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Public testers removed from TestFlight
Hi, I have an app in the App Store and I have a build in TestFlight with around 400 public testers who were added by public link. I started getting reports from some testers recently that they were removed as testers from TestFlight. It just says "Tester removed" for them in TestFlight. The build also didn't expire. Nobody else has access to my developer account, so I'm sure that no testers were removed manually. There are plenty free slots for public testers and those testers are also quite active. So I don't see why TestFlight keeps seemingly randomly removing testers. I already have around 5 reports of this where testers complained that I removed them from testing for reporting bugs. Does this happen to anyone else? Is there any reason for this or is it just a bug? Thanks!
Jun ’22
Ukrainian account not accessible
Hello, Recently I discovered that I'm unable to test my apps on real device. Then I've found out, that my account is blocked (I'm Ukrainian living in Kyiv) due to USA "sanctions" against Ukrainians who live in Donetsk and Luhanks regions. I think that in my dev account info there was my old address (Donetsk), but I live in Kyiv for a long time (I forgot to update my address). Now I'm trying to contact Apple support (already submitted few form requests), but they're completely silent on this issue (I believe there should be option to upload ID documents/proof of residence). Is there any way Apple can restore my dev account? Any chance that support will help/answer? Regards, Oleksandr πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦
Jun ’22
Your payment from apple are hold and Carried Forward?
"We noticed some irregular activity associated with your vendor number XXXXXX and have paused your earnings payments while we investigate. Once our review is complete, we'll determine if we can resume your payments." Has anyone encountered the same problem? Has your payment resumed? and issues with getting paid this month? The expected date was 30 June, and the 1 Jul update was ''balance carried forward'' and until today it's still ''balance carried forward''.
Jul ’22
ordering transactions and renewal state from notifications
The notification webhook is marketed as a way to get server-side updates on changes to in-app subscriptions. In the normal case, you can use that information to know the current state of a subscription. However, the retry system means that a notification may come up to 72hrs after the actual state change occurred and that also means that notification may be out-dated (another state change occurred between the time it was intended to be sent and the time it actually got successfully sent). How are we supposed to ensure that a received notification is the current state of a subscription? Can we used the signedDate to determine the order of notifications? (ie. when a notification fails to be sent and is resent, is the signedDate not altered so it can be used to order the notifications?) Or do we need to always make a request to the /inApps/v1/subscriptions/ endpoint to get the latest state and not rely on the contents of the notification?
Jul ’22
Deploying simple "Hello world" QT Python App to App Store
Good evening, I'm trying to deploy an extremely simple Python QT app to the app store: it's roughly ~10 lines of code that shows a window containing a"Hello, world!" message. This seemingly trivial task of deploying a "Hello World" app to the store has been extremely difficult, perhaps because of my lack of familiarity with the Apple ecosystem. I'd like to demonstrate all of the steps I've taken, my current understanding of deployments, and what the problems are. Project files Here's the code for the app (in a file located at src2/test_app/ import os, sys from PySide2.QtWidgets import * class MainWindow(QMainWindow): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(MainWindow, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.setCentralWidget(QLabel("Hello, world!")) if __name__ == '__main__': os.environ["QT_MAC_WANTS_LAYER"] = "1" app = QApplication(sys.argv) window = MainWindow() app.exec_() Furthermore, I've created an assets folder which contains an icon.icns file and I also created a Pyinstaller config/test_app.spec file to bundle this app into a package: block_cipher = None added_files = [ ('../assets', 'assets') ] a = Analysis( ['../src2/test_app/'], pathex=[], binaries=[], datas=added_files, hiddenimports=[], hookspath=[], hooksconfig={}, runtime_hooks=[], excludes=[], win_no_prefer_redirects=False, win_private_assemblies=False, cipher=block_cipher, noarchive=False ) pyz = PYZ( a.pure, a.zipped_data, cipher=block_cipher ) exe = EXE( pyz, a.scripts, a.binaries, a.zipfiles, a.datas, [], name='testapp', debug=False, bootloader_ignore_signals=False, strip=False, upx=True, upx_exclude=[], runtime_tmpdir=None, console=True, disable_windowed_traceback=False, target_arch=None, codesign_identity=None, entitlements_file=None, icon='../assets/64.icns' ) coll = COLLECT( exe, a.binaries, a.zipfiles, a.datas, strip=False, upx=True, upx_exclude=[], name='app' ) app = BUNDLE( coll, name='', icon='../assets/icon.icns', bundle_identifier='com.stormbyte.test-app.pkg', info_plist={ 'NSPrincipalClass': 'NSApplication', 'NSAppleScriptEnabled': False, 'LSBackgroundOnly': False, 'LSApplicationCategoryType': '', 'NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance': 'No', 'CFBundlePackageType': 'APPL', 'CFBundleSupportedPlatforms': ['MacOSX'], 'CFBundleIdentifier': 'com.stormbyte.test-app.pkg', 'CFBundleVersion': '0.0.1', } ) In addition, I have an config/entitlements.plist file, containing all of the necessary information for binaries built by pyinstaller: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <!-- These are required for binaries built by PyInstaller --> <key></key> <true/> <key></key> <true/> <key></key> <true/> </dict> </plist> This entitlements file is apparently necessary for pyinstaller to run things on Mac successfully, which is why I included it. Building the .APP I am able to build this app with: pyinstaller \ --noconfirm \ --log-level WARN \ --distpath '/Users/nikolay/Desktop/projects/cling_wrap/dist' \ --workpath '/Users/nikolay/Desktop/projects/cling_wrap/build' \ './config/test_app.spec' This creates a file in my dist folder and the file icon I've designated appears just as I've intended. Codesigning the .APP binaries Next, I am able to use the codesign tool to sign all of the files that are part of the I've just created. codesign \ -vvv \ --strict \ --deep \ --force \ --timestamp \ --options runtime \ --entitlements './config/entitlements.plist' \ --sign "Developer ID Application: Nikolay ***** (Z57YJ*****)" \ '/Users/nikolay/Desktop/projects/cling_wrap/dist/' This successfully executes. Building the .PKG Installer Next, I am able to use productbuild to create a .PKG file, which will allow a user to install the app: productbuild \ --version '0.0.1' \ --sign "Developer ID Installer: Nikolay **** (Z57YJ*****)" \ --component '/Users/nikolay/Desktop/projects/cling_wrap/dist/' \ /Applications testapp.pkg This successfully outputs: ... productbuild: Adding certificate "Developer ID Certification Authority" productbuild: Adding certificate "Apple Root CA" productbuild: Wrote product to testapp.pkg When I attempt to run this installer, everything works. I can even see the app installed in my Applications folder, and I can double-click and run it: With this confirmed, I am ready to run the notarization & stapling process prior to submitting my app to the App Store. I run notarization using the xcrun tool: xcrun altool \ --notarize-app \ --primary-bundle-id com.stormbyte.test-app.pkg \ --username=***** \ --password **** \ --file '/Users/nikolay/Desktop/projects/cling_wrap/testapp.pkg' Which outputs: No errors uploading '/Users/nikolay/Desktop/projects/cling_wrap/testapp.pkg'. RequestUUID = c40ebde4-dcd1-*********** I then receive an e-mail from Apple telling me that the notorization process has been successful: Next, I run the stapler tool: xcrun stapler staple '/Users/nikolay/Desktop/projects/cling_wrap/testapp.pkg' Which is also successful. Finally, I attempt to use Transporter to upload my app to the store but this happens: It says that the icon failed (when it clearly exists and is recognized by Mac?!!) and that the signature is invalid? Am I using the incorrect certificates for distribution to the App store? Thanks!
Jul ’22
Is there a limit to how many Subscription Groups we can create in total?
We have identified Subscription Groups for our use-case based on the below note from Apple, but there is no mention of any limitations in the doc. Can we create unlimited number of Subscription Groups or is there a limit? If your app needs to offer users the ability to buy multiple subscriptions β€” for example, to subscribe to more than one channel in a streaming app β€” you can add these subscriptions to different groups. Users who buy subscriptions in multiple groups will be billed separately for each subscription. Thanks in advance!
Jul ’22
How to publish new dating app?
Hello, I've developed a dating app and published it on Google Play Store without any problem. I tried to publish it on Apple App Store. But it was rejected because of Guideline 4.3 - Design - Spam reason. I changed some design elements, added some new features and tried to publish it to Test Flight, so my friends with iPhone can test and send feedback to me. But my app was rejected again on Test Flight too with same reason. I guess all new dating apps are being rejected with Guideline 4.3 - Design - Spam reason. I saw a lot of posts about dating apps rejected with same reason. In fact dating app that I developed is for a small group of people and there are (as far as I count) only 5 more dating apps in App Store for same small group of people. My dating app would be the 6th of them, if it was published. I think 6 apps for same group of people should not be too much. So my question is what should I do next? What should I do to be able to pass Guideline 4.3 - Design - Spam and publish this app at App Store? For example should I wait for success of android version of this app. If many users are regularly using this app on android and many iOS users give me feedback as they want an iOS version of this app, and if I present these requests to apple review team, is that help to be published on App Store? Thanks for reply.
Jul ’22
Xcode 14.0 Beta 5 doesn't allow uploads to AppStoreConnect.. again. Its happens every year on the 5th beta
Unsupported Xcode or SDK Version. Your app was built with a version of Xcode or SDK that is not yet supported for upload to App Store Connect. For more information about supported versions of Xcode and SDK for Testflight or App Store submissions, view the App Store Connect What's New page ( (ID: 0e108b7e-0cc1-413e-99ad-8b081656a52c) How lovely.
Aug ’22
Couldn't redeem TestFlight invitation code
Some time ago I forwarded the invite to TestFlight from my work Apple ID to my personal Apple ID (email addresses) and was testing on a personal iPhone device. I want to stop testing on my iPhone and move testing to my work iPad. Therefore, I removed the app in TestFlight from my personal device (selecting "Stop Testing") and app is no longer available. I also removed the work Apple ID from the list of all testers for the app, as well as from the internal tester list. I then added it back, sent the invitation, but it will not work on the iPad. Subsequent builds generated new invitation codes and none of those work either. I tried three so far. It appears my personal Apple ID is somehow permanently connected to TestFlight, even though there is no reference to my personal Apple ID in the work account. I see no references in my personal Apple ID account to the app either. Any suggestions to get the invite to work? I don't know what else to do other than create a new Apple ID, but would rather not for a variety of reasons.
Aug ’22
Product Key Usage and 3.1.3(b)
We have an iOS app in the store that have been available for almost two years. This app is also available on macOS and Windows (and has been available on those platforms for many years before the iOS app was released). On macOS and Windows, users are given a product key in order to license the application (either purchased directly from us, or given to them by their institution). Depending on the purchase, the product key could be a subscription or a lifetime license. When we released the iOS app, we made the app "free" as in, there was no cost to install it from the store. On first run, the user is presented with in-app purchasing options, and also given the option to type in a product key if they have it. We are pretty much the definition of "3.1.3(b) - Multiplatform Services." We've had a couple issues in the past getting the app through review because of the product key option, but it's always been a simple matter of pointing out that we are complying with 3.1.3(b). For our most recent release, we were once again rejected for providing the product key option. However, after we pointed out that 3.1.3(b) allows unlocking based on purchases on a different platform, we were unilaterally told that product keys were not allowed. We had several back-and-forth interactions with the reviewer in an attempt to clarify why 3.1.3(b) doesn't apply, but we were only told that product keys were not allowed. Since this release is a bug fix only, they agreed to release it as-is but said we would need to address the issue in our next release. We have no intention of removing the product key unlock and are expecting our next release (a new feature release) to be rejected and then force us to appeal the decision. Has something changed recently that limits the ability to use product keys that were purchased on separate platforms? I've read through all of the relevant sections and I don't see anything materially different from when we first released the app 2 years ago. Is this just a reviewer who doesn't understand their policies? Has anyone gone through anything similar and managed to successfully appeal the decision?
Aug ’22
we received "REFUND_DECLINED" notification
HI. After changing notifications v2 We received "REFUND_DECLINED" notifications But, we didn't do anything about refund. Also, we didn't send consumption information. Below is description of "REFUND_DECLINED" REFUND_DECLINED Indicates that the App Store declined a refund request initiated by the app developer. Can I know when we are getting this notification?
Aug ’22
Medical App Rejected 1.4.1
Our app has been rejected many times from the app store because of 1.4.1 Physical HarmΒ guideline. This app will allow users to log their health based self-assessment data like blood pressure, glucose level, temperature, body weight, BMI, temperature, etc., using of the shelf medical hardware devices, that can be found on any pharmacy, convenience store, supermarket, etc. The data will be uploaded, saved and processed in the cloud with graphics, trends, etc., so that users can visualize their vital signs, and share them with a doctor. The app doesn't make any suggestion, recommendation or diagnosis, it only gathers the data from the gadgets, produces graphics and save them in the cloud. We have uploaded documentation showing the FDA, FCC, and other countries regulation approvals for the gadgets, but on every submission we are told to reduce the store front, so at the end there will be no country where the app will be available, or to provide documentation from the appropriate regulatory organization demonstrating regulatory clearance for the medical hardware used by your app, or provide documentation of a report or peer-reviewed study that demonstrates your app’s use of medical hardware works as described, etc. We have done all that have been requested and the app keeps being rejected, so at this point and after reading other posts here and on the web, we are convinced that now that Apple is focused on health, there is no way to have an app like this or similar approved, no competition allowed, no other ideas accepted, nothing out of the Apple circle allowed. So, after many months we just stop trying today to have our apps on the Apple Store, this app was meant to be free, for anybody to use, including hospitals on many places, but there are other options besides Apple to make apps available to users around the world. And so, lets wish Apple a great show next week, showing their new devices that of course will comply with 1.4.1 Physical Harm Guideline, their new iOS16 with their new health features, and everything else to help have a better world without other's ideas. Have a great day.
Aug ’22
Subscriptions Status Stuck "Developer Action Needed" "Submit for Review" button grayed out in App Store Connect. Cannot submit revised app.
I have an iOS app that was rejected and I submitted a revised binary. In my case auto-renewable subscriptions were returned with the initial rejections and I didn't realize I had to add them for review again with my revised I submitted a revised binary which got rejected because the subscriptions were returned on the initial rejection. So I go to "Subscriptions" area for my app and the status is "Developer Action Needed." If I click a subscription the "Submit for Review" button is disabled. I tried making an edit to the Subscription to see if that would cause the button to become enabled but it does not. Can't figure out how I can resubmit these subscriptions for my submission is stuck... Perhaps when an app with attached iAP/Subscriptions is rejected they shouldn't detach iAP/subscriptions from the app? Developers can easily not notice and submit a new build and not realize that their iAP/subscriptions are no longer attached to the build...and if App Review doesn't notice you could have an app get on the Store which potentially shows UI for non-working iAP/subscriptions. If anyone has ran into this and could help I'd appreciate it. Thanks a lot.
Aug ’22
"An error has occurred" while saving Pricing tiers in Appstore Connect – for 2 days already
In Appstore Connect I'm getting "An error has occurred. Try again later." when trying to set up a price tier (Free) for our new app, which is ready to be submitted. The only missing part is a price, but each time a set up a "US $0 Free" tier and Save, the loading wheel spins for 2 seconds and then I got an error. This is happening for 2 days already, I've tried using different apple ID, admin roles, app manager role.. Safari, Chrome... still the same error. Updating existing apps works fine though! I'm also getting the same error when trying to update some Users in our Appstore connect account. All subscriptions are paid, logged out>logged in... We have about 160 apps in our account and this is happening only when creating new apps. Thanks for your help!
Sep ’22