App Store Connect

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App Store Connect is a suite of tools for submitting and managing your apps and in-app purchases on the App Store.

App Store Connect Documentation






Re-enabling cancelled subscription before the expiry date
My app has a single subscription group called Premium that contains two products with different billing periods - monthly and yearly. All tests are made in Apples's Sandbox environment with sandbox user. I am currently testing a scenario, where the user is subscribed to the monthly product, subsequently cancels the subscription from the App Store subscriptions page, and before the subscription expires, he wants to re-enable it (same monthly product). If the subscription is re-enabled from the App Store subscriptions page, my server gets a notification about the changed subscription renewal status and everything works well. This scenario is documented at the bottom of the page here: I however also want to support the scenario where the user can re-enable the subscription before it expires from the app itself. To do so, if the subscription is cancelled, but not yet expired, I show the user a button Re-activate. When this button is clicked, I initiate a purchase of the same monthly product, the IAP correctly shows the payment sheet and once I click Subscribe in the In App Purchase payment sheet, it goes through without any issues. However, my app subsequently receives a callback that the purchase failed: <SKPaymentQueue: 0x280f1fa10>: Payment completed with error: Error Domain=ASDErrorDomain Code=500 "Unhandled exception" UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x2803a4720 {Error Domain=AMSErrorDomain Code=301 "Invalid Status Code" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Invalid Status Code, AMSURL=, AMSStatusCode=500, NSLocalizedFailureReason=The response has an invalid status code}}, NSLocalizedFailureReason=An unknown error occurred, NSLocalizedDescription=Unhandled exception} This seems like the purchase failed with invalid status, but strangely enough, my server receives a notification that the subscription renewal status was changed to AUTO_RENEW_ENABLED and if I check the App Store subscriptions, I can see that its not cancelled anymore. The subscription also gets renewed at the end of the billing period, where it would have otherwise been cancelled. So in other words, everything seems to work except the purchase error above. My question is, what could be the reason for this? Perhaps Apple does not support re-enabling subscription directly from the App, but only from the App Store subscription page? Or perhaps its just a limitation of Apple's sandbox environment and I would not receive this payment error in production environment?
May ’24
Problem with adding bank account to meet the Paid Apps Agreement
Hi, I have a problem with adding a bank account to meet the conditions of the Paid Apps Agreement in App Store Connect. I have tried several times, and each time my account status is "verifying" and then changes back to "pending user info." I don't receive any explanation via email as to why this is happening; I only see these yellow messages that are very vague and don't explain much. I don't know exactly what is wrong and why it is not passing the verification. I have tried adding both a scan of my passport and my ID card, but nothing works. Has anyone had a similar situation? (I'm from Poland)
May ’24
New iPad 13" screenshots with App Store Connect API
The App Store Connect API documentation still doesn't list the new 13" iPad display type: When adding screenshots to 13" iPads on the website, they still seem to use the display type APP_IPAD_PRO_3GEN_129 when listed by the API, and uploading to that same type uploads them to the 13" display type instead, but then there is the requirement that one still has to upload screenshots for 12.9" display type, without an apparent way of doing so. I would expect to have an option to upload to 13" display type that is also used for 12.9" display type. Do we have to wait for Apple to update the documentation or does someone know a workaround?
May ’24
App Store Connect incorrectly considering submission from Xcode as Beta
When attempting to add a recent build to an External test group, I am receiving the error: This build is using a beta version of Xcode and can’t be submitted. Make sure you’re using the latest version of Xcode or the latest seed release found on the releases tab in News and Updates This build is a macOS app built with Unity, which is then codesigned, packaged with productbuild, and then uploaded with xcrun altool --upload-package. The version of Xcode being used was released about a week ago. Xcode Version 15.4 (15F31d), built of an Intel Mac Mini running macOS 14.4.1 (23E224). I have seen threads in the past about this, but nothing recent. (1,2)
May ’24
I can't delete my app due to subscription is in review that already was removed
Hello, I can't delete my app because my subscription group was in 'Waiting for Review' status. Then I deleted subscriptions and all subscription groups. The steps I followed: Submitted app to the review (new app) App Store Team Rejected I decided to make changes in the app Submitted new build for the review App was in the status "Waiting for the review" I decided to don't publish my app Removed Subscription groups and removed app from the sale Tried to delete the app Now I can't delete the app. Is there way to delete this app? I don't like having an app that isn't published to App Store. In other words, I don't want to see this app in the App Store Connect
May ’24
Error: Product ID already in use
Hi everyone, I created an IAP When I filled a the information in the require database, my internet was broken. When the internet in working normally, I create it again (I didn't save it before I lost my internet) The system reported an error "The Product ID you entered is already being used by another in-app purchase associated with this app." Question: Why can't I reuse a Product ID that I haven't saved before? Please reply to me soon, Thank you so much
May ’24
Can't request Analytic Reports with access_type ONE_TIME_SNAPSHOT : error 409
Hello everyone, I need to get the number of downloads of my application. I'm trying to use the Analytics Reports feature to do so. It works well with the ONGOING access_type, but when I try to request a ONE_TIME_SNAPSHOT I get a 409 with the following response : {'errors': [{'id': 'XXXXX', 'status': '409', 'code': 'STATE_ERROR', 'title': 'The request cannot be fulfilled because of the state of another resource.', 'detail': 'You already have such an entity'}]} But when I list all the analytics report requests for this application it returns no entities. Anyone has a solution ?
May ’24
Assistance with Configuring Free Tier and In-App Purchases for Cordova App
Hi, Thanks for getting back to me regarding my query. I'm developing a Cordova app that includes games with an initial free tier and additional tiers available through in-app purchases. Here’s a detailed explanation of what I’m aiming to achieve: Users can play a set of games for free initially (Free Tier). After playing a certain number of games, users can purchase additional game tiers: Tier 1: Adds 3 more games. Tier 2: Adds 6 more games. Tier 3: Adds 9 more games. Users can continue playing the games in any purchased tier indefinitely. If users do not wish to purchase additional tiers, they can continue playing the free tier games with limited themes but without restrictions on play count. Questions: How can I configure App Store Connect to offer the Free Tier initially and then present the in-app purchase options for the additional tiers? Is there a specific configuration in App Store Connect that supports this model, or do I need to handle this logic within the app itself? I appreciate any guidance you can provide on setting this up correctly. Best regards, T
May ’24
Asset validation failed (90085): Static Framework Embedded in Dynamic Framework
One of our apps got hit by the ITMS-91065: Missing Signature issue when we attempted to distribute it to externally via TestFlight. The email said FirebaseCore is missing the signature file within our own framework. After investigation, I realized our recent update to the version of Firebase that has the proper signatures and privacy manifest wasn't enough by itself. Similar to Apple's own instructions on embedding static frameworks since Xcode 15, Firebase instructs us to select the Embed & Sign option. After making the appropriate changes though, we're getting the error in Transporter: Asset validation failed (90085): No architectures in the binary Our setup is as follows: We have an analytics dynamic framework, which depends on Firebase's static framework. The Firebase related frameworks are embedded and signed in our analytics framework. Our app depends on the analytics dynamic framework, which now includes Firebase frameworks within its framework. Since the Firebase frameworks are static, only the Info.plist and the resource bundle with privacy manifest and another Info.plist are included. After searching online, some suggest it's because of the Info.plist included. For example, FirebaseCore.framework, which specifies CFBundleExecutable yet it's not included within the framework itself. I don't expect the executable to get included here though. I opened an issue on Firebase's Github, which has more information. I am not sure how to proceed from here. Is there something I am missing? I would appreciate assistance. Thank you.
May ’24
Event Card Video, Event Details Page Video stuck in processing
Hi, When I uploaded 2 videos in the Event Card Video, and Event Details Page Video section of a new In-App Event, both are showing processing for a long time. I'm trying to upload videos for the first time in an in-app event, is it normal to take longer time on video processing? The video dimension is 1920x1080 with 30fps for the event card video, and 1080x1920 with 30fps for the event details page video. Please let me know if you have any tips.
May ’24
Internal Apple Developer team member does not appear in TestFlight. (User is in limbo)
I have a team member who was deleted. I tried to re-add that team member immediately after deletion but that failed. However, portal still recognizes that user as a member of the team. This results in the following behavior. When trying to re-add the user to the team, I get a message saying they are already on the team. No new invite can be sent because I can't complete the add-user operation. In TestFlight, I do not see this user on the list/roster of possible internal testers. Has anyone seen this behavior before and if so, how did you fix it?
May ’24
Can't create new version
When I try to create 1.1 (which is a new version), I get the following message: Additionally, if I try to create another version, let's say 1.1.1 or 2.0, I just get same error. When inspecting the call, this is the result: { "errors" : [ { "id" : "48d65ae9-b7d5-44cb-85a6-b7295202f13b", "status" : "409", "code" : "ENTITY_ERROR.RELATIONSHIP.INVALID", "title" : "The provided entity includes a relationship with an invalid value", "detail" : "You cannot create a new version of the App in the current state.", "source" : { "pointer" : "/data/relationships/app" } } ]
May ’24
Submission rejected has mention App Review Guideline 3.1.5(iii)
We’re looking forward to completing our review, but we need additional information about your app's cryptocurrency exchange services. This information is required to review the app for compliance with App Review Guideline 3.1.5(iii), which requires exchange services only be offered in countries or regions where the app has appropriate licensing and permissions to provide a cryptocurrency exchange. Next Steps Please provide the following information and/or documentation: Confirm in which specific countries or regions you intend to make your app's cryptocurrency exchange services available. Provide documentary evidence of the licensing and permissions for the cryptocurrency exchange services in your app for all of the countries or regions where your app is available. The documentation you provide should indicate where you intend to distribute your app. Provide links to government websites that display the licenses you've secured to provide exchange services in all the countries or regions where your app is available. Provide information on the third-party exchange APIs that your app connects with, including links to public APIs and documentation of partnership with specific third-party exchanges. Do the cryptocurrency exchange transactions occur between the users and the exchange(s) or do you, as the developer, handle the transaction requests with the exchange(s) directly? Are the cryptocurrency exchange features provided in your app decentralized, centralized, or a mix of decentralized and centralized exchange features? Does your app offer new or exclusive tokens or cryptocurrency to users? If so, which ones and on which exchanges can users obtain the currency? Explain the precautions you've taken to comply with anti-money laundering ("AML") and Know Your Customer ("KYC") requirements. If you intend to distribute your app in the United States, provide a copy of your Money Services Business (MSB) registration. Additionally, confirm that you will restrict your app's availability to the states listed on your MSB registration. I'm so confused about this. The reviewer has mention about cryptocurrency exchange services. We enrolled as an organization, in our app doesn't provide cryptocurrency exchange. We just provide decentralized application for users to easily interact with our smart contracts. Basically, all transactions calling smart contracts are generated by our DApps and presented to the users for further verification (meta mask, trust wallet etc) before being sent to the blockchain. So, our app doesn't have any control of user crypto assets. I have no idea. If we need licensing and permissions for the cryptocurrency exchange services. Because, we don't provide cryptocurrency exchange in our app. Am I missing something? anyone can help me to explaine for this case? Thanks
May ’24