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Posts under Wallet tag

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Q: what enrollment or application needed to implement Apple Access with Express Mode?
Hi. I'm planning of creating a system for in-office access control that allows putting employee ID card in Apple Wallet to unlock the door without unlocking iPhone, something like HID Global's Employee Badge in Apple Wallet. I searched and it seems that Apple Access is suitable for unlocking the office door, but I couldn't find any relevant development documentation. What kind of enrollment or application is required to put my employee ID card in Apple Wallet with Apple Access and use Express mode? Also, could one share any related development documents please? Thank you in advance.
Apple Pay - Payment Processing Certificate
Hey there, I have a question about the Payment Processing Certificate. Does this certificate need to be in an account that is only using Push Provisioning in the apps? We don't have any payments being made in app. Do the Wallet app use this certificate to make the payments? Or only stores uses it to make in-app payments? The final question is: can we remove this certificate?
Custom Push Notification for Apple Wallet Pass not Showing up on iPhone
I've implemented pass generation successfully and it's updated through Apple's silent notification, which updates the passes to their latest versions. I want to send some marketing push notifications to the Apple Wallet App as shown in my post at stackoverflow. Here is the Silent notification implementation, which is working perfectly fine. const options: apn.ProviderOptions = { token: { key: fs.readFileSync("./certs/APNs_AuthKey_7YYF346FU5.p8"), keyId: "******", teamId: "******", }, pfx: fs.readFileSync("./certs/private_key.pem"), cert: fs.readFileSync("./certs/certificate.pem"), production: true, rejectUnauthorized: true, }; const apnProvider = new apn.Provider(options); async function sendSilentPushNotification( deviceTokens: string[], serialNumber: string ) { try { const notification = new apn.Notification(); notification.topic = ""; notification.payload = { aps: { "content-available": 1, }, serialNumber, }; notification.priority = 5; return await apnProvider.send(notification, deviceTokens); } catch (error) { logger.error("Apple Notification error: " + error); return error; } } Here is the marketing notification I am trying to send, it is working with success, but I don't see any notification on mobile phone. please help me to fix it. async function sendCustomPushNotification( deviceTokens: string[], serialNumber: string, title: string, body: string, category?: string, badge?: number ) { try { const notification = new apn.Notification(); notification.topic = ""; // Set the title and body of the notification notification.alert = { title: title, subtitle: "Pass Update", body: body, }; // Set the sound to play when the notification is received notification.sound = "default"; // Set the badge number on the app icon (optional) if (badge !== undefined) { notification.badge = badge; } notification.contentAvailable = true; notification.mutableContent = true; notification.aps.category = category; notification.aps.alert = { title: title, body: body, }; notification.aps.badge = badge; notification.aps["content-available"] = 1; notification.aps["launch-image"] = ""; // You can still include the serialNumber in the custom payload notification.payload = { serialNumber: serialNumber, aps: { "content-available": 1, "mutable-content": 1, "interruption-level": "time-sensitive", }, }; // Set to high priority notification.priority = 10; return await apnProvider.send(notification, deviceTokens); } catch (error) { logger.error("Apple Notification error: " + error); return error; } } I literally receive a success response from api returning the device pushToken with no errors. However, no notification show on my iPhone
RFID connection between iPhones
Hi, I'm inquiring in regards to the feasibility or possibility of making a connection from iPhone to another, such that one iPhone uses Apple wallet, and another iPhone would detect for the signal within the app. Please let me know if this is feasible or if any more information would be necessary to assist. If this is possible, what documentation would be relevant? Thank you.
Mixing capabilities from different Pass Types
I'm looking into developing a Pass that drills down into other screens and would add buttons below a pass. I'm finding it hard to get any information on these capabilities. Does anyone have any resources that might help. Essentially, mixing features between different pass types (payment cards, generic passes, etc).
Apple Wallet Push Notifications: Sending in logs but not appearing on phone
I am unable to receive push notifications through my Apple Wallet pass. Based on the documents I have read, I have set up my APN provider and should be sending all the necessary information. Furthermore, my logs show that I am successfully sending my notification to APN, so it is confusing that no notification appears on my phone. Below are my code snippets: apnProvider.js: const path = require('path'); const options = { cert: path.resolve(__dirname, '../certificates/signerCert.pem'), key: path.resolve(__dirname, '../certificates/signerKey.pem'), passphrase: 'test', production: true }; const apnProvider = new apn.Provider(options); module.exports = apnProvider; APN provider using an auth key (currently not being used but was previously and provided the same success message): token: { key: path.resolve(__dirname, '../certificates/AuthKey_627HR2YX2S.p8'), keyId: "627HR2YX2S", teamId: "72J45J9PH3" }, production: true }); API Rout: const { userId } = req.body; console.log(`Received POST request on /api/send-notification for user`); try { console.log(`Sending notification to user: ${userId}`); const user = await User.findById(userId); if (user && user.deviceToken) { console.log('User Name:', user.firstName, user.lastName); console.log('Device Token:', user.deviceToken); let notification = new apn.Notification(); notification.expiry = Math.floor( / 1000) + 3600; notification.badge = 1; notification.sound = 'default'; notification.alert = 'Hello World'; notification.payload = { messageFrom: 'Kudjo' }; notification.topic = ''; console.log(`Sending notification to device token: ${user.deviceToken}`); console.log(`Notification payload:`, notification.payload); apnProvider.send(notification, user.deviceToken).then(response => { console.log('Push notification sent:', response); res.status(200).json({ message: 'Notification sent' }); }).catch(error => { console.error('Error sending push notification:', error); res.status(500).json({ message: 'Error sending notification One' }); }); } else { console.log('User or device token not found'); res.status(404).json({ message: 'User or device token not found' }); } } catch (error) { console.log('Error sending notification:', error); res.status(500).json({ message: 'Error sending notification Two' }); } }); Thank you for your help!
Custom Push Notifications for Apple Wallet Pass Not Received
Hello everyone, I'm having trouble with sending custom push notifications for Apple Wallet passes. Here's what I've done so far: Registered a new pass: I receive a deviceToken for the pass. Enabled Push Notifications: Push notifications for the Apple Wallet app and the specific pass are enabled on my phone. Added the Key for Push Notifications: I've added the necessary key for push notifications. I use following code to send the message via APNS: const tokenKey = fs.readFileSync(options.tokenPath).toString(); jwtToken = sign({}, tokenKey, { algorithm: 'ES256', expiresIn: '1h', issuer: options.teamId, header: { alg: 'ES256', kid: options.keyId } }); const client = http2.connect(''); const notificationPayload = JSON.stringify({ aps: { "alert" : "Hello" } }); // and try //{ // "aps": { // "alert": "Your pass has been updated!", // "sound": "default" // }, // "pass-type-identifier": "", // "serial-number": "123456789", // "device-token": "<deviceToken>" //} const request = client.request({ ':method': 'POST', ':path': `/3/device/${deviceToken}`, 'apns-topic': topicId, 'apns-push-type': 'alert', 'authorization': `bearer ${jwtToken}`, 'apns-priority': 10, 'content-type': 'application/json', 'content-length': Buffer.byteLength(notificationPayload) }); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { request.on('response', (headers, flags) => { for (const name in headers) { console.log(`${name}: ${headers[name]}`); } }); request.on('data', (chunk: string) => console.log(chunk)); request.on('end', () => { client.close(); resolve(); }); request.on('error', (err) => { console.error('Error sending push notification:', err); reject(err); }); request.write(notificationPayload); request.end(); }); When I send the message, I receive a :status:200 and a apns-ID, indicating that the message has been sent. However, I do not receive the custom push notifications on my phone. The pass updates are received without any issues, but the notifications are not. Has anyone encountered this issue or know if it's possible to send custom push notifications for Apple Wallet passes in this manner? Any guidance on how to resolve this issue would be greatly appreciated.
Multiple Apple pass bundles
I have an online booking website that have a button to Add the Passes to the wallet, my problem is sometimes the bundle can have more than 10 passes, which is a limitation as shown in: what is the best practice to handle multiple bundles on web or more than 10 passes and is there websites that provide pass bundles, that i can check ?
Inquiry Regarding Customization Options in dotnet-passbook Library for wallet passes
I hope this message finds you well. I am currently utilizing dotnet-passbook within .NET for a project and have several inquiries regarding its capabilities. Firstly, I am interested in creating custom passes that do not adhere strictly to Apple's predefined styles. Could you please confirm if dotnet-passbook supports the creation of custom passes with unique styles? Secondly, I would like to inquire about the possibility of modifying text sizes and styles within passes generated using dotnet-passbook. Does the library provide functionality for such customization? Your insights into these questions would be greatly appreciated, as they are crucial for the ongoing development of my project. Thank you in advance for your time and assistance. Best regards,
Jun ’24
Wallet Passes generate unreadable qrcode
Hi, I work in a ticketing company and we used Wallet passes. Everything works great but some venues report that some qrcodes are unreadable. I have one example. All information is present but the qrcode could not be read. We tested multiple readers. The information in the qrcode is only numeric, so ti is not an encoding issue. What can cause this issue ?
Jun ’24
Import a debit/credit card directly from a web app into the iPhone's wallet
Hi, I know it's currently possible to import a virtual debit/credit card from a mobile app into the IOS Wallet using PassKit from the Apple SDK, but I haven't seen any documentation to do it directly from a web app, could you please tell me if it is possible to do it directly from a web app without using a mobile app? And if so, point me to some documentation? Thanks in advance
Jun ’24
Wallet pass default localization rules
There must be some rules that determine which set of localized strings of an Apple Wallet pass (.pkpass) is used when the choice is not obvious. For instance, I made a pass with localization folders ko.lproj (Korean) pl.lproj (Polish) zh-Hans.lproj (Chinese). If any of these languages is in my iPhone's preferred languages (Settings... General... Language & Region), then it's easy: the first one on that list is used. But what if the list does not have any of them? When I try, it seems the Chinese localization is chosen by the Wallet app. Without the Chinese localization folder, it is Korean. If I also add ar.lproj (Arabic) then Arabic is chosen. I can't discern any system here. How does Wallet choose the default localization?
Jun ’24
WWDC24: Hands-free unlock w/ HomeKit
Hey there! I'm thrilled about the latest from WWDC24. I'm particularly keen on a feature announced for the HomeKit ecosystem called "Hands-free unlock". I'm eager to learn more about how this feature operates and how I can integrate it into my locks and access control systems. Could anyone please provide more details on how it works and how to implement it? P.S - I wasn't able to find any information about this in the IOS 18 Developer release notes.
Jun ’24