Integrate machine learning models into your app using Core ML.

Posts under Core ML tag

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Request for Code Material from "Improve Core ML Integration with Async Prediction" Session
I hope this message finds you well. I recently had the opportunity to watch the insightful session titled "Improve Core ML Integration with Async Prediction" and was thoroughly impressed by the depth of information and the practical demonstration provided. The session offered valuable insights that I believe would greatly benefit my ongoing projects and my understanding of Core ML integration. As I am keen on implementing the demonstrated workflows and techniques within my own work, I am reaching out to kindly request access to the source code and any related material presented during the session. Having access to the code would enable me to better understand the concepts discussed and apply them more effectively in real-world scenarios. I believe that being able to review and experiment with the actual code would significantly enhance my learning experience and the implementation efficiency of my projects. It would also serve as a valuable resource for referencing best practices in Core ML integration and async prediction techniques. Thank you very much for considering my request. I greatly appreciate the effort that went into creating such an informative session and am looking forward to potentially exploring the material in greater depth. Best regards, Fabio G.
Apr ’24
CoreML model using excessive ram during prediction
I have an mlprogram of size 127.2MB it was created using tensorflow and then converted to CoreML. When I request a prediction the amount of memory shoots up to 2-2.5GB every time. I've tried using the optimization techniques in coremltools but nothing seems to work it still shoots up to the same 2-2.5GB of ram every time. I've attached a graph to see it doesn't seem to be a leak as the memory is then going back down.
Jun ’24
Getting issue in convert PyTorch model to CoreML using CoreMLTool Kit.
Hello Developers, We are trying to convert Pytorch models to CoreML using coremltools, while converting we used jit.trace to create trace of model where we encountered a warning that if model has controlflow and conditions it is not advisable to use trace instead convert into TorchScript using jit.script, However after successful conversion of model into TorchScript, Now in the next step of conversion from TorchScript to CoreML here is the error we are getting when we tried to convert to coremltools python package. This root error is so abstract that we are not able to trace-back from where its occurring. AssertionError: Item selection is supported only on python list/tuple objects We trying to add this above error prompt into ChatGPT and we get something like the below response from ChatGPT. But unfortunately it's not working. The error indicates that the Core ML converter encountered a TorchScript operation involving item selection (indexing or slicing) on an object that it doesn't recognize as a Python list or tuple. The converter supports item selection only on these Python container types. This could happen if your model uses indexing on tensors or other types not recognized as list or tuple by the Core ML tools. You may need to revise the TorchScript code to ensure it only performs item selection on supported types or adjust the way tensors are indexed.
Mar ’24
Using CoreML in VisionOS with Multipeer Connectivity
I've been recently working on a VisionOS app which uses CoreMl to identify specific body parts and display a window with information of the identified body part, since the use of Vision Pro's cameras is blocked, I'm using an iPhone to perform image classification, and then send the label to the headset using Multipeer Connectivity, I'd like to display a volume once the user selects a body part, could my iPhone return enough spatial information for me to be able to fully take advantage of Vision Pro's mixed reality capabilities?
Mar ’24
This neural network model does not have a parameter for requested key 'precisionRecallCurves'
Hello I am making a rock paper scissors game using object detection with a model I made using create ml and a dataset I found online. The trained model works and I tried to implement it into Xcode but when I run my app I get this error This neural network model does not have a parameter for requested key 'precisionRecallCurves'. Note: only updatable neural network models can provide parameter values and these values are only accessible in the context of an MLUpdateTask completion or progress handler. I am still new to create ml and I cannot seem to find anything about making my model updatable in create ml.
Mar ’24
Better Results with Separate Sound Classifier Models?
I'm working with MLSoundClassifier to try to look for 2 different sounds in a live audio stream. I have been debating with the team if it is better to train 2 separate models, one for each different sound, or train 1 model on both sounds? Has anyone had any experience with this. Some of us believe that we have received better results with the separate models and some with 1 single model trained on both sounds. Thank you!
Feb ’24
CoreML in playgrounds
How do I add a already made CoreML model into my playground? I tried what people recommended online -- building a test project and get the .mlmodelc file and put that in the playground along with the autogenerated class for the model. However, I keep on getting so many errors. The errors: Unexpected duplicate tasks Target 'help' (project 'help') has write command with output /Users/cpulipaka/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/help-appuguzbduqvojfwkaxtnqkozecv/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/help/Intermediates.noindex/ Target 'help' (project 'help') has write command with output /Users/cpulipaka/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/help-appuguzbduqvojfwkaxtnqkozecv/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/help/Intermediates.noindex/ Unexpected duplicate tasks Showing Recent Issues Target 'help' (project 'help'): CoreMLModelCompile /Users/cpulipaka/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/help-appuguzbduqvojfwkaxtnqkozecv/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/help/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/ /Users/cpulipaka/Desktop/help.swiftpm/Resources/ZooClassifier.mlmodel Target 'help' (project 'help'): CoreMLModelCompile /Users/cpulipaka/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/help-appuguzbduqvojfwkaxtnqkozecv/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/help/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/ /Users/cpulipaka/Desktop/help.swiftpm/Resources/ZooClassifier.mlmodel ZooClassifier.mlmodel: No predominant language detected. Set COREML_CODEGEN_LANGUAGE to preferred language.
Feb ’24
PyTorch convert function for op 'intimplicit' not implemented
I am trying to coremltools.converters.convert a traced PyTorch model and I got an error: PyTorch convert function for op 'intimplicit' not implemented I am trying to convert a RVC model from github. I traced the model with torch.jit.trace and it fails. So I traced down the problematic part to the ** layer : import torch import coremltools as ct from infer.lib.infer_pack.modules import ** model = **(192, 5, dilation_rate=1, n_layers=16, ***_channels=256, p_dropout=0) model.remove_weight_norm() model.eval() test_x = torch.rand(1, 192, 200) test_x_mask = torch.rand(1, 1, 200) test_g = torch.rand(1, 256, 1) traced_model = torch.jit.trace(model, (test_x, test_x_mask, test_g), check_trace = True) x = ct.TensorType(name='x', shape=test_x.shape) x_mask = ct.TensorType(name='x_mask', shape=test_x_mask.shape) g = ct.TensorType(name='g', shape=test_g.shape) mlmodel = ct.converters.convert(traced_model, inputs=[x, x_mask, g]) I got an error RuntimeError: PyTorch convert function for op 'intimplicit' not implemented. How could I modify the **::forward so it does not generate an intimplicit operator ? Thanks David
Feb ’24
CoreML models persist in memory when changed
Hi, I'm using apple/ml-stable-diffusion package with CoreML models running under GPU mode in my SwiftUI app. The problem that I have and every other implementation I have tested is that every time the model is changed the old model still persists I'm memory until the app is reset. This is the same for every app I have tested that uses this package. So my question is can I kill the sub processes or flush the memory. The package has memory freeing functions, but they don't affect the loaded model. Any clues as to where I might start looking?
Feb ’24
Vision Pro CoreML inference 10x slower than M1 Mac/seems to run on CPU
Have a CoreML model that I run in my app Spatial Media Toolkit which lets you convert 2D photos to Spatial. Running the model on my 13" M1 mac gets 70ms inference. Running the exact same code on my Vision Pro takes 700ms. I'm working on adding video support but Vision Pro inference is feeling impossible due to 700ms per frame (20x realtime for for 30fps! 1 sec of video takes 20 sec!) There's a ModelConfiguration you can provide, and when I force CPU I get the same exact performance. Either it's only running on CPU, the NeuralEngine is throttled, or maybe GPU isn't allowed to help out. Disappointing but also feels like a software issue. Would be curious if anyone else has hit this/have any workarounds
Feb ’24
Source code for this video
Trying to learn vision apps and I was wondering if the actual .xcodeproj file was available anywhere. I understand there are snippets of code below the video but it's difficult to learn how to build an app with those files since it just focuses on the ML aspect. I'm also looking for the code for this video specifically. I'm aware of the drawing code but that is a relatively simple example to understand and the CreateML stuff isn't prevalent in that.
Feb ’24
Vision Pro & Vision SDK
I'm exploring my Vision Pro and finding it unclear whether I can even achieve things like body pose detection etc. It's clear that I can apply it to self provided images, but how about to the data coming from visionOS SDKs? All I can find is this mesh data from ARKit, - am I missing something or do we not yet have good APIs for this? Appreciate any guidance! Thanks.
Feb ’24
Who will build first app that I can use while I sleep (quite literally)(24/7 immersion)?
In theory, sending signals from iPhone apps to and from the brain with non-invasive technology could be achieved through a combination of brain-computer interface (BCI) technologies, machine learning algorithms, and mobile app development. Brain-Computer Interface (BCI): BCI technology can be used to record brain signals and translate them into commands that can be understood by a computer or a mobile device. Non-invasive BCIs, such as electroencephalography (EEG), can track brain activity using sensors placed on or near the head[6]. For instance, a portable, non-invasive, mind-reading AI developed by UTS uses an AI model called DeWave to translate EEG signals into words and sentences[3]. Machine Learning Algorithms: Machine learning algorithms can be used to analyze and interpret the brain signals recorded by the BCI. These algorithms can learn from large quantities of EEG data to translate brain signals into specific commands[3]. Mobile App Development: A mobile app can be developed to receive these commands and perform specific actions on the iPhone. The app could also potentially send signals back to the brain using technologies like transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), which can deliver information to the brain[5]. However, it's important to note that while this technology is theoretically possible, it's still in the early stages of development and faces significant technical and ethical challenges. Current non-invasive BCIs do not have the same level of fidelity as invasive devices, and the practical application of these systems is still limited[1][3]. Furthermore, ethical considerations around privacy, consent, and the potential for misuse of this technology must also be addressed[13]. Sources [1] You can now use your iPhone with your brain after a major breakthrough | Semafor [2] ! Are You A Robot? [3] Portable, non-invasive, mind-reading AI turns thoughts into text [4] Elon Musk's Neuralink implants brain chip in first human [5] BrainNet: A Multi-Person Brain-to-Brain Interface for Direct Collaboration Between Brains - Scientific Reports [6] Brain-computer interfaces and the future of user engagement [7] Mobile App + Wearable For Neurostimulation - Accion Labs [8] Signal Generation, Acquisition, and Processing in Brain Machine Interfaces: A Unified Review [9] Mind-reading technology has arrived [10] Synchron Brain Implant - Breakthrough Allows You to Control Your iPhone With Your Mind - Grit Daily News [11] Mind uploading - Wikipedia [12] BirgerMind - Express your thoughts loudly [13] Elon Musk wants to merge humans with AI. How many brains will be damaged along the way? [14] Models of communication and control for brain networks: distinctions, convergence, and future outlook [15] Mind Control for the Masses—No Implant Needed [16] Elon Musk unveils Neuralink’s plans for brain-reading ‘threads’ and a robot to insert them [17] Essa and Kotte [18] Synchron's Brain Implant Breakthrough Lets Users Control iPhones And iPads With Their Mind [19] An Apple Watch for Your Brain [20] Toward an information theoretical description of communication in brain networks [21] A soft, wearable brain–machine interface [22] Portable neurofeedback App [23] Intro to Brain Computer Interface
Feb ’24
why there's nerual engine-data copy in coreml npu prediction
I am currently facing a performance issue while using CoreML on iOS 16+ devices to run a simple grid_sample model. When profiling the model using xcode Profiler, I noticed that before each NPU computation, there is a significant delay caused by the "input copy" and "neural engine-data copy" operations.I have specified that both the input and output of the model are of type float16, there shouldn't be any data type convert. I would appreciate any insights or suggestions regarding the reasons behind this delay and possible solutions My simple model is class GridSample(torch.nn.Module): def __init__( self, ): super().__init__() def forward(self, input: torch.Tensor, grid: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: output = F.grid_sample( input,, mode='nearest', padding_mode='zeros', align_corners=True, ) return output tr_input = torch.randn((8, 64, 512, 512) tr_grid = torch.randn((8, 256, 256, 2) simple_model = GridSample() simple_model.eval() traced_model = torch.jit.trace(simple_model, [tr_input, tr_grid]) coreml_input = [coremltools.TensorType(name="image_input", shape=tr_input.shape, dtype=np.float16), coremltools.TensorType(name="warp_grid", shape=tr_grid.shape, dtype=np.float16)] mlmodel = coremltools.converters.convert(traced_model, inputs=coreml_input, convert_to="mlprogram",, compute_units=coremltools.ComputeUnit.ALL, compute_precision = coremltools.precision.FLOAT16, outputs=[ct.TensorType(name="x0", dtype=np.float16)], debug=False)"./grid_sample.mlpackage") os.system(f"xcrun coremlcompiler compile './grid_sample.mlpackage' './')
Feb ’24
Is the Apple Neural Scene Analyzer (ANSA) backbone available to devs
Hello, My understanding of the paper below is that iOS ships with a MobileNetv3-based ML model backbone, which then uses different heads for specific tasks in iOS. I understand that this backbone is accessible for various uses through the Vision framework, but I was wondering if it is also accessible for on-device fine-tuning for other purposes. Just as an example, if I want to have a model to detect some unique object in a photo, can I use the built in backbone or do I have to include my own in the app. Thanks very much for any advice and apologies if I didn't understand something correctly. Source:
Feb ’24