Feedback Assistant

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Use Feedback Assistant to report issues and give suggestions about using Apple software and developing for Apple platforms.

Posts under Feedback Assistant tag

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How to actually enable the feedback assistant app??
This page talks about the Feedback Assistant app for developers, and how it's the preferred way to submit feedback. But I didn't see anything obvious about how to get it. So I look for it in the app store. Nothing.About 5 minutes of searching brings me back to a well-hidden sentence on that page saying that it's on the home screen if you have a Beta version installed, but you can enable it on the publicly released versions by "installing a beta profile".I have no idea what that means. I can find no info on the web or the searching the developer site about how to "install a beta profile". I find instructions for installing Beta versions of iOS, but don't see anything about how to get the app without actually installing a beta OS.I did find a (sketchy as F...) website called <--- (don't click) that downloads and tries to install software on my Mac. (To which I said 'ell no). Seems an opportunist noticed this gaping vacuum that Apple created and stepped in to "fill it". I wonder how many people have gotten malware because of this lack of documentation.Sorry, frustrated as heck.OK, finally stumbled on the instructions in a MacWorld article. I guess I've started downloading "the profile", it will supposedly notify me when it's finished downloading, but I can't confirm that's actually happening. And I still don't even know what a "profile" is or what will happen if I "install" it.Seriously, this info should be easier to find. Searching these terms should bring up an informative article on at the top of the results, not some shady (AFAICT) malware site, and the best info being on MacWorld.
Dec ’23
Is Apple reading reports in the new Feedback Assistant?
Dear Apple,I'm an iOS developer and provided feedback in the good old online bug tracker for many years.Decent conversations with Apple egnineers often resulted in bug fixes or updated documentation.The fact that my contributions helped to improve the products was rewarding.So I kept adding reports in the new Feedback Assistant app in macOS Catalina.But ever since (September 2019) I never ever got any response on any ticket.1 month ago I even added a report if Apple even read my reports. Again, no response ever since.So my question on this forum: Is Apple actually reading reports in the new Feedback Assistant?This can either be answered by Apple, or by other Developers that hopefully did response feedback from Apple. Or did not.Best regards,Martijn
Aug ’23
Feedback Assistant - Lack of Responses
Lately, whenever I submit a bug report via Feedback Assistant, I never receive any responses or requests for additional information from Apple. It feels like my bug reports are completely ignored, which discourages me from writing additional bug reports. Is anyone else having the same experience? As an example, I submitted several bug reports with regards to iOS 14 beta over a month ago, and I have yet to hear back from Apple.
Oct ’23
Bug Reporting: How and Why?
I file a lot of bug reports. I also ask a lot of third-party developers to file bug reports about problems they see. This post is my attempt at collecting together some hints and tips about Apple’s bug reporting process. To file a bug report, use Feedback Assistant. To file an enhancement request, use Feedback Assistant. In the “What type of issue are you reporting?” popup, choose Suggestion. If you’re filing a bug against an API, choose Developer Technologies & SDKs at the top level. The technologies popup should then list familiar items, from Accelerate Framework to XPC. If you can’t find the correct item, select “Something else not on this list”. Feedback Assistant is both a website and an app. For details on how to access the app, see Opening the app on the Developer > Bug Reporting page. For lots of great hints and tips about filing bugs, see File effective bug reports. I may repeat some of the info covered by that article, but only where I think it’s particularly important. After filing a bug report, please include the bug number in your DevForums post. Feedback Assistant shows the bug number in both the bug list and the bug detail view. Bug numbers start with FB and continue with a sequence of digits. For example, a recent bug report posted here on DevForums was FB11357055. Including the FB prefix avoids any confusion as to what type of bug number this is. Occasionally you’ll see other types of bug numbers. In release notes they are just in parens, so (99071807), and in DTS documents they have an r. prefix, so (r. 99071807). These are Radar numbers. Radar is the internal bug system here at Apple. Other developers can’t see your bug report. However, posting the bug number is still important for a couple of reasons: It allows Apple folks to quickly track down your issue. If another developer wants to file a related bug, they can reference your bug number in their bug report. You can share bug reports with other members of your team. For details on how to do that, see Collaborating with your team on the Developer > Bug Reporting page. Otherwise you can’t see a bug report filed by another developer, or one filed internally at Apple. One option here is to file your own bug and request that it be marked as a duplicate of the original bug. You’ll then be notified when the original bug is closed. The File effective bug reports article discusses the importance of including a sysdiagnose log with your bug report. I have a few additional tips: Include a sysdiagnose log from the machine that’s having the problem. Sometimes I see folks with an iOS problem include a sysdiagnose log for their development Mac )-: Include a sysdiagnose log even if you attach a test project that reproduces the problem. The contents of the log help with screening, making sure that your bug gets to the right person quickly. And that person will be very grateful to have your test project! If multiple machines are involved — for example, you’re reporting a Handoff problem — include a sysdiagnose log from each machine. Trigger the sysdiagnose log as soon as possible after you see the problem. The sooner you trigger the log, the more likely it is to capture relevant info. If the problem is hard to reproduce, see Using a Sysdiagnose Log to Debug a Hard-to-Reproduce Problem for hints on how to capture an actionable sysdiagnose log. If you install a debug profile, install it before you reproduce the problem. These profiles typically enable more logging, and you want that logging to be active at the time of the problem. Most profiles activate immediately but some require that you restart. Follow the instructions that came with the profile. When reproducing the problem, make a rough note of the time and include that in your bug report. This doesn’t have to be super precise. Just note down the time, with seconds, shortly after you reproduce the problem. If the bug involves a crash, reproduce the crash outside of Xcode and then take your sysdiagnose log. This means running your code as the user would, so running an app from the Finder on macOS, running an app from the Home screen on iOS, and so on. If you reproduce the crash inside Xcode, the Xcode debugger catches the crash and prevents the system from generating a crash report to include in the sysdiagnose log. File focused bug reports. Imagine you’re seeing two problems, A and B, related to the same API. Don’t file a single bug that covers both A and B. Rather, file separate bugs for A and B. Feel free to reference your A bug in your B bug, and vice versa. Finally, some personal notes: DevForums is not an official support channel. Mentioning a problem here is not the same as filing a bug about it. That’s true even if you’re discussing your issue with an Apple person. Apple is a big company, and it’s very unlikely that the person you’re talking to is directly responsible for fixing your bug. Historically I used to post a lot of Radar links, of the forms rdar:nnn, where nnn includes the bug number. I no longer use these links because I’ve found that they confuses folks. They click the link and wonder why it does nothing. If you post an FB number here, DevForums automatically turns it into a link. However, that link is only useful to you. Other folks can’t access the bug via that link. I’ve filed a bug against DevForums requesting that it only generate this link for the bug’s originator (r. 92946014). In the meantime, I work around this by putting FB numbers in code style, which disables this link generation. If you want to share bug information outside of DevForums, one popular option is Open Radar ( Apple uses a lot of open source and many open source projects maintain their own bug tracker. Two big examples are Swift and WebKit. If your bug originates in such an open source project, consider filing it in the project’s bug tracker. You can then go on to submit a pull request with the fix (-: Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "" Revision History 2024-03-07 Made minor editorial changes. 2023-10-26 Added a link to Using a Sysdiagnose Log to Debug a Hard-to-Reproduce Problem. Added a recommendation to file focused bug reports. 2023-06-28 Updated the advice on how to file an API-level bug based on recent changes to Feedback Assistant. Corrected some link titles. 2023-03-21 Added a bunch of bullets to the personal notes section. 2023-03-13 Extended the discussion of seeing other folks’ bugs to make it clear that you can’t see bugs filed internally at Apple. 2022-12-13 Added advice about the “Something else not on this list” option. 2022-09-01 Added a personal notes section at the end. Added a new bullet in the sysdiagnose section about running your app outside of Xcode. Made other minor editorial changes. 2022-08-29 Added a note about filing duplicate bugs. 2022-08-24 First posted.
Mar ’24
Error 1110 - Report & Solution (Data Recovery)
Hello everyone, I'd like to post this so the issue becomes known to the Apple team and developers. I believe this information is very valuable for the company and would improve the lives of multiple customers around the globe and people wouldn't have to experiment with unknown 3rd party tools and possibly compromise their data. I've talked about this to a Senior Advisor and I was recommended to leave a post and feedback about this issue. In this post I'll be talking about Data Recovery possibility for a lot of people who encounter "Error 1110" in iTunes. What causes Error 1110 (common)? User takes up all of the storage space available on the iOS device. Software begins to malfunction or in my case begins to update overnight leading to a catastrophic failure. Device not booting. What is Error 1110? Device doesn't have enough storage space to boot or update. Only option available is "Restore" via iTunes. Device is stuck in a bootloop or constantly boots into Recovery Mode. iTunes isn't able to "Update" the device due to the following sample error: <key>AMRError</key> <integer>1110</integer> <string>Upgrade Install failed(ENOSPC) TotalSpace: 122070 MB InitialFreeSpace: 1675 MB FreeSpaceAfterCleanup: 1675 InitialDataVolumeUsage: 113289 MB DataVolumeUsageAfterCleanup: 113289 MB RequiredAdditionalSpace: 5956 MB </string> Consequences of this issue are as follows: Unable to boot device to retrieve data such as: Photos, Videos, etc... Forces customer or user to perform a software reset via iTunes. I'd like to point out that I've ran into loads of devices with Error 1110 including my own. This has been happening way more ever since iOS 10 release. In the last 4 years I've tried many repair shops and asked around for solutions to no avail. So I ended up digging deeper into this and found hundreds of posts around the web with people running into this issue. Reached out to numerous repair shops to see how often this occurs and it looks like it's a constant issue. So I took the time to investigate and come up with some solutions. Solutions that would help: Create a signed iOS copy every single time a new iOS releases. The copy would be a iOS (Light) version with all of the current security features but without system apps such as: Camera, Safari, Calendar, etc... However, it would be important that we do not allow downgrading these versions publicly either due to security reasons. So each release there would be 2 iOS versions. For example, we could implement the following: iOS 16.0.2 & iOS 16.0.2 (Light). This would definitely guarantee a fix for majority of people. In addition, this light iOS version could perform slight repairs to the current OS. The idea behind it is similar to a safe boot. Allow customers to send out their devices to Apple repair for a fee in order to downgrade iOS version that isn't being signed in order to successfully update device and repair the firmware. Afterwards, upload customers data to iCloud and reset the device. Why would this solution work? because lower iOS versions require less storage space and the chances of data retrieval increase. I personally like the first option as it would allow users to repair their devices from home. The second solution could be a temporary fix. However, second option doesn't necessarily guarantee data retrieval or a fix to the problem. Please let me know of what you guys think and if you have any suggestions. Feel free to reach out to me with questions as I've experimented with a load of such devices. Couple devices I've managed to fix for others but sadly haven't been able to fix mine as the storage situation is more severe on mine. There are people who lost years worth of information and so did I.
Oct ’23
In Xcode Cloud the archiving process keeps failing due to time out.
Every time I the Xcode Cloud want to archive the project, after 30 minutes it says "The step invocation hit a user timeout. The xcodebuild archive invocation timed out. No activity has been detected on stdout, stderr or the result bundle in 30 minutes." I added a step before archiving to build the project and it was ok. Do you have any suggestions on why this keeps happening? It happens constantly to me.
Dec ’23
Can't sign up for public beta (endless login loop)
Hi Apple community, for the last 2-3 public betas I am unable to sign up. After signing in (via Touch ID), the website returns in a state as if I wasn't signed in. It does show "Sign Out" on the top of the site, but also offers me to "Sign In" in the middle. Tried to post this issue via the Feedback Assistant, but for some reason I can't sign in there either - "Unable to sign into Feedback Assistant - Thank you for your patience. Please try again later. I am at my whits end. Any ideas how to fix this? Thanks, Victor
Jun ’23
Unable to send Feedback for Xcode issue
I've tried to submit a bug for the Xcode project using Feedback Assistant on macOS 13.4.1 and also via web, three times, and all resulted in a broken feedbacks which can't be viewed in either the Feedback Assistant or web. FB12424944, FB12425488, FB12425504 My colleague has been able to send a feedback for a different project just fine. Instead of trying to file yet another feedback (this time for the Feedback Assistant project), I guess it's better to ask here: how to proceed?
Jun ’23
Setting the .commonIdentifierDescription in AVPlayerItem's externalMetadata property does not show up in the AVPlayerViewController UI
I am trying to set the .commonIdentifierTitle, .iTunesMetadataTrackSubTitle, .commonIdentifierDescription metadata to an AVPlayerItem's externalMetadata property, but unfortunately only the title and subtitle shown up in the AVPlayerViewController UI. According to the WWDC22 "Create a great video playback experience" video, we are expecting to see description with a chevron should appears. Example code I used is exactly same as outlined in the video: // Setting content external metadata let titleItem = AVMutableMetadataItem() titleItem.identifier = .commonIdentifierTitle titleItem.value = // Title string let subtitleItem = AVMutableMetadataItem() subtitleItem.identifier = .iTunesMetadataTrackSubTitle subtitleItem.value = // Subtitle string let infoItem = AVMutableMetadataItem() infoItem.identifier = .commonIdentifierDescription infoItem.value = // Descriptive info paragraph playerItem.externalMetadata = [titleItem, subtitleItem, infoItem] Could anyone have solutions regarding to this issue or this is a bug in AVPlayerViewController? Thanks
Jul ’23
My RC PRO Controller is not working
Hello! I have a DJI MAVIC 3 drone and recently I got a stimulator to practice my flying skills but I have a problem, even tho my Mac Book recognizes the controller, I still can't use it to practice, it just shows like there is no controller connected. The stimulator I am using is Uncrashed FPV Drone, but I also tried to test it on DJI Assistance 2, can someone help me fix this issue please.
Jul ’23
How do you file a feature request?
If you go to and create a new feedback (for iOS and iPad) item, then these are the types of feedback choices: Incorrect/Unexpected Behavior Application Crash Application Slow/Unresponsive Battery Life Suggestion A suggestion sounds more like something an iPhone user want so suggest as a feature, not how a developer might request an API feature. Is that really what, as a developer, you are supposed to use to make a development feature request?
Jul ’23
Complaint about the attitude and handling results of after-sales service in Apple's official website in China.
In December 2021, I ordered an iPhone 13 Pro Max on the official website of Apple and purchased AppleCare+ service. Within a year and a half, the phone had serious hardware malfunctions, automatically shutting down and restarting every minute in a continuous loop, making it impossible to use normally. Therefore, I looked for Apple's direct store, Apple West Lake, in Hangzhou, China, for paid repairs. This repair took me a month's time, and due to the malfunction, all of my important data couldn't be backed up. After the repair, the phone's malfunction became even worse, and it couldn't even turn on. I am dissatisfied with the processing speed and results of the Chinese official website. My demand is a full refund or a replacement for a new machine, and I hope that Apple headquarters can intervene and solve the problem.
Jul ’23
Broken Link in VisionOS Documentation
On this page in the VisionOS Documentation there is the following broken link: For more information about when to use volumes, see Human Interface Guidelines &gt; Windows. Leading to "The page you’re looking for can’t be found." Hope that helps.
Jul ’23
Macbook Air M2 Keybord and trackpad
Im using MacBook Air M2 2023 I bought it about 2 weeks ago. 2 days ago after night I opened Mac and inbuild keyboard and trackpad were not responding to any actions, only power off button was working, So after several restarts it is working. If I use it with small intervals its ok, but if I close it for more a night In the morning it happens again, need to do restart Im using Sonoma beta version for all period of using this Mac Yerstaday I upadate it to latest version but still problem is here
Jul ’23
Need Help with Apple ID Sign-Out Issue on iPhone 6s
Hi everyone, I hope you're all doing well. I'm seeking assistance with my iPhone 6s, as I'm facing an issue with signing out of my Apple ID. I accidentally added an (E-mail Address) that isn't associated with my Apple ID. Despite trying various troubleshooting steps, I'm unable to sign out of my current Apple ID on the device. I've already attempted turning off "Find My iPhone" and signing out from the "iTunes & App Store" settings, but the problem persists. I kindly request your help in resolving this matter. Any guidance or instructions to successfully sign out of my current Apple ID and remove the incorrect email address from my iPhone 6s would be greatly appreciated. Here are the relevant details of my device: iPhone Model: iPhone 6s iOS Version: 15.7.7 Thank you for your attention, and I'm looking forward to your prompt assistance in resolving this issue.
Jul ’23
External Hard Drive Shows in Finder, But Won't Mount to MacBook Pro When Clicked
TLDR: WD External Hard Drive shows in finder and in NTFS/WD software but won't mount when pressed. I have two WD External Hard Drives, a 1 and 4 TB Drive. I am a graphic designer and like keeping photography, videos and assets or old projects on other drives so they don't take up space on my computer. A couple months ago one of my 4 TB Drive wouldn't mount to my computer, and after messing with the WD software that I had installed on my computer for a few hours I gave up and decided to just start saving stuff onto my computer. While working in Photoshop I got the error that my Scratch Disks were full and that I needed to free up some space, so I tried off loading some undergrad work onto my 1TB Drive and had the same issue. I tried using different cords, reinstalling software, and troubleshooting to no avail. I live pretty far from the nearest Genius Bar so I thought I'd try posting here before scheduling a appointment. Reminder that I can physically click the "Mount" button, but it gives me loading animation for a second then reverts back to the same "Mount" button as before and the drive doesn't show on my desktop or in my Finder.
Aug ’23
Color issues in Xcode Beta 6 using video material for visionOS
Video materials that showed the colors properly in Xcode beta 2 have a green purple color issues in Xcode beta 6. See attached screen captures. Using code example published by Apple Colors as they should be displayed in the video: Colors as shown in the visionOS simulator: Used sample code provided by Apple's example.
Aug ’23
Request for Resolution: Unintended Purchase Attempt and Apple Funds Confusion
I wanted to buy Apple developer account. Due to a misunderstanding I added $105 dollars to Apple Funds, thinking that money should added to Apple Funds inorder to purchase the developer account. This failed, and I asked ChatGPT about this and I realized that developer account cannot be purchased using Apple Funds. I contacted Apple support for either a refund or grant me with a developer account. They denied it and said only my bank can do anything about it. I went to the bank and they said only Apple can do anything on it. Now I don't have developer account and I have lost $105. What will I do?
Aug ’23