missing package product

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Cookie sharing between ASWebAuthenticationSession and Safari (ios)
I'm currently trying to add an OIDC connection to an iOS application. I'm using AppAuth, which will use ASWebAuthenticationSession (because we're targeting recent versions of iOS). We have a login web page that will write a cookie. We'd like this cookie to be shared between the application (using ASWebAuthenticationSession) and the system browser (Safari) so that the user can be recognized and avoid having to log in again. The web page writes a permanent cookie (with an expiry date) and the iOS application uses ASWebAuthenticationSession. And I did not set prefersEphemeralSession to true. So we should be OK with the documentation (SFSafariViewController no longer shares cookies, and session cookies are not shared between ASWebAuthenticationSession and Safari). It should work, if I understand the documentation correctly. Did I miss a point? Or is it a known problem? I also tried to create a simple web page that read and write a cookie to do dome tests. function writeCookie() { var value = something; v
Apr ’24
Symbol not found for tensorflow
Hello, I followed the instructions provided here: https://developer.apple.com/metal/tensorflow-plugin/ and while trying to run the example I am getting following error: otFoundError: dlopen(/Users/nedimhadzic/venv-metal/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tensorflow-plugins/libmetal_plugin.dylib, 0x0006): Symbol not found: __ZN10tensorflow16TensorShapeProtoC1ERKS0_ Referenced from: /Users/nedimhadzic/venv-metal/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tensorflow-plugins/libmetal_plugin.dylib Expected in: /Users/nedimhadzic/venv-metal/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tensorflow/python/_pywrap_tensorflow_internal.so tensorflow: 2.15.0 tensorlow-metal: 1.0.0 macos: 14.2.1 Intel CPU and AMD Radeon Pro 5500M Any idea? Regards, Nedim
Dec ’23
Issue Running iOS 17.4 Simulator in Xcode with Flutter always say to download 17.5
Issue Running iOS 17.4 Simulator in Xcode with Flutter Hello everyone, I'm currently facing an issue with running my Flutter app on an iOS 17.4 simulator. Even though I have iOS 17.4 installed, Xcode and Flutter are insisting that I need to download and use iOS 17.5, which I do not want to do due to specific project requirements. The Problem When I attempt to run my app using the iOS 17.4 simulator, I receive the following error: Failed to build iOS app Uncategorized (Xcode): Unable to find a destination matching the provided destination specifier: { id:30CEF98C-F08B-4CC9-8662-6A73B903E922 } Ineligible destinations for the Runner scheme: { platform:iOS, id:dvtdevice-DVTiPhonePlaceholder-iphoneos:placeholder, name:Any iOS Device, error:iOS 17.5 is not installed. To use with Xcode, first download and install the platform } Additionally, Xcode keeps prompting me to download iOS 17.5. However, when I attempt to download it, it consumes a lot of data and eventually fails with the message: iOS 17.5 Simulator - Fail
May ’24
Reply to Screen Time Bug
Is this on the iOS 18 beta, or is it something to do with an app that you're developing? If neither, your question is more of a product support one, so I'd suggest you ask it over at the Apple Support Forums. These are the Developer Forums, where developers of apps for Apple's platforms ask each other for hints and tips on coding their own apps. If it's on the betas, can you show us a screenshot of what you're entering?
Reply to macOS: Broadcast Wi-Fi Direct Hotspot - Host AP Mode
Thanks for letting me know, Quinn! Do you think a user-level feature or API for this will ever be added in the future? For context, my use-case is low-latency network communication for realtime musical performance. My Mac hosts music software which is controlled by other musical instrument devices over the Wi-Fi network. Having a router as the connection point between my Mac and these devices causes jitter and adds latency that can be detrimental to a musical performance. Using a router also requires me to carry additional hardware. A peer-to-peer Wi-Fi connection between my Mac and these devices is ideal for latency and mobility. I understand this is a niche use-case but products and users do exist which would benefit from a Wi-Fi Direct-like solution on macOS. People use the TouchOSC (https://hexler.net/touchosc) app on their iOS device to control Logic Pro on their Mac. I make a product called MoveMusic (https://movemusic.com) which allows people to control music software on Mac from a Me
Need help with Developer Account ownership change!
We had a number of personnel changes in our startup back in December. One of the people who left the company was our Chief Product Officer, and the account owner for our developer account. I have admin privileges but need to change the ownership to me so I can pay the renewal fee and conduct other tasks associated with account owner. Our prior employee cannot be reached. He has gone off-grid it seems and is not responding to our inquiries and pleas for help. Who can I speak/correspond with at Apple to get this account updated to reflect our new organization?
May ’23
Reply to Unity Apple Plugin GameKit Error 37 when sending build to app review
So after many different changes I bought an asset from the unity asset store. It’s the essentials kit from voxelbusters. They have written their own plugin to wrap the calls to GameKit. Unfortunately, it still doesn’t work on the reviewer devices. The error messages are at least more detailed: 08:58:04.417 [ERROR]: GameServices_OnAuthStatusChange -> 'System.Exception: Authentication was not successful: Authenticated. Error: Error Domain: Code: 0 Description: Error Domain=GKErrorDomain Code=3 The requested operation could not be completed due to an error communicating with the server. UserInfo={GKServerStatusCode=5172, NSLocalizedDescription=The requested operation could not be completed due to an error communicating with the server., NSUnderlyingError=0x300fd28e0 {Error Domain=GKServerErrorDomain Code=5172 status = 5172, Game Center services not supported for apps not listed in App Store UserInfo={GKServerStatusCode=5172, NSLocalizedFailureReason=status = 5172, Game Center services not supported for apps n
Suspicious System Diagnosis
Located this in my system diagnosis files. Could someone please shed some light as to what this may pertain to? Any and all responses are greatly appreciated ™ˆwf☻ ☺ ☻ äÈ☺ p► Ð ☻ :+ CFBundleVersion xpc v16@?0@NSObject<OS_xpc_object>8 v8@?0 killer killer-waiter v12@?0i8 B32@?0@PKDPlugInHold8Q16^B24 Usage: pkd [-S servicename] [-v] com.apple.pluginkit.pkd d:S:v plugin com.apple.keyboard-service keyboard com.apple.app.non-ui-extension com.apple.app.non-ui-extension.multiple-instances playground-devtools com.apple.AudioUnit AudioComponents type ausp com.apple.usernotifications.service com.apple.developer.usernotifications.filtering silent-nse RequestsOpenAccess DT . CFBundleIdentifier this plug-in has no sandbox data container. Maybe run 'mobile_install rebuild system user' to register your plugin with LS? this plug-in has no sandbox data container. /System/ /AppleInternal/Library/Frameworks/ plug-ins outside containing apps must be in /System or /AppleInternal/Library/Frameworks. Maybe run 'mobile_install
Jan ’23
Mac UI Tests Failing to Detect Out-of-Hierarchy Elements
Overview macOS test application is unable to detect elements beyond a certain length during UI testing after an Xcode(14/15) update. Issue Description We have a test app for both iOS and macOS, sharing the same code except for different UI implementations. During UI tests, the app opens a webpage in WKWebView. This is a long webpage with multiple sections, approximately 200 for the sake of clarity. The app screen can show 4 elements at a time. Our UI tests navigate to each section and perform various tasks. Since upgrading from Xcode 13 to 15, we've encountered an issue specifically on macOS (unsure if it's related to Swift or Xcode). Our Mac UI test i.e. XCUIApplication() is unable to find elements beyond a certain length, which appear to be out of the view hierarchy. When we use app.debugDescription, it only returns 180 sections, missing the last 20. The HTML code of the webpage is consistent, with all sections structured similarly. Troubleshooting Steps Accessibility Inspector: Using Xcode’s Acces
Jun ’24
Can't turn on Developer Mode on iPhone 12 mini
Hi, I am developing an iOS application using React Native on the Expo platform with EAS. I have followed all of the Expo documentation for setting up my development environment, but in order to create a development build to test my app on my iPhone 12 mini, it says that I need to enable Developer Mode on my device. The issue I'm running into is that when I go to Settings > Privacy & Security, here is no Developer Mode option as expected. I ensured that my device is registered in the Apple Developer portal, and I tried restarting my device multiple times to no avail. I also tried searching the developer forums for a solution, but the only solution I saw was to hook my device up to XCode which isn't an option since I'm developing my app on Windows using EAS. Note that I'm running iOS 17.5.1 on my iPhone 12 mini. Please let me know if there's anything I can do or anything I'm missing to enable Developer Mode on my device.
Reply to NetworkDriverKit sample app problem
Hi, I'm trying to test https://developer.apple.com/documentation/networkingdriverkit/connecting_a_network_driver on MacBook Pro M3 with 14.5 Sonoma, XCode 15.4, SIP is disabled. Build steps are succesful, after running App, Install Dext is succesful, there is no error in XCode; systemextensionctl list show a record for com.apple.system_extension.driver_extension with [ activated enabled ] tag. Unfortunately, it's hard for me to give a specific fix this answer to this. My experience has always been that just getting a driver matching and loading is always painful, particularly the very first one. There are lots of details that have to be right and you won't know what you've missed until you figure out how to fix it. Here are a few suggestion that might help: -The system log is going to be your primary development tool. Take a look at Your Friend the System Log and take advantage of everything it suggests. In many case, the system is telling (or at least hinting) you what the problem is but it's VERY e
Change in title bar behavior in Catalyst app when building under Xcode 16
I'm running into a change in behavior with the title bar when building our Catalyst app under Xcode 16 versus what we are seeing with the same code built under Xcode 15. The title bar is hidden, as it should be in the Xcode 15 build. However, when building the same project under Xcode 16, the title bar is shown with the center contents of the navigation bar in the right pane being duplicated in the title bar (see screenshot at the end), which is undesirable. The screenshots for both builds were taken in macOS Sequoia Beta Seed 1. The Catalyst Interface setting is configured to Optimize for Mac in the project file. The scene's titlebar.titleVisibility property is set to .hidden, titlebar.toolbar is set to nil. UINavigationBar's appearance is configured with a preferredBehaviorStyle of .pad when running under Catalyst 16 or later. Is this a bug or am I missing a flag or something that was introduced to Catalyst/UIKit that I've overlooked? I've also filed a feedback for this issue: FB14000006. Thank you
Jun ’24
.chartXScale not scaling domain of Chart as expected
Hi, I'm currently wrestling with the .chartXScale(domain:) modifier in order to get my Chart to display correctly. The basics of the Chart look like this. Chart(measurements, id: .timestamp) { measurement in if let total = measurement.production?.total { BarMark( x: .value( Timestamp, measurement.timestamp, unit: .weekOfYear, calendar: .current ), y: .value( Solar production, total ) ) } } As anyone familiar with Charts can see, I sort data into columns based on what week of the year the measurements belong to. Some of them can be null, and when they are, I still want space in the Chart where a BarMark would've been to be taken up, like week number 4 in this example chart (in which I've defaulted all measurements that are null in week 4 to 0, for demonstration purposes): To achieve that, as I understand, I'm meant to use the .chartXScale(domain:) modifier, but when I apply the following modifier... .chartXScale(domain: firstDayOfMonth...firstDayOfNextMonth) ... (where the domain is from the first day