




Unable to access related file in QuickLook Thumbnail Extension and QuickLook Preview Extension
Hi, I am developing QuickLook Thumbnail Extension and QuickLook Preview Extension which work with embroidery files. To prepare the view, I need to access stitches from the "stitch" file (supplied to my extension by system) and also to read the "colors" from related file (i.e. the file with different extension, but the same filename as "stitch" file). The embrodery is located stored in 2 files: squirrel.dst (stitchs) and squirrel.edr (colors). Is it even possible to extend sandbox in extensions for this task? I have tried to ask user to select folder in (NSOpenPanel), create security-scoped Bookmark in and access it from extension. However, this is not working - in the extension it is not possible to resolve the bookmark created in I have also tried to use mechanism for accessing related files as shown at, using NSFilePresenter/NSFileCoordinator. It works in, but doesn't work in QuickLook Thumbnail Extension and QuickLook Preview Extension. Is there any mechanism on Mac which would allow me to access more than the "supplied" file URL in QuickLook Thumbnail Extension and QuickLook Preview Extension? Ladislav
XCode 16 beta2 (beta1 also) hangs when trying to open complex Localizable.xcstrings
XCode 16 beta1 and beta2 hangs whenever I try to open Localizable.xcstrings. The localization screen appears but afterwards XCode becomes unresponsive until I kill it. To make matters worse, upon restart the last window, Localizaton is reloaded, instantly causing a hang again (I need to be super quick as I have about half a second to try to click elsewhere like crazy). The same localization strings file works fine on XCode 15.4. I tried to export all localizations in 15.4, empty the file, re-generate localization strings, re-import languages one by one in 16, starting with different languages (thinking maybe a weird exotic character causes the issue with one of the languages, this happened previously crashing XCode 15 until I found the offending character and replaced it with something else). But generally even after just adding a single language there is a serious slowdown - after adding the second one, XCode hangs again. Note: the app in question has a lot of localizable strings - I had no issue creating a simple project with only a few strings. Just hoping a fix - I really wished the issue was fixed in beta2 but now I am a bit concerned that maybe it's a rare problem and might not get fixed as I saw no similar reports so far.
Xcode Crashes on Distribute/Validate Archive
Hi, my Xcode is crashing immediately after clicking on 'Distribute' (after selecting 'Distribution Method', and regardless of the method I choose). I've tried: Updated Xcode Cleared Derived Data Updated macOS Created new signing certificates After all changes I created new archives but had the same result on distribute. I recently cleaned up my mac, so I suspect I might've deleted something important. My touch bar also recently broke. Other than that, I can't think of any other variables since my last successful distribution attempt. Please help, I've never experienced any issues like this. I've attached snippets from the report as a text file, but the full report was too large: xcode_crash_report.txt
App Store Connect says "An error has occured. Try again" when I try to create In-App Purchase
I've been trying to create in-app purchases for the last few hours but every time I do, App Store Connect says "An error has occured. Try Again". I was able to create in app purchases yesterday but now this error is showing up. I've tried some of the solutions for related errors. I've tried to use incognito, switched browser from Chrome to Safari and even switched from Mac to laptop but this error still persists. Does anyone know a solution to this?
Xcode Template icon color matching default ones
I want to create a Project Template with an icon that matches the default Xcode templates. I created a vector example icon and saved it as TemplateIcon.svg and it gets displayed for my .xcodetemplate. I would like it to blend in with Apple's default icons (which I know are assets contained inside Xcode bundles). I have tried with fill="currentColor" in my svg xml but it doesn't work. I couldn't find any technical documentation about this. It would be great to know how to design an icon that gets dynamically tinted by Xcode like the default ones. Thanks 🙂
How to create Archive for VisionOS app - Invalid Run Destination
I have created an archive for both iOS and MacOS versions of my app by doing the the following steps Destinations select Build Any Mac (Mac Catalyst, arm64, x86_64) Product > Archive However when doing the same steps for VisionOS I get an error Invalid Run Destination I have selected both destinations, visionOS Simulator and Build any VisionOS simulator device (arm64, x86_64) I am able to run the app and test, now I would like to upload to AppStoreConnect for TestFlight and App Store submission.
Xcode Beta2 Predictive Code Completion Not Downloading
Hi, I'm using macOS 15 beta 2 on an external SSD with Xcode 16 Beta 2. The Predictive Code Completion model option is grayed out under Xcode Settings > Text Editing > Editing. The information button shows a message saying this feature is not supported in my region. I am located in the USA and using a 16GB RAM iMac M1 from the Apple Store. Is the Predictive Code Completion feature unavailable to free developer accounts? If not, any ideas on why I can't download the model? Thanks!
Multiple Legal Binding Authorities?
Our company has multiple developers, but when Apple issues a new user agreement, only one person in the company can agree. Is there a way to have multiple legal binding authorities in a company? I don't want just one person to have the authority and I don't want to lose the ability to update our apps if that one person hasn't submitted all of the formal paperwork.
Xcode 16 Beta 2 Simulator Issue
I had Xcode 16 Beta 1 installed and working. Installed Xcode 16 beta 2 (16A5171r) and now it is unable to download the simulator for that version. Downloading iOS 18.0 Simulator (22A5297f): Preparing to download...2024-06-25 14:21:27.456 xcodebuild[88553:5158819] DVTDownloadable: Download Failed. Downloadable: { authentication = none; category = simulator; contentType = cryptexDiskImage; dictionaryVersion = 2; downloadMethod = mobileAsset; fileSize = 8254433558; identifier = ""; isInternalContent = 0; isUserInitiated = 1; name = "iOS 18.0 Simulator (22A5297f)"; platform = ""; simulatorVersion = { buildUpdate = 22A5297f; version = "18.0"; }; version = ""; }. Download failed. Downloading iOS 18.0 Simulator (22A5297f): Error: Error Domain=DVTDownloadableErrorDomain Code=41 "Download failed." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Download failed., NSUnderlyingError=0x600001f075c0 {Error Domain=DVTDownloadsUtilitiesErrorDomain Code=-1 "Failed fetching catalog for assetType (, serverParameters ({ RequestedBuild = 22A5297f; })" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Failed fetching catalog for assetType (, serverParameters ({ RequestedBuild = 22A5297f; }), NSUnderlyingError=0x6000031fe3a0 {Error Code=18 "Download from live asset server could not get an asset matching the requested one. (Catalog download for" UserInfo={tryAgainLater=true, NSLocalizedDescription=Download from live asset server could not get an asset matching the requested one. (Catalog download for, pallasNoPMVMatchFound=true}}}}}