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General Documentation






Application being rejected for gambling, without offering any real gambling.
Hi, We trying to deliver a application to App Store, but your app continuous rejected by Apple Review Team because our advertising banners. App Store Review Guideline 5.3.4. Specifically, your app does not meet the following requirement(s): - You have not provided documentation showing you have the required licensing and permissions to distribute your app in all the countries or regions you selected in App Store Connect. - Access to the app has not been restricted so it can only be used where you have the required license. We don't offer any gambling feature and not mention gambling in your app. Also, we competently remove our banners from app, but still rejecting by team. We really stuck about that. How we can approve our app with banner? We can see thousand apps with banners in App Store with gambling banners.
Nov ’23
Is the Apple root certificate in the App Store Server API response always 'Apple Root CA - G3'?
Is the Apple root certificate in the App Store Server API response always 'Apple Root CA - G3'? When isn't it? What criteria should I set for the 'performRevocationChecking' parameter value of the verifyChain method of the ChainVerifier class in the App Store Server Library? I am implementing the 'App Store Server API' call myself. Do you include the root certificate in the certificate chain verification process? Can root certificates be forged?
Dec ’23
AppStoreConnect - Reports giving different numbers - which are right?
Hi, We are strugling to find out why some numbers in AppStoreConnect does not mach eachother. We have only 1 product - subscriptions in an app - nothing else. Yet - AppStoreConnect gives us: Payments and Financial report for oct: Sold - 1.545 units (which we translate as 1.545 subscriptions) Trends -> State -> Month ending 31st Oct says: 1.360 active subscriptions. I also went back to the very first months... Here I get: Payments and Financial reports: Jun-21: 106 Jul-21: 130 Aug-21: 135 Trends -> State -> Month ending: 30-jun-21: 5 31-jul-21: 125 31-aug-21: 156 So sometimes the number from one report is bigger than the other - and other times it is the other way around. I have read something about that it might be the dates, as the Apple calendar differs ... But that does not seem to explain things here, as I tried finding the exact date, where the Sold units from the payments report matched the state-report. Payments Jun-21: 106 State date July 24h: 106 Payments Jul-21: 130 State date Aug 8th: 131 So maybe the two numbers are stating different things - but what? It is of course important for us to be able to know which of the numbers we are to rely on when seeing the results of app-changes - and right now we know nothing, as there does not seem to be any logic to the numbers. We really hope someone can help. Best regards Nina
Dec ’23
help uploading game 3
Sorry but i have to create another thread because its an emergency and everytime i create a new topic, i get answers fast and then the topic is forgotten. I already got some information that i wanted to know but i still need all of it. I m talking about all the information i need to upload my game on apple store. Here are the questions given that im enrolling as a individual, not a company: If my game is free and it runs ads, who is paying me? apple or google?in my case(google ad program). Can I give them a revolut iban? its lithuania iban and im not from lithuania, is that a problem? Someone already told me I dont need proof of address. Also do i need to provide a phone number? is that a requirement? I want to know all the requirements both for apple and google to upload my game. Thanks
Dec ’23
App rejection for 2.3.7 - Performance - Accurate Metadata
My app name "Freepaystubnow" is one word and it's not indicate any price. also with the same name i uploaded this app with different account 2 month ago and it was approved but some reason i delete this app and now i try to upload same app (i change app bundle id) with new account this app but app store reject my app below reason Guideline 2.3.7 - Performance - Accurate Metadata Your app name to be displayed on the App Store include references to the price of your app or the service it provides, which is not considered a part of these metadata items.
Dec ’23
Donate all app revenue to charity
Hello, I have a paid app which I have been developing for a few years as a hobby, and which gives me some small revenue each month. I would like to donate all revenue to some charity. One reason is that the revenue is not yet big enough to make it worth dealing with the tax bureaucracy of my country each month. The ideal solution would be if the app store provided an option, instead of transferring the app revenue to my bank account each month to transfer all revenue directly to some charity, without me accepting any payments and interfering with payments in any way. This would completely eliminate all tax related bureaucracy and obligations from my side. The idea is that If at some point in the future, the app revenue increases to a point that makes it worth it, then, ideally, I would simply be able to direct revenues (or part of the revenues) to my own bank account again and work with the app full time. Has anyone encountered any similar problem? Can you see any other solution other than making my app completely free?
Dec ’23
How to configure settings to enable communication with the AppStore Watched post
premise We are planning to use self-produced App (published in AppStore) which is installed on our iPad in a closed network. We will implement the update of the app automatically. Question In order to allow the automatic update of the app in AppStore, do we need to allow communication with servers or domains? If it is a case, could you tell us the port number for this connection?
Dec ’23
getting Invalid Signature while uploading app to appstore from xcode
Invalid Signature. Code object is not signed at all. The file at path “” is not properly signed. Make sure you have signed your application with a distribution certificate, not an ad hoc certificate or a development certificate. Verify that the code signing settings in Xcode are correct at the target level (which override any values at the project level). Additionally, make sure the bundle you are uploading was built using a Release target in Xcode, not a Simulator target. If you are certain your code signing settings are correct, choose “Clean All” in Xcode, delete the “build” directory in the Finder, and rebuild your release target. For more information, please consult (ID: d25ff464-670d-4617-b383-d90a1808c491
Dec ’23
Can't Enroll from Apple Developer App
I can't enroll from the Apple Developer App even when my device is eligible for enrolling. Is it a problem from my Apple ID? Because my Apple ID is new and I want to enroll under the company's email (We used the director's name in the company's Apple ID). I don't know what's wrong and Apple Support hasn't been supporting at all at this matter. The problems: A person from the company tried to log in and enroll from the app but from another country/region than the country/region of the Apple ID. They logged in to the app but can't press the 'Enroll' button even though they have eligible apple device. The staffs from the country/region of the Apple ID doesn't have any apple device so they can't enroll from the app. If we use one device at a country/region of the Apple ID to enroll, but in the midst of enrolling, we have to commute to another country/region and continue the enrollment and payment at that other country. Is it okay? So sorry the question is a long one. We already wasted so much time in this enrolling process and it has taken a toll on us as a company. Hope someone can help answer my question, thank you! P.S We are an Indonesian company.
Dec ’23
Does Appstore Display your address publicly if you selected the individual account when AD's are in your App
I've been reading through the "Apple Developer Program License Agreement" and noticed something about sharing your "mailing address" with "third parties" which also includes "customer service inquires". Source: section 3.1, b."Your Obligations" [link:] The way it's worded seems like app store won't display your address out there for the world to see, like how these other app store services would do. I'm assuming it gives your address privately to the third party if requested, depending if the need for it is eligible. I don't mind that as long as it's not out there on the devs public profile in the open for anyone to see. My question is pretty much in the title, does App store publicly display your address when the developer is using an individual account? Also, if not, would monetising from your App in anyway (e.g. ADs etc.) change that that outcome?
Dec ’23
App Store Server Library production test notifications fail.
We're able to successfully perform test notifications using the app-store-server-library-python in SANDBOX environment, but the second we switch to PRODUCTION (for testing purposes), the call fails with 401 and it doesn't seem to reach our server at all. This suggests that something is wrong with singing production environment headers, however I've seen posts from others that suggest this is not specific to the App Store server library code. It's very clear that the libraries are marked Beta – however, most replies to questions about the v2 API are replied to with suggestions to use the library. Just FWIW – there's some contradictory advice there. Anyway, the main point is that we're currently blocked on making sure that our v2 API hooks are working properly, since we can't send production test notifications. Any idea why the signed requests would work to send sandbox test notifications, but not production environment? We've triple checked the URLs, etc – as far as we know, the private key should be the same regardless of environment. Thanks! (P.S. If anyone has been able to send v2 test notifications with the PRODUCTION environment, please let us know!)
Dec ’23
Switch to V2 with endpoint change not working in sandbox
Our live app uses V1 notifications in both production and sandbox. We deployed a new endpoint, registered it in the App Store, and switched to V2 for Sandbox only. After that, we created a subscription from a debug build with a sandbox account. This resulted in our old endpoint still being hit with V1 notifications. Do you have any idea what are we missing?
Dec ’23
Verifying identity on 2 different apple IDs
I'm already an owner of an AppStore with my individual company (let's call it CompanyOne), and another company for which I occasionaly work would like to give me ownership of their own store so I can manage it (let's call it CompanyTwo). I'm already an admin in the CompanyTwo's appstore, but my name does not appear in the list of person eligible for the store ownership: I suspect that this is because I already own another store (CompanyOne). As a workaround I created another apple ID, added that as an administrator in the CompanyTwo's appstore, and this new apple ID appears as eligible for ownership of the CompanyTwo's store. The problem is that in order to accept the ownership on the new apple ID I have to verify my identity. No problems with that but the Developer App says that "Your identity can be verified once and can't be verified again for other Apple IDs", and I already verified my identity with my old apple ID, which I would like to continue to use for accessing my own CompanyOne's appstore. How should I proceed in order to own both stores?
Dec ’23
appstore does not block illegal applications ?
I used to work for this company. They use an app I made (my app is legal). But they add an API switch feature to control the availability of the illegal content in the app. The accepted content is only a facade maintained until the app becomes available to users. Once it makes it to the store, the real content is loaded in a WebView. The real content is then delivered from a specific URL in a WebView. Only a valid IP address ( from Vietnam) used to query would cause the illegal content to load. Otherwise, the app continues with its store-approved functionality on both iOS and Android. My colleague tried to report this app to the authorities and apple but he received death threats. Now I have escaped that company (we are locked in an apartment) and I have tried to report this app many times to the appstore review team. They replied that they would look into it but strangely nothing happened This application : You guys can open it with IP address from Vietnam and it will be changed to gambling app with real money prize
Dec ’23
Apple installer command is returning error when run from a binary with Full Disk Access on Sonoma
I have a go binary that runs from /usr/local/bin. This application has the ability to update itself by downloading the latest .pkg from our company and running it with the installer command. Our application has also been granted Full Disk Access. The command that is run by our application looks like this: installer -pkg /tmp/ourInstaller.pkg -target /. This command works from a terminal (when run with sudo and when the terminal has Full Disk Access). It also has been working on all MacOS version above 10.15. With MacOS Sonoma on the M platform (not on an Intel device), this command has started to give the following error: installer: Package name is Agent Installer\ninstaller: Upgrading at base path /\ninstaller: The upgrade failed. (The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance. An unexpected error occurred while moving files to the final destination.)\n. This is an error we see when our application is not granted Full Disk Access, but as mentioned, our application has been granted Full Disk Access. Also, the installation appears to complete successfully, meaning the files are moved to the correct place, but the installation still errors. It seems to be erroring while copying the new binary to /usr/local/bin. In fact, it cannot copy any file to /usr/local/bin without erroring, even a simple text file. This leads me to believe that it may be erroring on trying to rollback the previous install, but since the binary has Full Disk Access, it is failing to remove the old binary (rightfully so) and so the installer errors. I just want to reiterate that this has always worked, and only with Sonoma on M architecture machines (M1 and M2) has this started erroring.
Dec ’23
How the End of the Apple Small Business Program is Determined
Hello, I'm wondering how the Small Business Program decides if an app should stay in. I read it's about crossing $1M in proceeds for the year. Just a quick check: Is this based on the App Store Connect analytics number, or do they look at other stuff? In simple terms, if I see less than $1 million in proceeds from January to December in the App Store Connect during a year, does my app stay in the Small Business Program? Thanks!
Dec ’23