Demystify code signing and its importance in app development. Get help troubleshooting code signing issues and ensure your app is properly signed for distribution.

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Conflict between capability User Assigned Device Name & Contacts notes entitlements
We have requested an additional capability called "User Assigned Device Name" for my application to Apple and got approved the same on for debug/adhoc/release environments . Since then we are facing issues on code signing. We are always getting the compiler error "* Provisioning profile "xxxxxxxxxxx" doesn't support the User Assigned Device Name capability." on both Debug and Release environment. There is another capability "contacts notes entitlements" that we got approved long back when it was not apart of Apple ID(additional capabilities) rather we got approved as a part of our provisioning profile. Suppose we removed "contacts notes entitlements" from the profile and deleted it from the entitlement folder the project compiled without any error. So we are strongly believes the conflicts on the "contacts notes entitlements" is the root cause. We are about to release the version and which is blocked due to this error. So kindly look in to this issue and do the needful asap. STEPS TO REPRODUCE Added user assigned device name capability from Signing & Capability Tab in project in settings. Added the team, valid provisioning profiles and try to sign in manually. Getting the error “Provisioning profile xxxxxxxxxxxx" doesn't support the User Assigned Device Name capability." Note: Already got approval for the “user assigned device name” . Which is listed under the app id.
Team ID suddenly changed
I developed it as Unity. Originally, I updated Unity to the latest version to fix the problem of not being able to log in to Apple. That's when I found out my team ID had changed. The current Apple membership team ID is HBEMGSUAQ3, When I check "Automatically manage sing" in Xcode Selected with the team ID "ESB392LR64". Where did this team come from all of a sudden? I've only used "HVEMGSUAQ3" for a very long time. The change in ID was a test build while developing another project yesterday, but it changed then. If I manually select the provisioning profile of my project "Failed to install embedded profile for : 0xe800801f (Attempted to install a Beta profile without the proper entitlement.)" This error appears and the test installation is not possible.. So I created a new certificate, identifier, and profile. However, it continues to be created with the ID of "ESB392LR64". Keychain registration is also naturally registered with "ESB392LR64" status. Again, my team ID is "HVEMGSUAQ3" and there is no way to check "ESB392LR64" on my dev page... This situation suddenly appeared when my certificates were updated with the ID of "ESB392LR64" on June 12, and What I suspect is that I updated my MacBook to the latest version of OS on the day of the issue. Please let me know what's going on. I'm hoping it's not a big deal....
Notarize stuck "In Progress"
Hello, I've developed an application using ElectronNET with C# and Blazor Server. I have managed to deploy to both Windows and the web but having trouble deploying the application to my Mac users. It's my first time deploying an application for Mac but feel like I'm stuck at the last hurdle and out of ideas so I'm reaching out for help. My application is successfully signing but during the build and when my Notarize.js is running it seems to get stuck indefinitely. I can check and see the status of the Notarize attempts but they seem to be stuck "In Progress". Here are the logs. Successfully received submission history. history -------------------------------------------------- createdDate: 2024-06-12T22:16:35.362Z id: 26192605-001b-46ae-b622-9a79c20e1e93 name: status: In Progress -------------------------------------------------- createdDate: 2024-06-12T18:51:21.772Z id: 6a34501c-8f48-4986-ae5e-82a99320dcbc name: status: In Progress -------------------------------------------------- createdDate: 2024-06-12T15:13:44.722Z id: ea5cd928-8207-4d25-b74a-45b04960dbe0 name: status: In Progress -------------------------------------------------- createdDate: 2024-06-12T14:24:48.776Z id: 00ccd1f9-daa4-4bba-9a86-9f577c51f26b name: status: In Progress -------------------------------------------------- createdDate: 2024-06-12T14:07:43.116Z id: bf5dfa9c-9702-413b-8fbb-94017e930bcf name: status: In Progress These have been running for over 6hours now and it's my understanding it should take minutes, correct me if I'm wrong? Here is my Notarize script if it helps diagnose what might be happening. Although the requests seem to be going through ok so it doesn't seem likely. const { join } = require('path'); const fs = require('fs-extra'); exports.default = async function notarizing(context) { const { electronPlatformName, appOutDir } = context; if (electronPlatformName !== 'darwin') { console.log("Not a macOS platform, skipping notarization."); return; } const appName = context.packager.appInfo.productFilename; const appPath = `${appOutDir}/${appName}.app`; const zipPath = `${appOutDir}/${appName}.zip`; console.log(`Zipping the app at path: ${appPath} to: ${zipPath}`); // Zip the app await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { execFile('zip', ['-r', zipPath, appPath], (error, stdout, stderr) => { if (error) { console.error(`Failed to zip app: ${stderr || stdout}`); reject(new Error(`Failed to zip app: ${stderr || stdout}`)); } else { console.log(`Successfully zipped app: ${stdout}`); resolve(); } }); }); console.log(`Notarizing the app with Apple ID: *************.*****@*******.****`); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { execFile('xcrun', [ 'notarytool', 'submit', zipPath, '--apple-id', '*************.*****@*******.****', '--password', '****-****-****-****', '--team-id', '**********', '--wait', '--output-format', 'json' ], (error, stdout, stderr) => { if (error) { console.error(`Notarization failed: ${stderr || stdout}`); reject(new Error(`Notarization failed: ${stderr || stdout}`)); } else { console.log(`Successfully notarized: ${stdout}`); resolve(); } }); }); }; ```
Importing .developerprofile from xcode 15 -> 16?
I am trying out the new xcode 16, and am trying to sign some existing apps. I have a .developerprofile from xcode 15. But I cannot find a way to import it (I think I need the private certs, in order to sign an app). There is no "import" button at the bottom of the Accounts tab, within the xcode Accounts Settings.... Is there any other way (e.g: Terminal) to import an existing .developerprofile into xcode? Or am I missing something?
Uploading iOS app for a customer who isn't an organisation
I developed an iOS app for a customer and would like to upload it to his store page. I was given admin permissions , however I failed to upload the iOS build to his AppStore page. My account isn't being recognized as part of his developer team. After some googling, it appears that in order to upload an iOS build for someone else, that someone must enroll as an organisation to give me the proper certificates. My customer tried to enroll as an organisation, however he was rejected by Apple due to "Your legal structure is a Proprietorship. Apple states “If you are a Sole Proprietorship/Single Person Company, enroll as an individual.” Is there a way for me to upload the app to his Appstore page?
Errors building with manual provisioning profile and packages with PrivacyInfo
Errors building with manual provisioning profile and packages with PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy added. When I look at the changes in the package, the only difference is adding this .xcprivacy file. The error looks like this: PLCrashReporter_CrashReporter does not support provisioning profiles, but provisioning profile *** has been manually specified. Set the provisioning profile value to "Automatic" in the build settings editor. Using an Enterprise certificate with manually created provisioning profile, I don't have the option to choose automatic. And I can't change build settings for the swift packages. Does anyone know how I can work around this issue?
Add permissions for private entitlement
I have a pretty simply macOS application which I've just been trying to fix since a long time ago. It's origin is really old, using the apple 802.11 framework located in /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Apple80211 and it's supposed to just scan the area and display information about the local networks nearby. For some reason when I run the application and press the button to scan for local networks (wifi scan) It errors out and in the Xcode console I get Process WiFiInfo is missing entitlement required for Wi-Fi user-client access: <key></key> <string></string> If I add those two lines to the entitlements, Xcode fails to sign my application and fails to build and run Provisioning profile "Mac Team Provisioning Profile: com.troger.WiFiInfo" doesn't include the entitlement. Any way I can fix this? I would really like to get this application back up to its running state as it once was before but am completely lost on how to fix this
Request for less restricted code signing capabilities in development and enterprise environments
In enterprise environments it can be tricky to develop innovative applications leveraging the full value of the hardware. The code signing capabilities on iOS are much more restrictive compared to macOS, and has been for years. Is it really too much to ask for more control over the applications we can use in development environments. For bespoke applications being able to have control over hardware is something that has been missing for a long time. The ability to sign with and in development and enterprise solutions would allow for far greater integration with the devices. What reasons are there to avoid allowing this on iOS when macOS has much less restrictive control, the lack of continuity between the systems does not help the "level playing field".
Notarization and weak linking to 3rd-party frameworks
Hi there, My app detects connected BlackMagic devices on a user's machine and this is done using the DeckLink SDK which first tries to load /Library/Frameworks/DeckLinkAPI.framework using CFBundleCreate. I have not been able to create a notarized app which successfully detects the devices. Either the DeckLinkAPI works or the app starts up without showing "the developer cannot be verified" on my test computer but never both. This is what I've tried so far: signed app: DeckLinkAPI available hardened runtime: DeckLinkAPI not available hardened runtime + DeckLinkAPI available, notarization succeeds yet the "the developer cannot be verified" I've also tried to use weak linking to DeckLinkAPI.framework instead of including the SDK's CFBundleCreate code but that made no difference: I still needed the entitlement for that to work which caused "the developer cannot be verified". DeckLinkAPI.framework is notarized: > codesign --test-requirement="=notarized" --verify --verbose /Library/Frameworks/DeckLinkAPI.framework /Library/Frameworks/DeckLinkAPI.framework: valid on disk /Library/Frameworks/DeckLinkAPI.framework: satisfies its Designated Requirement /Library/Frameworks/DeckLinkAPI.framework: explicit requirement satisfied Is there any way to successfully notarize an app to use the DeckLink SDK or any other thirdparty notarized framework which is distributed seperately?
Jun ’24
possibility of unified code-signing "build settings" for Sonoma14 and iPAD OS>=17 OS & iPAD
1) The situation in general: 1A) I begun USB-DExt project for Mac & iPADsOS>=17. 1B) I started-from scratch with DriverKitSampleApp 1C) For these two different targets (Mac,iPAD; using IDE XCode15.0), I couldn't find another way to build the sample project from Apple, beside this: now I have two handmade sets of ini-profiles and two respective "command-files". 2) My current palliative solution comprises of two specific ~"command-files" (each one runs in a directory with specific DriverKitSampleApp.entitlements,project.pbxproj)_ : 2A) my current file "cpy.command" for target "MAC" ## Destination "Mac" ## DriverKitSampleApp.entitlements: "" ## item0: "com.ry.dexsample1.driver" ## Build Settings "DriverKitSampleApp":Signing:Code Signing Identity:"Sign to Run Locally" ## "NullDriver":Signing:Code Signing Identity:"Sign to Run Locally" ## "NullDriver":"AD_HOC_CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED=YES" cp DriverKitSampleApp.entitlements ../DriverKitSampleApp cp project.pbxproj ../RyDExtSmpl1.xcodeproj 2B) my current file ~"cpy.command" for target "iPAD" ## Destination "iPAD" ## Build Settings "DriverKitSampleApp":Signing:Code Signing Identity:"Apple Development" ## "NullDriver":Signing:Code Signing Identity:"Apple Development" ## "NullDriver":"AD_HOC_CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED=NO" cp DriverKitSampleApp.entitlements ../DriverKitSampleApp cp project.pbxproj ../RyDExtSmpl1.xcodeproj 2C) This state is inconvenient (predicting that I will switch between MAC and iPAD dozens thousands of times when debugging this project) 3) The question 3A) I need to build the Apple's sample project "DriverKitSampleApp" just selecting one of two possible targets (Mac,iPad) in XCode-IDE. 3B) Option1: what developer(or team's entitlements) do I need for "3A"? 3C) Option2: what adjustments of project's configuration files do I need for "3A"? .
Jun ’24
Apple TV as iPod in Apple Developer Center
I have a bizzare issue with my Apple TV that is shown as "iPod" in Apple developer portal. It's correctly visible in Xcode as Apple TV, but when I add it to developer portal it says "iPod". The problem is since it's there as an iPod I can't use it to my provisioning profile to build on the device Anyone has any idea how this can be solved? [Edited by Moderator]
Jun ’24
Code signing breaks conda environment
Hi, I am trying to release a small application which bundles a conda environment and a python script. I am using Platypus to turn it into a .app, and I include all necessary resources (libraries, binaries etc) inside the Resources directory. My application works correctly before code signing, and is portable between machines (so I don't think it is the case that the conda environment is missing something). However, after signing, it crashes when it runs one of the programs within the conda environment. I am first signing all .so, .dylib and all files in conda_env/bin as follows: # Within the conda environment directory in Resources find bin -type f | xargs -n1 codesign -f -o runtime --timestamp --sign "Developer ID Application: Whatever (123456789)" find . -name "*.dylib" -o -name "*.so" -type f | xargs -n1 codesign -f -o runtime --timestamp --sign "Developer ID Application: Whatever (123456789)" I am then signing the .app itself codesign -f -o runtime --timestamp --sign "Developer ID Application: Whatever (123456789)" Finally, I convert it into a .dmg (with appdmg) and sign that. codesign -f --sign "Developer ID Application: Whatever (123456789)" --timestamp my_app.dmg I submit to the notary service, which succeeds, and then I staple the ticket to the .dmg: xcrun notarytool submit my_app.dmg --keychain-profile my_notarytool_keychain_id --wait xcrun stapler staple my_app.dmg spcl is happy with the signed .app and .dmg and accepts them both. spctl -a -vv # accepted # source=Notarized Developer ID # origin=Whatever (123456789) spctl -a -vv -t install my_app.dmg # my_app.dmg: accepted # source=Notarized Developer ID # origin=Whatever (123456789) I have a valid Developer Application ID. All good, right? Except, during execution, the signed .app crashes. When I look in the Console, the error log always looks similar - something like: Exception Type: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGKILL (Code Signature Invalid)) Termination Reason: Namespace CODESIGNING, Code 2 Invalid Page Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: 0 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x186e15848 sys_icache_invalidate + 40 1 libllvmlite.dylib 0x2a022f8e8 llvm::sys::Memory::protectMappedMemory(llvm::sys::MemoryBlock const&, unsigned int) + 384 2 libllvmlite.dylib 0x29d765528 LLVMPY_TryAllocateExecutableMemory + 92 3 libffi.8.dylib 0x103abc04c ffi_call_SYSV + 76 etc I think all the .dylib, .so, and binaries are signed in my codesign scripts, except for the libsystem_platform.dylib mentioned in the first line of the log. Could this be the problem? How can I find if I am not signing something that is being used? Are there other types of files that I should be signing that I am missing? I've been trying to fix this for several days and I feel I have tried everything (constructing the conda env in different ways, signing in different ways, e.g. with/without --deep, with/without signing each type of library/binary) to no avail... Any help would be greatly appreciated! All the best, George
Jun ’24
get the error even though enabled Hardened Runtime
Hello there. I'm having trouble with notarization in Xcode. I'm developing a Swift Mac app with Xcode 14, but even when I enable Hardened Runtime and perform notarization, it displays the message "Hardened Runtime is not enabled" and I can't proceed. The steps for notarization are [Window] -> [Organizer] -> [Distribute App] -> [Developer ID] [Next] -> [Upload]. Could you please tell me what I should check, or any other information? I've attached screenshots. Thank you.
Jun ’24
No profiles for ... were found
Hi, I'm having some problems signing my application. Everything was working fine until recently when the certificates expired and I got these kinds of errors when I try to upload the app to AppStoreConnect. I can build the app in dev and production mode without any issue and I can create an archive. Problems occur when uploading to AppStoreConnect. The idea would be to let Xcode take care of signing everything necessary by checking the "Automatically manage signing" box. All my targets are in "Automatically manage signing" mode. I tried to delete all the certificates and provisioning profiles that I found on the Apple portal and then generate them again, but the problem is the same. There are two of us on the team, plus a CI machine (this should be the CI that takes care of signing everything needed to send a release to AppStoreConnect). If you have an idea, I'm interested! Thanks in advance, Alexandre
Jun ’24
Command CodeSign failed with a nonzero exit code
I am having a peculiar issue with an app I am developing. I am trying to upload it onto App Store Connect but I am getting one error, and a very odd behavior. The error message I am getting is: /Users/user/Documents/GitHub/MyApp/MyApp/DerivedData/ resource fork, Finder information, or similar detritus not allowed Command CodeSign failed with a nonzero exit code I have cleaned built the directory, I have removed the Derived Data, but this always gets thrown. It was working fine a few months ago, I have only just got back to working on it. The other issue I am havving, when I set to archive the app, I set the target as Any iOS Arm Device (arm64), but when it is archiving it switches to my iPhone as the target. I don't prompt it to do this, it just does it. This is very frustrating. I'm using a MacBook Air M1, with a macOS Sonoma. I updated my Xcode the other day, that's Version 15.4 (15F31d). My App has a minimum target of iOS 15 and a project target of Xcode 13. Any help is appreciated.
Jun ’24
security set-key-partition-list valid values
Hi Devs, i have a question concerning the security set-key-partition-list -S command. I want to use it to enable a code signing certificate being used by codesign and productbuild to sign without sudo or a password prompt. Some sources indicate i need to add codesign: as partition but some don't even mention this. So my question is what partitions are even possible to add? What does partitions in this context mean? How can i find out which i need for productbuild and codesign? Thanks in advance Paul
May ’24
profile doesnt support tap to pay iphone
I'm trying to upload my app with Tap to Pay on iPhone functionality. However, I'm getting error message "Profile doesn't include entitlement." I've confirmed many times that I have the distribution profile with this capability. Any idea what might be the issue? The development environment works perfectly. please check my post on apple forum.
May ’24