Apple Search Ads

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Posts under Apple Search Ads tag

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My app does not appear in any search results in the App Store
My app, which has been live for about 2 years, suddenly became invisible in App Store search results 2 months ago. Even when the full name of the app is searched, it does not appear in the search results. This has caused the app to not receive any users from search results, despite being downloaded by a total of about 3 million users in the last 2 months. When I look at Apple Connect Analytics, I see that the number of users coming from App Store searches is 0. This shows that my app is not visible in search results at all.Also, due to this problem, we cannot advertise on Apple Search Ads because the system cannot find our application even though it is live. We can only gain users through the ads we give at the moment. The Apple Support team has not been able to solve the problem for about 1.5 months. What could be the solution to this problem? Thanks
Oct ’23
I recently start getting SERVER_ERROR in apples ads api. Endpoint: Below is the reponse I get [{"messageCode"=>"SERVER_ERROR", "message"=>"The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete request: 44198a85-4731-4a31-b14b-3e22da558dad", "field"=>""}] This happens sporadically.
Sep ’23
Apple Search Ads API - search terms report - 500 error
hi, since yesterday I'm constantly getting 500 error or timeout error when trying to get data from Apple Search Ads API - search terms report. I can get list of accounts and list of campaigns, but when I try to get search terms data from a campaign it fails all the time. POST{campaignId}/searchterms {"data":null,"pagination":null,"error":{"errors":[{"messageCode":"SERVER_ERROR","message":"The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete request: a0fb9e30-c76e-45eb-a709-1e4994935420","field":""}]}} or urllib3.exceptions.ReadTimeoutError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Read timed out. (read timeout=30) Is the apple server down? Is there a status page to see that Apple Search Ads API is available or not?
Sep ’23
rate limits identfying in reports/campaigns
trying using > and got rate limit exceeded can you please send me what is the rate limiter fro this endpoint i tried getting that (user-hour-lim) from headers in the response but didnt find it . SO WHAT is the best way to catch this ? answer:"The API presents rate limits to users in an HTTP header. Every response from the API includes an X-Rate-Limit HTTP header. Its value has the form:" but it not apper in postman
Sep ’23
Apple Search Ads Creative Hierarchy
I want to make sure I understand the relationship between ads creatives and CPPS. From the UI I tried playing around with it and I didn't see an option to attach a creative only to build ads based on selecting different CPPs. However in the API documentation you do have creative objects. And I'm trying to understand if the creatives are what are used to build CPPs or the other way round .
Aug ’23
"The ads are not working properly in the Today Tap on Apple Search Ads."
"Last year, all the apps I had for sale could advertise in the Today Tap across all countries where they were available. However, I am now selling adult content and products with in-app subscriptions, and I am trying to advertise them on Today Tap, but it is only possible in South Korea. Even when I inquire, they refuse to answer, claiming it's confidential. So, even if I modify the category, advertising is not possible. Do I have to not have any age restrictions or in-app purchases to advertise on Today Tap? They won't tell me what the review criteria are. They should tell me so I can comply with them."
Aug ’23
A Leak in the iPhone App Store, Just on iPhone, Spammers are Affecting the keyword suggested apps, It needs serious attention
It is in the iPhone App Store of Australia, Canada, Germany, France,... Recently, The Spam applications have been growing in the App Store and these apps are using fake activities to upgrade the rank of their apps in the App Store. They have a trick to deceive the App Store for accepting their spam and duplicated apps. The trick is that these scammers design their app only for iPhone and only in a specific language and then request to release the app in that specific country. They had find this leak to deceive the App store in order to have their spam apps to be accepted in the Appstore for publishing, They know very well that the App store accepts their spam apps, because the app store mainly accepts apps in a certain language, no matter if they are duplicate or spam apps, the App Store will accept. This is the leak. Please be notified that this trick is working just for iPhone apps. After a while, They add new languages and ask to be published in the App Store of different countries by adding different languages to the app, One by one, and then with the help of too many bot downloads and posting fake high rates and reviews, Their apps will be the first ranked suggested app in important and popular keywords, Even without paying for Search Ads or so. This is quite evident in the stores of Canada, Australia and Germany, Kindly please search the keyword “PDF editor” in the store of Canada And check the activity of thi app : This is a new app, With no feedback from the users, But this is the first app ranked in the keyword “PDF Editor” in the Canada App Store, This is happening just by using bots to make too many downloads on this keyword for this app, If you check it deeply, You will find out most of the parts of this app is not available in English yet while they add English Language like Payment forms. These are other apps who are using this method to publish their apps and making their apps high ranked in important keywords by using the described fake activities, You should consider that affecting the App store algorithms are against the App store guidelines, and these apps are exactly doing this and all these activities are against App Store guidelines, So you should take this report seriously. This leak has been in the App Store for a long time and I reported before many times but it seems it is not clearing deeply.
Aug ’23
Isn't there anyone at Apple Search Ads who understands the intent of the question?
I clearly see that Today tab advertising is only available for a specific country, and I don't understand why they aren't answering why it doesn't appear for other countries. The app is on sale in democratic countries, excluding communist and autocratic nations. Hello, Thank you for reaching out to Apple Search Ads. Upon reviewing your app ‘’, we have confirmed that it is currently only possible to advertise in the Today tab domestically. Eligibility of your app for the Today tab is continually reviewed based on current Apple policies and restrictions. We apologize, but we cannot provide detailed information about the review process. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. If you have any other inquiries, please let us know. We will do our best to assist you. Thank you, Apple Search Ads Team For rapid mastery of Apple Search Ads Advanced, learn more about Apple Search Ads certification: On 3 Aug 2023 at 6:36 pm, .com> wrote: Campaign Name: Description: The app has passed a customized page review and if you select Today tab advertising, it's impossible to select abroad. I don't know why.
Aug ’23
Search Ads Basic - White / Blank screen
Since about 6 weeks I'm not able to load the Search Ads Basic screen. It just shows a white screen. I tried several browsers, different computers, all yielding the same results. Search Ads Advanced load fine. I have several Basic campaigns running which I cannot adapt now. Meanwhile Apple is charging my credit card for campaigns that I cannot modify! I reached out to Apple support, but after 15 business days still waiting for a response.. Pretty unacceptable. When I check the browser JS console, I'm seeing this error message when loading the Search Ads Basic screen. Error: Uncaught (in promise): ut: {"headers":{"normalizedNames":{},"lazyUpdate":null},"status":400,"statusText":"OK","url":"","ok":false,"name":"HttpErrorResponse","message":"Http failure response for 400 OK","error":{"error":{"errorMsg":"HTTP 500 Server Error","errorCode":null,"internalErrorCode":"TORO-API-Reporting001-Get-Metrics"},"status":"error","requestID":"54812696-a024-4a64-b953-922a43e237a0_1689313208025.EB5B158"}} G — zone.js:1213 Anybody has any clue what I can do?
Jul ’23
This campaign is no longer eligible to run in one or more countries or regions.
Hello, I used to have running campaigns in mostly all regions, but recently I got this message on some of the countries that were previously added and have recently become ineligible. It shows a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark next to them saying "This campaign is no longer eligible to run in one or more countries or regions.". However I think my app respects and complies with all Policies, so I don't think I am in Violation with them. Do you know how to apply/request a manual review on advertising in these countries. P.S I was in contact with Apple Support but they only responded by giving directions to the Policy and Guidelines sections, which is not a helpful response in any ways.
Oct ’23
Failed to verify your identity. Try Again - Error on AppStore Connect / Developer / SearchAds
This error appeared yesterday out of the blue. I'd been on working on an app update and later in the day when I tried to log in again I immediately get the error, "Failed to verify your identity. Try Again". No verification code is sent and it's not a password issue, as that's a different error. I'm able to log in to iOS devices and Apple's apps, like the App Store Connect App. I was even able to log in to the Apple Support App and change my password, but I still couldn't access any Apple websites. If I try to log in to, searchads,,, or I immediately get the same error and no 2FA code is sent. I've seen online that others have had this issue and some resolved it by appending a verification code to the end of their password, but that hasn't worked for me. (Even though Apple's sites fail to send the 2FA I was able to get a code by going into iOS Settings->iCloud->Passwords & Security->Send Code). Has anyone had this issue and been able to resolve it? I've seen online that people have periodically experienced this issue for years, but I've seen no solution other than the code-appending trick. Apple Developer Support and regular Apple Support haven't been able to help so far (they also told me to try appending a 2FA code to my password). I had to create another Apple ID just to be able to get back into this forum and also the Contact Support page. But now that I have a support case the only way I can communicate with the rep is by logging in with the ID that actually has the login issue. The issue may be rare, but it's been around for several years and Apple has set up its support systems in a way that makes it extremely difficult to get support in these circumstances. In fact, regular Apple Support has no ability to even transfer a call to Developer support. If anyone can help me with this I'll buy you a beer--heck, several beers. Thanks
Oct ’23