iPadOS is the operating system for iPad.

Posts under iPadOS tag

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How to prevent the NavigationSplitView from reseting the detail NavigationStack to it's root on selection change
I am currently investigating converting a large macOS, iOS, and iPadOS app from using AppKit and UIKit for the front end to using SwiftUI. This app uses a sidebar/source list style window on macOS and iPadOS. The content/detail portion of the window displays hierarchal information so you can drill in for details and back out to get an overview. In this application the selection in the sidebar changes how the information in the content/detail area is displayed but not what information is displayed. The included ContentView SwiftUI code shows an example of this. The sidebar lets you change the background color of the detail view and the content of detail view provides all of the "links" to navigate forward to see more data. To try and make this work I am using a NavigationSplitView with a List for the sidebar and a NavigationStack for the detail. The sidebar list takes a selection binding and the list contents uses tags to map the selection. It does not use NavigationLink and the selection state variable is not used in the NavigationStack of the detail view. With this setup, I would expect there to be no relationship between the sidebar and detail views. The problem is whenever the selection in the list in the sidebar changes the NavigationStack in the details backs up to its root view. I have included an example ContentView showing this behavior. Is there anyway to prevent this? Should I file a "feedback" to request this functionality? Thank you in advance for any help. @State var path: [ContentView.Step] = [] @State var color: Color? = .clear var body: some View { NavigationSplitView { List (selection: $color) { Text ("Clear").tag(Color.clear) Text ("White").tag(Color.white) Text ("Blue").tag(Color.blue) Text ("Green").tag(Color.green) } } detail: { NavigationStack (path: $path) { VStack { NavigationLink(value: ContentView.Step.a) { Text("Push A") } NavigationLink(value: ContentView.Step.b) { Text("Push B") } NavigationLink(value: ContentView.Step.c) { Text("Push C") } Image(systemName: "globe") .imageScale(.large) Text("Hello, world!") } .navigationDestination(for: ContentView.Step.self) { step in step.body .toolbar { ToolbarItemGroup(placement: .automatic) { Button { _ = path.popLast() } label: { Text("Back") } .disabled (path.count <= 0) } } } } .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity) .background(color) } } enum Step: Hashable { case a case b case c var body: some View { Group { switch self { case .a: VStack { Text ("A") NavigationLink(value: ContentView.Step.b) { Text("Push B") } NavigationLink(value: ContentView.Step.c) { Text("Push C") } Image(systemName: "globe") .imageScale(.large) .hidden() Text("Hello, world!") } case .b: VStack { NavigationLink(value: ContentView.Step.a) { Text("Push A") } Text ("B") NavigationLink(value: ContentView.Step.c) { Text("Push C") } Image(systemName: "globe") .imageScale(.large) Text("Hello, world!") .hidden() } case .c: VStack { NavigationLink(value: ContentView.Step.a) { Text("Push A") } NavigationLink(value: ContentView.Step.b) { Text("Push B") } Text ("C") Image(systemName: "globe") .imageScale(.large) .hidden() Text("Hello, world!") .hidden() } } } } } }
Jan ’24
Metal Issue on iPadOS with Xcode15
Hi, I'm using Whirlyglobe on iPad and iPhone and it worked fine so far until now. I upgraded to Xcode15, and now I have issues displaying the globe on my iPad. iPhone works without issues, but iPad throws the following error and doesn't display the globe anymore: "Execution of the command buffer was aborted due to an error during execution. Ignored (for causing prior/excessive GPU errors) (00000004:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorSubmissionsIgnored)" When I deploy with Xcode14.3.1, everything works fine. All systems MacOS and iPadOS, and iOS are updated to the latest versions, and I'm using MBP Max M1 any idea how to solve the issue? I guess it has to do with Metal... ?! thanks in advance, M.
Jan ’24
iOS 17 Update Causes App to Crash on Some Devices
When a user updates their device to iOS 17 (any version) on a device with MDM, our app crashes but only on some device, not all. The same app runs fine on iOS 16. We cannot recreate the issue in-house and even our customers cannot reliably recreate the crash as it only happens on some devices and not others. The crash we get is: SIGABRT: UICollectionView internal inconsistency: missing final attributes for cell Once the device gets this crash, the only way to fix it is to delete and reinstall the app and then everything works fine. Anyone having a similar issue with iOS 17 and MDM?
Feb ’24
What to do with a visionOS (designed for iPad) app in App Store Connect?
My app has a destination "visionOS (designed for iPad)", not "visionOS". It works nicely in the Vision Pro simulator. Im confused with Apples documentation on how to prepare for the app store: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/visionos/making-your-app-compatible-with-visionos If the app uses a destination "visionOS (designed for iPad)" is it possible or required to provide Vision Pro screenshots in App Store Connect? In App Store Connect, it is possible to add a platform visionOS. Is my assumption correct, that this platform is only for destination "visionOS" and not for destination "visionOS (designed for iPad)"?
Jan ’24
iPadOS 17.3 beta: Some settings missing or not accessible
After updating this iPad to iPadOS 17.3 beta 1, I opened Settings to check on the new Stolen Device Protection feature. Not only couldn’t I find the feature, I couldn’t find the settings for Face ID & Passcode AT ALL; the entire section appears to be missing. I also noticed that a number of settings were greyed out & inaccessible, including iCloud, FaceTime, Messages & TV Provider; they are visible, but cannot be opened/edited. I filed a Feedback (FB13466441) but have gotten no response & the problem has not been resolved in 17.3 beta 3. This seems like a pretty significant bug that could cause serious problems (not yet, thankfully). Is anyone else seeing this problem?
Jan ’24
iOS 17: Cannot find type 'PhotogrammetrySession' in scope (Object Capture)
Dear all, I'm building a SwiftUI-based frontend for the RealityKit Object Capture feature. It is using the iOS+macOS (native, not Catalyst) template on Xcode 15.1. When compiling for macOS 14.2, everything works as expected. When compiling for iPadOS 17.2, I receive the compiler error message "Cannot find type 'PhotogrammetrySession' in scope". As minimum deployment target, I selected iOS 17 and macOS 14 (see attachment). An example of the lines of code causing errors is import RealityKit typealias FeatureSensitivity = PhotogrammetrySession.Configuration.FeatureSensitivity // error: Cannot find type PhotogrammetrySession in scope typealias LevelOfDetail = PhotogrammetrySession.Request.Detail // error: Cannot find type PhotogrammetrySession in scope I made sure to wrap code that uses features unavailable on iOS (e.g. the .raw LOD setting) in #available checks. Is this an issue with Xcode or am I missing some compatibility check? The SDK clearly says /// Manages the creation of a 3D model from a set of images. /// /// For more information on using ``PhotogrammetrySession``, see /// <doc://com.apple.documentation/documentation/realitykit/creating-3d-objects-from-photographs>. @available(iOS 17.0, macOS 12.0, macCatalyst 15.0, *) @available(visionOS, unavailable) public class PhotogrammetrySession { /* ... */ } Thanks for any help with this :) And greetings from Köln, Germany ~ Alex
Jan ’24
iPadOS Custom App Crashlog
We develop and operate custom apps for iPadOS. That app now crashes frequently. The following events are output to the crash log. Event: disk writes Action taken: none Writes: 1081.78 MB of file backed memory dirtied over 777 seconds (1391.62 KB per second average), exceeding limit of 12.43 KB per second over 86400 seconds Writes limit: 1073.74 MB Limit duration: 86400s Writes caused: 1081.78 MB Writes duration: 777s Duration: 777.35s Duration Sampled: 755.30s Steps: 35 (10.49 MB/step) What does this log mean? And how can it be improved?
Jan ’24
Unable to Verify App: An internet connection is required to verify the trust of the developer' ... This app will not be available until verified.
Hi, We have an app that is built for adhoc distribution and the devices that the app is installed on does not have internet connection while in use. From time to time, after the app has been in use for a while, the error message "Unable to Verify App: An internet connection is required to verify the trust of the developer' ... This app will not be available until verified." will randomly pop up and cause the app to be not usable. Why does this message appear randomly? Is there any way to prevent this error message from appearing as the devices do not have internet connection and the users are not able to verify app and continue using the app.
Jan ’24
iPad Mail configuration
iPadOS 17,2 I can't force an IMAP configuration. My provider offers both IMAP and POP and when I am adding my account, only POP is used. A button to choose between POP and IMAP will be helpful or any other trick to force the IMAP over POP. Thank you.
Dec ’23
system crashed
everyday the system will crash. And the system told me that the system can not work. You only can restart the system. If you don't do it, you can not unlock the system. I hope Apple technology teams can solve this problem in ios 17.3beta2 and ipados 17.3 beta2.
Dec ’23
Apple Watch Live Heart Rate on iPadOS 17?
With the recent iPad OS 17 release, Apple added the Health app for the first time. Looking at it, it seems pretty similar to the phone version as the Health app only shows 'historical' health data. My question is this: We are developing an iPad based fitness app. Is there any way of getting real-time health data from the Apple Watch directly to an iPad app? (basically, we just need heart rate). Or, do we have create some sort of workflow through the Phone like Watch -> iPhone running our app -> our servers -> iPad running our app ..to get that real-time data? We really just want Watch -> iPad running our app. I'm afraid I already know the answer but just thought I'd check in case I'm missing something in iOS 17. Thanks!
Dec ’23
PDFKit since iPadOS 17.2: Annotations are scaled down when saving file
Dear Developer Community, My app is saving handwritten notes, forms and images as annotations in PDF documents by using PDFKit. Since iPadOS 17.2, the content of the annotations within the annotation boundaries is scaled down when saving the annotated PDF file. I.e. the annotation boundaries remain unchanged, but the displayed annotation content shrinks and no longer fills the boundaries. This gets worse with every save operation and applies both to newly created annotations and to elements that were saved before iPadOS 17.2. This issue only occurred after updating to iPadOS 17.2. The same code on my test device with iPadOS 17.1 works perfectly. Does anybody have a similar issue and/or found a workaround to solve this problem? Thanks for any idea!
Apr ’24
iOS/iPadOS 17.2 Bug in PDFKit duplicates content of filled PDF form fields
The following situation is given: In your code you have a PDFDocument object. This contains a PDF file with form fields that are filled with text. If you call the dataRepresentation() method on this PDFDocument object, you get back a data object: let myDocumentData: Data = pdfDocument.dataRepresentation()! If you now want to initialize a new PDFDocument object with this data object, the contents of the form fields are duplicated within the PDF. let newPDF: PDFDocument = PDFDocument(data: myDocumentData) If you now want to print the newPDF PDFDocument object by creating a new print job, you will get the following result: What you actually expect to see: You only see this behavior when you want to print or share the PDF. You won't see this behaviour inside a PDF View in your application. This behaviour only appears since iOS/iPadOS 17.2 Steps to reproduce: Get a PDF file with form fields, especially text fields fill out these text fields with text create a PDFDocument object with this PDF file call the dataRepresentation() method on this PDFDocument object and store the result in a new variable create a new PDFDocument object with the data object created in the previous step:PDFDocument(data: <data>) Print the new created PDFDocument within iOS/iPadOS 17.2 or share it for example via email I hope Apple will fix this bug soon!
Dec ’23
Guideline 2.1 - Performance - App Completeness
We were still unable to review your app as it crashed on launch. We have attached detailed crash logs to help troubleshoot this issue. While we appreciate that your app is intended primarily for use on iPhone, in order to bring your app into compliance with App Store guidelines, all apps designed for use on iPhone must still be formatted correctly and behave properly when run on iPad. Review device details: Device type: iPad OS version: iOS 17.2 crashlog-82A3D8C6-0136-4C68-A006-6A4AE49B1D1C.txt crashlog-DBA3D1B0-5760-4B47-8FE7-DE44C570271A.txt crashlog-C30814D5-13BC-40FE-92EC-89E736FA7F1B.txt my app crashed only on iPad mini 6th generation its run fine on all other iPad's
Apr ’24
App killed in the background with NavigationSplitView on iOS 16
Description We have a sidebar-detail layout in our app. Since we moved from NavigationView on iOS 15 to NavigationSplitView on iOS 16, we've seen some issues. On iOS 16, the app is always killed, or reset, when the app enters background. That means whatever the sidebar and detail view show, they will almost always return to the initial blank screen state when coming back from background. On iOS 17, the background issue is mitigated. However, the toolbar button is missing after coming back from background. Those problem aren't present in NavigationView on iOS 15. Steps to Repro General steps… Create a new iOS app demo project with deployment target min version set to iOS 16. Copy and paste the code snippet below into ContentView.swift. Run the app on iPad simulator with the respective Simulator OS versions. iOS 16 Tap the info button on the side bar, it presents a "form sheet" style page. Put the app into background. Open any app. I opened the Photos app. Switch back to the demo app. The sheet is dismissed and the app returns to the initial state, which indicates the app was reset in the background. When I tap the info button again, it doesn't present a sheet. iOS 17 Same steps as 1-3 above for iOS 16. Switch back to the test app. The sheet is not dismissed, which means the app wasn't reset in the background. However, you can see the info button is missing from the sidebar's top toolbar. Similar Posts NavigationSplitView resetting when app enters background: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/733472 Selection state is lost when navigating to/from home screen: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/728657 SwiftUI NavigationSplitView looses toolbar button when App moves to background - iOS 17 / Xcode 15.0: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/77253055 Repro Code Snippet import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { let samples = ["foo", "bar"] var body: some View { NavigationSplitView { NavigationStack { sidebar } } detail: { NavigationStack { detail } } } var sidebar: some View { Sidebar(samples: samples) } var detail: some View { Text("Select a sample from the list.") } } struct Sidebar: View { @State private var isPresented = false let samples: [String] var body: some View { List { ForEach(samples, id: \.self) { sample in Text(sample) } } .navigationTitle("Foo") .toolbar { ToolbarItem(placement: .navigationBarTrailing) { Button("Info") { isPresented = true } .sheet(isPresented: $isPresented) { AboutView() } } } } } struct AboutView: View { @Environment(\.dismiss) private var dismiss: DismissAction var body: some View { NavigationStack { List { Text("Copyright © 2023 Foo. All Rights Reserved.") } .navigationTitle("About") .navigationBarTitleDisplayMode(.inline) .toolbar { ToolbarItem(placement: .confirmationAction) { Button("Done") { dismiss() } } } } } }
Dec ’23
iOS and iPadOS date pickers ignores min/max date range when opening
In web-based apps we want date pickers to open to a previous month based on the min-max date range specified on the input. We do not want to set a specific day but want the user to select a date. Android devices and Windows OS (Chrome and Edge) all behave as expected, namely, when the calendar loads the first month specified as the min value displays. iOS devices always open the calendar showing the current month and ignore the min/max attributes on the input. Additionally, the current date is selected making it very easy for the use to accidentally choose the wrong date by accidentally closing the date picker. It appears that iOS is the only platform not supporting min/max on date inputs. Will this be fixed? Or is it this by design? For example, today is December 13, 2023, we expect that selecting the following input to open the native calendar displaying November 2023 and to not select a date. <input autocomplete="off" type="date" placeholder="M/d/yy" min="2023-11-01" max="2023-11-30">
Dec ’23