App Store Connect

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App Store Connect is a suite of tools for submitting and managing your apps and in-app purchases on the App Store.

App Store Connect Documentation






Is it Possible to make two account Holder in one apple ID?
Hi,I am member of apple developer account with App manger role. I need to Generate App specific password and Attach that password to App center account.As per my information only account holder can do this work. I know that he (account holder ) can transfer his role to some one else. But due to some problem he can not leave his role. So, i want to know is there any possiblity so that he (account holder) can assign another account holder to me. Is it possible to have two account holder in one apple ID?Please help,Thanks in Advance.
Jun ’19
Cannot Renew Apple Developer Membership
Hi Everyone,I've been trying desperately to renew my Apple Developer membership for weeks without success.Upon logging in, I receive the prompt below:Your Apple Developer Program membership has expired.Renew your membership to keep your access to program benefits and services. Once renewed, be sure to agree to your Paid Applications Agreement in the Agreements, Tax and Banking section of App Store Connect.After providing my information (identical to my enrollment information) and credit card details, I receive a notification and email stating my order has been received and will be processed within 48 hours. My credit card is not charged at any point (should it be charged immediately) and the prompt above still appears on my dashboard. I receive no communication after 48 hours and the prompt remains on the dashboard.I have tried:Contacting my bank - no issues their side.Multiple credit cards - same issue.Contacting Apple Dev Support (3 weeks ago) - they haven't been able to provide a solution after multiple back-and-forths.I'm at a complete loss, and we desperately need to get back up and running so we can submit an app. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, and I'd be happy to provide more information.Thanks,Shaun
Dec ’19
ITMS-90426: Invalid Swift Support
Hi,Having issues uploading our build to App Store Connect for use in TestFlight. We get a success when building through Xcode, but we get an email after it uploads via archive manager stating "ITMS-90426: Invalid Swift Support - The SwiftSupport folder is missing. Rebuild your app using the current public (GM) version of Xcode and resubmit it.". We have confirmed that we don't have any Swift dependencies and that we are running the latest Xcode (v11.3.1). We've also tried to build/deploy this on multiple computers with the same error. Our app was built using Unity, then brought into Xcode to build/deploy from there. We have never had any Swift dependencies in our project. We are able to deploy directly to our devices, but it seems that the only time we run into issues is trying to. Any help is appreciated.
Feb ’20
Changing an App's Primary Language is broken in New App Store Connect
The new (2020) App Store Connect seems to have a bug which prevents changing the primary language of an app. I am familiar with the process, as I have changed the primary language of apps just prior to the 2020 App Store Connect update. To change the primary language, you must first manually add screenshots for the language that you want to be primary, and they must be approved for the App Store, you can normally then change the primary language for the app in the next update afterwards. While I now have the drop-down menu for the primary language, (in the past this indicates that the screenshot requirements are met) selecting the new language now produces an error: You must first provide all the required screenshots for each version in this language I am 100% certain that all screenshots are provided for the language on all platforms. I have been through this process for other apps shortly before the update. In my case, all required screenshots for iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch. None of the screenshots are being derived from another localization’s screenshots. However, I notice that the media manager in the new 2020 App Store Connect, doesn't allow you to un-check or disable deriving screenshots for platforms that you're not submitting screenshots for. In my case, my app is not an iMessage app, but the media manager is deriving iMessage screenshots (none) from the old primary language. I guess this is causing the bug, because my (0) iMessage screenshots are still being derived from the old primary language. I have just submitted a new update with dummy iMessage screenshots for each localization, however I suspect it will be rejected because it's not an iMessage app. Has anybody else managed to get around this issue, or is someone from support able to help? I contacted Apple Developer Support with a detailed explanation, but they simply replied with the normal instructions for changing the language, which does not address the actual issue I described.
Jun ’20
It says: "There are still screenshot uploads in progress." when submit a new build
I'm submitting a new version of my app, and after click "submit for Review", it show that: A few more items are needed in order to submit for review The items listed below are required for submission:There are still screenshot uploads in progress. I didn't met this problem before. Is that mean I haven't upload all the screenshot required or it's still uploading the screenshots to App Store Connect's server? Cause before there is a "save" button after you drag images to the screenshots area, now you don't. And I think I have uploaded all the screenshots needed and I waited a day to try submit again, still the same. What should I do?
Jun ’20
Unable to select build in App Store Connect
Is anyone else having issues with App Store Connect since Apple updated it last week? I am unable to select a build after uploading. The build shows up in the Activity tab and is processed. I also get an email telling me the build was processed successfully. I have tried uploading using altool, transporter and fastlane. This was working 2 weeks ago before they updated the website last week. I have lodged calls with Apple support but it's not getting anywhere.
Jun ’20
Remove macOS app from the App Store
Hello, With the new App Store Connect, iOS apps become available on the new Macs with Apple Silicon natively. A couple of my apps got quite some complications with Catalyst and do not need it anymore. I would like to know how to completely remove a platform from App Store Connect, without impacting the iOS version, so that I can let my iOS app be available on the Mac App Store instead of the Catalyst app. Thank you
Jun ’20
On App Store Connect all apps show "Sorry, something went wrong. Try your request again. If the problem continues, contact us."
Hi, We have an important deadline based update we need to release today but all the apps on the app store show this error "Sorry, something went wrong. Try your request again. If the problem continues, contact us." We have a time sensitive update we need to release so please help fix this problem.
Aug ’20
Xcode 12.0 GM (12A7208) fails to submit for review
I just downloaded Xcode 12 GM, submitted my app to AppStore Connect, click on "Submit for Review" and I get this error: Unable to Submit for Review The items below are required to start the review process: New apps and app updates must be built with the public (GM) versions of Xcode 11 or later, iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS SDKs. Apps built with beta versions aren’t allowed. Anyone else seeing this?
Sep ’20
How do we find out User information form Apple server notifications?
How do we find out User information from Apple server notifications? I have created a user and purchased an In app product from Apple . I have received a INITIALBUY notification from the App store. Apple ID : User : ABC (User id :111) The JSON receipt contains the following fields. "latestreceiptinfo": { "transactionid": "1000000657540200", "originaltransactionid": "1000000657537943", "quantity": "1", "subscriptiongroupidentifier": "20623048", "isinintroofferperiod": "false", "purchasedatepst": "2020-04-27 23:41:05 America/LosAngeles", "istrialperiod": "false", "expiresdateformattedpst": "2020-04-27 23:46:05 America/LosAngeles", "productid": "com.***.iap1.5", "weborderlineitemid": "1000000052078939", "uniquevendoridentifier": "xxxxxx-xxxxxxx" }, I have created one more user  from the same Apple id and purchased the same product. Apple ID : User : XYZ (User id :222)   "latestreceiptinfo": { "transactionid": "1000000657540202", "originaltransactionid": "1000000657537943",    "productid": "com.***.iap1.5", "weborderlineitemid": "1000000052078942", "uniquevendoridentifier": "xxxxxx-xxxxxxx" },   I have store user information based on productid-  originaltransaction_id =>user -  com.***.iap1.5 - 1000000657537943 -ABC - com.***.iap1.5 -  1000000657537943 -XYZ In this case I could not track the user information.Duplication will come From the same Apple id ,2 different users buy the same product Apple will give the same original transaction Id. Is there any other field to differentiate transactions to find users ? Is there any option to include User name on JSON server notification from App store.
Sep ’20
Errors occurred in the app thinning process
Hello, Me and my team is currently having problems with a tvOS app we are trying to submit for review. Every time we upload a binary to App Store Connect we get back the following mail While processing your tvOS app, errors occurred in the app thinning process, and your app couldn’t be thinned. If your app contains bitcode, bitcode processing may have failed. Because of these errors, this build of your app will not be able to be submitted for review or placed on the App Store. For information that may help resolve this issue, see Tech Note 2432. Best regards,The App Store Team We have tried to follow the troubleshooting proposed in the Tech Note 2432 and exporting for Ad Hoc worked only when using Xcode 11.6 and not Xcode 12, and nothing else we tried with Xcode 12 worked. All of this leads me to believe that there is something on apple side that might cause problems with the binary uploaded. Does anyone have any information on this?
Sep ’20
Generate App Specific Shared Secret
Hi, I am trying to generate or view the App-specific-shared-secret in App Store Connect to validate the receipts made by the subscriptions so when I click the link I only see a info modal and not the key, is there a permission problem? I tried following the following path in Apple Connect > My Apps -> Select My App -> In-App Purchases -> App-Specific Share Secret
Oct ’20