Beta is the prerelease version of software or hardware.

Posts under Beta tag

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Screen share app in Sonoma makes crazy sound when connected
I've been using the screen share app to connect to my M1 mac mini to my M1 Pro MBP using Ventura with no issues. I recently installed the latest release of Sonoma on both machines and am now experiencing this crazy sound every time I connect to my mini from the MBP. The Mini also tells me that "My computer is being remotely controlled" over and over again in a very distorted voice and blocks using the mouse so I have to force quit the screen sharing app to exit. I installed RealVNC and can use it without issue, which tells me it's the Screen Sharing app and not remote connections. However, RealVNC is much slower than the screen sharing app, to the point of being useless. I'm on a wired network as well and it's still pretty clunky. Running screen sharing on Ventura was pretty flawless. See video below. Turn on the sound
Oct ’23
MacOS Sonoma: Spotlight Issues - App Indexing
Has anyone else experienced issues with Spotlight losing indexing of the Applications? Spotlight no longer displays any applications in the results when typing in an application name. Additionally it appears to be ignoring the settings of "Spotlight" set within the preferences. Example: I have "Websites" & "Siri Suggestions" turned off, however these still appear in the search results of spotlight.
Mar ’24
Testflight Beta testing
Hello, I had uploaded my ios build in testflight and invited external users for testing the app. For them accepting the invite is working, but in testflight app when they tried to install my app its not allowing to install. It says "Could not install the app. Your request couldn't be completed" The same issue happens with internal testers as well. Any thoughts?
Sep ’23
Xcode Beta RC didn't have an option for vision simulator
I just downloaded the latest Xcode beta, Version 15.0 (15A240d) and ran into some issues: On start up, I was not given an option to download the Vision simulator. I cannot create a project targeted at visionOS I cannot build/run a hello world app for Vision. In my previous Xcode-beta (Version 15.0 beta 8 (15A5229m)), there was an option to download the vision simulator, and I can create projects for the visionOS and run the code in the vision simulator. The Xcode file downloaded was named "Xcode" instead of "Xcode-beta". I didn't want to get rid of the exiting Xcode, so I selected Keep Both. Now I have 3 Xcodes in the Applications folder Xcode Xcode copy Xcode-beta That is the only thing I see that might have been different about my install. Hardware: Mac Studio 2022 with M1 Max macOS Ventura 13.5.2 Any idea what I did wrong?
Sep ’23
WatchOS 10 handicaps Apple Watch
I've been using WatchOS 10 for a couple months now. Well, I've been frustrated with it more than "using" it. WatchOS 10 removes the ability to swipe to change watch faces. I've come to learn that not everyone uses the watch the same way that I do. What I do is configure different watch faces as their own "apps". I have a weather face, a productivity face, a couple fitness faces, and a location face. So I can easily flick a finger to access data points and dive deeper into apps with practically zero thought or effort. Because it's predictable, I can access a watch face as I'm raising my wrist in the middle of a workout. I never use the App List because all my apps are accessible on watch faces. It's the best thing about Apple Watch. The point of Apple Watch is to get information quickly without the cumbersomeness of a phone. Isn't is? WatchOS 10 practically makes Apple Watch more difficult to use than reaching for iPhone. I have tried to use Widgets but there is absolutely no comparison. One does not offer a fraction of the usability or ergonomics as the other. Widgets are cumbersome and time consuming. It's been suggested that I use Focus Modes to have different faces appear at different times. This is the exact opposite of what I want from my watch. I specifically and intently want to access data on the fly with the flick of a finger. That's how it has worked since WatchOS 3. Why change the best thing about Apple Watch? Without the ability to flick a finger to change screens, you now have to [tap, hold, swipe, tap] to change the screen. Imagine doing this on your iPhone to change home screens. I'm currently restricted by WatchOS 10 to use one watch face. I put it on when I go for a workout and then I take it off. Other than a workout tracker it is, without a bit of exaggeration, useless to me. My frustration is beyond words. How this has not been broadly reported on is well outside my ability to comprehend. Again, imagine altering the ability to swipe home screens on iPhone - would this not be broadly reported on? WatchOS 10 makes Apple Watch a wrist mounted brick. I deeply love my Apple Watch. I love leaving my home for the weekend and leaving my phone at home. I love being out and about and relying only on this one beautiful thing to give me all the data I need at the flick of a finger. It's the most magical device I have owned in my life. At least, it used to be prior to WatchOS 10 handicapping 90% of its functionality. I am heartbroken.
Sep ’23
Sign In With Apple Button stretches to occupy entire window
Hi all! When building with macOS 14 SDK in macOS 14 RC, the Sign In With Apple button(SignInWithAppleButton) stretches its background to occupy the entire window content view. We expect it to be in the area with a red stroke(see the screenshot) Here's the code: struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { SignInWithAppleButton(.signIn, onRequest: { $0.requestedScopes = [.fullName, .email] }, onCompletion: { _ in }) .signInWithAppleButtonStyle(.black) .border(, width: 3) .padding(80) } } And screenshot: One important addition: the button works, and its hit area remains within that red rectangle. Any help is highly appreciated. Thank you!
Oct ’23
Link inside PDFDocument using NSAttributedString
I have the following code in a prototype application that displays text with a link and presents it in a PDFView. let a4SizePageRect = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 595.2, height: 841.8) let renderer = UIGraphicsPDFRenderer(bounds: a4SizePageRect) let title = "Some Title Link" let attributedTitle = NSMutableAttributedString(string: title, attributes: [ .font: UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 24), .link: "<insert here some correct link>", .underlineStyle: NSUnderlineStyle.single.rawValue ]) let data = renderer.pdfData { ctx in ctx.beginPage() attributedTitle.draw(in: a4SizePageRect.insetBy(dx: 25, dy: 25)) } pdfView.document = PDFDocument(data: data) The link only works on iOS 15 versions, but does not work on iOS 16.4 and iOS 17 RC. Based on the documentation for the property and NSAttributedString, the link attribute should still work. Has NSAttributedString stopped supporting in recent versions of iOS?
Oct ’23
pause/resume animations with phaseAnimator
Hi everyone, I'd like to create a looped animation that can be paused. I achieved it with the new phaseAnimator function, and it works well, except for the pause. I tried to use the trigger option, but it stops the loop process. I tried to use a local @State var isAnimating: Bool variable, and return something like this Circle() .phaseAnimator(States.allValues, content: { content, state in if isAnimating { // do whatever animation } else { content } }, animation: { state in guard isAnimating else { return nil } // no animation // return the desired animation for the state } For some reasons, when I stop the animation, it enters some kind of infinite loop that crashes the app. I then tried to add a pause case to my enum and return no animation and no AnimationCurve when using this mode. Same as before (crashes when pausing) Do you know how can I achieve that (pausable looped animation) ? Maybe phaseAnimation is not the way to go ? Thanks
Sep ’23
how to adapt code in project with iOS16sdk for iOS17 system
i am a developer and wanna modify app for iOS17 rather than integrating iOS17 sdk in xcode. (adapt code in project with iOS16sdk for iOS17 system) where can i find the list of iOS17 change list for developer? i found iOS17 release notes for iOS17 sdk: ios-ipados-17-release-notes, it describes: Update your apps to use new features, and test your apps against API changes.. i seems it describes iOS17sdk changes rather than iOS17 system change. can i extract the change list from it?
Sep ’23
watchOS only targets broken in Xcode 15 RC?
Got a little app I am trying to build before launch, I've never built a watch only app, and it requires iOS 17 so I'm a bit stuck. When creating a watch only target, it seems that the template is broken. According to this: There should be a blank iOS app target, that contains the watch app. The problem is once I go to build and upload the app to test flight, I get a bundle that Xcode has no clue what to do with (Because it only contains the watchkit app, and no containing xcode app.) I'm guessing my only hope might be to create a watch only app targetted at iOS 9 with Xcode 14, then migrating to Xcode 15? I'm trying that now, but I guess I have another radar to file unless I'm missing something.
Feb ’24
KeyboardLayoutGuide very unreliable on iOS17 RC
KeyboardLayoutGuide is unusable on iOS17 Release Candidate. Constantly reporting wrong values and missing updates. Sample app description NavigationController with two ViewControllers, the first one making use of KeyboardLayoutGuide to place a view on top of the keyboard, second ViewController with an InputField. Here the logic using keyboardLayoutGuide. class FirstViewController: UIViewController { override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() let v = UILabel() v.textColor = .white v.textAlignment = .center v.text = "View always above Keyboard" v.backgroundColor = .blue v.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false view.addSubview(v) NSLayoutConstraint.activate([ v.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.leadingAnchor), v.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.trailingAnchor), v.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.keyboardLayoutGuide.topAnchor), ]) } } iPhone Scenario Push the second ViewController Focus the Input Field Pop the ViewController KeyboardLayoutGuide will report to the first ViewController as the keyboard is still visible, misplacing any view that makes use of it. iPad Scenario 1 Enable Stage Manager Run the Sample app and any other app side by side Focus on any input field on the second app KeyboardLayoutGuide will correctly update the view that makes use of it on the Sample App. Tap on the Sample app to acquire focus KeyboardLayoutGuide won't be updated, misplacing any views that makes use of it. iPad Scenario 2 Run the Sample app and any other app side by side Focus on any input field on the second app Rotate the device KeyboardLayoutGuide will misplace any view that makes use of it. Feedback was submitted FB12844057
Sep ’23
Xcode 15 (RC) - Crash settings app on simulators(iPhone 15 Pro & 15 PM)
Hi, I get anytime crash on the Settings app for iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max on Xcode 15 RC. Translated Report (Full Report Below) Incident Identifier: DE1BE6D0-4367-4203-A339-1AE20D50218A CrashReporter Key: 1A043114-8ED1-1A39-B80C-A3825853E7D7 Hardware Model: MacBookPro18,2 Process: Preferences [80787] Path: /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Volumes/iOS_21A328/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/iOS 17.0.simruntime/Contents/Resources/RuntimeRoot/Applications/ Identifier: Version: 1 (1246.2) Code Type: ARM-64 (Native) Role: Foreground Parent Process: launchd_sim [80318] Coalition: [9443] Responsible Process: SimulatorTrampoline [51087] Date/Time: 2023-09-13 16:09:55.5678 +0300 Launch Time: 2023-09-13 16:09:53.8486 +0300 OS Version: macOS 13.5.2 (22G91) Release Type: User Report Version: 104 Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT) Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000 Termination Reason: SIGNAL 6 Abort trap: 6 Terminating Process: Preferences [80787] Triggered by Thread: 10 Last Exception Backtrace: 0 CoreFoundation 0x18046589c __exceptionPreprocess + 160 1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x18005c09c objc_exception_throw + 56 2 CoreFoundation 0x180350b68 -[__NSPlaceholderArray initWithObjects:count:] + 552 3 CoreFoundation 0x1804508b8 +[NSArray arrayWithObjects:count:] + 36 4 ActionButtonSelector 0x127b6c5ac ABLoadDeviceSceneModel + 2280 5 ActionButtonSelector 0x127b677e4 -[ABDeviceSceneResourceLoader _loadResources] + 68 6 ActionButtonSelector 0x127b673f0 __59-[ABDeviceSceneResourceLoader loadResourcesWithCompletion:]_block_invoke + 40 7 libdispatch.dylib 0x1801424f4 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 24 8 libdispatch.dylib 0x180143d3c _dispatch_client_callout + 16 9 libdispatch.dylib 0x18014be3c _dispatch_lane_serial_drain + 960 10 libdispatch.dylib 0x18014c9b4 _dispatch_lane_invoke + 388 11 libdispatch.dylib 0x180157d40 _dispatch_root_queue_drain_deferred_wlh + 276 12 libdispatch.dylib 0x18015738c _dispatch_workloop_worker_thread + 448 13 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x1062e3878 _pthread_wqthread + 284 14 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x1062e263c start_wqthread + 8 Thread 0:: Dispatch queue: 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x1063c91d0 mach_msg2_trap + 8 1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x1063da298 mach_msg2_internal + 76 2 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x1063d13d8 mach_msg_overwrite + 540 3 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x1063c9540 mach_msg + 20 4 libxpc.dylib 0x1800a9b2c _xpc_pipe_mach_msg + 52 5 libxpc.dylib 0x1800a9028 _xpc_pipe_routine + 396 6 libxpc.dylib 0x180089e60 _xpc_interface_routine + 168 7 libxpc.dylib 0x18008a4a0 _xpc_look_up_endpoint + 264 8 libxpc.dylib 0x1800923e4 _xpc_connection_bootstrap_look_up_slow + 296 9 libxpc.dylib 0x180095174 _xpc_connection_init + 724 10 libxpc.dylib 0x180092a8c _xpc_connection_activate_if_needed + 300 11 libxpc.dylib 0x180093cd4 xpc_connection_resume + 92 12 VoiceShortcutClient 0x196b0ebf8 -[VCVoiceShortcutClient unsafeSetupXPCConnection] + 308 13 VoiceShortcutClient 0x196b10554 __81-[VCVoiceShortcutClient asynchronousRemoteDataStoreWithErrorHandler:synchronous:]_block_invoke + 200 14 libdispatch.dylib 0x180143d3c _dispatch_client_callout + 16 15 libdispatch.dylib 0x180153dc8 dispatch_sync_invoke_and_complete_recurse + 96 16 libdispatch.dylib 0x180153778 dispatch_sync_f_slow + 188 17 VoiceShortcutClient 0x196b0e584 -[VCVoiceShortcutClient asynchronousRemoteDataStoreWithErrorHandler:synchronous:] + 156 18 VoiceShortcutClient 0x196addb44 -[VCVoiceShortcutClient(Staccato) fetchAvailableStaccatoActions:] + 92 19 ActionButtonConfigurationUI 0x10549c2d0 0x105488000 + 82640 20 Combine 0x19e00dbd8 specialized Future.init(:) + 224 21 Combine 0x19e00b4a0 Future.init(:) + 20 22 ActionButtonConfigurationUI 0x1054a295c 0x105488000 + 108892 23 ActionButtonConfigurationUI 0x10549837c 0x105488000 + 66428 24 PreferencesUI 0x104bd7c3c 0x104bb0000 + 162876 25 PreferencesUI 0x104bc5b54 -[PSUIPrefsListController tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:] + 260 26 UIKitCore 0x114e3dfc4 -[UITableView _createPreparedCellForGlobalRow:withIndexPath:willDisplay:] + 1376 27 UIKitCore 0x114e11134 -[UITableView _updateVisibleCellsForRanges:createIfNecessary:] + 560 28 UIKitCore 0x114e1174c -[UITableView _updateVisibleCellsNow:] + 1112 29 UIKitCore 0x114e2b53c -[UITableView layoutSubviews] + 144 30 UIKitCore 0x115126b1c -[UIView(CALayerDelegate) layoutSublayersOfLayer:] + 1492 31 QuartzCore 0x1884d3dd4 CA::Layer::layout_if_needed(CA::Transaction*) + 440 32 QuartzCore 0x1884deb30 CA::Layer::layout_and_display_if_needed(CA::Transaction*) + 124 33 QuartzCore 0x1883fa3bc CA::Context::commit_transaction(CA::Transaction*, double, double*) + 460 34 QuartzCore 0x188429bf0 CA::Transaction::commit() + 652 35 UIKitCore 0x114c2c504 __34-[UIApplication _firstCommitBlock]_block_invoke_2 + 32 36 CoreFoundation 0x1803c6464 CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_BLOCK + 20 37 CoreFoundation 0x1803c5bac __CFRunLoopDoBlocks + 352 38 CoreFoundation 0x1803c0450 __CFRunLoopRun + 788 39 CoreFoundation 0x1803bfd28 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 572 40 GraphicsServices 0x18986ebc0 GSEventRunModal + 160 41 UIKitCore 0x114c13fdc -[UIApplication _run] + 868
Dec ’23
[Xcode15 Beta] ERROR: Failed to install the app on the device.
I am facing an Issue when trying to install an app using xcrun devicectl device install app command. Command used xcrun devicectl device install app /tmp/avinash/Payload/Sample --device <deviceid> Error thrown code-block15:27:24 Acquired tunnel connection to device. 15:27:24 Enabling developer disk image services. 15:27:24 Acquired usage assertion. ERROR: Failed to install the app on the device. ( error 3002.) NSURL = file:///tmp/avinash/Payload/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ERROR: The item at Sample is not a valid bundle. ( error 3000.) NSURL = file:///tmp/avinash/Payload/ NSLocalizedFailureReason = Failed to get the identifier for the app bundle. Temporary fix Rebooting the host machine fixes the issue but it reappears after some time. Related system log generated during app installation kernel: (Sandbox) /Library/Developer/PrivateFrameworks/CoreDevice.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/CoreDeviceService.xpc/Contents/MacOS/CoreDeviceService exhausted sandbox memory capacity; may be leaking extensions kernel: (Sandbox) Sandbox: CoreDeviceService(8658) deny(1) file-read-data /tmp/avinash/Payload/Sample Another potential temporary solution can be: releasing the sandbox memory. How this can be achieved? How can be sandbox memory cleared? What can be the permanent solution for this issue? I tried clearing derivedData folder but didn't help.
Nov ’23
macOS Sonoma Lock Screen with SFAutorizationPluginView is not hiding the macOS desktop
On Sonoma beta 7, if system.login.screensaver is updated to use “authenticate-session-owner-or-admin”, and then Lock Screen is not hiding the macOS Desktop. Step1. Update system.login.screensaver authorizationdb rule to use “authenticate-session-owner-or-admin”( to get old SFAutorizationPluginView at Lock Screen ). Step 2. Once the rule is in place after logout and login, now click on Apple icon and select “Lock Screen”. Even after selecting Lock Screen, complete macOS Desktop is visible with no control for the user to unlock the screen. To gain access we have to restart the MAC.
Nov ’23
Contact Poster iOS 17 double text
Does anyone have issues with correctly displaying names on the iOS 17 Contact Poster? For the last several public beta versions, the preview of my contact posters showed correctly with First and Last name, but when someone called it would only show their first name. I do not use nicknames. Today, the First and Last names started showing, but they're duplicated in two different fonts.
Sep ’23
Unable to use photo picker in app on only one iPad Pro device
We are in the midst of testing camera and photo/video access using iPadPro 17 Beta (21A5326a) from within our application, and we are encountering an error message on only one device (iPad Pro 12.9-inch, A2229). Full access to the camera roll has been explicitly granted to the application when prompted. On only the above device, attempting to select an existing photo results in this error popup: "Photo or Video Unavailable: This app is using the Photos picker in an unsupported configuration." (We are able to take and save new photos from within our application on this device with no issues.) I have a second device on hand (iPadPro 10.5-inch, A1701) that presently also has the same iPadOS version installed and is running the same application, and we are able to select existing photos and take new photos with no errors. I have compared the Photos settings on both devices, and they appear to be identical. On a third iPad device running with the same iPadOS version, application, and Photos settings (that device is not in my possession), it has been reported that no errors are encountered when either taking new photos or selecting existing photos via the Photo Picker from within our app. We are trying to figure out what might be causing this error to appear when selecting existing photos on only the A2229 device, and/or what aspect of the configuration or settings would need to be modified in order to use the photo picker on that one iPad Pro. This issue had not been encountered on the A229 device while running with iPadOS 16. Searching the text of this error message online has not returned anything significantly meaningful thus far.
Apr ’24