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Posts under iPad tag

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Why doesn’t my Magic Keyboard Tab through Playgrounds Code Completion choices
I am following Jonathan Penn’s demo at WWDC2019 where he tabs through code completion choices with the external iPad keyboard. The difference is that this does not work with the Magic Keyboard on my 2020 iPad Pro 11” - the Tab key has no effect whatsoever on the Playground page whilst I am coding. I have to tap on the code completion to choose it. I can’t see any setting that I need to make but cant believe this is what it supposed to happen.
Jul ’23
MediaRecorder stop event is not trigger on safari iOS
I'm trying to record my screen (canvas) on iPad safari with the new experiential media recorder support. I got the mediaRecorder object and it triggers the start event but the issue is whenever mediaRecored record blob it will not trigger the stop event. It is working fine of MAC Safari but on iPad Safari I'm getting this issue. Is there any ways to get the stop event so mediaRecorder fire ondataavailable method after stop on iPad Safari?
Aug ’23
iPAD Pro External Camera
Hi, I was trying to configure people with the iPAD as a primary system. They got the apple keyboard, mouse, and an external monitor 36in. However the external camera via USB or bluetooth cannot be used for FaceTime, Webex, Zoom, Teams, etc. It always default to Apple camera. Is there a way to get an external camera and apps to recognize as the primary camera on an iPAD. Thanks
Sep ’23
Fixing a CommandMenu causing UIMenuController - unrecognized selector
I have a SwiftUI app I have enabled to run on M1 Macs (Designed for iPad). It uses the new SwiftUI lifecycle. I've just added a CommandMenu to the main WindowGroup. On the iPad these commands, whether clicked in the menu or initiated by a keyboard shortcut work as expected on the iPad. However, my iMac, the app crashes. The error says Application Specific Information: Crashing on exception: -[UIMenuController propertyList]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x12250b1e0 This is what the CommandMenu looks like WindowGroup { ... }.commands {         CommandMenu(LocalizedStringKey("Categories")) {             Button(action:{                 appConfiguration.currentPage = Page.books             }) {                 Label(LocalizedStringKey(BookListing.title), systemImage: BookListing.icon)             }             .keyboardShortcut("b", modifiers: [.control])             Button(action:{                 appConfiguration.currentPage = Page.tags             }) {                 Label(LocalizedStringKey(Tags.title), systemImage: Tags.icon)             }             .keyboardShortcut("t", modifiers: [.control])             Button(action:{                 appConfiguration.currentPage = Page.settings             }) {                 Label(LocalizedStringKey(Settings.title), systemImage: Settings.icon)             }             .keyboardShortcut("s", modifiers: [.control])         }     } AppConfiguration is an ObservableObject and setting currentPage is how to programmatically navigate the TavView. Is there anything I am doing wrong? Is there a bug someone knows about that I could be hitting? Here's the relevant part of the stack if that can help shed some light on what's gone wrong. Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread 0 AppKit 0x191895514 -[NSApplication _crashOnException:] + 324 1 AppKit 0x19189550c -[NSApplication _crashOnException:] + 316 2 AppKit 0x19189522c -[NSApplication reportException:] + 580 3 AppKit 0x19193f708 uncaughtErrorProc + 156 4 HIToolbox 0x1975b10bc DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 1696 5 HIToolbox 0x1975b02dc SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 356 6 HIToolbox 0x1975c6750 SendEventToEventTarget + 40 7 HIToolbox 0x197627310 SendHICommandEvent(unsigned int, HICommand const*, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned char, void const*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, OpaqueEventRef**) + 416 8 HIToolbox 0x19764c44c SendMenuCommandWithContextAndModifiers + 56 9 HIToolbox 0x19764c3dc SendMenuItemSelectedEvent + 352 10 HIToolbox 0x19764c208 FinishMenuSelection(SelectionData*, MenuResult*, MenuResult*) + 100 11 HIToolbox 0x19764cbc8 MenuSelectCore(MenuData*, Point, double, unsigned int, OpaqueMenuRef**, unsigned short*) + 560 12 HIToolbox 0x19764c8e8 _HandleMenuSelection2 + 416 13 AppKit 0x1916b4ce4 _NSHandleCarbonMenuEvent + 300 14 AppKit 0x1916b4ac4 _DPSEventHandledByCarbon + 68 15 AppKit 0x191516bc4 -[NSApplication(NSEvent) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 3280 16 AppKit 0x1915085f0 -[NSApplication run] + 596 17 AppKit 0x1914d9d08 NSApplicationMain + 1132 18 AppKit 0x1917afdd0 _NSApplicationMainWithInfoDictionary + 24 19 UIKitMacHelper 0x1a423aa7c UINSApplicationMain + 1276 20 UIKitCore 0x1b68d59f8 UIApplicationMain + 164 21 SwiftUI 0x1cc162374 closure #1 in KitRendererCommon(_:) + 164 22 SwiftUI 0x1cc1622cc runApp<A>(_:) + 252 23 SwiftUI 0x1cba55560 static App.main() + 128
Oct ’23
Can't Get The Icon To Appear On Ipad/Iphone (Physical Device Simulator) iMessage Extension
I am putting a stand-alone iMessage extension sticker pack together and can't seem to get my icons to display when I run on my physical device. I have followed every thread and ran the gamut on the different solutions. I am still lost with this one and need some help. I am attaching some screenshots of how they display on my physical devices. My code runs great and I do not get any build errors. to my knowledge (and I'm a newbie): All icon assets have been correctly sized and attributed to the correct targets Target memberships have been correctly attributed as well From the Info.plist I have deleted the CFBundleicons~ipad and Icon files (iOS 5) as per recommendations from previous solutions. (I tried running with and without these auto attributional add ons) deleted or not, still doesn't solve the issues. Thanks in advance, hopefully, it helps me and others in the future :) Ps. I didn't want to flood the post with too many screenshots, but if there is anything you need to see to help me solve this one, let me know and I'll try to follow up.
Jun ’23
'Application tried to present modally a view controller <_SFAppPasswordSavingViewController: 0x11fb2ac60> that is already being presented by <UIKeyboardHiddenViewController_Save: 0x118f7fde0>.'
Hi, I am working on an iPad application that has both Portrait and Landscape orientation. The issue that I am facing is regarding the the popup presentation that iPad shows you for saving password while you log-in in the application. Now, when the pop-up is presented, at that moment if I try to rotate the device, the application crashes with the message Application tried to present modally a view controller <_SFAppPasswordSavingViewController: 0x107be7230> that is already being presented by <UIKeyboardHiddenViewController_Save: 0x107a49190>. Now, the problem is that SFAppPasswordSavingViewController presentation is not controlled by me. Also UIKeyboardHiddenViewController_Save,is something I am not controlling. Please help me out on how to solve this issue or let me know if I am missing anything.
Jul ’23
Screenshots - Changing Device Order
Hi all I am sure that this is something obvious that I am missing but I would really appreciate a bit of help. In our App Store listing, the screenshots appear as a default under 'iPad' first, then followed by iPhone. The description also defaults to 'Designed for iPad'. Is there a simple way to change this so that we can show iPhone first? Also, simply for my on-going reference and knowledge, why would the listing default to iPad before iPhone? Many thanks to all.
Sep ’23
apple pencil won’t connect
hey! i have an ipad pro 11’ 2018, and everything was working fine until one day i wasn’t able to connect my apple pencil 2 to my ipad. the pencil itself gets detected it just won’t connect with my ipad. i already tried restarting, unpairing (even since i wasn’t able to pair it) and even restoring my ipad. does anyone have a solution for this?
Jan ’24
IPad OS - Chrome / safari browser memory space was not reduced after removing data from indexed DB Database
In our application, we are using the browser's indexedDB storage for offline data storage. It has been working as expected in Windows/Mac Chrome browsers. However, we have encountered an issue with iPad Chrome where we are unable to use more than 900+ MB of data. We need to support storage of up to 5 GB. Interestingly, Safari on the iPad allows us to use up to 100+ GB (on the 128 GB iPad Pro variant) with user approval through a memory extension popup. Is there any way to achieve similar functionality in Chrome? Additionally, we have observed that after removing data from the indexedDB, the memory usage in the application does not decrease. For example, if I upload 900 MB of data to the indexedDB and then proceed to remove it, I verify that the indexedDB is empty. However, when checking the storage usage on the iPad, it still shows that 900 MB of memory is being used by Chrome. It seems that the iPad's operating system does not free up the space after deleting data from the indexedDB. Is there another option or approach to free or release this memory from the browser's app usage? We have attempted to remove the data from the indexedDB, but the memory is not released. Clearing the browser cache partially releases the memory, but we would like to handle this directly through JavaScript.
Jun ’23
Device Unresponsive Single App Mode
A customer reports that devices are coming out of single-app mode and becoming unresponsive. They manage the MDM (AirWatch) and report that some devices leave single app mode over and show a blank white square on the home screen, almost like a widget or OS message, but without content. This mostly happens overnight, the only resolution is to remove the enclosure and physically reboot the device. Our application doesn't have any widgets and we looking for any ideas on what may be causing this issue.
Jun ’23
New IOS Reader App - Options for purchasing additional content
I am developing many products and services to help children learn to speak Tamil as a second language. As part of this platform, I am publishing illustrated children's books that are distributed via Amazon as well as from my website. I am developing a companion reader app for an interactive digital version on the iPad. The books will be narrated on demand, and children will be able to click on words and images to hear Tamil being spoken. I am creating this content for the printed and digital versions. I am writing new stories, and am working with authors/publishers to adapt/translate their existing books for use in this platform. When the app is first installed, the content for one free book is downloaded for the user, so that there is a book to try the app. Additional books can be purchased individually or as 'packs'. I apologize if this background seems excessive, but I want to set the stage for my questions. 1. Customers can buy printed and digital books. Can I put in information about how they can buy the printed book in my app? 2. Does all purchasing content have to happen outside the app, or can I have new books(digital version) bought both as in-app purchases and as direct purchases outside the app? This is important, as I want to provide hard copy buyers the ability to get free or discounted access to the digital version - and this can be done when they buy the books from my website. At the same time, I want to provide an easy means for the user to buy content via in-App purchase if they want.
Jul ’23
Connect Xcode 14.3 to Ipad OS 16.5 is not working
Hey all! Im trying to use my Ipad with my Xcode but its not working. Its saying "Failed to prepare device for development".Ive seen on sites where folks have said to reboot devices but thats not working for me. Also there is no 16.5 simulator that I can use for testing as well. Does anyone have any suggestions, trying to correct an issue within my code so I can send it for review. Blessings
Jul ’23
iPhone app showing Rotation button in iPad
We created iPhone app for portrait mode only. App is running fine in iPhone. but when we run the same app in iPad some time we are getting rotation button along with scale button. Rotation button is rotating app in landscape and our app is not support so UI is look bad. We want to disable rotation button forever. We search for setting which can be used enable/disable this rotation button but did not found. Check attached screen shot for reference.
Jul ’23
SwiftUI toolbar item keyboard shortcut not showing when holding command key on iPad?
How come keyboard shortcuts associated to toolbar items do not show up when you hold down the command key? import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { NavigationStack { VStack { Image(systemName: "globe") .imageScale(.large) .foregroundStyle(.tint) Text("Hello, world!") Button { } label: { Text("Tap Me!") } .keyboardShortcut("o", modifiers: .command) } .padding() .toolbar { ToolbarItem { Button { } label: { Image(systemName: "bolt") } .keyboardShortcut("k", modifiers: .command) } } } } } See screenshot. The shortcut for "Tap Me!" is being shown but not the one for the toolbar item. Am I doing something wrong or this is just not supported yet in SwiftUI? If that's the case, that seems to be a significant omission.
Jul ’23
Specification for LiDAR sensor on iPhone Pro and negative impact to electrical devices
Hi, I'd like to inquire about the LiDAR sensor specifications for the iPhone Pro and iPad Pro. We are currently developing a 3D scanner app for construction sites and need to ensure that LiDAR does not cause any damage to electrical or telecommunication devices. I understand that LiDAR is a class 1 laser and considered safe for eye exposure. However, I'm concerned about its potential impact on electronics, such as noise or interference. For instance, could the LiDAR interfere with a fire alarm that uses a photon diode sensor, potentially leading to false alarms? I assume that fire alarms should have some form of shielding, but I am uncertain about this. In my research, I came across some information about LiDAR specifications in this discussion thread: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/131013. Additionally, there were some relevant blogs discussing the type of sensor it uses: https://www.techinsights.com/ja/node/33570. I also reached out to other manufacturers, as I believe ToF sensors might have similarities, but unfortunately, I haven't received a definitive answer yet. Any assistance on this matter would be highly appreciated. Thank you.
Jul ’23