliest. FYI, These machines already have FileVault Encrypted with them and also has Admin User After Restart We can see that the device automatically boots to Recovery Mode asking for a "Recovery Key" to continue , Even When we have given the personal recovery key (or) Trying to unlock the disk using Admin user's Credential in Startup Disk Things not working. FYI , The machine have asked for BootStrap Token After ScheduleOSUpdate Command And MDM have given them in Response Can We please know where there is a issue and why this behaviour is occurring
Jan ’24
Apple Developer Enterprise Program
Hello Everyone, We have an App which we have been developed only for our internal employees and the app would only work when device is connected with our intranet. This App would be distributed via our MDM on devices of the authorized users. We tried uploading the app on app store but was rejected as they could not validate the App. we tried providing them the vpn connectivity as well, but Apple team refused to connect using vpn. Now we have learned that we can take the Apple Developer Enterprise Program. now we want to clarify following: a. While in some forums it states that Apps under Apple Developer Enterprise Program does not need to go through the App review process. Is this correct? b. Can we use our existing MDM for distributing the App to authorized users? c. If (a) and (b) are yes, What steps are needed to ensure that we can distribute the app without any issues? A quick help on this would be very helpful
Feb ’24
Cannot Sell App in Apple Store connect distribution
I am distributing my project as Apple Business Manager, but App Availability gives a Cannot Sell warning in my distribution country and I cannot show my application. My country is Türkiye. Why am I having such a distribution problem? Please I would like detailed information on this subject. Is this a software issue or an issue with my application? My application is currently in 1.0.1 Ready for Sale status and I am trying to distribute my application as Private — Available as a custom app on Apple Business Manager.
Feb ’24
MDM App Directory does not distinguish between iOS and tvOS App Versions
My company has an iOS and tvOS app which are distributed under the same bundle ID. We have recently released an update to the tvOS app but not the iOS app. Subsequently, some of our customers have told us that their MDM solution (Jamf Pro) does not allow them to install the update. This is because the software shows the latest version as being the iOS version (4.6.6), and it does not appear to share any additional details of the tvOS platform. Meaning all version checks show that the app is up to date. Performing a fresh install does indeed pull the latest version (5.0.3) on AppleTV. And updates can be performed on device manually. This is not suitable for our customers who have over 200 AppleTVs in use. I have contacted Jamf who have suggested I contact Apple. So here I am. From my perspective, it seems like the App Store directory information that MDM providers access does not have separate tvOS and iOS version information meaning that their tools can't tell when a platform version has been updated. This means our only solution would be to update the iOS version and keep it on par with our tvOS version. This isn't really feasible as out iOS usage is around 0.01%.
Feb ’24
Apple is not responding to the business account approval request
Apple is not responding to the business account approval. I submitted a payment request for my business account, but it has been 12 days, and Apple has not provided any feedback or resolution. Numerous emails and payment requests have been sent. I have also tried reaching out to customer support and directly calling the programming development team. However, they abruptly ended the call while we were in conversation yesterday morning, and as of the 12th day, they still have not responded to me. I am genuinely concerned at this point; it seems to be taking too long to process a business account. Moreover, I feel that Apple is very indifferent to its customers.
Feb ’24
Revoke Unknown Apple Business Manager Application Licenses from MDM
Hi, I am trying to delete a VPP application from our MDM solution, but it is failing with the error: The app failed to delete. Enure that the app is not associated with any VPP license in Apple Business Manager and try again. I have revoked ALL the app licenses from our MDM and it shows License not found, when checking. However in ABM it still shows a small number 'in use'. Is there a easy\clever way I can delete the 'in use' licenses from ABM or somehow send a revoke command via API to revoke those licenses in ABM? Thanks for looking
Feb ’24
Seeking Advice: Navigating App Review for Complex, Server-Dependent iOS App
Hello, fellow developers and Apple engineers, I'm reaching out to seek advice and insights on a challenge I've encountered during the app review process for a particularly complex iOS app. Our app is designed to manage communal activities for cities, working in conjunction with desktop software/server, which makes it both large and intricate. Its primary users are specific companies, such as Municipal utilities, across various cities in Germany, each with over 100 devices. The core of the challenge lies in the app review stage. Due to the app's complexity and the necessity for specialized knowledge to understand its full functionality, it seems that the review team faces difficulties in evaluating the app, leading to rejections. It's clear that without training or a deep dive into the app and its server-side components, grasping its utility and operational nuances is challenging. We've attempted to provide detailed documentation but we're still encountering hurdles. Here are some specific questions and areas where we'd appreciate your guidance: Best Practices for Submitting Complex Apps: Are there recommended strategies or best practices for submitting apps that require a deep understanding of specific, non-public functionalities? Communication with Reviewers: Is there an effective way to communicate the necessity of our app's complexity and its server-dependent nature to the review team? Any tips on ensuring this communication is as clear and constructive as possible would be invaluable. Documentation for Review: What kind of documentation have you found most effective in aiding the review process for complex applications? Are there formats or templates that seem to work best? Appealing Review Decisions: For those who have gone through the appeal process with similarly complex apps, what was your experience? How can one effectively convey the app's value and operational context in an appeal? We're committed to ensuring our app meets Apple's standards while providing vital services to our clients. Any insights, advice, or shared experiences in navigating the app review process for similar applications would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your time and help. Best regards, Dominik
Mar ’24
Apple Business Manager - Secure Communication between Reseller and Organisation
I would like to know how secure the communication between the reseller and organisation. Because we are providing organisation id and getting the reseller id information. Post providing organisation id, did reseller able to see any information about the organisation or not? If reseller able to see the information then need to know what are all the information they able to see it. Thanks.
Mar ’24
Update for an **individual** apple Developer account to an **Organization** developer account taking almost a month.. WHY?
Please Apple... its almost a month now, and I (we) haven't heard back from you. since we have been sending mails.. Consigning our Upgrade to an Organization. I (we) provided all the necessary, Information needed to update our individual apple Developer account to an Organization developer account . and I (we) haven't heard back from you. the error we are getting on our account We’re processing your membership migration from an individual to an organization. Please note that your membership benefits are temporarily disabled during this time. Also... With this delay from getting response from you, we hope our expires for the apple Developer payment would be shifted , as we haven't been able to access our account for almost a month ? Below are the case numbers, generated by apple hopefully fall are correct { 102228853402 } { 102243840694 } { 102245033626 } { 102241341764 } { 102236317557 } { 102229955599 }
Mar ’24