missing package product

42,933 results found






Reply to Can the Open and Save Panel Service be monitored by Endpoint Security
[quote='759745021, Ere0n, /thread/759745, /profile/Ere0n'] is there an Endpoint Security event that I can use to monitor when the Open and Save Panel Service is launched? [/quote] Not specifically. You might try to work this out indirectly, but that’s likely to be problematic. If your product needs this, I recommend that you file an enhancement request explaining what you need to do and why. Please post your bug number, just for the record. Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = eskimo + 1 + @ + apple.com
Reply to Third-party screensavers not quitting on Sonoma - any workarounds?
[quote='784580022, XMI, /thread/738547?answerId=784580022#784580022, /profile/XMI'] There are many bugs with third-party screensavers under Sonoma. [/quote] Yep )-: If you care about screen savers then my advice is that you file an enhancement request for Apple to ship a new screen saver API based on app extensions. The legacy screen saver API relies on a complicated compatibility shim, and that’s a source of ongoing problems. And hey, if we did an appex we could support Apple TV (-: [1] Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = eskimo + 1 + @ + apple.com [1] No, that’s not a product announcement, it’s just my personal wish for a better future.
MusicKit iOS17.5 and iOS18
Good morning, I'm trying to use MusicKit functionalities in order to get last played songs and put them into a local DB, to be played later. Following the guide on developer.apple.com, I created the required AppServices integration: Below is a minimal working version of what I'm doing: func requestMusicAuthorization() async { let status = await MusicAuthorization.request() switch status { case .authorized: isAuthorizedForMusicKit = true error = nil case .restricted: error = NSError(domain: Music access is restricted, code: -10) case .notDetermined: break case .denied: error = NSError(domain: Music access is denied, code: -10) @unknown default: break } } on the SwiftUI ContentView there's something like that: .onAppear { Task { await requestMusicAuthorization() if MusicManager.shared.isAuthorizedForMusicKit { let response = try await fetchLastSongs() do { let request = MusicRecentlyPlayedRequest() let response = try await request.response() var songs: [Song] = response.items.map { $0 } // do some CloudKit hand
Fatal Exception: NSInternalInconsistencyException Failed to create remote render context
Hi I am receiving this error in crashlytics and I am not sure what is going on. Based from the crashlytics report, it is only happening from iOS 16.2 and above. Any tips and hints on this problem would be great. Here is the bug report. Fatal Exception: NSInternalInconsistencyException 0 CoreFoundation 0x9e48 __exceptionPreprocess 1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x178d8 objc_exception_throw 2 Foundation 0x545a88 -[NSMutableDictionary(NSMutableDictionary) initWithContentsOfFile:] 3 UIKitCore 0x6a2724 __UIKIT_DID_NOT_RECEIVE_A_REMOTE_CACONTEXT_FROM_COREANIMATION_INDICATING_A_POSSIBLE_BACKBOARDD_CRASH 4 UIKitCore 0x5260ec __UIKIT_IS_REQUESTING_A_CACONTEXT_FROM_COREANIMATION 5 UIKitCore 0x347ef0 +[_UIContextBinder createContextForBindable:withSubstrate:] 6 UIKitCore 0x347c64 -[_UIContextBinder _contextForBindable:] 7 UIKitCore 0x347b40 -[_UIContextBinder attachBindable:] 8 UIKitCore 0x13ab50 -[UIWindowScene _windowUpdatedVisibility:] 9 UIKitCore 0x206b80 -[UIWindow _updateLayerOrderingAndSetLayerHidden:actionBlock:] 10 UIKitCor
Jan ’23
Reply to OSLog output in Xcode console ignoring OSLogIntegerFormatting?!
I was logging a lot of data very fast and found a suggestion, buried in the log, to use “IDELogRedirectionPolicy=oslogToStdio” to avoid potential loss. Using that environment setting restored the desired formatting! [guessing] .. I understand the “IDELogRedirectionPolicy” can influence how logging behaves (the 'privacy' for example) but could it be that very high rates of logging cause the logging system to save time by not doing formatting .. that kind of makes sense; the logged data is still correct, just not formatted? I see IDELogRedirectionPolicy is mentioned in the Xcode 15 release notes.
App crash: Inconsistency in UITabBar items and view controllers detected. No view controller matches the UITabBarItem.
Several users are seeing a crash in a new app version that introduces the use of a UITabBarController. We haven't been able to isolate the crash to a specific user flow, device, or OS version. Fatal Exception: NSInternalInconsistencyException Inconsistency in UITabBar items and view controllers detected. No view controller matches the UITabBarItem ' title='Today' image= selected'. 0 CoreFoundation 0x83f20 __exceptionPreprocess 1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x16018 objc_exception_throw 2 Foundation 0x6de868 _userInfoForFileAndLine 3 UIKitCore 0x85c9d8 -[UITabBarController _viewControllerForTabBarItem:] 4 UIKitCore 0x85ca80 -[UITabBarController _tabBarItemClicked:] 5 UIKitCore 0x3fb31c -[UIApplication sendAction:to:from:forEvent:] 6 UIKitCore 0x785d18 -[UITabBar _sendAction:withEvent:] 7 UIKitCore 0x3fb31c -[UIApplication sendAction:to:from:forEvent:] 8 UIKitCore 0x3fb1f4 -[UIControl sendAction:to:forEvent:] 9 UIKitCore 0x3fb044 -[UIControl _sendActionsForEvents:withEvent:] 10 UIKitCore 0x787054 -[UITabBar _buttonUp:] 11 U
Reply to LowLevelMesh: Triangle Colors
Hi @rthart, You're correct, the missing link required in order to get the triangle to display color is a ShaderGraphMaterial. Start from a project that creates a triangle using the code provided in the documentation for LowLevelMesh, then apply a ShaderGraphMaterial to the triangle that will display its vertex colors using the following steps: First, create a new Shader Graph Material in Reality Composer Pro that applies the Geometry Color node to the color input of the surface. In order to only visualize the vertex colors of the triangle, I would suggest doing this using an Unlit Surface node which ignores lighting. In the Shader Graph editor: Add an Unlit Surface node Add a Geometry Color node Connect the output of the Geometry Color node to the Color input of the Unlit Surface node Connect the output of the Unlit Surface node to the Custom Surface input of the Outputs node Note: If you would like your material to be affected by the lighting in your scene, use a Preview Surface or PBR Surface node
Battery health drain
Why is My 1 month old iPhone is draining battery health too fast, just one and half month old and it has already lost 2% battery health although i charge about only 50-60% charge daily and never charged it 0-100 then also please help if someone can.
Dec ’20
Please MR cook , Save the Apple Vision PRO
Dear Mr. Cook, I am writing to you today to urge you to take action to save the Apple Vision PRO and turn it into a revolutionary flight simulator. I believe that the Vision PRO has the potential to completely transform the world of flight simulation, but it needs your support to reach its full potential. Unleashing the Vision PRO's Potential: A Game-Changer in Flight Simulation The Vision PRO is a unique and powerful device that holds immense promise for delivering an unparalleled level of immersion and realism in flight simulation. However, current sales figures indicate that it is not yet reaching its full potential. I believe this can be attributed to several factors, including: Limited Marketing and Promotion: The Vision PRO has not been effectively marketed to its target audience, comprising pilots, flight schools, aviation enthusiasts, and gamers. Lack of Dedicated Flight Simulation Software: Currently, there is a scarcity of high-quality flight simulation software specifically designed for the Vision
Getting (arm64) could not find object file symbol for every symbol in static library
Hi! I've recently upgraded to XCode 14.3RC and am getting the warning (arm64) could not find object file symbol for symbol for virtually every symbol found in my C++ static library linked to my app. For the C++ lib compilation and app build I haven't changed anything, this seems to be coming with the new XCode version. I've searched literally everything on the web regarding this issue, however nothing was useful: tried comparing the .o file paths in both versions of my built C++ lib (the one compiled with apple clang 14.0.0 and the one compiled with 14.0.3) Dumped the debug info with dwarfdump, the debug symbols seem to be there Tried pre-linking the object files Nothing seemed to work so far, still trying to find the difference(s) between the two versions ... I target arm64 btw. Did something change in Apple Clang with the new XCode regarding the compilation? Am I missing something? Thanks! Edit: I forgot to mention I upgraded from XCode 14.0.1 and was using Apple Clang 14.0.0 when compiling the sta
Mar ’23