Analytics & Reporting

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Measure your App Store performance and get unique insights with data you won’t find anywhere else using App Analytics in App Store Connect.

Posts under Analytics & Reporting tag

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Firebase analytics in Kids category application
I have an app that is meant for the kids category. It has been rejected based on non-compliance with 1.3 Kids Category "Kids Category apps may not send personally identifiable information or device information to third parties. Apps in the Kids Category should not include third-party analytics or third-party advertising". We have implemented Firebase analytics in our application. Is there any solution that we can implement for Firebase analytics in iOS kids application?
Feb ’24
Short question: much too low number of reported downloads compared to real registrations -> privacy issue?
For an app in a given timeframe, Appstore Connect reports 1.100 downloads on the first click on "Analytics". (and also after that, I just want to emphasise that this is the "main" number shown for downloads and re-downloads combined) Since our users have to register, we have a clear metric - we have 1.600 registrations for the same timeframe. The short question: Where are the other 500? To me the docs are not clear, from which point does a user have to have opted in to analytics data, can they also opt out of the main "download" metric? If yes, the answer is that, but it looks like the privacy only starts somewhere down the road, in usage statistics...
Feb ’24
Users' Google Analytics ID changes when a link opens in new tab
Users' Google Analytics ID changes when a link opens in new tab in Safari browser. The _ga ID changes. For exemple if on the initial page it is GA1.1.1893432208.1708957689 then when I open a product on new tab from there it becomes for ex. GA1.1.1893432208.175467443. User stay on the same site with the same domain. GA proprieties are the same on both pages. Because of this issue the number of users tracked by Google Analytics is artificially increased. Does anyone have an idea why it may happen and how to fix it?
Mar ’24
When do Pre-order analytics become available?
My app was recently approved and I have been trying to watch metrics so I an adjust my marketing campaign. When I go to the Apple Developer analytics dashboard there isn't anything there and its been almost a week since releasing my pre-order. The only message I see is "Not enough Data: Data is displayed when a certain number of data points become available." When will this data become available and how many data points are needed until I can begin tracking? On the Google Play Console I was able to see when I had as little as 2 pre-registered users.
Mar ’24
Analytics API detailed report missing data
Hello! I'm tasked with implementing the App Store Connect Analytics API report exports and I've noticed some major discrepancies between the Standard and Detailed reports. I need to use the Detailed report specifically because of the breakdown by 'Source Info' which lets us break downloads and revenue down by specific App Referrers. I have exported and processed both Standard and Detailed reports for one of our apps. Standard report downloads totals do match with the App Store Connect Metrics dashboard. However the detailed report totals appear wildly inaccurate. Just as an example, I requested ONE_TIME_SNAPSHOT reports for the same app and there are major differences in the volume of data between standard and detailed. App Store Downloads Standard: 4,331,848 rows across 35 segments. App Store Downloads Detailed: 1,476,971 rows across 18 segments. The total numbers for First downloads and Redownloads are at least 40% lower in the detailed reports as they are in the standard reports/app store connect. Unfortunately the Standard report does not offer the granularity we want and the Detailed report is missing too much data to be useful. Are there no other official way of getting this data?
Apr ’24
My app not visible on App store.
I created a app titled "Tsundue" on app store. It was approved and was on apple app store. For first few day when i search the name it was easy to find. Then i was not able to find it , i contacted the apple help support but they assure me that the app was still in app store. I created more update and include many key words hoping it will work but to no avail. My friends in India say that they see it on App store, but here in US i can not. I can only find the app using develper name in search field but can not find it with the app name. Can anyone help me or give me guidance. Thanks in advance.
Apr ’24
3 Warning after analyzing myiphone SE 2022
Hi Everyone, I scanned my iPhone SE 3d generation with the iMazing app developed by Amnesty International, and after the scan it detected 3 Warnings on my iphone. Any of you is able to understand what´s the issue is about? That would be great help! Following the 3 Warnings: Warning - Database Query Error - WebKit Observations - '' cannot be parsed (no such table: ObservedDomains). Warning - Database Query Error - InteractionC - 'HomeDomain/Library/CoreDuet/People/interactionC.db' cannot be parsed (no such table: ZINTERACTIONS). Warning - Database Query Error - InteractionC Attachment - 'HomeDomain/Library/CoreDuet/People/interactionC.db' cannot be parsed (no such table: ZATTACHMENT).
Apr ’24
Weird numbers tonight... anyone else seeing this?
So I haven't recorded a purchase in 7 hours via RevenueCat which is unusual, and I was curious as to what was going on... so I open my App Store Connect tonight and I see the following: $12.7 MILLION in proceeds over the last 4 hours (would usually expect maybe $200 at most at this time of day on a Thursday at 1AM EST?). 1 DOWNLOAD in the last 4 hours (would usually expect maybe 60+ since I'm running Apple Search Ads as well). App Store seems to function fine and downloading my apps works fine. I'm obviously assuming there is a bug here in the reporting tonight. My concern is that my actual purchases aren't coming through and being counted properly within RevenueCat and Apple. Or that something is preventing purchases currently. Anyone else seeing this tonight?
Apr ’24
using the api to get App Store Discovery and Engagement report
Hi , Im trying to understand how to get the App Store Discovery and Engagement report from the API as mentioned here: this documentation shows i can get data on users engagement in my app but i cant find the documentation on how the api request needs to look like .. did someone managed to get this data ?
Apr ’24
Incomplete data set with API calls
Hello! I am having issues retrieving data from the Apple Store Connect API. Here is the call I am making: $headers = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]" $headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer SECUREINFORMATION") $response = Invoke-RestMethod '' -Method 'GET' -Headers $headers $response | ConvertTo-Json I have removed the JWT token for privacy. Here is the response I am receiving: { "data": [], "links": { "self": "" }, "meta": { "paging": { "total": 0, "limit": 50 } } } The issue is that no matter what filters I apply to my call or which ID I select to view instances for I am always returned an empty array. This is a problem because I need to download report data for our organisations apps using the API. Please let me know how I restructure my call to be returned valid information. Feel free to reach out if there is any other information required!
Apr ’24