Hello everyone, I have the problem at the moment that when I create a new project in a new empty repository, the files are always opened the old project.
I have already deleted all caches and also deleted Xcode 16.2 and reinstalled.
Does anyone of you know the problem?
Best regards
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I'm doing an update to my app already IN the app store.
The app is built using .Net Maui targeting iOS, Windows and Android.
All works fine in debug and in release on Android and Windows.
However, the app launches on my iOS devices and crashes immediately.
I really have no idea what the crash report on the device is telling me.
Attached is the .ips file if anyone can at least point me in the right direction...
I have a xcode project generated by unity 6
my mac:
my x-code:
It's a simple project but the building time lasted over 10 minutes and I found a page
I tried to run ccache in my mac and hope to accelerate the building.
I installed ccache in my MAC by brew
I made two script with +x mode
I created a testc folder to verify the script
and it did work.
Then I opened the xcode and added CC and CXX to the “Build Settings”
I triggered the building
But it didn’t work, the building used the default compiler.
I had repeated to ask AI about it and cleaned building cache many times, but the problem still exists.
Even without any probing executing of the ccache-clang script ( I configured the log file position, so if it has been executed once, there will be some logs)
Could someone help me check if there’s something wrong?
Hi, I want to build an ios app that uses static c libraries. For reference, i did the following as a test:
Compiled a simple c date and time program with
clang -c -arch arm64 -sysroot <iPhoneOSSDK_path> date.c -o date_arm64.o
Created the static lib
ar rcs libdatetime_arm64.a date_arm64.o
Added the lib in my Xcode project.
Added the (.a) file in Build Rules -> Link Binary With Libraries
Included the (.a) and (.h) file path in Build Settings -> Search Paths -> Header and Library Search Path
Created a Bridging-Header.h file where I added
#import "date.h"
In my App.swift file, I called the function for getting the date and time
let dateTimeStr = String(cString: get_current_datetime())
print("Current Date and Time: \(dateTimeStr)")
After doing all the steps above, I am met with the error - Cannot find 'get_current_datetime' in scope
Is there any other method to use static c libraries in xcode?
I enrolled to the apple developer account more than one week ago. Nothing!
After 3 or 4 emails to support I received an email with steps I should perform from the iPhone app. I did so, my money was charged and ... nothing.
My enrollment has been withdrawn no activation nothing.
I made another request (although I am not sure that it is ok).
Can somebody help me?
My preview crashes whenever I compare my model's value to a constant's stored value.
I use struct constants with a stored value as alternatives to enums, (IIRC ever since the beginning) enums never worked at all with .rawValue or computed properties.
This crashes when it runs on Xcode 16.3 beta and iOS 18.4 in previews. It doesn't appear to crash in simulator.
@Model class Media {
@Attribute(.unique) var id: UUID = UUID()
@Attribute var type: MediaType
init(type: MediaType) {
self.type = type
static var predicate: (Predicate<Media>) {
let image = MediaType.image.value
let predicate = #Predicate<Media> { media in
media.type.value == image
return predicate
struct MediaType: Codable, Equatable, Hashable {
static let image: MediaType = .init(value: 0)
static let video: MediaType = .init(value: 1)
static let audio: MediaType = .init(value: 2)
var value: Int
My application crashes with "Application crashed due to fatalError in Schema.swift at line 320."
KeyPath \Media.<computed 0x000000034082a33c (MediaType)>.value points to a field (<computed 0x000000034082a33c (MediaType)>) that is unknown to Media and cannot be used.
This appears to also occur if I am using a generic/any func and use protocols to access a property which is a simple String, such as id or name, despite it being a stored SwiftData attribute.
I filed a bug report, but looking to hear workarounds.
I am developing a social screen time application that enables users to create “sprints” and set sprint goals—essentially time limits on usage for selected applications. For this functionality, users select the apps they wish to manage using the FamilyActivitySelection interface (from the FamilyControls framework).
However, our backend needs to distinguish each application uniquely (for example, via the app’s bundle identifier) in order to correctly map and enforce user-defined sprint goals. Unfortunately, we are encountering an issue where retrieving the bundle identifier directly from the FamilyActivitySelection is returning nil. As a result, we are unable to globally identify the selected apps.
Could you please advise if there is an alternative method or property available in the FamilyControls API that would allow us to uniquely identify the apps? Alternatively, is there another approach recommended by Apple for obtaining a global identifier for applications selected via FamilyActivitySelection?
Thank you for your time and assistance. I look forward to your guidance on how to resolve this issue.
The following is the print statement I used to check if bundleIdentifier is nil after I stored user's selections to the variable selection using familyActivityPicker:
for app in selection!.applications {
let bundleId = app.bundleIdentifier ?? "Unknown Bundle ID"
let token = app.token
let localizedDisplayName = app.localizedDisplayName ?? "Unknown Localized Display Name"
print("Selected app bundle identifier: \(bundleId)")
print("localizedDisplayName: \(localizedDisplayName)")
Console log result I received from the print statement above:
Selected app bundle identifier: Unknown Bundle ID
localizedDisplayName: Unknown Localized Display Name
I have used XCode for decades as my default C/C++ programming IDE. I write code that I run locally on my Mac, via "Sign to run locally". Typically this has always "just worked".
I am now using MacOS 14.7 Sonoma, and I suddenly find I cannot run my code projects because I cannot dynamically load unsigned libraries.
"not valid for use in process: library load disallowed by system policy"
BUT - it appears that to allow my local MacOS code to bypass this requires I have a bundle identifier to modify entitlements. Which in turn requires a developer account which I don't have.
Is this all correct? Is there any way to have code run locally and use dynamic libraries as I've done previously? Any advice is much appreciated.
I want to block incoming calls using my backend server, like the unwantend sms using message filter extension. I saw that Call Directory Extension can block numbers, but you need update the list, is not in real time. I was reading the Live Caller ID Look up extension documentation, and it seems that with this extension is possible send the number to backend and retrieve a value to know if the call should be block or not.
Am I right? Or is not possible this feature with this extension?
I enrolled to the program via the Developer app and paid for the subscription, got my receipt.
The app now says the enrollment is not available. Xcode says I have no developer account. The Appstore mac app says the subscription is active. The developer website says I need to pay. Again. Is this some kind of scam or what?
xCode 16.2 deletes the dev account ...
Open the xCode 16.2 (16C5032a)
Open xCode -> Settings -> Accounts
Make sure there are no accounts added
Add some dev account using an AppleID
Make sure the added account is presented in the accounts list
Exit xCode and re-launch it
Open xCode -> Settings -> Accounts
Check the list of dev accounts ...
Actual results:
The list of accounts is empty, and the "No accounts" text is presented.
Expected result:
The previously added account is in service
I signed up for the dev account three days ago. I’ve sent multiple emails and requested a phone call multiple times and no one has responded to me.
I'm currently writing a macro which outputs Swift Testing code:
// Macro code ...
struct MySuite {
func makeView() -> some View {
Text("a view")
which expands to...
// Expanded macro code ...
struct _GeneratedSnapshotSuite {
func assertSnapshotMakeView() async throws {
let generator = SnapshotGenerator(
testName: "makeView",
traits: [
.sizes(devices: .iPhoneX, fitting: .widthAndHeight),
configuration: .none,
makeValue: {
fileID: #fileID,
filePath: #filePath,
line: 108,
column: 5
await __assertSnapshot(generator: generator)
In short, this macro creates snapshot tests from a function.
This all works but I'm finding a couple of limitations, potentially with how Macros are expanded in Swift.
Xcode diamonds are not visible
The snapshots tag isn't discovered
There are a couple of things worth noting though:
The suites and tests are discovered in Xcode's Test Navigator each time Xcode runs tests (cmd + u) - although they need to rerun to be updated.
I manually add a @Suite in my code as well as my @SnapshotSuite to all of the suites.
(The tags never seem to be available though)
Couple of questions on this:
Is this a known issue?
Are there any workarounds?
I do wonder if there's a workaround for showing the diamonds with XCTest APIs such as:
In my IOS app, I have been working on implementing a third-party library's xcframework into my app. (They don't provide spm or cocoapods). However, whenever I import the XCFramework into my app, the build is successful, but when uploading to App Store Connect, I receive an email with an error stating the Swift Support folder is missing. This app was made using SwiftUI. I have a sample project linked below. Other apps also use this framework, so I'm not sure where I'm going wrong.
I'm developing a companion watch app for an already existing iOS app, and everything seems to be working fine compiling it for the simulator, however when I try to archive it so I can make it available on TestFlight XCode throws the error "The stickers icon set or app icon set named "AppIcon" did not have any applicable content" even though the app icon is in the assets.
The icon works and appears fine under the Simulator but I can't seem to archive it, even after renaming it to something else.
As of this morning, I get the following error message when trying to build on any of my Macs (including my desktop, as well as my CI/CD systems):
Provisioning profile "Mac Team Provisioning Profile: com.stairwell.Inception.Forwarder" doesn't support the App Groups capability.
When I check the identifier in the developer portal, it does show the "App Groups" capability, and the same group is selected as has been there before.
We have to build this project with Xcode 15, because we have another issue with provisioning profiles on Xcode 16, that I haven't gotten resolved yet.
To be clear - I built, notarized, and released a Developer ID build of this same project last night, and today it just fails to build.
I should have never switched to "Xcode managed Profile", I guess. Manually configuring all of this was annoying, but at least it worked.
I assume at this point, I'm just going to be regenerating provisioning profiles until the issue randomly goes away...
Starting with Mac OS 16, Document Icons can be generated by defining a background and a Foreground element (see Apple Documentation).
I've defined the mentioned elements in my Assets and in the info.plist. Unfortunately I still can't see my custom icons. Neither on existing files, nor on newly saved files. I even added a Legacy Icon - which is also not shown in Mac OS.
The full source code of the app is over at gitHub
Would be great if someone could point out what I'm not seeing here.
Thanks a lot, Holger
Here the relevant part of the info.plist
<string>StateTransfer Request</string>
<string>StateTransfer Request</string>
<string>StateTransfer Request</string>
Hello everyone,
I have added a Settings.bundle to my Xcode project, but it does not appear in the iOS app settings. The file is correctly copied into the target, but nothing shows up in the settings. I have already checked and tried several things, but without success.
What I've tried so far:
Ensuring that Settings.bundle is included in the project:
Settings.bundle is listed under Build Phases → Copy Bundle Resources.
Checking the structure of Root.plist:
The file exists and has the following structure:
Checking the structure of Root.plist
-it has
Checking if the file is included in the app
-it is
Restarting the simulator and reinstalling the app
I reset the simulator and reinstalled the app completely, but the issue persists.
So far, we have been using Google Maps to determine distance along a certain route for a MacOS app to register kilometers for a business administration app. But, this is no longer possible, as the login for google maps no longer works. I understand we would have to pay to continue using the Google Maps service as it was and we would have to make changes to the app. That would be ok, but I was just wondering does any developer on this forum have suggestions on how to resolve this issue? Or even maybe have suggestions, to make this work better than before. Three suggestions by chatgpt: use ANWB route planner using google maps, Pro6pp, or to useWisp.Software (something I haven't heard of before. Your suggestions and ideas are welcome. Also, if the Apple Developer team knows of a way how to do this in your app, your advice is more than welcome. Have a nice day!
I can‘t use breakpoints on the simulator after updating Xcode and the simulator. I can use breakpoints on a physical iPhone. I tired to download other iOS simulator version, but still not working. Both SwiftUI and UIKit not working.
Xcode version: 16.2
SDK version: 18.2 (22C146)
Simulator version: 18.3.1 (22D8075)
Mac OS version: 15.4 Beta
Couldn't find the Objective-C runtime library in loaded images.
Message from debugger: The LLDB RPC server has crashed. You may need to manually terminate your process. The crash log is located in ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports and has a prefix 'lldb-rpc-server'. Please file a bug and attach the most recent crash log.