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Unable to setup M4 iPad Pro for development using Xcode 15.4 (15F31d) and iOS 17.5 (21F84)
When I try to setup my new 13" iPad Pro for development with Xcode I get the following error. Previous preparation error: The developer disk image could not be mounted on this device.. Error mounting image: 0xe8000105 (kAMDMobileImageMounterTATSUDeclinedAuthorization: The server declined to authorize this image on this device for this user.) I have tried many times and tried multiple things like reseting the iPad and starting again. Rebooting both devices. Deleting ~Library/Developer/DeveloperDiskImages Still nothing. This is quite frustrating. Any help appreciated. Ben
May ’24
Xcode <-> iPad M4: The server declined to authorize this image on this device for this user.
Hi, I just got my new iPad Pro 11-inch, M4. I'm trying to hook up with Xcode 15.4 (latest) and got this error message. Previous preparation error: The developer disk image could not be mounted on this device.. Error mounting image: 0xe8000105 (kAMDMobileImageMounterTATSUDeclinedAuthorization: The server declined to authorize this image on this device for this user.) Has anyone experienced the same problem? any ideas? I've tried all sorts of things suggested online (including completely reinstalling Xcode and the iPad - Clearing trusted computers - restarting everything etc.)
May ’24
Unable to deploy to new M4 iPad Pro
Using the latest stable macOS/iPadOS/Xcode: macOS 14.5 (23F79) iPadOS 17.5 (21F84) Xcode 15.4 (15F31d) We're unable to deploy to the new iPad Pro devices. This applies to newly created empty projects as well. We receive the following message: The developer disk image could not be mounted on this device.. Error mounting image: 0xe8000105 (kAMDMobileImageMounterTATSUDeclinedAuthorization: The server declined to authorize this image on this device for this user.) We've tried every suggestion we can find online: Restarting everything Reinstalling everything rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/DeveloperDiskImages/ Turning on/off Developer Mode. Using various internet connection methods (to sidestep potential routing/firewall issues) It happens across all our developer accounts we've tried 5+, and all iPads tried thusfar (around 5).
May ’24
Room not to scale
Hello, I am working on an AR application to visualize a life-size room. I am working with Unity 2023.3, Apple ARKIT XR Plugin 6.0.0-pre.8 and a 2021 5th gen iPad. First I scan a room with roomplan to get a usdz file. I open it with Blender to make sure I have the right data (I do) and I export it to fbx to use it in Unity. Then I import the fbx to Unity and I use it as a prefab to instantiate it when I click on a detected floor. I build my application in Unity, then in Xcode to use it on my iPad. But when the room is displayed, it is way too small. I tried adding a slider to scale up the room's gameobject and I added a plugin to visualize my Unity scene in my built application. The room is scalling up in the Unity scene but not in the application. Does anyone ever had this issue and if so how did you fix that? Best regards, Angel Garcia
May ’24
iPad 13'' Display couldn't get
I'm in the process of submitting an app to the App Store and am preparing screenshots for various display sizes. I noticed that there's an option for a 13'' display, which corresponds to the new iPad Air. However, I can't find a simulator for the 13'' iPad Air in my XCode. Is it mandatory to upload screenshots for this size, or can I omit them? Additionally, how can I download the simulator for the new iPad Air? Thanks!
May ’24
The iOS APP is that after three minutes or more in the background, When entering the foreground, it will be restored from the back to the background page instead of restarting.
Our current status is that after three minutes or more in the background, re-opening the app is a restart. Most of the users are claiming that they were automatically redirected to the home page of our app after a certain period of inactivity in the app. I recently upgraded my Xcode version from 12.4 to 15.3. I did not experience the problem with Xcode 12.4. It is an enterprise application, and the majority of users report restart issues. It occurred at random, and the user device contained only our application, with no other app like entertainment or gaming apps. However, I notice that many other apps are running in the background for an extended period of time (such as 20 minutes or 30 minutes). When I open the app, the same page sometimes appears in the background or the app is refreshed (like, Medium) I am not sure how they do it; I follow Apple. The rules did not do anything after entering the background. Is there anything Apple could do? How can I resolve this issue? Or it is default iOS behaviour. Please provide any documentation related to this. Please help me resolve this issue. Note: iOS device Version 15 to 17 is the latest
May ’24
Unable To Verify App with MacBook M1 and iPad
I am using XCode on my Mac Book Pro M1 and trying to run the iOS app being developed on my iPad (5th generation, 12.9 inch) The devices are connected through USB-C cable. I have enabled developer mode on my iPad, trusted the M1 device, the developer, and the app. However the following appears on the iPad when trying to launch the app: Unable to Verify App An internet connection is required to verify trust of developer "Apple Development: ...". This app will not be available until verified This seems to be an issue with M1 specifically, as other people seem to have this problem, and the application successfully runs on other iOS devices
May ’24
iOS Device Support Keylogger
Hello, I recently ran a virus/malware scan on my dev machine using ClamAV, this was run via macOS Terminal using the 'clamscan' function. Everything came back okay except a keylogger in the ProVideo Framework for physical iOS Test Devices. Please see below for 'clamscan' output: /Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport/iPad8,11 17.4 (21E219)/Symbols/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ProVideo.framework/ProVideo: Unix.Keylogger.Macos-10023932-0 FOUND My understanding is that '/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport/' is where Xcode keeps the files related to physical test devices that are required for debug. There were 3 Instances of this keylogger, all of which corresponded to physical devices I own and iOS Versions that I have installed / were installed. Can anyone verify if 'Unix.Keylogger.Macos-10023932-0' is a valid file that ClamAV is incorrectly detecting as malicious? If it is a valid debug file provided by Apple, it seems strange that it's located in the ProVideo Framework. I couldn't find any documentation online about this so any information would be appreciated. At this stage I have deleted the contents of '/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport/', my understanding is that these symbols are only transferred to the system when I test software via Xcode on a physical device and will not reproduce until I do that again. To me it's unclear if perhaps this keylogger is present on my iOS Device and is being transferred to the Mac via Xcode? Or somehow it is just appearing in this folder? Thanks!
Apr ’24
MP3 works on simulator but not after I upload the build
Hello Everyone, I am having a problem here with my app. I developed a timer that play a sound .mp3 and the sound play every time that the timer start and finish. Everything works very well in the simulator but not on the devices after I distribute the build and install using the testflight. I saw the build content and the file is inside. However, I have no idea what I am doing wrong (if it is some option that i forgot to check or some problem in my code). Please, somebody can help me? Here is the func with the path. (I inserted the sound on the root) in the same place that we can find the Contentview. func playFinishSound() { guard let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "finish_sound", withExtension: "mp3") else { return } do { player = try AVAudioPlayer(contentsOf: url) player?.play() } catch { print("Error playing finish sound") } } } Thank you very much for your help. I appreciate. Antonio
Apr ’24
Enabling a multipathServiceType in NWParameters on iOS 17.x+ breaks establishing peer to peer NWConnections
We've been using network framework for peer to peer connectivity since iOS 15. Since the introduction of iOS 17 we've been getting the following for our NWListener when attempting to establish a connection with any multipathServiceType enabled. We're not doing anything special here. On iOS 17.x devices (we've tested 17.1, 17.2, 17.4) we simply enable multipath services by adding the multipath capability and then setting multipathServiceType to .handover or .interactive on our NWParameters. The devices never connect when we try establish an NWConnection. This works on all non-iOS 17.x devices. This is reproducible using the Apple Peer-to-Peer NWConnection TicTacToe sample code.
Apr ’24
AVCaptureMetadataOutput delegate not working for Barcode in iPad OS 17.4.1
Following the recent 17.4.1 update, while QR code scanning has been resolved, we're still experiencing problems with barcode scanning on iPad devices. Specifically, the AVCaptureMetadataOutput delegate is not functioning as expected. This issue is significantly impacting our application's functionality. We kindly request immediate attention to this matter to ensure seamless operation.
Apr ’24
Error with Download Container on iPadOS17 and Xcode15
From Xcode15, when Download Container in Window > Devices and Simulators for iPadOS17, an error occurs. The specified file could not be transferred. Domain: com.apple.dt.CoreDeviceError Code: 7000 User Info: { DVTErrorCreationDateKey = "2023-11-21 05:52:37 +0000"; NSURL = "file:///Users/administrator/Desktop/<bundle identifer>%202023-11-21%2014:52.14.006.xcappdata/AppData/Library/WebKit/WebsiteData/IndexedDB/v0"; } -- Performing a file system operation failed: Failed to open Library/WebKit/WebsiteData/IndexedDB/v0 for reading, openat(2) returned POSIX error code 62 (parentParam = 51) Domain: com.apple.dt.remoteservices.error Code: 11001 -- Failed to open Library/WebKit/WebsiteData/IndexedDB/v0 for reading, openat(2) returned POSIX error code 62 (parentParam = 51) Domain: NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code: 62 Failure Reason: Too many levels of symbolic links -- System Information macOS Version 14.0 (Build 23A344) Xcode 15.0.1 (22266) (Build 15A507) indexedDB is not used in the app. I was able to download successfully with Xcode15 and iPadOS16. I was able to download successfully with Xcode14 and iPadOS17. Why do I get an error with Xcode15 and iPadOS17?How should I fix it? That you.
Apr ’24
Shared Ipad: Storage issues
We mangage around 500 iPads wich were configured as shared iPads. Since ipados17 the problem is that we have constantly the issue that were not able to log in to the iPads because we got the error that there is no space available. This happens with every IpadOS Version we tried sind iOS 17 release and is still an issue with 17.4 we are were also in contact with Jamf and we tried various configs but nothing worked out, but when we search for it, it seems that not only I/we have this issues.
Apr ’24
Unable to use photo picker in app on only one iPad Pro device
We are in the midst of testing camera and photo/video access using iPadPro 17 Beta (21A5326a) from within our application, and we are encountering an error message on only one device (iPad Pro 12.9-inch, A2229). Full access to the camera roll has been explicitly granted to the application when prompted. On only the above device, attempting to select an existing photo results in this error popup: "Photo or Video Unavailable: This app is using the Photos picker in an unsupported configuration." (We are able to take and save new photos from within our application on this device with no issues.) I have a second device on hand (iPadPro 10.5-inch, A1701) that presently also has the same iPadOS version installed and is running the same application, and we are able to select existing photos and take new photos with no errors. I have compared the Photos settings on both devices, and they appear to be identical. On a third iPad device running with the same iPadOS version, application, and Photos settings (that device is not in my possession), it has been reported that no errors are encountered when either taking new photos or selecting existing photos via the Photo Picker from within our app. We are trying to figure out what might be causing this error to appear when selecting existing photos on only the A2229 device, and/or what aspect of the configuration or settings would need to be modified in order to use the photo picker on that one iPad Pro. This issue had not been encountered on the A229 device while running with iPadOS 16. Searching the text of this error message online has not returned anything significantly meaningful thus far.
Apr ’24