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Errors running with ASAN when targeting iOS Devices
I'm unable to run my app with ASAN enabled when targeting a physical iOS device. Simulator targets do work. With Xcode 12 and an iPad mini 4 running iOS 14 beta 1 I get the following error during app launch ==750==ERROR: AddressSanitizer failed to allocate 0xffffffffff9fc000 (-6307840) bytes at address 2db624000 (errno: 22) ==750==ReserveShadowMemoryRange failed while trying to map 0xffffffffff9fc000 bytes. Perhaps you're using ulimit -v With Xcode 11.5 and an iPad Air 2 running OS 12.4.1 the error is ==2177==Unable to find a memory range after restricting VM. ==2177==AddressSanitizer CHECK failed: /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/ "((0 && "cannot place shadow after restricting vm")) != (0)" (0x0, 0x0) <empty stack>==2177==AddressSanitizer CHECK failed: /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/ "((!asaninitisrunning)) != (0)" (0x0, 0x0) warning: could not execute support code to read Objective-C class data in the process. This may reduce the quality of type information available. AddressSanitizer report breakpoint hit. Use 'thread info -s' to get extended information about the report. (lldb) thread info -s thread #1: tid = 0x1076c2, 0x000000011531e984 libclangrt.asaniosdynamic.dylib`__asan::AsanDie() My coworker is able to use ASAN with the same App using iPad Pro 10.5, iPadOS 13.5.1, Xcode 11.5 Are there any configuration changes I need to make to be able to use ASAN on my devices?
May ’24
Could not download IOS Simulator Xcode 12.4
Macbook Air M1, get the error in Xcode 12.4: Could not download and install IOS 12.0 Simulator. Failed to download package from ADC. There are no valid accounts registered with Xcode that have the ability to access this resource. Contact Apple Developer Program Support to resolve account access issues. I have never had this error on the previous Xcode and Macbook on intel chip. Please can you tell me how to solve it.
Sep ’23
Is there a SetFile Date limitation workaround
When running the following AppleScript (other portions were removed for clarity)… set newDate to "1/1/1953 00:00 AM" do shell script "SetFile -d " & quoted form of newDate & " " & quoted form of filePath I can change  the created date to any year from 1970 to 2079 but attempting any year outside that range returns unpredictable results.  For instance, using 1/1/1953, the created date became February 6, 2096. But if I enter 1/1/2096 the created date becomes September 3, 2061. Any year between 1970 and 2079 yields the correct result. So, what’s the workaround? I need to be able set the year to any date from 1920 to the present and SetFile apparently can’t handle that range. 
Sep ’23
Invalid Provisioning Profile. The provisioning profile included in the bundle
Invalid Provisioning Profile. The provisioning profile included in the bundle ***.***.XX [Payload/] is invalid. [Missing code-signing certificate]. A Distribution Provisioning profile should be used when submitting apps to the App Store. For more information, visit the iOS Developer Portal. With error code STATE_ERROR.VALIDATION_ERROR.90161 for id 81c3cef4-fefe-468d-910c-cf7a4b5377a8 Any help? I have tried to create new provisioning profile and identifiers but still get this error when uploading app to the App Store.
Oct ’23
If i sell my iphone, Can i still develop apps on the appstore?
to whom this may concern, I am an apple developer, fully registered and subscribed, and currently dont have one released on the appstore but has one on the testflight, and 2 internal testers are using it, but the main question is, as the iphone is registered on my account, if i sell my iphone, can i still develop and release apps on the testflight or appstore? is the registration one time only? do i need to have an active iphone?
Aug ’23
Xcode Application Continuous (OSX) Indexing Crash Problem
Xcode indexing will cause my Mac Mini (M1) to crash when indexing is active (ON). ===> Xcode Version 12.5.1 (12E507) To test the following, I created a smaller OSX desktop application, compared to my main OSX desktop application, which is significantly larger in scope, and size. That said, I enter the following code in the terminal to activate and deactivate Xcode Indexing: 1. Indexing is active (ON) when applied in the terminal : defaults write IDEIndexDisable 0 2. Indexing is NOT active (OFF) when applied in the terminal : defaults write IDEIndexDisable 1 The application causing the crash with Xcode Indexing turned (ON), creates a PList file for my main application to use, which is an array of dictionary tuples. This application for the moment, creates a baseline array of 4,000+ dictionary objects with eight (8) tuple objects per dictionary. I use the same design with different, and significantly less information to create other PList array of dictionary objects, such as creating a PList array of dictionary objects for one column of objects instead of my application’s eight tableView columns. The smaller PLlist array of dictionary objects for an identified tableView column contains numeric information, which my application analyses to provide statistical data, such as mean, median, mode, maximum, minimum, number of occurrences, histograms, charts, et al. The smaller PList column application does not crash when Xcode Indexing is active (ON). When Xcode Indexing is active (ON) for the larger PList application the following occurs: 1. Xcode quickly usurps all the RAM in my Mac Mini (M1 - 16 GB). 2. Activity Monitor shows “SourceKitService” climbs steadily to (20 GB) from (140 MB). 3. Activity Monitor shows “swift-frontend” climbs steadily to (80 GB) from (1 GB). 4. Activity Monitor shows “Physical Memory: 16 GB” 5. Activity Monitor shows “Memory Used: 14.01 GB” 6. Activity Monitor shows “Cached Files: 1.91 GB” 7. Activity Monitor shows “Swap Used: 29.49 GB” 8. Activity Monitor shows “App Memory: 3.69 GB” 9. Activity Monitor shows “Wired Memory: 1,012.5 MB” 10. Activity Monitor shows “Compressed: 8.53 GB” 11. Activity Monitor shows “Memory Pressure: Max” My Mac Mini (M1) does not hesitate to show the Force Quit Modal: “Your system has run out of application memory.” Xcode ===> (“Xcode set at 309.0 MB”) Finder ===> (“Finder set at 158.2 MB”) Boom, I must restart my computer. When Xcode Indexing is NOT active (OFF) the following occurs: 1. The Mac Mini (M1) does not crash. 2. My application will NOT allow me to connect to any viewController outlet in my application from any IB. 3. Attempting a connection from IB to the associated properly named “viewController” presents the following error message: ===> Could not insert new action connection: could not find any information for the class named “blah blah blah …” <=== This exercise to turn “ON” and turn “OFF” Xcode indexing for my situation is repeatable. Turning (OFF) Xcode indexing introduces the above "Could not" error message, and turning (ON) Xcode indexing prevents the error message from showing with my smaller indexed applications. So, for the moment, I can manually create an outlet in the “viewController” with copy and paste, “change” the new outlet name and function, then “connect” the IB item to the new viewController outlet, using “control-drag.” This “get-by-product” effort allows me to continue making connections without frustration. For me, and my Mac Xcode programming experience, when Xcode Indexing is “OFF,” all the other internet suggestions to fix the “Could not insert new action connection” failed miserably. Those suggestions obviously worked for the individual poster, but unfortunately not for me. When Xcode crashes with this error, my computer asks to send the issue to Apple, so I say “Yes.” This experience blindly took me more than two months to isolate my application issue, through trial and error, trying to follow the numerous suggestions on the internet to no avail. I turned OFF Xcode Indexing a few months ago to prevent the larger indexing application from crashing. My efforts to resolve the “Could not insert new action” message included: 1. Creating new view controllers. 2. Copying the original viewController code into the new viewController. 3. Clean and rebuild. 4. Delete derived folders. 5. Reviewing possible “Automatic and Manual” assistant editor issues. 5. Believing my suspect object copy methods from one IB to another IB, caused the issue, therefore causing me to rebuild an IB or two from scratch. The Xcode Index crashing issue, and the subsequent “Could not insert new action” issue happens to be annoying, but I am able to continue programming my application without Xcode indexing. My main concern and my current dilemma right now happens to be, what will become of my application, since I cannot index the application without Xcode indexing causing my Mac Mini (M1) to crash … ? Just curious … :] All suggestions, as always, are welcome. Best regards, jim_k
Aug ’23
Java Runtime not found
Hi there, I run Flutter in VS Code, and have been having no issues until today. All of a sudden I cannot build to Android. I've been building to 3 different Android devices (1 emulator; 2 devices (one USB; one wireless)) since I got my MBP (came with Big Sur) a couple months ago. Today it can't find Java. Research says to check the Java icon in the System Preferences. But there is no Java icon in my System Preferences. The error is: The operation couldn’t be completed. Unable to locate a Java Runtime. Please visit for information on installing Java. I also tried a different project via Android Studio, and it says the same thing. But I've BEEN building to Android, so I'm completely confused why today it all of a sudden can't find Java. When I type which java or which javac they both point to /usr/bin/java and /usr/bin/javac. But typing java -version or /usr/bin/java -version gives that same error. I went to Oracle, but they mention about costs. And this again makes me wonder... why am I even here?? Where did my Java go? I also don't surf the web or download/install stuff on my Mac. I only do Flutter development on the Mac. So do I just not think about how it disappeared, and go ahead and just install the JRE or JDK from Oracle? Or is there a way to tell the Mac to "please fix this"? Thanks for any insights. -Keith
Sep ’23
Apple Developer App won't install on macOS Catalina
TL;DR Can earlier versions of the Apple Developer App be available to download from I'm trying to install the Apple Developer App on a laptop running Catalina. The App Store says it can't be installed because the Developer App requires BigSur ("version 11.1 or later"). Yet my other laptop has an earlier version of this app installed on Catalina, which still works. (It does give me the same error when I act on its request to "upgrade to the latest version," but at least the installed version works). As developers we often need to work under older versions of macOS to support our software that still runs on older versions of macOS and iOS. It would be helpful to have this tool on those older macOS installs. Just as older versions of Xcode are available for download to registered developers, can these development tools be similarly available? (I should note that these laptops also have Big Sur installed on separate startup volumes, but I find I'm still spending more time in Catalina to support our existing iOS apps.) Thanks.
Oct ’23
New Apple Developer Team not showing up in
I have been working for a while now. Never encountered this issue. After accepting the invite from the organization. The organizations does not appear at developer apple account. But can see the organization at app store connect. Yes i have checked the account permissions. I have the admin role and developer role etc is checked everything is correct. This is not just me happening with my colleague as well.
Oct ’23
Not able to enroll in Apple developer program
On the iOS Developer app on my Iphone 13, when I try to submit my id front and back pictures, it fails every time with no fruitful error. All it says is Unable to send information, your information couldn't be sent due to connection error. The internet connection is working absolutely fine I can assure. It seems impossible to go past this step! Why is apple so vaguely difficult!
Oct ’23
CMake, vcpkg, and universal builds
Again, none of this is really my choice: our project is multi-platform (specifically, at this time, Windows and macOS). As a result, the people who started 8 hours before I did picked CMake and vcpkg to handle build system generation and 3rd party dependencies. (TBF, I can't blame them for this, since this does work on a Mac, for at least a simple build.) I want to support Apple Silicon, obviously. I can build native on my M1 MBP. (I could, theoretically, use lipo and create a universal bundle, but that would mean manually signing a handful of executables, and then the whole thing, unless I missed a way to do this much more easily?) We're using CircleCI for CI, or maybe github actions in the future. I have not been able to figure out how to use CMake and vcpkg to do a cross build. Not even universal, just "build for arm64 on Intel mac". googling and searching these fora hasn't shown a lot that seems to work (mainly, I think, for the vcpkg side). Which is weird, because one of the things people use CMake for is to build Android and iOS apps, which generally does mean cross-compiling. Does anyone know how to do that? I'm at the point where I'm looking at CocoaPods again -- but that will not work with CMake, so we'll have two completely different build systems, one of which requires a Mac with GUI to add/remove sources/targets.
Oct ’23
Xcode's Vim Mode - further development?
It was fantastic news to hear, last year, that Xcode was getting a Vim mode. Apple's implementation of it was a great first step, but it was missing a bunch of key features. Most importantly the dot command (and by, extension, macros) and creating marks in files, which are functions that I use/rely on on a daily basis. I thought I would finally be able to stop having to self-sign Xcode (which causes problems) in order to use XVim2 plugin, but no such luck. Will these features get added in for Xcode 14 (they don't seem to be in the beta) or are they far out on the roadmap?
EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT) on app created with py2app
I have created my first app with python using py2app and it build my app successfully but when I try to open it, it crash but when I open it's package and run it from this path: it open console and run my app correctly without any error. I can't understand how to read this kind of mac errors. I will be happy if you can help me with that: Error Text
Aug ’23
Fatal Error in ModelData at line 43
Failed to decode landmarksData.json from bundle because it appears to be invalid JSON. Full disclosure - Im extremely new to this and am playing around with the swift tutorials to see what it can do and see if I could build an app. Any advice is appreciated. I added a few locations to the SwiftUI Tutorial for Lanmarks and this is what happened. I have checked that JSON file and all commas are in the correct place everything is correct but im getting this error. Not sure what im doing incorrectly. Can anyone give me assistance on how to fix this. I can only preview favorite button, circle image and map. Everything else appears as Fatal Error in ModelData.
Sep ’23
malloc_history never works for me: unable to read input graph: The data couldn’t be read because it isn’t in the correct format
root# malloc_history /tmp/stack-logs.60147.10f5f7000.agent-tests.0EDkOu.index -callTree malloc_history[60193]: [fatal] unable to read input graph: The data couldn’t be read because it isn’t in the correct format. I ran my program as root# env MallocDebugReport=stderr MallocGuardEdges=1 MallocStackLogging=1 MallocStackLoggingNoCompact=1 MallocScribble=1 MallocErrorAbort=1 DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=/usr/lib/libgmalloc.dylib ./test/agent-test (The program then segfaults, which looks to be due to a memory stomper.)
Sep ’23
No Developer Mode option on iOS 16 device.
Hi, I'm really hoping someone can help me. After updating my iPhone 11 to iOS 16 and tried to launch an app from xCode on it, I noticed that I didn't have dev mode enabled. When I went to Settings > Privacy & Security to toggle the Developer Mode on, it wasn't there. There is no Developer Mode option in my settings, the only option and the end of Privacy & Security is Lockdown Mode. I tried so many troubleshooting techniques and spent a lot of time looking for solutions. I tried powering on and off while connected to my macbook with xcode running and again without xcode running. Made sure my device has the latest update (iOS 16.0.2) and my device has trusted the connection to the Macbook as well. I also had the same problem on my girlfriends brand new iPhone 13, I was really hoping it was just my device but no, her device doesn't have the Dev Mode option either. Out of curiosity I asked my friends at work if they had the option but they did not. I even went as far as going into an Apple store and checking the devices on display and they didn't have the option either. And when I asked the staff their, they didn't know why the option wasn't showing up on mine or even their own personal devices. The only source that I have found with the same issue as me is this youtube link (, where it mentions that this is an issue with iOS 16 public beta users and not developer beta user and the only way to solve this is by sidloading the app which I am not gonna do. Please note that I am not running beta version on my device. I can't help think that there's something obvious that I'm missing or need to do but just can't find it. Any help or advice will by really appreciated :) Thank you
Nov ’23
Unable to enroll into the Apple Developer Program
Hello! Every time I attempt to enroll into the program I get hit with one of the following two errors: Unknown Error Please try again. Apple ID Issue The region of the Apple ID that's signed in to Settings or System Preferences is different than the region of the Apple ID with which you signed into the Apple Developer app. Sign in to Settings or System Preferences with an Apple ID that has the same region. I’m very confused by this message because I have never changed the region of my Apple ID - it should be United States. How can I complete my enrollment?
Sep ’23
Help with blocked developer account
Hi all I don’t even know if this is a help post or just a cry from my soul. I'll start from the very beginning. My firm is developing software for small and medium businesses. For us developers, there is nothing unusual about this. If the client's store, we transfer it beautifully and without problems to the mobile application. We have been releasing apps since 2019. And everything was fine, even excellent, until August 2022. In August, after submitting the application for review, I, as the account developer, received a notice that clause 3.2f was violated and that my account would be closed. It is clear that I immediately filed an appeal, but the Apple inspectors said that they would not change their minds. To say that I was shocked = to say nothing. Since then, I have filed 6 appeals, created other accounts (tried), so that our clients are calm that we are fulfilling our obligations. no response to appeals (no calls, no letters) Does anyone know how else to contact support? Because I have no more ideas, honestly - I'm broken. Thanks for reading, Tim
Apr ’24